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Bedriegerij --- Bedrog --- Cartografie --- Cartographie --- Cartography --- Cartography [Primitive ] --- Chartography --- Chicanery --- Deceit --- Deception --- Listen --- Mapping (Cartography) --- Misleiding --- Ruses --- Subterfuge --- Tromperie --- Maps --- Cartes --- Analysis --- Analyse --- Cartographie. --- Tromperie. --- Cartes geographiques
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In Genootschap van het Kwaad, een Weerwolven-spel, speel je een Disney-schurk, zoals Malafide, Hades of Kapitein Haak, in een duister koninkrijk vol schurken en handlangers. Het is een koninkrijk waar chaos en onheil heerst, waar alleen de machtigste slechteriken kunnen overleven. Kun je wel iemand vertrouwen in een wereld waarin iedereen een slechterik is?Disney-versie van het bekende Weerwolven-spel.
Groepsdynamiek --- Rollenspel --- Teambuilding --- Non-verbale communicatie --- Communicatie --- Bluffen --- Deductie --- Disney, Walt --- Executieve functies --- Strategie --- Argumenteren --- Misleiding --- Observatie --- Sociale vaardigheden --- Kritisch denken
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Bedriegerij --- Bedrog --- Chicanery --- Deceit --- Deception --- Doorlichting van personeel --- Employee screening --- Employee selection --- Employees Hiring --- Employees [Selection of ] --- Listen --- Misleiding --- Personeel--Doorlichting --- Personeelsselectie --- Personnel--Dépistage --- Ruses --- Selecteren van personeel --- Subterfuge --- Sélection du personnel --- Tromperie --- Employee screening.
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Traditional techniques for detecting deception, such as the 'lie-detector test' (or polygraph), are based upon the idea that lying is associated with stress. However, it is possible that people telling the truth will experience stress, whereas not all liars will. Because of this, the validity of such methods is questionable. As an alternative, a knowledge-based approach known as the 'Concealed Information Test' has been developed which investigates whether the examinee recognizes secret information - for example a crime suspect recognizing critical crime details that only the culprit could know. The Concealed Information Test has been supported by decades of research, and is used widely in Japan. This is the first book to focus on this exciting approach and will be of interest to law enforcement agencies and academics and professionals in psychology, criminology, policing and law.
Cognitive psychology --- Developmental psychology --- #KVHB:Liegen --- #KVHB:Forensische psychologie --- #KVHB:Misleiding --- #KVHB:Test; geheugen --- Deception. --- Lie detectors and detection. --- Memory. --- Psychology --- Applied Psychology --- Applied Psychology. --- Deception --- Lie detectors and detection --- Memory --- Retention (Psychology) --- Intellect --- Thought and thinking --- Comprehension --- Executive functions (Neuropsychology) --- Mnemonics --- Perseveration (Psychology) --- Reproduction (Psychology) --- Polygraphs --- Criminal investigation --- Chicanery --- Deceit --- Subterfuge --- Truthfulness and falsehood --- Intrigue --- Health Sciences --- Psychiatry & Psychology
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Jehova's getuigen --- 289.954 --- #gsdb3 --- Getuigen van Jehovah. Ernste Bibelforscher. Watch Tower --- 289.954 Getuigen van Jehovah. Ernste Bibelforscher. Watch Tower --- C1 --- Christelijke Gemeente van Jehova's Getuigen België (1902-) --- Kerken en religie --- religieuze verdraagzaamheid --- wederzijds begrip --- Jehovah's Getuigen --- onheilsprediking --- zending --- zelfstandig critisch denken --- hersenspoeling --- evangelie --- vrijheid --- misleiding --- getuigenis
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This book, first published in 2000, is a full-length study of the representation of deceit and lies in classical Athens. Dr Hesk traces the ways in which Athenian drama, democratic oratory and elite prose-writing construct and theorize a relationship between dishonesty and civic identity. He focuses on the ideology of military trickery, notions of the 'noble lie' and the developing associations of rhetorical language with deceptive communication. Deception and Democracy in Classical Athens combines close analysis of Athenian texts with lively critiques of modern theorists and classical scholars. Athenian democratic culture was crucially informed by a nuanced, anxious and dynamic discourse on the problems and opportunities which deception presented for its citizenry. Mobilizing comparisons with twentieth-century democracies, the author argues that Athenian literature made deception a fundamental concern for democratic citizenship. This ancient discourse on lying highlights the dangers of modern resignation and postmodern complacency concerning the politics and morality of deception.
CIVILIZAÇÃO GREGA (POLÍTICA). --- DEMOCRACIA --- Deception --- Deception. --- Democracy --- Democracy. --- Democratie. --- Demokratie. --- Déception (science militaire) --- Déception. --- Démocratie --- Griekse oudheid. --- Misleiding. --- Rhetorik. --- Tromperie --- Täuschung. --- Athen. --- Athens (Greece) --- Athènes (Grèce) --- Greece --- Griechisch. --- History. --- Politique et gouvenement. --- -Democracy --- -Self-government --- Political science --- Equality --- Representative government and representation --- Republics --- Chicanery --- Deceit --- Subterfuge --- Truthfulness and falsehood --- Intrigue --- Self-government --- Arts and Humanities --- History
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Christian religion --- Comparative religion --- sekten --- Godsdiensten --- Religions --- Sectes --- Sekten --- 289 --- Cults --- Sects --- #GGSB: Sekten --- #GBIB:SMM --- #gsdb3 --- analyse --- Z28 --- Z==92/11 --- 298.9 --- 289.958 --- religies --- Godsdienst --- Sekte --- 29 --- Denominations, Religious --- Religions, Modern --- Religious denominations --- Alternative religious movements --- Cult --- Cultus --- Marginal religious movements --- New religions --- New religious movements --- NRMs (Religion) --- Religious movements, Alternative --- Religious movements, Marginal --- Religious movements, New --- Andere christelijke sekten --- Cults. --- Sects. --- religieuze sekten --- bekering --- hersenspoeling --- sekteleiders --- profeten --- misleiding --- sekteaanhangers
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Defining lies as statements that are intended to deceive, this book considers the contexts in which people tell lies, how they are detected and sometimes exposed, and the consequences for the liars themselves, their dupes, and the wider society. The author provides examples from a number of cultures with distinctive religious and ethical traditions, and delineates domains where lying is the norm, domains that are ambiguous and the one domain (science) that requires truthtelling. He refers to experimental studies on children that show how, at an early age, they acquire the capactiy to lie and learn when it is appropriate to do so. He reviews how lying has been evaluated by moralists, examines why we do not regard novels as lies and relates the human capacity to lie to deceit among other animal species. He concludes that although there are, in all societies, good pragmatic reasons for not lying all the time, there are also strong reasons for lying some of the time.
Bedriegerij --- Bedrog --- Chicanery --- Credibilite --- Credibility --- Deceit --- Deception --- Falsehood --- Geloofwaardigheid --- Insincerite --- Leugen --- Listen --- Lying --- Mensonge --- Misleiding --- Onoprechtheid --- Ruses --- Subterfuge --- Tromperie --- Truthfulness and falsehood --- Untruthfulness --- Vérité et mensonge --- Waarheid en leugen --- Deception. --- Truthfulness and falsehood. --- 800:159 --- #SBIB:309H517 --- Psycholinguistiek. Neurolinguistiek --- Verbale communicatie: sociale psychologie van de taal en de interactie, psycholinguistiek --- 800:159 Psycholinguistiek. Neurolinguistiek --- Believability --- Reliability --- Truth --- Honesty --- Intrigue --- Social aspects --- Post-truth --- Social Sciences --- Sociology
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Classical Latin language --- Roman history --- History of ancient Greece --- Lexicology. Semantics --- Classical Greek language --- Polemology --- Antieke krijgsgeschiedenis --- Histoire militaire de l'Antiquité --- Krijgsgeschiedenis [Antieke ] --- Krijgsgeschiedenis van de oudheid --- Military history [Ancient ] --- Strategema (Het Griekse woord) --- Strategema (Het Latijnse woord) --- Strategema (Le mot grec) --- Strategema (Le mot latin) --- Strategema (The Greek word) --- Strategema (The Latin word) --- Classical languages --- Strategy --- Military art and science --- Deception (Military science) --- Military history, Ancient. --- Langues anciennes --- Art et science militaires --- Histoire militaire ancienne --- Etymology. --- Terminology. --- Etymologie --- Terminologie --- -Deception (Military science) --- -Military art and science --- -Military history, Ancient --- -Military strategy --- Military doctrine --- Latin language --- Greek language --- Ancient military history --- Fighting --- Military power --- Military science --- Warfare --- Warfare, Primitive --- Naval art and science --- War --- Military intelligence --- Dead languages --- Languages, Classical --- Etymology --- Terminology --- Latijnse taalkunde. --- Geschiedenis van het Romeinse Rijk. --- Geschiedenis van het klassieke Griekenland. --- Lexicologie. Semantiek. --- Griekse taalkunde. --- Polemologie. --- Classical languages. --- Strategema (The Greek word). --- Strategema (The Latin word). --- Strategy. --- Military art and science. --- Deception (Military science). --- Militaire strategie. --- Misleiding. --- Woordenschat. --- Klassieke talen. --- Griechisch. --- Latein. --- Römisches Reich. --- Griechenland (Altertum). --- -Etymology --- Military history, Ancient --- Military strategy --- Classical languages - Etymology. --- Strategy - Terminology. --- Military art and science - Terminology. --- Deception (Military science) - Terminology.
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De koop en de verkoop van een onroerend goed is een ingewikkelde zaak, zowel in juridische als in bouwtechnische zin. Dit uniek werk analyseert welke vereisten gesteld worden aan het voorhanden zijn van dwaling en bedrog, zowel in de theorie als in de praktijk. De gestelde vereisten worden grondig onderzocht en toegelicht aan de hand van voorbeelden uit de rechtspraak
Vendors and purchasers --- Dolus (Civil law) --- Breach of contract --- Immeubles --- Dol (Droit civil) --- Inexécution --- Vente --- bijzondere overeenkomsten --- 343.72 --- Oplichterij. Uitbuiten van goedgelovigheid. Bedrog. Misbruik van vertrouwen --- Propriété immobilière --- 343.72 Oplichterij. Uitbuiten van goedgelovigheid. Bedrog. Misbruik van vertrouwen --- Onroerend eigendom --- fraude, misleiding in handel, nijverheid en zaken --- fraude bij koopovereenkomsten en verbintenissenrecht --- 347.451 --- 343.53 --- BPB0801 --- 343.53 Commerciele fraude. Industriele fraude. Ongeoorloofde concurrentie --- Commerciele fraude. Industriele fraude. Ongeoorloofde concurrentie --- 347.451 Koop. Verkoop. Afstand--(verbintenissenrecht) --- Koop. Verkoop. Afstand--(verbintenissenrecht) --- Fraude --- Marché immobilier --- fraude --- onroerende goederen --- 339.112.10 --- 343.530 --- 347.751.0 --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- V72 - Droit de l'immobilier et de l'architecture - Onroerend goed en architectuur --- 343.537 --- België --- abonnementen --- recht (wetgeving) --- verkoop --- Onroerendgoedmarkt --- biens immobiliers --- Eigendom van grond en van onroerende goederen: algemeenheden. --- Computerfraude. Computerveiligheid. --- Verkoop. Afstand. Aankoop (algemeenheden). --- Law of obligations. Law of contract --- vastgoed --- Belgium --- Fraud --- Social aspects --- History --- Real estate business --- Law and legislation --- 20th century --- Mistake (Law) --- Verbintenissenrecht. Contractenrecht --- Eigendom van grond en van onroerende goederen: algemeenheden --- Computerfraude. Computerveiligheid --- Verkoop. Afstand. Aankoop (algemeenheden) --- Marché immobilier --- Propriété immobilière --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- België --- недвижен имот --- fast egendom --- nemovitý majetek --- propiedad inmobiliaria --- ingatlantulajdon --- proprjetà immobbli --- kinnisvara --- непокретна имовина --- недвижимо имущество --- nepremično premoženje --- kiinteä omaisuus --- nehnuteľný majetok --- proprietà immobiliare --- nekretnina --- fast ejendom --- ακίνητη περιουσία --- proprietate imobiliară --- Eigentum an unbeweglichen Sachen --- real property --- pronë e paluajtshme --- nekustamais īpašums --- nekilnojamasis turtas --- onroerend eigendom --- propriedade imobiliária --- własność nieruchoma --- kinnisasi --- onroerende zaken --- retsregler om fast ejendom --- diritto immobiliare --- bene immobile --- patrimonio immobiliare --- bem imobiliário --- Liegenschaftsrecht --- kiinteistö --- bien raíz --- bien immeuble --- недвижност --- nekustama lieta --- nepokretna imovina --- droit immobilier --- bien immobilier --- reality --- δικαίωμα επί ακινήτου --- onroerend goed --- имотно право --- kinnisvaraõigus --- Liegenschaft --- real estate --- immovable property --- ligj i pronës së paluajtshme --- земјишна книга --- unbewegliches Vermögen --- bien inmueble --- Grundstück --- právo k nemovitostem --- unbewegliches Gut --- dreptul proprietății imobiliare --- Derecho inmobiliario --- nehnuteľnosť --- bem imóvel --- law of real property --- ακίνητο --- pozemkové vlastnictví --- vlasništvo nad nekretninom --- nekustama manta --- direito imobiliário --- onroerendgoedrecht --- ingatlan tulajdonjoga --- ingatlanon fennálló dologi jog --- urørligt gods --- zákon o nehnuteľnostiach --- kinnisomand --- ακίνητη ιδιοκτησία --- kiinteistöoikeus --- nekilnojamojo turto teisė --- Immobilien --- ingatlan --- inmueble --- Derecho inmobiliario registral --- īpašuma tirgus --- Immobilienmarkt --- onroerendgoedmarkt --- suq tal-proprjetà --- egendomsmarknad --- trh nehnuteľností --- тржиште некретнина --- kinnisvaraturg --- nekilnojamojo turto rinka --- kiinteistömarkkinat --- ejendomsmarked --- пазар на недвижимите имоти --- rynek mieszkaniowy --- αγορά ακινήτων --- tržište nekretnina --- mercato immobiliare --- tregu i pasurive --- property market --- piață funciară --- пазар на имот --- ingatlanpiac --- mercado imobiliário --- mercado inmobiliario --- nepremičninski trg --- trh nemovitostí --- onroerend-goedmarkt --- trh s byty --- пазар на недвижен имот --- Wohnungsmarkt --- lakáspiac --- trh s nemovitostmi --- calaois --- fraudă --- fałszerstwo --- goljufija --- petos --- измама --- mashtrim --- frodi --- krāpšana --- bedrageri --- frode --- απάτη --- Betrug --- prijevara --- sukčiavimas --- podvod --- csalás --- превара --- bedrägeri --- fraud --- pettus --- defraudación --- eliminim i mashtrimit --- petosten ehkäisy --- zloupotreba --- pettuste vältimine --- lufta kundër mashtrimit --- petosten torjunta --- petosten torjuminen --- krāpnieciska darbība --- dolo --- krāpšanas apkarošana --- eliminarea fraudei --- oredligt förfarande --- csalás elleni küzdelem --- Betrugsbekämpfung --- předcházení podvodům --- sukčiavimo pašalinimas --- lest --- bestrijding van fraude --- pettustevastane võitlus --- beivrande av bedrägeri --- prevencia proti podvodom --- repressione delle frodi --- borba protiv zloupotrebe --- fight against fraud --- καταπολέμηση της απάτης --- kamp mot bedrägeri --- проневера --- prevenirea fraudei --- kova su sukčiavimu --- förebyggande av bedrägeri --- lotta contro le frodi --- lupta împotriva fraudei --- svig --- negodprātīga rīcība --- represión del fraude --- спречување перење пари --- lutte contre la fraude --- parandalim i mashtrimit --- pratica fraudolenta --- bekæmpelse af bedrageri --- luta contra a fraude --- πρόληψη απάτης --- prévention des fraudes --- Übervorteilung --- repressão de fraudes --- Betrugsverhütung --- cīņa pret krāpšanu --- fraud prevention --- prevenzione delle frodi --- forebyggelse af svig --- bekæmpelse af svig --- prevenção da fraude --- sukčiavimo prevencija --- bedrog --- καταστολή απάτης --- répression des fraudes --- onderdrukking van fraude --- stíhání podvodu --- csalás megelőzése --- борба против измама --- pettuste kõrvaldamine --- lucha contra el fraude --- apsauga nuo sukčiavimo --- boj proti podvodu --- elimination of fraud --- Ahndung von Betrugsfällen --- csalás kiküszöbölése --- спречување измама --- prevención del fraude --- eliminácia podvodu --- borsa nera --- uvedení v omyl --- sprečavanje zloupotrebe --- preventie tegen bedrog --- krāpšanas novēršana --- Immobilieneigentum --- Grundeigentum --- maoin réadach --- margadh réadmhaoine --- Grundstücksmarkt
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