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Contextual brand valuation : from fundamental issues and analysis of the state of the art to a systematic integrated approach to brand andintellectual property (e)valuation
ISBN: 3845241896 383297637X Year: 2012 Publisher: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG

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Intangible Assets such as brands and other intellectual property (IP) are highly contextual and unique. There exist hardly any functioning market mechanisms for IP. For these reasons, IP valuation for strategic and prognostic, i.e. future-related, purposes is highly complex. This work aims at making a contribution to facilitate better handling of this complexity. It therefore firstly illuminates basic aspects of value which apply to all IP, before specifics of trade marks and brands are dealt with. The introduction of a new approach to IP valuation as well as an overview of legal dimensions of brand value constitute further key aspects of the work.

Community collective marks : status, scope and rivals in the European signs landscape
ISBN: 384525646X 3848716054 Year: 2014 Publisher: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG

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This book looks into the nature and status of Community collective marks and explores to what extent they can incorporate certification marks under the current European trade mark law. Welcoming the proposal for a new European Trade Mark Regulation in 2013, the study argues that the two genres should be distinguished from one another, serving distinct purposes. Further, the significance and role of Geographical Indications under the European Union Law are addressed, as well as the question of whether they need to be kept as a separate regime. Although the advantages of each sign are obstructed by discrepancies in terminologies and confusion in legal theory and practice, the author examines the potential of each system by analysing the CTMR as it stands and the OHIM practice, comparing them to national legislations and elucidating the intention of the European legislator.

Patenting Proteomics : Patentability and Scope of Protection of Three-Dimensional Protein Structure Claims under German, European and US law
ISBN: 3845221445 3832947485 Year: 2010 Publisher: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG

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The Human Genome Project revealed that the human organism contains far fewer genes than proteins. The fact that approximately 33,000 genes encode more than 200,000 thousands proteins invalidated the long-held assumption that one gene encodes a single protein. Further studies demonstrated that even small structural variations in the

Perspektiven fur ein Europaisches Urheberrecht
ISBN: 3845254890 3848714426 Year: 2014 Publisher: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG

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Ist es Zeit für ein Europäisches Urheberrecht? Die Arbeit vergleicht die bisherige Harmonisierung der nationalen Urheberrechte mit der Möglichkeit der Schaffung einer europäischen Urheberrechtsverordnung.

The effects of trademark rights on the East African common market : concocting an appropriate East African community trade mark model based on the European trade mark system
ISBN: 3845242159 3832977007 Year: 2012 Publisher: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG

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Trademark rights play a significant role in the proper functioning of a common market of a given regional bloc. Experience teaches that, unless national trade mark regimes of individual countries cooperating in a given regional bloc such as the East African Community (EAC) are integrated into a common market, trademark proprietors may invoke their intellectual property rights to dissect the common market into different national markets and in that way blocking the free movement of trademarked goods from one part of the common market to the other. This book is therefore intended as guideline when addressing the challenges posed on a regional common market by the absence of a common market for trademarked goods. The study provides for legal techniques through which the latter market may be established to compliment an existing common market as a policy choice in favour of the principle of free movement of goods. To this end, the book analyses key principles that govern the EU’s community trade mark system and determines the extent to which these principles may be adapted to suit the EAC common market.

Technology Pooling Licensing Agreements: Promoting Patent Access Through Collaborative IP Mechanisms
ISBN: 3845226315 3832959769 Year: 2010 Publisher: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG

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In patent communities several patentees cooperate contractually to licence the respective patented technologies to third parties. In consideration of the rising relevance of this business practice, this book discusses crucial courses and strategic considerations, which are the basis for the establishment of patent communities, both in legal and empirical regard, in order to identify the optimal conditions for successful conversion in a competitive surrounding. Thus the best conditions for the promotion of innovation are to be created.

Fact-Gathering in Patent Infringement Cases: Rule 34 Discovery and the Saisie-Contrefaçon
ISBN: 3845219718 3832948554 Year: 2009 Publisher: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG

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Die Autorin beschäftigt sich mit der Informationsbeschaffung in Patentrechtsstreitfällen. Sie vergleicht die Regelungen im amerikanischen Recht mit dem französischen Institut der Saisie-Contrefacon.

Ownership problems of overlaps in European intellectual property
ISBN: 3845254491 3848713950 Year: 2014 Publisher: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG

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Intellectual Property rights are expanding and, thus, overlapping more than ever before. This poses challenges to a system devised as comprising a set of isolated compartments, each with its defined purpose.

Die Materialisierung des Zivilprozessrechts : Der Zivilprozess im modernen Rechtsstaat
ISBN: 3161582772 3161582764 Year: 2019 Publisher: Tubingen : Mohr Siebeck,

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Nachdem die Debatte um eine sogenannte Materialisierung bislang vor allem im Privatrecht geführt wurde, hat sie mittlerweile auch das Zivilprozessrecht erreicht. Dabei ist die grundlegende Frage: Inwieweit ist und soll das Zivilprozessrecht streng formal, inwieweit von außerprozessualen Wertungen geprägt sein? Roman F. Kehrberger beleuchtet daher unterschiedliche Quellen möglicher außerprozessualer Wertungen - etwa Grundrechte, materiell-rechtliche Sonderwertungen oder die kompensatorische Prozessleitung durch Richter - und deren Einflüsse auf das Zivilprozessrecht. Zur Frage, ob sich richterliche Aktivität im Sinne einer Materialisierung auswirkt, betrachtet er rechtsvergleichend das englische Recht. Zur Bewertung einer möglichen Materialisierung wird grundlegend darauf rekurriert, warum im modernen Rechtsstaat überhaupt ein Zivilprozess existiert und wie dieser idealerweise ausgestaltet sein sollte.

Implementation of the EU Enforcement Directive in the Baltic Countries : Experience in View of the Development of Protection of Intellectual Property Rights
ISBN: 3845226935 3832957847 Year: 2010 Publisher: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG

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How did the implementation of the EU Enforcement Directive on IP rights, which was adopted just before the expansion of the EU in May 2004, affect new EU Member States? This monograph is focused on three Baltic countries (Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia) and is aimed to present the collected information on the most relevant historic, social, economic and legal factors of those countries and to examine them. The examination leads to certain observations on what impact the listed factors made on the implementation of the Directive in that region, how they changed the “IP enforcement mechanisms”, case practise which existed before the adoption of the Directive, and what IP right holders can expect when litigating in the Baltics. Besides, this monograph gives a bigger picture on what the aims and objectives of the Enforcement Directive were and how they were actually reflected in the current IP enforcement practice of the so-called countries in transit where effective enforcement of IP rights is essential.

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