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Sally Peters erforscht anhand von qualitativen Interviews den Zusammenhang zwischen Armut und Überschuldung von jungen Erwachsenen. Die Autorin zeigt, dass Überschuldung im Zusammenhang mit gesellschaftspolitischen Problemlagen wie Erwerbslosigkeit, Armut, prekärer Beschäftigung, schwierigen Lebensereignissen sowie der Bewältigung von Entwicklungsaufgaben gesehen werden muss. Die Ausführungen über die Lebenslagen junger Erwachsener eröffnen dabei Perspektiven auf das Zusammenspiel von materiellen Ressourcen, individuellen Möglichkeiten und gesellschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen. Es wird verdeutlicht, dass die Bewältigung von Schulden Lern- und Bildungsprozesse initiieren kann, umgekehrt aber auch Lern- und Bildungsprozesse eine Voraussetzung für die erfolgreiche Bewältigung eines Überschuldungsverlaufs sein können. Der Inhalt Junge Erwachsene und die Bewältigung prekärer Lebenslagen Sozialpädagogische Perspektiven auf Ver- und Überschuldung Die Zielgruppen Dozierende und Studierende aus den Bereichen Erziehungswissenschaft und Soziale Arbeit Wissenschaftler und Wissenschaftlerinnen aus den Bereichen Soziale Arbeit und Bildung Die Autorin Dr. Sally Peters, Sozialpädagogin, M.A. Soziale Arbeit, arbeitet als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Finanzdienstleistungen (iff) und ist Lehrbeauftragte in den Bereichen Einzelfallhilfe und Kommunikation in der Sozialen Arbeit.
Social work. --- Lifelong learning. --- Adult education. --- Education—Research. --- Social Work. --- Lifelong Learning/Adult Education. --- Research Methods in Education.
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Was verstehen Lehrkräfte unter einer „gerechten Note“? Diese qualitativ-rekonstruktive Studie untersucht - orientiert an der Grounded Theory Methodologie (GTM) - die Gerechtigkeitsüberzeugungen schwedischer und nordrhein-westfälischer Lehrkräfte in Bezug auf die schulische Leistungsbeurteilung. Die Arbeit stellt durch die Verknüpfung der GTM mit den Prämissen qualitativer international vergleichender Bildungsforschung eine methodologische Weiterentwicklung dar und schlägt mit der aus den Daten entwickelten Theorieskizze eine Heuristik für weiterführende empirische Gerechtigkeitsforschungen im Themenfeld Schule und Leistungsbeurteilung vor. Der Inhalt Schulische Leistungsbeurteilung und Gerechtigkeit Grounded Theory Methodologie und Vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft Episodisches Interview Institutionelle Rahmung schulischer Leistungsbeurteilung in Schweden und NRW Empirische Rekonstruktion der Gerechtigkeitsüberzeugungen von Lehrkräften und Entwicklung einer gegenstandsverankerten Theorie Die Zielgruppen Dozierende und Studierende der Erziehungs- und Bildungswissenschaften Lehrkräfte, Verantwortliche in der Lehramtsausbildung Die Autorin Kathleen Falkenberg ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin in der Abteilung Vergleichende und Internationale Erziehungswissenschaft an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. .
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This book shows how artificial intelligence grounded in learning theories can promote individual learning, team productivity and multidisciplinary knowledge-building. It advances the learning sciences by integrating learning theory with computational biology and complexity, offering an updated mechanism of learning, which integrates previous theories, provides a basis for scaling from individuals to societies, and unifies models of psychology, sociology and cultural studies. The book provides a road map for the development of AI that addresses the central problems of learning theory in the age of artificial intelligence including: optimizing human-machine collaboration promoting individual learning balancing personalization with privacy dealing with biases and promoting fairness explaining decisions and recommendations to build trust and accountability continuously balancing and adapting to individual, team and organizational goals generating and generalizing knowledge across fields and domains The book will be of interest to educational professionals, researchers, and developers of educational technology that utilize artificial intelligence.
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The book aims to converge the perspectives of authors, editors, and reviewers to discuss modern scientific publishing practice and emerging concerns in the contemporary world. Authors, editors, and reviewers form a triage in a publishing ecosystem which is witnessing a huge pressure due to changing evaluation criteria for career progression and grant funding. The major perspective of this book is to put forth the present-day emerging ills of modern publishing system and sensitize the research fraternity - be it young researchers or established scientists towards practicing good science and preserving spirit of scientific discoveries. The edited book consists of three parts viz, Part I “Authors, Authorship, and Scholarly Dissemination” features ten chapters devoted to describe authorship issues and good publication practice, plagiarism concerns, preprints, open access models, conflicting interests, rise of review papers, writing book reviews, and assessing faculty beyond metrics. Part II “Editors, Editorial Desks, and Issues of Scientific Misconduct” features eight chapters devoted to discuss on issues of editorial misconduct, desk rejections, paper mills, letters to editors, image duplication, emerging ChatGPT in writing/reviewing spaces, citation cartels, and retractions. Finally, Part III “Reviewers and Developing Evaluator’s Eye” features five chapters devoted to discuss peer review as an idea creating model, paying peer reviewers, training reviewers, peer review manipulations, and peer review in age of AI . All chapters in the book are written by expert contributors of the field that provides a systematic approach of understanding various challenges, opportunities, and ethical considerations of scientific publishing ecosystem. Most of the chapters have featured recent cases of scientific misconduct as examples to reflect scale of the problem. This book will serve as a reference to research practitioners in understanding assigning authorship on papers, modern-day publishing collaboration, role of editors to serve journals in a holistic manner and ensuring fair peer review mechanisms.
Health services administration. --- Public health. --- Medical care. --- Education --- Health Care Management. --- Public Health. --- Health Care. --- Research Methods in Education. --- Research.
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"Traditionally, teacher education research theory and practice have had a technical-rational focus on productions of knowledge, skills, performance and accountability. Such a focus serves to (re)produce current educational systems instead of noticing and critiquing the wider modes of domination that permeate schools and school systems. In Social Theory for Teacher Education Research, Kathleen Nolan, Jennifer Tupper and the contributors make arguments for drawing on social theories to inform research in teacher education - research that moves the agenda beyond technical-rational concerns toward building a critically reflexive stance for noticing and unpacking the socio-political contexts of schooling."
Education --- Educational sociology. --- Teachers --- Qualitative --- Research Methods in Education --- Teacher Education --- Aims and objectives. --- Training of --- Social aspects.
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Education --- Phenomenology --- Phenomenology. --- Philosophy --- Philosophy. --- Arts and Humanities --- Education & Careers --- phenomenological education --- phenomenology --- research methods in education --- education policy --- education theory --- education --- Philosophy, Modern
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This book enhances readers’ understanding of science teachers’ professional knowledge, and illustrates how the Pedagogical Content Knowledge research agenda can make a difference in teachers’ practices and how students learn science. Importantly, it offers an updated international perspective on the evolving nature of Pedagogical Content Knowledge and how it is shaping research and teacher education agendas for science teaching. The first few chapters background and introduce a new model known as the Refined Consensus Model (RCM) of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) in science education, and clarify and demonstrate its use in research and teacher education and practice. Subsequent chapters show how this new consensus model of PCK in science education is strongly connected with empirical data of varying nature, contains a tailored language to describe the nature of PCK in science education, and can be used as a framework for illuminating past studies and informing the design of future PCK studies in science education. By presenting and discussing the RCM of PCK within a variety of science education contexts, the book makes the model significantly more applicable to teachers’ work.
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Internationally, documentation has gained importance in institutional contexts of early childhood during the last 20 years. This edited volume illuminates different practices and aspects of documentation in early childhood and provides theoretically informed analytical perspectives on documentation in childhood institutions. Whilst drawing on different national and early service contexts, the edited volume explores the ways in which documentation may be consequential in childhood and in the practices of early childhood professionals. The different chapters examine assessment and normativity in documentation, children’s participation in it, and the impact of documentation on professionalism. The edited volume is targeted to students, researchers and professionals in the field of education and social sciences. Editors Dr. Maarit Alasuutari works as Professor at Department of Education of University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Dr. Helga Kelle works as Professor at Department of Education of Bielefeld University, Germany. Dr. Helen Knauf works as Professor at Department of Social Work at Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, Germany.
Early childhood education. --- Education --- Child development. --- Education—Research. --- Early Childhood Education. --- Research Methods in Education. --- Child study --- Children --- Development, Child --- Developmental biology --- Development
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This book explores, and problematises, what it means to be ‘critical’ in education research. Drawing together chapters from diverse global perspectives, this volume aims to stimulate dialogue about possible meanings of criticality in education research. In doing so, they question why criticality has become such an essential part of education, and what researchers expect of it. The book opens up and contests some of the deficiencies of criticality in education research: ultimately it is not a global term, but often creates a false binary between East and West. Offering an alternative trajectory to educational narratives surrounding criticality, this book will be of interest and value to scholars of critical pedagogy and comparative education. Ashley Simpson is Assistant Professor at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, China. His research specialises in intercultural education, discourse theories and methods, and critical approaches to democracy. Fred Dervin is Professor of Multicultural Education at the University of Helsinki, Finland. He also holds honorary and visiting professorships in Australia, Canada, China, Luxembourg, Malaysia and Sweden. He specialises in intercultural communication education, the sociology of multiculturalism and student and academic mobility.
Education—Philosophy. --- Philosophy and social sciences. --- Education—Research. --- Educational Philosophy. --- Philosophy of Education. --- Research Methods in Education. --- Social sciences and philosophy --- Social sciences --- Education --- Research. --- Philosophy. --- Educational research
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This book is a compilation of more than 70 qualitative research concepts that are used by researchers and practitioners in the social sciences and humanities. The concepts include methods and methodologies applied in qualitative research in various contexts. Each concept is a standalone chapter that is authored by a researcher or practitioner who has had some scholarly experience with it. The chapters are alphabetized using the titles of the concepts to provide easy access for readers. They follow a prescribed outline which ensures homogeneity in the layout of the book. Each chapter starts with a brief historical background of the concept, followed by a concise description of the concept, and the process used in its application. Readers are then provided with the possible ways in which the concept can be used, and its benefits. Each chapter concludes by providing readers with some strengths and limitations of the concept and a list of references that authors have used in the chapter. .
Education—Research. --- Education, Higher. --- Research Methods in Education. --- Educational Research. --- Higher Education. --- College students --- Higher education --- Postsecondary education --- Universities and colleges --- Education --- Qualitative research --- Methodology. --- Investigació qualitativa --- Metodologia