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Comment prendre en compte le besoin de la société civile de s'investir dans la relation médecin-malade ? Faut-il l'encourager ? Faut-il le limiter ? L'entourage, les associations de familles, les pouvoirs publics viennent entre autres interférer dans la relation entre le psychiatre et son patient. Dès lors, comment se passe la prise en charge d'une personne malade sachant qu'elle implique plus que cette personne elle-même ?Il y a encore quelques années, le profane s'opposait à l'expert. Cependant, en s'immisçant dans la relation de soin, il apporte avec lui son expérience, sa sagesse, parfois
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First Published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Mentally ill --- Care
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Recovering from severe mental illness is one of the most terrifying human experiences in health care. Often conventional rehabilitation approaches focus on helping the patient with his or her symptoms and maximising the external world through supportive interventions. However, often little attention is paid to the internal world of the patient. This subjective experience of recovery is the focus of this book. It describes a particular psychoanalytic model that best captures this distressful state of mind and suggests particular processes that have to be put in place to ensure the patient gets the best opportunity to have his or her fears and hopes addressed. The book also addresses "real world" issues such as management, leadership and training, as well as highlighting key research findings from relevant studies. Outcome measures are suggested that could be adopted to measure the benefits of this particular approach. The chapters give many clinical, organisational and research descriptions from the real world of psychiatry and social care.
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Mentally ill --- Murder --- Investigation
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This open access book explores the history of pellagra, a vitamin deficiency disease brought about by a shift in agriculture to maize, and which was first identified in Italy in the 1760s. With a focus on the insanity that was caused by the disease, the authors examine how thousands of patients were treated in Italian psychiatric asylums, shedding light on the sufferer's point of view. Setting pellagrous insanity in a wider context of man-made or societal (anthropogenic) disease, where poverty, diet and disease meet, the book contributes to the history of medicine and science, the history of psychiatry, economic and social history, agrarian history, and food and nutrition history. Additionally, the authors aim to transnationalise Italian history by making comparisons with related issues, such as tertiary syphilis in the UK. Drawing from a wide range of printed and archival sources, including the writings of Italian medical investigators, the book examines how medical and scientific research was carried out during the long nineteenth century and the uncertainties that this engendered, in terms of classification, explanation, diagnosis and treatment. Offering a unique perspective on an endemic illness which came to be known as the disease of the four ds: dermatitis; diarrhea; dementia; and death, this book provides an engaging account of one of the most perplexing causes of mental illness.
Mentally ill --- Care
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