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The aqueous chemistry of the elements
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ISBN: 0197562779 1282388118 9786612388118 0199742197 9780199742196 9780195393354 019539335X 6612388110 0190453060 Year: 2010 Publisher: Oxford New York Oxford University Press

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Most fields of science, applied science, engineering, and technology deal with solutions in water. This volume is a comprehensive treatment of the aqueous solution chemistry of all the elements. The information on each element is centered around an E-pH diagram which is a novel aid to understanding. The contents are especially pertinent to agriculture, analytical chemistry, biochemistry, biology, biomedical science and engineering, chemical engineering, geochemistry, inorganic chemistry, environmental science and engineering, food science, materials science, mining engineering, metallurgy, nuclear science and engineering, nutrition, plant science, safety, and toxicology.

International journal of molecular sciences.
ISSN: 14220067 Year: 2000 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland : Molecular Diversity Preservation International,

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Chemistry --- Chemistry, Physical --- Molecular Biology --- Molecular biology --- Biochemistry --- Biophysics --- Biologie moléculaire --- Biochimie --- Biophysique --- Periodicals. --- Périodiques --- Chemistry. --- Chemistry, Physical. --- Molecular Biology. --- Biochemistry. --- Biophysics. --- Molecular biology. --- Molekül --- Molekülphysik --- Molekularbiologie --- Chemie --- Molecular biochemistry --- Molecular biophysics --- Biological physics --- Biological chemistry --- Chemical composition of organisms --- Organisms --- Physiological chemistry --- Biochemical Genetics --- Biology, Molecular --- Genetics, Biochemical --- Genetics, Molecular --- Molecular Genetics --- Biochemical Genetic --- Genetic, Biochemical --- Genetic, Molecular --- Molecular Genetic --- Physical Chemistry --- Chemistries, Physical --- Physical Chemistries --- Composition --- Biomolecules --- Systems biology --- Biology --- Medical sciences --- Physics --- Genetic Phenomena --- Molekül --- Molekülphysik --- Genetics & Genomics. --- Molecular Chemistry. --- Molecular Physics. --- moleculaire biologie --- Química. --- Bioquímica. --- Biologia molecular. --- Química física. --- Fisicoquímica --- Física química --- Físico-química --- Fisicoquímica teòrica --- Química física i teòrica --- Química teòrica --- Química --- Absorció --- Afinitat química --- Aire líquid --- Anàlisi instrumental --- Àtoms --- Catàlisi --- Classificació periòdica dels elements --- Col·loides --- Compostos de coordinació --- Condicions i lleis de les reaccions químiques --- Crioscòpia --- Cristal·lització --- Dissociació (Química) --- Electròlisi --- Electroquímica --- Enllaços químics --- Equilibri químic --- Estequiometria --- Estructura química --- Fenòmens de relaxació --- Floculació --- Fotoquímica --- Fusió --- Isomeria --- Mescles --- Moments dipolars --- Pes atòmic --- Pesos moleculars --- Punt crític --- Química atmosfèrica --- Química de l'estat sòlid --- Química de superfícies --- Química física inorgànica --- Química física orgànica --- Química nuclear --- Química quàntica --- Química supramolecular --- Nucleació --- Radioquímica --- Regla de les fases i equilibri --- Solucions (Química) --- Sonoquímica --- Taula periòdica (Química) --- Teoria atòmica --- Teoria molecular --- Termoquímica --- Biofísica molecular --- Bioquímica molecular --- Biofísica --- Bioquímica --- Histoquímica --- Biologia molecular vegetal --- Codi genètic --- Diagnòstic molecular --- Endocrinologia molecular --- Evolució molecular --- Farmacologia molecular --- Genètica molecular --- Glicòmica --- Metabolòmica --- Microbiologia molecular --- Neurobiologia molecular --- Patologia molecular --- Proteòmica --- Reconeixement molecular --- Biomolècules --- Química biològica --- Química fisiològica --- Biologia --- Medicina --- Absorció (Fisiologia) --- Anàlisi enzimàtica --- Biodegradació --- Biodisponibilitat --- Bioelectroquímica --- Bioenergètica --- Biogeoquímica --- Biologia molecular --- Bioquímica analítica --- Bioquímica clínica --- Bioquímica física --- Bioquímica quàntica --- Biosíntesi --- Centres actius (Bioquímica) --- Citoquímica --- Composició del cos humà --- Cromatografia --- Digestió --- Enginyeria bioquímica --- Enzimologia --- Equilibri àcid-base --- Fitoquímica --- Fixació de proteïnes --- Genètica bioquímica --- Immunoquímica --- Interfícies biològiques --- Lípids --- Lligands (Bioquímica) --- Marcadors bioquímics --- Metabolisme --- Minerals en l'organisme --- Neuroquímica --- Oxidació fisiològica --- Pigments (Biologia) --- Química biorgànica --- Química clínica --- Química microbiològica --- Quimiotaxi --- Quimiotaxonomia --- Toxicologia bioquímica --- Xenobiòtics --- Ciència --- Àcids --- Espectroscòpia --- Bases (Química) --- Color --- Combustió --- Condensació --- Cosmoquímica --- Elements químics --- Estereoquímica --- Evaporació --- Explosius --- Farmàcia --- Fermentació --- Foc --- Geoquímica --- Microquímica --- Nanoquímica --- Química agrícola --- Química ambiental --- Química analítica --- Química dental --- Química farmacèutica --- Química física --- Química inorgànica --- Química orgànica --- Química sanitària --- Reaccions químiques --- Sals --- Verins --- Ensenyament de la química --- Gastronomia molecular

The Periodic Table I : Historical Development and Essential Features
ISBN: 3030400255 3030400247 Year: 2019 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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As 2019 has been declared the International Year of the Periodic Table, it is appropriate that Structure and Bonding marks this anniversary with two special volumes. In 1869 Dmitri Ivanovitch Mendeleev first proposed his periodic table of the elements. He is given the major credit for proposing the conceptual framework used by chemists to systematically inter-relate the chemical properties of the elements. However, the concept of periodicity evolved in distinct stages and was the culmination of work by other chemists over several decades. For example, Newland’s Law of Octaves marked an important step in the evolution of the periodic system since it represented the first clear statement that the properties of the elements repeated after intervals of 8. Mendeleev’s predictions demonstrated in an impressive manner how the periodic table could be used to predict the occurrence and properties of new elements. Not all of his many predictions proved to be valid, but the discovery of scandium, gallium and germanium represented sufficient vindication of its utility and they cemented its enduring influence. Mendeleev’s periodic table was based on the atomic weights of the elements and it was another 50 years before Moseley established that it was the atomic number of the elements, that was the fundamental parameter and this led to the prediction of further elements. Some have suggested that the periodic table is one of the most fruitful ideas in modern science and that it is comparable to Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection, proposed at approximately the same time. There is no doubt that the periodic table occupies a central position in chemistry. In its modern form it is reproduced in most undergraduate inorganic textbooks and is present in almost every chemistry lecture room and classroom. This first volume provides chemists with an account of the historical development of the Periodic Table and an overview of how the Periodic Table has evolved over the last 150 years. It also illustrates how it has guided the research programmes of some distinguished chemists.

The Periodic Table II : Catalytic, Materials, Biological and Medical Applications
ISBN: 3030400107 3030400093 Year: 2019 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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As 2019 has been declared the International Year of the Periodic Table, it is appropriate that Structure and Bonding marks this anniversary with two special volumes. In 1869 Dmitri Ivanovitch Mendeleev first proposed his periodic table of the elements. He is given the major credit for proposing the conceptual framework used by chemists to systematically inter-relate the chemical properties of the elements. However, the concept of periodicity evolved in distinct stages and was the culmination of work by other chemists over several decades. For example, Newland’s Law of Octaves marked an important step in the evolution of the periodic system since it represented the first clear statement that the properties of the elements repeated after intervals of 8. Mendeleev’s predictions demonstrated in an impressive manner how the periodic table could be used to predict the occurrence and properties of new elements. Not all of his many predictions proved to be valid, but the discovery of scandium, gallium and germanium represented sufficient vindication of its utility and they cemented its enduring influence. Mendeleev’s periodic table was based on the atomic weights of the elements and it was another 50 years before Moseley established that it was the atomic number of the elements, that was the fundamental parameter and this led to the prediction of further elements. Some have suggested that the periodic table is one of the most fruitful ideas in modern science and that it is comparable to Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection, proposed at approximately the same time. There is no doubt that the periodic table occupies a central position in chemistry. In its modern form it is reproduced in most undergraduate inorganic textbooks and is present in almost every chemistry lecture room and classroom. This second volume provides chemists with an overview of the important role played by the Periodic Table in advancing our knowledge of solid state and bioinorganic chemistry. It also illustrates how it has been used to fine-tune the properties of compounds which have found commercial applications in catalysis, electronics, ceramics and in medicinal chemistry. .

Structure determination of organic compounds : tables of spectral data
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3662624397 3662624389 Year: 2020 Publisher: Berlin, Germany : Springer,

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This book compiles reference material for NMR, IR, UV/Vis and mass spectra since the combined interpretation of spectra of the different methods is advantageous. It can be used in three ways: as compact and easy to understand companion material to complement the understanding of detailed textbooks as an easy to use reference book The long-standing success of the work, which has been published in a total of 7 languages, proves the usefulness of this method of representation. The content of this fifth English edition now includes reference data for the interpretation of 15N- and 29Si-spectra. Additionally, the fragmentation rules for mass spectrometry have been extended with recently available information for the interpretation of MS/MS spectra after soft ionization. .

Nature chemistry
ISSN: 17554349 17554330

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Nature Chemistry is a monthly journal dedicated to publishing high-quality papers that describe the most significant and cutting-edge research in all areas of chemistry. As well as reflecting the traditional core subjects of analytical, inorganic, organic and physical chemistry, the journal features a broad range of chemical research including, but not limited to, bioinorganic and bioorganic chemistry, catalysis, computational and theoretical chemistry, environmental chemistry, green chemistry, medicinal chemistry, organometallic chemistry, polymer chemistry, supramolecular chemistry and surface chemistry. Other multidisciplinary topics such as nanotechnology, chemical biology and materials chemistry are also featured.


Chemistry --- Chemistry, Physical and theoretical --- Bioorganic chemistry --- Bioorganic chemistry. --- Chemistry. --- Chemistry, Physical and theoretical. --- Chemistry, Physical. --- General and Others --- Chemical Phenomena. --- Chemistry, Organic. --- Chemistry, Theoretical --- Physical chemistry --- Theoretical chemistry --- Bio-organic chemistry --- Biological organic chemistry --- Physical Chemistry --- Chemistries, Physical --- Physical Chemistries --- Organic Chemistry --- Chemical Phenomenon --- Chemical Process --- Physical Chemistry Phenomena --- Physical Chemistry Process --- Physicochemical Phenomenon --- Physicochemical Process --- Chemical Concepts --- Chemical Processes --- Physical Chemistry Concepts --- Physical Chemistry Processes --- Physicochemical Concepts --- Physicochemical Phenomena --- Physicochemical Processes --- Chemical Concept --- Chemistry Process, Physical --- Chemistry Processes, Physical --- Concept, Chemical --- Concept, Physical Chemistry --- Concept, Physicochemical --- Concepts, Chemical --- Concepts, Physical Chemistry --- Concepts, Physicochemical --- Phenomena, Chemical --- Phenomena, Physical Chemistry --- Phenomena, Physicochemical --- Phenomenon, Chemical --- Phenomenon, Physicochemical --- Physical Chemistry Concept --- Physicochemical Concept --- Process, Chemical --- Process, Physical Chemistry --- Process, Physicochemical --- Processes, Chemical --- Processes, Physical Chemistry --- Processes, Physicochemical --- Chemical Phenomena --- Chemistry, Organic --- Chemistry, Physical --- Physical sciences --- Biochemistry --- Analytical chemistry --- Inorganic chemistry --- Organic chemistry --- Chemistry/Food Science, general --- Analytical Chemistry --- Inorganic Chemistry --- Biochemistry, general --- Biological chemistry --- Chemical composition of organisms --- Organisms --- Physiological chemistry --- Biology --- Medical sciences --- Inorganic compounds --- Analysis, Chemical --- Chemical analysis --- Metallurgical analysis --- Mineralogy, Determinative --- Composition --- Chemistry - General --- Analytic chemistry --- Chemistry, Analytic --- Química --- Química bioorgànica --- Fisicoquímica --- Físico-química --- Fisicoquímica teòrica --- Química física --- Química física i teòrica --- Química teòrica --- Bioquímica --- Química orgànica --- Ciències físiques

Molecules: a journal of synthetic chemistry and natural product chemistry
ISSN: 14203049 Publisher: Bazel

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Chemical technology --- Chemistry of natural organic substances --- Biological Factors --- Biological Products --- Chemistry, Organic --- Organic compounds --- Chimie organique --- Composés organiques --- chemistry --- Periodicals. --- Synthesis --- Périodiques --- Synthèse --- Molecules --- Chemistry --- Biological Agents --- Molécules --- Chimie --- Biologic Agents --- Biologic Factors --- Biological Factor --- Factor, Biologic --- Factor, Biological --- Factors, Biological --- Agents, Biologic --- Agents, Biological --- Biologic Factor --- Factors, Biologic --- synthesis --- Chemistry. --- Molecules. --- chemistry. --- Physical sciences --- Chemie van de organische natuurstoffen --- Chemische technologie --- Organic chemistry --- Molécules --- Organic Chemistry. --- Synthetic Chemistry. --- Natural Products. --- Molècules. --- Química. --- Ciència --- Àcids --- Aire líquid --- Espectroscòpia --- Bases (Química) --- Bioquímica --- Catàlisi --- Color --- Combustió --- Condensació --- Cosmoquímica --- Cristal·lització --- Dissociació (Química) --- Electroquímica --- Elements químics --- Estereoquímica --- Evaporació --- Explosius --- Farmàcia --- Fermentació --- Foc --- Geoquímica --- Microquímica --- Nanoquímica --- Química agrícola --- Química ambiental --- Química analítica --- Química dental --- Química farmacèutica --- Química física --- Química inorgànica --- Química orgànica --- Química sanitària --- Reaccions químiques --- Sals --- Verins --- Ensenyament de la química --- Gastronomia molecular --- Física molecular --- Constitució de la matèria --- Biomolècules --- Cristalls moleculars --- Estructura molecular --- Forces intermoleculars --- Macromolècules --- Monòmers --- Teoria de banda d'energia dels sòlids --- Espai químic

Journal of radiation research and applied sciences.
ISSN: 16878507 23147164 Year: 2008 Publisher: Egyptian Society of Radiation Sciences and Applications, Taylor & Francis

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Radiation --- Radiation. --- Radiations --- Radiation Dose Hypofractionation --- Physics --- Radiology --- radiation --- nuclear applications --- radioactive isotopes --- radioactivity --- Radiologia. --- Física. --- Química. --- Ciència --- Àcids --- Aire líquid --- Espectroscòpia --- Bases (Química) --- Bioquímica --- Catàlisi --- Color --- Combustió --- Condensació --- Cosmoquímica --- Cristal·lització --- Dissociació (Química) --- Electroquímica --- Elements químics --- Estereoquímica --- Evaporació --- Explosius --- Farmàcia --- Fermentació --- Foc --- Geoquímica --- Microquímica --- Nanoquímica --- Química agrícola --- Química ambiental --- Química analítica --- Química dental --- Química farmacèutica --- Química física --- Química inorgànica --- Química orgànica --- Química sanitària --- Reaccions químiques --- Sals --- Verins --- Ensenyament de la química --- Gastronomia molecular --- Acústica musical --- Astrofísica --- Biofísica --- Buit --- Calor --- Capil·laritat --- Ciència dels materials --- Compressibilitat --- Cronometria --- Difusió --- Dinàmica molecular --- Electricitat --- Fenomenologia (Física) --- Fenòmens crítics (Física) --- Fenòmens de relaxació --- Fenòmens mesoscòpics (Física) --- Física de l'estat sòlid --- Física estadística --- Física mèdica --- Fluids --- Energia --- Geofísica --- Lleis de conservació (Física) --- Magnetisme --- Mecànica --- Meteorologia --- Nanoestructures --- Òptica --- Permeabilitat --- Pesos i mesures --- Pneumàtica --- Radiació --- Radiologia --- Simetria (Física) --- Similitud (Física) --- Superfícies (Física) --- Teoria de camps (Física) --- Teoria quàntica --- Termodinàmica --- Dinàmica --- Ensenyament de la física --- Físics --- Físiques --- Història de la física --- Física radiològica --- Física --- Radiografia

Electrochemistry [[Electrochemistry]]
ISSN: 21862451 Year: 1999 Publisher: Tōkyō Kōeki Shadan Hōjin Denki Kagaku Kyōkai

Electrochemistry for the environment
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0387369228 9786612833274 0387683186 1282833278 1489984828 Year: 2010 Publisher: New York : Springer,

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Wastewater treatment technology is undergoing a profound transformation due to far-reaching changes in regulations governing the discharge and disposal of hazardous pollutants. Electrochemistry for the Environment first lays down the fundamentals of environmental electrochemistry, introducing the basic techniques in selecting electrode materials and fabricating them, followed by the theoretical analysis of the electrochemical processes and the green electrochemical operation. Then it discusses the electrochemical technologies in water/wastewater treatment using BDD before moving on to an examination of the established wastewater treatment technologies such as electro-coagulation, -flotation, and-oxidation. Additionally, emerging technologies such as electrophotooxidation, electrodisinfection, and electrochemical technologies in sludge and soil treatment are analyzed. This book is an excellent reference for electrochemists, chemical engineers, environmental engineers, civil engineers, and also for those in industry evaluating and implementing new technologies.


Electrochemistry. --- Environmental chemistry. --- Electrochemistry --- Environmental chemistry --- Environmental Engineering --- Physical & Theoretical Chemistry --- Chemistry --- Civil & Environmental Engineering --- Physical Sciences & Mathematics --- Engineering & Applied Sciences --- Chemistry, Environmental --- Chemistry. --- Water-supply. --- Chemical engineering. --- Environmental sciences. --- Civil engineering. --- Water pollution. --- Environmental Science and Engineering. --- Water Industry/Water Technologies. --- Industrial Chemistry/Chemical Engineering. --- Civil Engineering. --- Waste Water Technology / Water Pollution Control / Water Management / Aquatic Pollution. --- Chemistry, Physical and theoretical --- Ecology --- Environmental pollution. --- Chemical pollution --- Chemicals --- Contamination of environment --- Environmental pollution --- Pollution --- Contamination (Technology) --- Asbestos abatement --- Bioremediation --- Environmental engineering --- Environmental quality --- Factory and trade waste --- Hazardous waste site remediation --- Hazardous wastes --- In situ remediation --- Lead abatement --- Pollutants --- Refuse and refuse disposal --- Engineering --- Public works --- Chemistry, Industrial --- Engineering, Chemical --- Industrial chemistry --- Chemistry, Technical --- Metallurgy --- Physical sciences --- Environmental aspects --- Aquatic pollution --- Fresh water --- Fresh water pollution --- Freshwater pollution --- Inland water pollution --- Lake pollution --- Lakes --- Reservoirs --- River pollution --- Rivers --- Stream pollution --- Water contamination --- Water pollutants --- Water pollution --- Waste disposal in rivers, lakes, etc. --- Availability, Water --- Water availability --- Water resources --- Natural resources --- Public utilities --- Water resources development --- Water utilities --- Environmental science --- Science --- Electroquímica --- Aigües residuals --- Depuració de l'aigua --- Descontaminació de l'aigua --- Desinfecció de l'aigua --- Potabilització de l'aigua --- Purificació de l'aigua --- Sanejament de l'aigua --- Tractament de l'aigua --- Control de la qualitat de l'aigua --- Dessalinització de l'aigua --- Dret a l'aigua --- Clavegueram --- Llots de depuradora --- Depuració d'aigües residuals --- Química --- Química física --- Química industrial --- Anàlisi electroquímica --- Bateries elèctriques --- Bioelectroquímica --- Doble capa elèctrica --- Electrocatàlisi --- Electrocristal·lització --- Electroforesi --- Electròlisi --- Electroquímica industrial --- Fotoelectroquímica --- Galvanoplàstia --- Magnetoquímica --- Piles de combustible

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