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Over the past few decades, there has been a significant amount of research on the Roman Lower Danube frontier by international teams focusing on individual forts or broader landscape survey work; collectively, this volume represents the best of this collaboration with the aim of elevating the Lower Danube within broader Roman frontier scholarship.
The Lower Danube, running between Singidunum (modern Belgrade) and Halmyris in the Danube Delta, was one of the most densely fortified regions of the Roman Empire. The region has long been a border zone, today forming part of the border between Serbia and Romania, and the majority of the border between Romania and Bulgaria. Despite its importance for understanding both Roman frontier policy and the relationship between ancient and modern borderscapes, the region has not yet made its full contribution to international Roman scholarship. Bridging the theoretical divide that exists between different regional research traditions, chapters in this volume focus on sites like Ratiaria, in modern north-western Bulgaria, while other contributors examine the complex landscape from a wider perspective oriented around roads, temporary camps, or early Christian sites. The Roman Lower Danube Frontier emphasises the importance of engaging with Roman frontier landscapes, particularly in regions such as East-Central Europe, where they remain part of a contemporary borderscape.
Social Science / Archaeology --- History / Ancient / Rome --- History --- Roman Frontiers --- Lower Danube Frontier --- Scythia Minor --- Landscape Archaeology --- Moesia Inferior --- Late Antiquity --- Roman Archaeology
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From graves to settlements, and from the battlefield to underwater sacrificial sites, weapons dating to the Roman and Migration Period have long been found in an array of contexts throughout the region that forms modern-day Poland. This volume for the first time aims to draw together research into these finds, gathered throughout the author’s career, in a synthetic approach that sees discoveries of swords and other armaments analysed against a broad, comparative background. The work begins with a focus on votive deposits from lakes, here used as a lens for addressing questions about military strategy and war ritual more generally, before moving on to explore the weapons and warriors of the Przeworsk and Wielbark Cultures, as well as shedding light on the lives of the Balts. Finally, an in-depth analysis is made of shields from the protohistoric period, exploring the genesis and variability of the forms taken by this protective weapon. Through this approach, this richly illustrated volume sheds new light not only on the typology and chronology of weaponry from the Roman and Migration Periods, but also on the symbolism and functionality that these arms held.
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Les fouilles françaises effectuées à Zeugma entre 1996 et 200, sous la direction de Catherine Abadie-Reynal, ont fourni un lot de plus de 850 monnaies dans les niveaux statigraphiques de la dizaine de sites fouillés. Cet ouvrage propose un catalogue de ces monnaies dont la chronologie s'étend de la période hellénistique à la période byzantine, avec une majorité de numéraire frappé sous l'Empire romain, notamment entre le IIIè et le Vè siècle. Ce catalogue s'accompagne de l'étude chronologique et stratigraphique de ces lots ainsi que d'observations plus spécifiques concernant les monnaies provinciales romaines. Le parallèle entre les données numismatiques et certaines sources littéraires antiques permet également de proposer quelques hypothèses concernant la présence de certaines monnaies de provenance lointaine ainsi que les phases d'abandon brutal.
Coins, Classical --- Coins, Medieval --- Monnaies antiques --- Zeugma (Extinct city) --- Zeugma (Ville ancienne) --- Excavations (Archaeology) --- Dwellings --- History --- Turkey --- Roman archaeology --- Excavations (Archaeology) - Turkey - Zeugma (Extinct city) --- Dwellings - Turkey - Zeugma (Extinct city) - History
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Roman archaeology --- Technology --- Technologie --- Congresses --- Congrès --- Rome --- Antiquities --- Antiquités --- Technology - Rome - Congresses --- Technique antique --- Artisanat --- Métallurgie --- Mosaïque antique --- Architecture romaine --- Transport --- Construction navale --- Approvisionnement en eau --- Antiquité --- Technique
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The subject of this study is a relatively rare category of artefacts, bronze and terracotta statuettes that represent deities, human figures and animals. They were introduced in the northwestern provinces by Roman troops from the end of the first century BCE onwards. The statuettes have been recovered from military and non-military settlements, the surrounding landscape and, to a far lesser extent, from sanctuaries and graves. Until now, their meaning and function have seldom been analysed in relation to their find-spots. Contrary to traditional studies, they have been examined as one separate category of artefacts, which offers new insights into the distribution pattern and iconographic representation of deities. When studying a group of artefacts, a large research area or a large dataset is required, as well as dateable artefacts and find-contexts. These conditions do not apply to the Netherlands and to the majority of statuettes that are central to this study. Moreover, although the changing appearance of statuettes suggest a transformation of cults, the identities of the owners of these statuettes remain invisible to us. Therefore, the issue of Romanization is not put central here. Instead, the focus is on a specific aspect of religion, known as lived religion, within the wider subject of its transformation in the Roman period: how people used statuettes in everyday life, in the context of their houses and settlements. The subject of this study is a relatively rare category of artefacts, bronze and terracotta statuettes that represent deities, human figures and animals. They were introduced in the northwestern provinces by Roman troops from the end of the 1st century BCE onwards. The statuettes have been recovered from military and non-military settlements, the surrounding landscape and, to a far lesser extent, from sanctuaries and graves. Until now, their meaning and function have seldom been analysed in relation to their find-spots. Contrary to traditional studies, they have been examined as one separate category of artefacts, which offers new insights into the distribution pattern and iconographic representation of deities. When studying a group of artefacts, a large research area or a large dataset is required, as well as dateable artefacts and find-contexts. These conditions do not apply to the Netherlands and to the majority of statuettes that are central to this study. Moreover, although the changing appearance of statuettes suggest a transformation of cults, the identities of the owners of these statuettes remain invisible to us. Therefore, the issue of Romanization is not put central here. Instead, the focus is on a specific aspect of religion, known as lived religion, within the wider subject of its transformation in the Roman period: how people used statuettes in everyday life, in the context of their houses and settlements.
Roman period statuettes, distribution patterns, iconography. --- Archaeology by period / region. --- Social and cultural history. --- SOCIAL SCIENCE / Archaeology. --- HISTORY / Europe / Western. --- HISTORY / Ancient / Rome. --- Medieval European Archaeology. --- Classical Greek and Roman archaeology. --- Bronze figurines, Roman --- Terra-cotta figurines, Roman --- History
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The contextual analysis of find contexts from the excavations that were conducted in the area of the lower Embolos (Curetes Street) resulted in a new understanding of about one thousand years of use (3rd century BCE – 7th century CE). They relate to the design and the route of the street, the building history of the construction along its edge and its varied function. Die kontextuelle Auswertung der Fundkomplexe aus Grabungen, die im Bereich des unteren Embolos (Kuretenstraße) durchgeführt wurden, erbrachte Erkenntnisse zu rund tausend Jahren seiner Nutzung (3. Jh. v. Chr. – 7. Jh. n. Chr.). Sie betreffen die Gestaltung und die Trasse der Straße, die Baugeschichte ihrer Randbebauung und ihre wechselvolle Funktion.
Classical Greek & Roman archaeology --- Archaeological structures and finds, contextual evaluation, chronology, pottery studies, urban infrastructure --- ÖFOS 2012, Classical archaeology --- Archäologischer Befund und Funde, kontextuelle Fundauswertung, Chronologie, Keramikstudien, städische Infrastruktur --- ÖFOS 2012, Klassische Archäologie
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The present study deals with the question of the organization of the stonemasonry production of funerary monuments in the interior of the former Roman province of Dalmatia. The aim of the research was to identify a model of stonemasonry production that originated in a mountainous and difficult to traverse area, where the possibilities of water transport of stone material are minimal. The author started from the assumption that production centres formed in some geographical areas during Roman rule, using local limestone sources for their operation. The study includes funerary monuments discovered in present-day Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the western part of Serbia and Montenegro. By combining the methods of macroscopic petrographic analysis of the stone material and typological and spatial analysis, the existence of several production centres was proven. The results of the analyses indicate a very likely that they exploited the local limestone resources. Epigraphic data also made it possible to define their chronological aspect. Pričujoče delo se ukvarja z vprašanjem organizacije kamnoseške proizvodnje nagrobnih spomenikov na prostoru notranjega dela nekdanje rimske province Dalmacije. Cilj raziskave je bil prepoznati model kamnoseške proizvodnje, ki se je oblikoval na goratem in težko prehodnem območju, kjer so možnosti vodnega transporta kamnitega materiala minimalne. Avtorica izhajala iz predpostavke, da so se v času rimske oblasti na nekaterih geografskih območji oblikovala proizvodna središča, ki so za svoje delovanje uporabljala lokalne vira apnenca. Študija zajema nagrobne spomenike, odkrite na prostoru današnje Bosne in Hercegovine in zahodnega dela Srbije in Črne gore. S kombinacijo metod makroskopske petrografske analize kamnin in tipološke analize ter prostorske analize je pokazala na obstoj več proizvodnih središč. Rezultati analiz kažejo na zelo verjetno možnost, da so izkoriščali lokalne vire apnenca. Epigrafski podatki pa so omogočili njihov obstoj tudi časovno opredeliti.
Croatia --- Classical Greek & Roman archaeology --- antique --- archaeological finds --- archaeological sites --- archeology --- catalogs --- Dalmatia --- Roman provinces --- stonecutting --- tombstones --- antika --- arheologija --- arheološka najdišča --- arheološke najdbe --- Dalmacija --- kamnoseštvo --- katalogi --- nagrobniki --- rimske province
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Le professeur Noël Duval, à la forte personnalité, a marqué le renouveau des études sur l’antiquité tardive. Se consacrant plus particulièrement à l’Afrique romaine et byzantine, il en a étudié l’histoire tardive et l’archéologie, en particulier celle des églises paléochrétiennes. Mais ses intérêts se sont portés aussi sur la Gaule à la fin de l’antiquité, et, plus largement, sur ensemble du bassin méditerranéen. Sa disparition, en 2018, a été incontestablement une grande perte. Ses amis et ses élèves ont tenu à honorer sa mémoire en rassemblant un recueil de contributions scientifiques sur des sujets sur lesquels il avait travaillé, mais aussi en évoquant sa mémoire et sa personnalité.
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The contextual analysis of find contexts from the excavations that were conducted in the area of the lower Embolos (Curetes Street) resulted in a new understanding of about one thousand years of use (3rd century BCE – 7th century CE). They relate to the design and the route of the street, the building history of the construction along its edge and its varied function. Die kontextuelle Auswertung der Fundkomplexe aus Grabungen, die im Bereich des unteren Embolos (Kuretenstraße) durchgeführt wurden, erbrachte Erkenntnisse zu rund tausend Jahren seiner Nutzung (3. Jh. v. Chr. – 7. Jh. n. Chr.). Sie betreffen die Gestaltung und die Trasse der Straße, die Baugeschichte ihrer Randbebauung und ihre wechselvolle Funktion.
Classical Greek & Roman archaeology --- Archaeological structures and finds, contextual evaluation, chronology, pottery studies, urban infrastructure --- ÖFOS 2012, Classical archaeology --- Archäologischer Befund und Funde, kontextuelle Fundauswertung, Chronologie, Keramikstudien, städische Infrastruktur --- ÖFOS 2012, Klassische Archäologie
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Cet ouvrage constitue la publication monographique des objets issus des fouilles franco-turques de Zeugma, c'est-à-dire toutes les trouvailles mobilières à l'exclusion de la vaisselle en terre cuite, des monnaies et des empreintes de sceaux, étudiées par ailleurs. Il regroupe 1669 objets de toutes tailles, de matériaux et de dates diverses, allant de perles minuscules jusqu'à un avant-train de char... Cet ouvrage touche donc tous les domaines de la vie quotidienne à Zeugma, et en révèle des aspects par ailleurs méconnus ou difficiles à documenter. Car les objets parlent. Analysés dans leur contexte - celui d'une ville-frontière romaine, et parfois celui des maisons où ils étaient utilisés -, identifiés, interprétés, replacés dans un ensemble culturel plus large, ils nous mettent en contact direct avec les habitants de Zeugma, nous plongeant notamment dans les dernières heures de la ville quand, en 253 de notre ère, les habitants durent fuir devant les troupes sassanides de Shapur Ier. La ville fut pillée, et si elle retrouva ensuite une partie de sa population, elle ne retrouva pas la place qu'elle occupait autrefois dans l'administration de la Syrie romaine. Sont évoqués ici, tour à tour, à partir de séries abondantes et souvent exceptionnelles, la parure, le vêtement et la toilette des habitant(e)s ; l'équipement domestique de la maison et de ses aménagements, notamment le mobilier ; les activités diverses, allant de la cuisine aux jeux d'enfants, sans oublier les découvertes spectaculaires d'armement romain, abandonné par les vigiles qui assuraient la sécurité d'un important personnage de la cité. Dans leur diversité, les objets de Zeugma ouvrent une fenêtre sur l'intimité des habitants, romains et orientaux, d'une ville antique des bords de l'Euphrate au début de notre ère.
Excavations (Archaeology) --- Material culture --- Fouilles (Archéologie) --- Culture matérielle --- Zeugma (Extinct city) --- Zeugma (Ville ancienne) --- Antiquities. --- Antiquités --- Dwellings --- History --- Turkey --- Roman archaeology --- Fouilles (Archéologie) --- Culture matérielle --- Antiquités --- Excavations (Archaeology) - Turkey - Zeugma (Extinct city) --- Dwellings - Turkey - Zeugma (Extinct city) - History