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La TVA est un impôt qui peut à la fois être simple pour certains et confus pour d’autres. Les taux de TVA applicables au secteur de la construction constituent notamment une branche particulièrement vaste, complexe et évolutive de cette matière fiscale. Le nombre croissant des règles législatives et administratives ainsi que la jurisprudence très dense des cours et tribunaux belges et de la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne ne simplifient en effet pas la tâche des différents opérateurs économiques que sont les entrepreneurs et leurs conseils fiscaux. Dès lors, l’ouvrage que vous tenez entre vos mains entend préciser et clarifier non seulement les règles générales, mais surtout les règles spécifiques (et elles sont nombreuses !) attachées aux travaux immobiliers, à l’achat ou à la construction de bâtiments. L’intégralité de ces informations actualisées est rassemblée dans un ouvrage unique, vous épargnant ainsi la fastidieuse recherche dans des sources d’informations multiples. La TVA et les taux réduits dans le secteur de la construction, qui en est à sa troisième édition, est en effet le seul ouvrage en Belgique qui présente de manière aussi claire, pratique et détaillée l’ensemble des règles relatives au secteur immobilier. Par un index thématique excessivement garni et précis, la recherche du taux applicable à un travail immobilier particulier sera en outre un jeu d’enfant pour le lecteur averti ou nonPlongez dans cet ouvrage de référence, très complet et parfaitement documenté, et découvrez tous les recoins des taux réduits dans le secteur de la construction !Mise à jour au 1er avril 2019.
btw --- onroerend goederen --- sociale woning --- gehandicapten --- onderwijsinstelling --- belgië --- tva --- bien immobiliers --- logement social --- handicapés --- établissement d'enseignement --- belgique --- Taxes --- Law of real property --- Tax law --- Belgium --- Construction --- Taxe sur la valeur ajoutée --- Droit fiscal --- Impôts --- Matériaux --- Industrie --- België --- istituzzjoni edukattiva --- haridusasutus --- instituții de învățământ --- образователна институция --- odgojno-obrazovna ustanova --- vzdelávací ústav --- istituto di istruzione --- instytucje oświatowe --- oppilaitos --- estabelecimento de ensino --- educational institution --- institucion arsimor --- läroanstalt --- образовна установа --- образовна институција --- izobraževalni zavod --- izglītības iestāde --- centro de enseñanza --- εκπαιδευτικό ίδρυμα --- výchovně vzdělávací zařízení --- Lehranstalt --- oktatási intézmény --- švietimo įstaiga --- undervisningsinstitution --- teaching institution --- escuela --- σχολικό ίδρυμα --- obrazovna ustanova --- σχολείο --- gimnazija --- výchovná instituce --- koulu --- skola --- εκπαιδευτήριο --- školicí středisko --- õppeasutus --- școli --- colegio --- shkollë --- iskola --- vzdělávací ústav --- estabelecimento escolar --- kool --- училиште --- alma mater --- opetuslaitos --- mokymo įstaiga --- undervisningsanstalt --- mokykla --- læreanstalt --- escola --- établissement scolaire --- institucion mësimor --- vyučovací ústav --- mācību iestāde --- schulische Einrichtung --- school --- Schule --- skole --- centro escolar --- istituto scolastico --- école --- škola --- Bildungseinrichtung --- strehim i subvencionuar --- субвенционирано живеалиште --- sociální byt --- социално жилище --- Sozialwohnung --- mieszkanie komunalne --- subsidised housing --- εργατικές κατοικίες --- socialno stanovanje --- sosiaalinen asuntotuotanto --- locuință socială --- sotsiaaleluruum --- abitazzjoni sussidjata --- szociális lakás --- habitação social --- socialinis būstas --- dotované bývanie --- subsidētas dzīvojamās ēkas --- социјални стан --- subvencionirano stanovanje --- social bolig --- vivienda social --- casa popolare --- subventionerad bostad --- ILM --- munitsipaalkorter --- sociální výstavba --- HLM --- matalavuokrainen asunto --- locuință subvenționată --- pašvaldības dzīvojamās ēkas --- akomodim me qira të ulët --- abitazione sociale --- socialbostäder --- bostadssocialt program --- социјален стан --- szociális bérlakás --- low rent accommodation --- council housing --- goedkope flat --- vivienda de protección oficial --- obecný byt --- dzīvojamā platība par zemu īres maksu --- дотирани станови --- immeuble à loyer modéré --- levný byt --- habitation à loyer modéré --- subsidized housing --- kaupungin vuokratalot --- önkormányzati bérlakás --- státní byt --- sotisaalpind --- nebrangus nuomojamas būstas --- sotsiaalkorter --- gradski stan --- ubytovanie s nízkym nájomným --- locuință cu chirie mică --- habitação de renda limitada --- sotsiaalmaja --- komunalinis būstas --- strehim i lirë shtetëror --- vivienda modesta --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgique --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- institiúid oideachais --- tithíocht fóirdheontais --- België
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Op 1 oktober 2018 ging Bernard Hubeau op emeritaat. De Universiteit Antwerpen huldigde hem op 21 november 2018 met een academische viering en dit Liber Amicorum. Dit boek is gestructureerd op basis van de specifieke speerpunten van het wetenschappelijk onderzoek en professionele leven van Bernard. Alle auteurs werden uitgenodigd om hun publicatie te situeren binnen één van de volgende speerpunten : de zwakke rechtsgebruiker ; rechtssociologie en de toegang tot het recht ; ruimtelijke ordening en het recht op wonen ; klachtenbehandeling en ombudswerk
Sociology of law --- Law of obligations. Law of contract --- Belgium --- BPB1812 --- Droit privé --- Droit social --- Aménagement du territoire --- Sociologie du droit --- Médiateur --- Logement social --- strehim i subvencionuar --- субвенционирано живеалиште --- sociální byt --- sociale woning --- социално жилище --- Sozialwohnung --- mieszkanie komunalne --- subsidised housing --- εργατικές κατοικίες --- socialno stanovanje --- sosiaalinen asuntotuotanto --- locuință socială --- sotsiaaleluruum --- abitazzjoni sussidjata --- szociális lakás --- habitação social --- socialinis būstas --- dotované bývanie --- subsidētas dzīvojamās ēkas --- социјални стан --- subvencionirano stanovanje --- social bolig --- vivienda social --- casa popolare --- subventionerad bostad --- ILM --- munitsipaalkorter --- sociální výstavba --- HLM --- matalavuokrainen asunto --- locuință subvenționată --- pašvaldības dzīvojamās ēkas --- akomodim me qira të ulët --- abitazione sociale --- socialbostäder --- bostadssocialt program --- социјален стан --- szociális bérlakás --- low rent accommodation --- council housing --- goedkope flat --- vivienda de protección oficial --- obecný byt --- dzīvojamā platība par zemu īres maksu --- дотирани станови --- immeuble à loyer modéré --- levný byt --- habitation à loyer modéré --- subsidized housing --- kaupungin vuokratalot --- önkormányzati bérlakás --- státní byt --- sotisaalpind --- nebrangus nuomojamas būstas --- sotsiaalkorter --- gradski stan --- ubytovanie s nízkym nájomným --- locuință cu chirie mică --- habitação de renda limitada --- sotsiaalmaja --- komunalinis būstas --- strehim i lirë shtetëror --- vivienda modesta --- pravobranitelj --- Mittler --- közvetítő --- posrednik --- tarpininkas --- bemiddelaar --- rzecznik praw obywatelskich --- посредник --- forligsmand --- vidutājs --- medlare --- medjatur --- ombudsman --- sovittelija --- mediator --- διαμεσολαβητής --- народен правобранител --- sprostredkovateľ --- ndërmjetës --- Provedor de Justiça --- Defensor del Pueblo --- difensore civico --- avocatul poporului --- lepitaja --- ochránce práv ve veřejné správě --- mediátor --- prostředník --- komisař pro lidská práva --- Ararteko --- pověřenec pro občanské záležitosti --- zástupce občanů --- Síndic de Greuges --- Justicia de Aragón --- oikeusasiamies --- ombudsmenas --- Valedor do Pobo --- Diputado del Común --- Ombuds --- ombudsmand --- омбутсман --- zprostředkovatel pro občanské záležitosti --- įgaliotinis --- avokat populli --- επίτροπος διοικήσεως --- Ombudsmann --- Procurador del Común --- Seimo kontrolierius --- Ombudsman --- veřejný ochránce práv --- rechtssociologie --- retssociologi --- sociologia del diritto --- sociology of law --- soċjoloġija tad-dritt --- teisės sociologija --- socjologia prawa --- oikeussosiologia --- rättssociologi --- sociológia práva --- sociologie práva --- κοινωνιολογία του δικαίου --- Rechtssoziologie --- sociologia dreptului --- õigussotsioloogia --- социологическо право --- социологија права --- sociología del Derecho --- jogszociológia --- социологија на правото --- sociologia do direito --- sociologji e së drejtës --- sociologija prava --- tiesību socioloģija --- sociologji ligjore --- правна социологија --- právní sociologie --- juridische sociologie --- legal sociology --- právna sociológia --- asulaplaneerimine --- plánovanie rozvoja mesta a vidieka --- rregullimi i territorit --- ordenamento do território --- пространствено планиране --- planowanie przestrzenne --- teritorijų planavimas --- pleanáil agus forbairt acmhainní --- town and country planning --- assetto territoriale --- pilsētu un lauku plānojums --- územní plánování --- planificare urbană și regională --- Raumplanung --- prostorno planiranje --- területszervezés --- просторно планирање --- χωροταξία --- urbanistika u ppjanar tal-ispazji --- ordenación del territorio --- kaavoitus --- egnsplanlægning --- fysisk planering --- prostorsko načrtovanje --- ruimtelijke ordening --- prostorni plan --- miestų ir kaimų planavimas --- pleanáil spásúlachta --- bainistíocht talún --- teritorinis planavimas --- pilsētu un lauku plānošana --- településtervezés --- урбанистичко планирање --- socialinė teisė --- legjislacion social --- socialret --- социјално право --- prawo socjalne --- diritto sociale --- Sozialrecht --- sotsiaalõigusaktid --- социално право --- sosiaalilainsäädäntö --- socijalno zakonodavstvo --- szociális jogszabályok --- sociālo tiesību akti --- sociaal recht --- sociallagstiftning --- socialna zakonodaja --- direito social --- социјално законодавство --- legislație socială --- κοινωνικό δίκαιο --- social legislation --- Derecho social --- leġiżlazzjoni soċjali --- sociálna legislatíva --- sociální právo --- sociální zákony --- sociālā likumdošana --- normativa sociale --- szociális jog --- sociale wetgeving --- sociálně-právní legislativa --- κοινωνική νομοθεσία --- législation sociale --- tiesību akti sociālajā jomā --- legislación social --- reglamentación social --- sociallovgivning --- Sozialgesetzgebung --- legislação social --- legislazione sociale --- privatno pravo --- soukromé právo --- privāttiesības --- magánjog --- drept privat --- e drejtë private --- приватно право --- zasebno pravo --- Privatrecht --- yksityisoikeus --- prawo prywatne --- diritto privato --- Derecho privado --- private law --- privaatrecht --- частно право --- privaträtt --- dritt privat --- privatret --- direito privado --- ιδιωτικό δίκαιο --- privatinė teisė --- eraõigus --- súkromné právo --- E-books --- pleanáil bhaile agus tuaithe --- tithíocht fóirdheontais --- idirghabhálaí --- socheolaíocht an dlí --- reachtaíocht shóisialta --- dlí príobháideach --- Droit privé --- Aménagement du territoire --- Médiateur --- logement social --- sociologie du droit --- droit social --- Law --- Droit --- Justice --- Philosophy --- Philosophy. --- Philosophie --- Camus, Albert, --- Hubeau, Bernard
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Het aantal ouderen neemt sterk toe. Velen willen oud worden in de woning waarin ze nu wonen. Ze worden daar overigens toe aangemoedigd door het ouderenbeleid. Maar is de woning en woonomgeving, waar men in "actievere" jaren woonde, ook de geschikte plaats om ouder te worden?Dit boek focust op private en sociale huurders met een beperkt budget die in de stad Gent wonen. Op basis van diepte-interviews geeft het een beeld van hoe deze mensen hun woonsituatie ervaren en hoe ze hun toekomst als arme oudere zien. Zijn hun appartementen toegankelijk? Hoe zit het met de voorzieningen in de buurt? Hoe ervaren ze de toegenomen diversiteit in hun omgeving? Biedt de stad een goede woonomgeving om ouder te worden? Is er informele of formele zorg voorhanden?Antwoorden op deze vragen leiden tot aanbevelingen omtrent ouderen-, woon-, ruimtelijk en welzijnsbeleid.In het boek "Oud, arm en huurder" vind je geen tabellen, grafieken en koude cijfers, maar wel menselijke, vaak aandoenlijke verhalen. Over burenhulp en eenzaamheid, over trappen en liften, over wonen en zorg. (, december 2020)
wonen --- 711 --- Dwellings --- Housing --- Older people --- Ouderen --- Wonen --- Woonomgeving --- Age group sociology --- Social policy --- Law of obligations. Law of contract --- bejaarden --- woonbeleid --- huur --- stedelijk leefmilieu --- maatschappelijke kwetsbaarheid --- BPB9999 --- Huisvesting --- Ouderenzorg --- Vlaanderen --- 665 Ouderen --- 480 Wonen --- BPB2103 --- vieillissement de la population --- logement social --- Belgique --- Belgium --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- België --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- strehim i subvencionuar --- субвенционирано живеалиште --- sociální byt --- sociale woning --- социално жилище --- Sozialwohnung --- mieszkanie komunalne --- subsidised housing --- εργατικές κατοικίες --- socialno stanovanje --- sosiaalinen asuntotuotanto --- locuință socială --- sotsiaaleluruum --- abitazzjoni sussidjata --- szociális lakás --- habitação social --- socialinis būstas --- dotované bývanie --- subsidētas dzīvojamās ēkas --- социјални стан --- subvencionirano stanovanje --- social bolig --- vivienda social --- casa popolare --- subventionerad bostad --- ILM --- munitsipaalkorter --- sociální výstavba --- HLM --- matalavuokrainen asunto --- locuință subvenționată --- pašvaldības dzīvojamās ēkas --- akomodim me qira të ulët --- abitazione sociale --- socialbostäder --- bostadssocialt program --- социјален стан --- szociális bérlakás --- low rent accommodation --- council housing --- goedkope flat --- vivienda de protección oficial --- obecný byt --- dzīvojamā platība par zemu īres maksu --- дотирани станови --- immeuble à loyer modéré --- levný byt --- habitation à loyer modéré --- subsidized housing --- kaupungin vuokratalot --- önkormányzati bérlakás --- státní byt --- sotisaalpind --- nebrangus nuomojamas būstas --- sotsiaalkorter --- gradski stan --- ubytovanie s nízkym nájomným --- locuință cu chirie mică --- habitação de renda limitada --- sotsiaalmaja --- komunalinis būstas --- strehim i lirë shtetëror --- vivienda modesta --- rahvastiku vananemine --- väestön ikääntyminen --- befolkningsaldring --- population ageing --- стареење на населението --- åldrande befolkning --- starenje stanovništva --- gyventojų senėjimas --- starnutie obyvateľstva --- îmbătrânirea populației --- a népesség elöregedése --- застаряване на населението --- старење становништва --- Überalterung der Bevölkerung --- envejecimiento de la población --- staranje prebivalstva --- starzenie się społeczeństwa --- stárnutí obyvatelstva --- invecchiamento della popolazione --- envelhecimento da população --- δημογραφική γήρανση --- plakje e popullsisë --- tixjiħ tal-popolazzjoni --- vergrijzing van de bevolking --- visuomenės senėjimas --- aosú an daonra --- демографско стареење на населението --- demografické starnutie --- starzenie się ludności --- demograafiline vananemine --- застаряващо население --- ageing of the population --- befolkningens stigende gennemsnitsalder --- elanikkonna vananemine --- aldrende befolkning --- demografische vergrijzing --- idősödő népesség --- senėjanti visuomenė --- befolkningens aldring --- demographic ageing --- befolkningsåldring --- demogrāfiskā novecošana --- starenje populacije --- ökande andel äldre --- envejecimiento demográfico --- стареене на населението --- demografinis senėjimas --- demografisk aldring --- väestön iän kasvu --- envelhecimento demográfico --- vergrijzing --- iedzīvotāju novecošana --- îmbătrânire demografică --- πληθυσμιακή γήρανση --- aldrende samfund --- demografické stárnutí --- grijze druk --- tixjiħ demografiku --- γήρανση του πληθυσμού --- Demografische Alterung --- starenje stanovnika --- růst průměrné délky života --- népességelöregedés --- väestön vanheneminen --- stárnutí populace --- väestön iän nousu --- invecchiamento demografico --- demografsko starenje --- iedzīvotāju populācijas novecošana --- vieillissement démographique --- Alterung der Bevölkerung --- starnutie populácie --- 711.13 --- 711.4(493) --- 351.778.5(493) --- 316.334 --- Stedenbouw ; socio-economische aspecten ; België --- Architectuur ; voor ouderen ; voor bejaarden --- Stedenbouw. Ruimtelijke ordening ; sociale geografie ; socio-economische aspecten ; stadsgeografie --- Stedenbouw. Ruimtelijke ordening ; stedelijke ontwikkeling ; België --- Openbaar bestuur ; woonbeleid ; volkshuisvesting ; België --- Sociologie van stad en platteland --- Oudere --- Gemeenschap --- School --- Buurt --- Emigratie --- Ghent --- tithíocht fóirdheontais --- Armoede --- Gent --- ouderen --- armoede
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the comparative study of religion --- Hinduism --- the Rig Veda --- the Brahmanas --- the Upanishads --- the yoga-sutra of Patanjali --- the Age of Ferment --- the Mahabharata of Vyasa --- the Bhagavad Gita --- the Ramayana of Valmiki --- the Shastras --- the Puranas --- the Tantras --- theology and philosophy in the Vedanta --- vernacular Hinduism in South India --- the Tevaram of Cuntarar --- the Periya Puranam of Cekkilar --- the Cilappatikaram of Ilanko Atikal --- the Tiruvaymoli of Nammalvar --- Shiva's warriors and wives in Kannada --- Basava and the Virashaivas --- Mahadeviyakka --- Telugu --- the Basava Purana of Palkuriki Somanatha --- Tirupati --- Annamayya --- Kshetrayya --- Rama --- Malayalam --- Kumaran Asan --- diaspora --- Hinduism in Cambodia, Java, and Bali --- vernacular Hinduism in North India --- the Bijak of Kabir --- Surdas --- Mirabai --- Tulsi Das --- Tukaram of Maharashtra --- Gods --- holy men --- caste and the Varkaris --- illusion and Bhakti --- Bengal --- Jayadeva --- Vidyapati --- Chandidas --- Govinda-Das --- Balarama-Das --- Chaitanya and Krishnadas Kaviraja --- Rupa Goswami --- Narottama Das --- Ketaka Das --- Ramprasad Sen --- Fakir Lalon Shah --- James Battery and W.H. Macnaghten --- Rammohun Roy --- Michael Madshusudan Datta --- Swami Vivekananda --- modernity --- folk Hinduism --- tribal Hinduism --- Dalit Hinduism --- Gujarat --- Nagaland --- Andhra Pradesh --- Adivasi Hinduism --- Gonds --- Rajnengi Pardhan --- Muria --- tribal groups --- Rabindranath Tagore --- Gitanjali --- Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi --- Prem Chand --- Nirala --- Mahasveta Devi --- Anantha Murthy --- Anumandla Bhumayya --- Vilas Sarang --- Salman Rushdie --- Purushottam Nagesh Oak --- Kancha Ilaiah --- A.K. Ramanujan --- the Agganna Sutta --- King Shibi --- the Shibi Jataka --- Prince Vessantara --- the Vessantara Jataka --- the Buddha --- the Ariyapariyesana Sutta --- the life of the Buddha --- the Nidanakatha --- the Buddha's final days --- the final Nirvana --- the Mahaparinibbana Sutta --- the Wheel of the Dharma --- the Dhammachakkappavattana Sutta --- the Tevijja Sutta --- mindfulness --- the Satipatthana Sutta --- the Dhammapada --- Buddhist philosophy --- the Atthakavagga --- the Rhinoceros Horn Sutta --- the Khaggavisana Sutta --- the Therigatha --- the Mangala Sutta --- Kunala --- legend of Ashoka --- the Ashokavadana --- the Metta Sutta --- Buddhaghosa --- path of purification --- the Visuddhimagga --- the law of karma --- Vasubandhu --- the Abhidharmakosha --- Mahayana Sutras --- the Lotus Sutra --- the Saddharmapundarika --- the Vimalakirti Sutra --- the Sukhavativyuha Sutra --- the Diamond Sutra --- the Vajracchedika Prajnaparamita --- the Tathagatagarbha Sutra --- the Heart Sutra --- the Prajnaparamitahridaya Sutra --- Nagarjuna --- the Madhyamakakarika --- the Catuhstava --- Matricheta --- Kanishka --- the Kanishkalekha --- Bodhisattva --- Shantideva --- the Bodhicaryavatara --- Kamalashila --- the Bhavanakrama --- Buddhist Tantra --- rebirth --- the Sarvadurgatiparishodhana Tantra --- the complete enlightenment of Vairochana --- the Vairochanabhisambodhi Tantra --- tantric masters --- Abhayadatta --- the Chaturashitisiddhaprevritti --- Virupa --- Saraha --- the twenty-one Taras --- Buddhism in China --- the Shishi'er Zhang Jing --- the Dasheng Qixin Lun --- faith and practice --- the Bodhi Tree --- Xuanzang --- the Da tang Xiyu Ji --- the Hongzan Fahua Zhuan --- the origins of Zen --- the Liuzu Tan Jing --- Linji --- the Linji Lu --- the Ten Kings of Hell --- the Shiwang Jing --- Dahui --- the Zhi Yue Lu --- Chinese pilgrims --- Wu Cheng'en --- the Xi You Ji --- Dharani Sutra --- Baiyi Dabei Wuyinxin Tuoluoni Jing --- Buddhism in Korea --- Wonhyo --- Palsim Suhaeng Chang --- Chinul --- Susim Kyeol --- Buddhism in Japan --- the esoteric --- Kukai --- the Benkenmitsu Nikyo Ron --- Amithaba's Vow --- Shinran --- Tannisho --- Dogen --- the Shobogenzo --- Nichiren --- the Rissho Ankokuron --- Muju Ichien --- Shasekishu --- Buppo Yume Monogatari --- Ikkyu --- Gaikotsu --- Hakuin --- Orategama --- Buddhism in Tibet --- Chekawa --- the Lojong Tsik Gyeme Drelpa --- Milerepa --- Tsangnyon Heruka --- the Mile Namtar --- Tsong kha pa --- the Lam Rim Chen Mo --- Mangtho Ludrup Gyatso --- Nyamlen Nyingpo --- Janggya --- Dende Silwa Derje Daser --- Patrul Rinpoche --- Kunzang Lame Shelung --- modern Buddhism --- Chicago --- Anagarika Dharmapala --- India --- B.R. Ambedkar --- meditation --- Mahasi Sayadaw --- Vipassana --- San Francisco Zen --- Shunryu Suzuki --- America --- Gary Snyder --- Nobel Peace Prize --- the Dalai Lama --- Daoism --- the Zhou Dynasty --- the Qin Dynasty --- the book of Master Mo --- Mozi --- Daode Jing --- Laozi --- the book of Master Zhuang --- Zhuangzi --- Master of Huainan --- Huainan-zi --- Neiye --- Zhouyi cantong qi --- the book of Master Han Fei --- Han Feizi --- Jielao --- Sima Tan --- Heshang gong --- the six lineages of thought --- Lun liujia yaozhi --- classical Daoism --- the Han Dynasty --- the Six Dynasties period --- Taiping jing --- Laozi ming --- Laozi bianhua jing --- Cao Zhi --- Taishan --- Xiang Kai --- Emperor Huan --- Buddhism and Daoism --- Wang Fu --- conversion --- Laozi xiang'er zhu --- Dadao jia lingjie --- Xuandu lüwen --- Taishang huangting neijing yujing --- Taishing lingbao wufu xu --- absorption of solar and lunar essences --- Huangdi jiuding shendan jing --- Ge Hong --- Baopu zi neipian --- Shenxian zhuan --- Li Changzai --- Zhang Ling --- Nüqing guilü --- the record of the ten continents --- the demon statutes of lady blue --- Shizhou ji --- Laojun shuo yibai bashi jie --- Dongyuan shenzhou jing --- Zhen'gao --- Master Zhou --- Zhoushi mingtong ji --- Tao Hongjing --- Huangtiang shangqing jinque dijun lingshu ziwen shangjing --- Jinque dijun sanyuan zhenyi jing --- Lingbao wuliang duren shangpin miaojing --- Mingzhen zhai --- Lu xiansheng daomen kelüe --- Lu Xiujing --- Dongxuann lingbao wugan wen --- Taishang laojun kaitian jing --- Daoxue zhuan --- Santian neijie jing --- Dazhong songzhang --- Liu Yiqing --- Shishuo xinyu --- Daoist talismans --- Zhen Luan --- Xiaodao lun --- the consolidation and expansion of Daoism --- the Sui Dynasty --- the Tang Dynasty --- Japan --- Tibet --- China --- Zhengyi fawen xiuzhen zhiyao --- Shangqing mingtang yuanzhen jingjue --- Zhang Wanfu --- Chuanshou sandong jingjie falu lüeshuo --- Xuanlan renniao shan jingtu --- Dongxuan lingbao sandong fengdao kejie yingshi --- Taishang laojun neiguan jing --- Shitou Xiqian --- Cantong qi --- Yan Zhenqing --- Jin zixu yuanjun ling shangzhen siming nanyue furen xiantan beiming --- Wu Yun --- Buxu Ci --- Li Bo --- Mount Tai --- Bo Juyi --- Li Ao --- Fuxing shu --- Guifeng Zongmi --- Yuanren lun --- Du Guangting --- Yoncheng jixian lu --- Wang Fajin --- Ms. Wang --- Mao Ying --- Wei of Nanyue --- Li Quan --- Shenxian ganyu zhuan --- Daojiao lingyan ji --- Foshuo sanchu jing --- Qincheng Mountain --- Xiu qincheng shan zhuguan gongde ji --- the Master of Yanling --- Yanling xiansheng ji xinjiu fuqi jing --- Yu Xuanji --- Shanshui --- Huangfu Mei --- Nihongi --- Kakinomoto No Asomi Hitomaro --- the palace at Yoshino --- Sango shiki --- Kyobu --- Kamsan monastery --- the Song Dynasty --- the Yuan Dynasty --- Jindan longhu jing --- Zhang Boduan --- Wuzhen pian --- Zeng bailongdong Liu daoren ge --- Zhou Dunyi --- Taijitu shuo --- Shao Yong --- Wuming jun zhuan --- Yuan Miaozong --- Zhenren --- Taishang zhuguo jiumin zongzhen biyao --- Hong Mai --- Yijian --- Yijian zhi --- Qinghe --- Qinghe neizhuan --- Daoist ritual --- Daofa huiyuan --- Lingbao heavens --- transcendent salvation --- Yuanshi lingbao ziran jiutian shenghua chaodu yinlian bijue --- Baj Yuchan --- Leifu zou shiyi xun danzhang --- Wang Qizhen --- Shangqing heaven --- Shangqing lingbao dafa --- Taishang ganying pian --- Wang Zhe --- Chongyang lijiao shiwu lun --- Li Zhichang --- Changchun zhenren xiyou ji --- the Palace of Eternal Joy --- Yuan Congyi --- You Tang Chunyang lü zhenren citang ji --- Wang E --- Dachao chongjian Chunyang wanshou gong zhi bei --- Wang Daoyuan --- Huandan biyao lun --- Zhongli of the Han --- Lan Caihe --- enlightenment --- Han Zhong Li dutuo Lan Caihe --- Samguk yusa --- Podok --- Koguryo --- Samguk sagi --- Yon Kaesomun --- standardization and unification of Daoism --- the Ming Dynasty --- the Qing Dynasty --- Beiyou ji --- Sanshan fudi zhi --- Hanshan Deqing --- the Laozi and Zhuangzi --- Matteo Ricci --- religious sects --- Taiyi jinhua zongzhi --- Fu Shan --- Duan Honglong --- He Longxiang --- female alchemy --- Nüdan hebian --- Zhang Sanfeng --- Caizhen jiyao --- Min Yide --- Jin'gai xindeng --- Zhao Daojian --- Wang Changyue --- the hermits of Huashan --- shamanistic exorcism --- the Daoist Wang --- Wang daoren daoxing bei --- modern Chinese history --- the Yao of Southeast Asia --- Alfred, Lord Tennyson --- Oscar Wilde --- Taoism --- Martin Buber --- Chuang Tzu --- Carl Gustav Jung --- Chen Yingning --- Koujoue gouxuan lu --- Fangnei Sanren --- Dachu su --- Yoshitoyo Yoshioka --- Daoist monastic life --- Paul Shih-yi Hsiao --- Heidegger --- the Daode Jing --- Xu Jianguao --- reactionary Daoist cults --- Mount Nanyue --- George Harrison --- Fritjof Capra --- modern physics and Eastern Mysticism --- Qian Zhongshi --- Guanzhui bian --- mystical philosophies --- communal ritual --- Putian, Fukian --- Penang, Malaysia --- Ursula K. Le Guin --- Tao Te Ching --- RZA --- the Wu-Tang Manual --- Confucianism --- the Chinese Daoist Association on Global Ecology --- Judaism --- Israel --- First Temple literature --- the Bible --- Enuma Elish --- the legend of Sargon --- Torah --- Genesis --- Adam and Eve in Eden --- Hagar --- Judah --- Exodus --- Moses --- Egypt --- Mount Sinai --- the Ten Commandments --- Leviticus --- Aaron --- Deuteronomy --- Josiah --- psalms --- prophets --- Hosea --- Amos --- the Israelites --- Isaiah --- Jeremiah --- Ezekiel --- the Valley of Bones --- Second Temple literature --- Job --- Satan --- God --- Ecclesiastes --- Daniel --- prophecy of the end of time --- Ben Sira --- Ecclesiasticus --- Maccabees --- Eleazar --- martyrdom --- Enoch --- the Apocalypse --- Judgment Day --- the Sabbath --- Dead Sea Scrolls --- the Yahad's rule --- the Damascus document --- Habbakuk --- the Kittim --- God's prophecy --- the War Scroll --- Jewish literature in Ancient Greek --- Letter of Aristeas (to Philocrates) --- Philo of Alexandria --- the divine laws --- Roman Egypt --- Flavius Josephus --- the Jewish War --- Judaea under Roman rule --- the Rabbis --- the oral Torah --- Pirkei Avot --- the chain of oral transmissions from Sinai --- sayings of the Rabbis --- Babylonian Talmud --- Menachot --- Yeshiva --- Tosefta Sotah --- Bava Batra --- Eruvin --- Tosefta Eduyot --- Bava Metzia --- 'Akhnai --- Avot de-Rabbi Nathan --- the first Rabbinic Academy --- Midrash --- Revelation --- law and legend --- the laws of Sabbath observance and work --- labour --- food --- Genesis Rabbah --- legends on the creation of the world --- the Hebrew letter 'Beth' --- legends on the binding of Isaac --- Pirkei de-Rabbi Eliezer --- Samael versus Abraham --- the Rabbis among Pagans and Jews --- the Rabbis and Greek culture --- Mishnah --- Avodah Zarah --- Aphrodite --- Jerusalem Talmud --- Berachot --- Lady Yaltha --- Lady Beruriah --- Sotah --- synagogue and liturgy --- Tosefta Megillah --- Smyrna --- Aleinu --- Kaddish --- Haggadah shel Pesach --- Lamentations Rabbah --- Sanhedrin --- Sefer Zerubbabel --- Tosefta Hagiga --- Aher --- the myth of Sar Torah --- Sefer Yetsirah --- numerology and Gematria --- the Jewish Middle Ages --- Joseph Ben Judah Ibn Aqnin --- Tibb al-Nufus --- philosophy --- Saadya Gaon --- Creatio ex Nihilo --- Salomon Ben Jeroham --- Milhamot ha-Shem --- Karaite --- Sa'adiah --- Judah Halevi --- the Kuzari --- the Jewish people --- Moses Maimonides --- Isaac Abravanel --- Rosh Amanah --- Hai Gaon --- Teshuvot ha-Ge'onim --- Anan Ben David --- Karaite law of Sabbath --- Mishneh Torah --- Abraham Ben David of Posquières --- Rabad --- Meir of Rothenburg --- Maharam --- martyrdom and suicide --- Joseph Karo --- Shulhan Arukh --- Bible commentary --- Rashi --- Rabbi Shlomo Itzhaki --- Abraham Ibn Ezra --- Ramban --- Rabbi Moses Ben Nahman --- Nahmanides --- poetry --- sacred and secular --- Eleazar Ben Kallir --- Zion and God --- Ephraim of Bonn --- Dunash Ben Labrat --- the wife of Dunash --- Yitzhaq Ibn Mar Sha'ul --- Spain --- Samuel Ha-Nagid --- Solomon Ibn Gabirol --- Moses Ibn Ezra --- Todros Abulafia --- piety --- Bahya Ibn Pakuda --- Hovot ha-Levavot --- asceticism --- Judah the Hassid --- Sefer Hassidim --- Gan Eden --- Eleazar of Worms --- Hasidic piety --- Ben Sirah --- Lilith --- Adam --- Sefer Rezial --- Rabbi Kalonymous --- women's spirituality --- Tekhines --- the Mitzvah --- women's Mitzvot and the female body --- Glückel of Hameln --- mysticism --- Moses de Léon and the rise of Kabbalah --- the Zohar --- Be-Reshit --- the Messiah --- Parashat Be-Reshit --- Isaac Luria and the transformation of Kabbalah in Palestine --- Luria on creation --- Luria on prayer --- Solomon Alkabetz --- Lekhah Dodi --- Dybbuk --- medieval Messianism --- politics and mysticism --- the Barcelona disputation --- Nathan of Gaza --- Raphael Joseph --- Sabbatai Zevi --- Abraham Miguel Cardozo --- Hasidism and its opponents --- Rabbi Israel Ben Eliezer --- Baal Shem Tov --- The Besht --- Rabbi Gershon --- the dance of the Hasidim --- the Lithuanian Jew and the Besht --- Zava'at ha-Rivash --- Keter Shem Tov --- Dov Baer, the Maggid of Meseritch --- Maggid Devarav Le-Yaakov --- Rabbi Levi Yitzhak of Berdichev --- Kedushat Levi --- Rabbi Menahem Mendel of Vitebsk --- Pri ha-Aretz --- the Zaddik --- Rabbi Nahman of Bratslav --- Kitzur Likutey Moharan --- Likutey Moharan Kama --- the Brody Proclamation --- Hayyim of Volozhin --- Nefesh ha-Hayyim --- Lishmah --- modern Judaism --- Baruch Spinoza --- Theology --- politics --- Moses Mendelssohn --- historicism --- Immanuel Wolf --- science of Judaism --- Nahman Krochmal --- Moreh Nevukhe ha-Zeman --- Heinrich Graetz --- history of the Jews --- the Diaspora and Jewish literature --- Gershom Scholem --- Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi --- Zakhor --- Jewish historicism --- nineteenth-century religious movements --- reform --- Samuel Holdheim --- Talmud and reform --- Abraham Geiger --- present-day Judaism --- orthodoxy --- Moses Sofer --- the Reformed Temple --- Moses Schick --- herecy --- Samson Raphael Hirsch --- Akiva Schlesinger --- Lev ha-Ivri --- Israel Meir Kagan Poupko --- the Hafetz Hayim --- Sefer Homat ha-Dat --- religious reform --- Zecharias Frankel --- changes in Judaism --- modern Halakhah --- Mishnah Berurah --- Moshe Feinstein --- Arthur H. Neulander --- the use of electricity on the Sabbath --- Rahel Morpurgo --- Emma Lazarus --- the Jewish synagogue at Newport --- the tradition in twentieth-century Jewish thought --- Hermann Cohen --- Hasidism and modern man --- Mordecai Kaplan --- Franz Rosenzweig --- Joseph Ber Soloveitchik --- Halakhic man --- Abraham Joshua Heschel --- feminist thinkers --- Alicia Ostriker --- Rachel Adler --- Halakhah and the Jewish woman --- theology of purity --- Sara Reguer --- Judith Plaskow --- Shoah --- Emil L. Fackenheim --- Auschwitz --- Primo Levi --- Richard Rubenstein --- Elie Wiesel --- Nely Sachs --- Jacob Glatstein --- Amir Gilboa --- Paul Celan --- Dan Pagis --- Zionism and the State of Israel --- Ahad Ha'am --- Asher Ginsberg --- Aaron David Gordon --- Abraham Isaac Kook --- nationalism and Zion --- Hebrew humanism --- Yeshayahu Leibowitz --- the religious significance of the State of Israel --- secular Jews --- Micha Yosef Berdichevsky --- Hayyim Nahman Bialik --- Ha-Masmid --- Saul Tchernikhovsky --- Franz Kafka --- Kadya Molodowsky --- Moses and Aaron --- revelation and tradition as religious categories in Judaism --- Yehuda Amichai --- Philip Roth --- circumcision and the secular Jew --- Christianity --- the Apostolic Era --- the Old Testament --- Samuel --- Hannah --- Psalms --- Proverbs --- the New Testament --- John --- Luke --- Matthew --- Mark --- Elijah --- Acts --- Letters of Paul --- Corinthians --- Romans --- Galatians --- Christ Jesus --- Philippians --- Hebrews --- James --- the Letter to the Hebrews --- James 2:14-24 --- the Patristic Era --- early Christian worship --- Saint Justin martyr --- the Didache --- Egeria --- Saint John Chrysostom --- the Eucharistic prayer in the Byzantine liturgy --- the Roman persecutions --- Tacitus --- Pliny the Jounger --- the Emperor Trajan --- the martyrdom of Polycarp --- Origen --- Christian Gospels --- the Gospel of Thomas --- the Protoevangelium of James --- Christian belief --- Irenaeus of Lyons --- Tertullian --- Roman circus --- theater --- gladiatorial games --- the First Ecumenical Council --- the Second Ecumenical Council --- Nicaea --- Constantinople --- the Third Ecumenical Council --- Ephesus --- the Fourth Ecumenical Council --- Saint John of Damascus --- pseudo-Dionysus the Areopagite --- mystical theology --- Saint Jerome --- Saint Augustine of Hippo --- Sulpicius Severus --- Saint Martin --- Saint Patrick --- early Christian hymnody --- Prudentius --- the blessed martyr Lawrence --- Saint Ephrem the Syrian --- the nativity --- Saint Romanos the Melodist --- the ascetic tradition --- Saint Athanasius of Alexandria --- Anthony --- Saint Gregory of Nyssa --- Macrina --- Saint Macrina --- Saint Benedict of Nursia --- the Middle Ages --- missionary expansion --- Saint Bede the Venerable --- ecclesiastical history of the English people --- Rudolf of Fulda --- Abbess Leoba --- Russia --- Medieval Monasticism --- Saint Anselm of Canterbury --- meditations --- human redemption --- Saint Hildegard of Bingen --- Scivias --- Saint Bernard of Clairvaux --- the Mendicanti tradition --- Saint Francis of Assisi --- Saint Thomas Aquinas --- Summa contra Gentiles --- Medieval Latin hymnody --- Wipo --- the Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance --- hell and heaven --- creation and creator --- Dante Alighieri --- the Divine Comedy --- Meister Eckhart --- Saint Catherine of Siena --- Julian of Norwich --- Thomas à Kempis --- William Langland --- Piers Plowman --- Margery Kempe --- the Archbishop of York --- Geoffrey Chaucer --- the Canterbury Tales --- Reformations and the wars of religion --- the Protestant Reformation in Germany, France, and England --- Martin Luther --- Catechism --- John Calvin --- the Christian religion --- Thomas Cranmer --- martyrology --- Elizabeth --- Anabaptism --- Henry More --- the Elizabethan Jesuits --- the trial and execution of Robert Southwell --- Spanish mystics and the Catholic Reformation --- Saint Ignatius of Loyola --- spiritual exercices --- Saint Teresa of Avila --- Christianity in the New World and China --- Bartolomé de las Casas --- Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz --- Sister Philoteia --- Nicholas Trigault --- seventeenth-century Jesuit missionary in China --- Baroque devotion --- conversion and counterconversion --- John Donne --- George Herbert --- Richard Crashaw --- the Countess of Denbigh --- salvation --- John Milton --- Paradise Lost --- John Bunyan --- Protestant Catholics --- Catholic Protestants --- Blaise Pascal --- Roger Williams --- Hermann Samuel Reimarus --- Jean-Jacques Rousseau --- Friedrich Schleiermacher --- Adolf von Harnack --- Alfred Firmin Loisy --- Romanticism --- nature --- Nicolas von Zinzendorf --- Herrnhut --- Jonathan Edwards --- John Wesley --- Charles Wesley --- Joseph Smith --- Charlotte Elliott --- Jarena Lee --- Thomas Wentworth Higginson --- negro spirituals --- Julia Ward Howe --- fear and faith --- John Henry Newman --- Sören Kierkegaard --- G.K. Chesterton --- Thomas Henry Huxley --- Agnosticism and Christianity --- Matthew Arnold --- Emily Dickinson --- Gerard Manley Hopkins --- David Livingstone --- missionary travels and researches in South Africa --- Albert Schweitzer --- Christianity and the religions of the world --- Jane Addams --- Wilfred Owen --- T.S. Elliot --- the Magi --- Bertrand Russell --- Karl Barth --- Reinhold Niebuhr --- the Christian Church --- pacifism --- Dietrich Bonhoeffer --- W.H. Auden --- Flossenburg --- William Temple --- Simone Weil --- Mother Maria Skobtsova --- Dorothy Day --- Paul Tillich --- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin --- Thomas Merton --- C.S. Lewis --- Martin Luther King, Jr. --- the Second Vatican Council --- Gustavo Gutiérrez --- liberation theology --- Desmond Tutu --- Rigoberta Menchu --- Czeslaw Milosz --- Yeon Mee Lee --- political reception of the Bible --- Korean Minjung --- theological interpretation of the Bible --- Christian de Chergé --- Liu Zhenying --- Brother Yun --- Pope John Paul II --- ecumenical patriarch Bartholomew I --- environmental ethics --- Christian Wiman --- Islam --- submission to God --- Qur'an --- Sura --- Sira --- Ibn Hisham --- The life of Muhammad --- Khadija --- Khuwaylid --- 'Ali b. Abu Talib --- public preaching --- the covenenant between the Muslims and the Medinans and with the Jews --- Hadith and Sunna --- Al-Bukhari --- the early years of Islam --- Muslim Ibn al-Hajjaj --- the sayings and doings of the Prophet Muhammad --- Al-Nawawi --- recitation of the Quran --- Muhammad Baqir Majlisi --- Al-Baqir --- Ja'far al-Sadiq --- Musa --- Ali al-Rida --- Shari'a and Fiqh --- Al-Shafi'i --- Ibn Hanbal --- Al-Qayrawani --- Kalam --- theology --- Abu Hanifa --- the Fikh Akbar --- Al-Ash'ari --- Ibn Babawayh --- Shaykh Saduq --- the beliefs of the Shi'is --- Al-Ghazali --- religious sciences --- Shah Wali Allah --- Ibn 'Abd Al-Wahhab --- the history and doctrines of the Wahhabis --- Falsafa --- Al-Farabi --- Ibn Sina --- healing --- metaphysics --- the Caliph and the Imam --- Ibn Rushd --- religion and philosophy --- 'Ulum al-Qur'an --- scripture scholarship --- Qur'anic sciences --- Fakhr Al-Din Al-Razi --- Ibn Taymiyya --- the principles of Tafsir --- 'Ilm al-Akhlaq --- private ethics and public governance --- Miskawayh --- Al-Mawardi --- Nizam Al-Mulk --- Nasir Al-Din Al-Tusi --- the Nasirean ethics --- Ta'rikh --- Ibn Al-Kalbi --- Manah --- Allat --- al-'Uzza --- Al-Baladhuri --- the Islamic State --- the Conquest of Syria --- Khalid ibn-al Walid --- Al-Tabari --- 'Abbasid authority --- Abu Ja'far --- Baghdad --- Ibn Al-Nadim --- Ibn Munqidh --- Ibn Jubayr --- the month of Jumada 'I-Ula --- Ibn Battuta --- Ibn Khaldun --- Al-Hassan Al-Wazzan --- Africa --- Tassawuf --- Sufism --- Zayn Al-'Abidin 'Ali B. Al-Husayn --- Al-Bistami --- the Mi'raj --- Al-Hakim Al-Tirmidhi --- Abi Abd Allah --- the Sage of Tirmidh --- Al-Sulami --- pious Sufi women --- Ibn Al-'Arabi --- Mecca --- Rumi --- the Mathnavi --- Isma'ili devotional songs --- Ginans --- Venti --- Ruhani Visal --- Pir Hasan Kabir al-Din --- Sakhi mari atama na odhar --- Pir Sadr al-Din --- Mulla Sadra Shirazi --- Qasida --- the Arabic ode --- 'Alqama --- Persian lyricism --- Nizami --- Sa'di --- Hafiz --- Adab --- Al-Jahiz --- Ibn Hazm --- the thousand and one nights --- Dara Shukoh --- colonialism and postcolonialism --- Al-Jabarti --- Nana Asma'u --- Bello --- Muhammad 'Abduh --- the theology of unity --- the expansion of Islam --- Rashid Ahmad Gangohi --- fatwas on Hajj in British India --- Muhammad Iqbal --- Mahmud Shaltut --- Sayyid Qutb --- Jihaad --- Malcolm X --- religious reassertion --- Ruhollah Khomeini --- the Cultural Revolution --- Mohammed Arkoun --- human rights --- Usama Bin Ladin --- the World Islamic Front --- Ebrahim Moosa --- Sayyid Ahmad Khan --- the rights of women --- Al-Manar --- polygamy --- 'Ali Shari'ati --- Fatima Mernissi --- the veil and the male elite --- Amina Wadud --- Qur'an and woman --- religious pluralism --- Nurcholish Madjid --- Islamic faith and the problem of pluralism --- Fethullah Gülen --- Tariq Ramadan --- Western Muslims and the future of Islam --- interreligious dialogue
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