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Réalisé à linitiative de la Direction Transports et Véhicules Electriques dEDF et publié par Cliomedia, *L'odyssée du transport électrique* retrace l'histoire du transport électrique à travers le temps. *L'odyssée du transport électrique* revient ainsi sur l'histoire déjà longue du transport électrique partant de la première voiture électrique conçue par Davidson en 1842 aux véhicules électriques de dernière génération que nous pouvons voir aujourdhui...
Transport engineering --- elektrische aandrijvingen --- elektrische auto's --- hybridevoertuigen --- auto's
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With production and planning for new electric vehicles gaining momentum worldwide, this book the fourth in a series of five volumes on this subject provides engineers and researchers with perspectives on the most current and innovative developments regarding electric and hybrid-electric vehicle technology, design considerations, and components. This book features eight SAE technical papers, published from 2008 through 2010, that provide an overview of research on electric vehicle braking systems, and electric vehicle noise, vibration and harshness (NVH). Topics include: - Regenerative braking systems in heavy duty hybrid-electric vehicles - Development of an auxiliary pressurized hybrid brake system - NVH integration in hybrid vehicles - Spherical beamforming and buzz, squeak and rattle (BSR) testing
Motorcars engineering --- remmen --- elektrische auto's --- hybridevoertuigen --- auto's
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The 6th Edition of TODAY'S TECHNICIAN: AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE SYSTEMS is a comprehensive text that equips readers to confidently understand, diagnose, and repair today's brake systems. Using a unique two-volume approach,the first volume (Classroom Manual) details the theory and application of the total brake system, subsystem, and components, while the second (Shop Manual) covers real-world symptoms, diagnostics, and repair information. Known for its comprehensive coverage, accurate and up-to-date details, and abundant illustrations, the text is an ideal resource to prepare for success as an automotive technician or pursue ASE certification. Now updated with extensive information on new and emerging technology and techniquesincluding hybrid vehicles, brake by wire, and electric brakesthe Sixth Edition also aligns with the NATEF 2012 accreditation model, including job sheets correlated to specific AST and MAST tasks.
Motorcars engineering --- remmen --- elektrische auto's --- hybridevoertuigen --- auto's
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Motorcars engineering --- elektrische auto's --- hybridevoertuigen --- auto's
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This book tackles some of the most challenging problems in state estimation and traction coordinated control systems to improve the dynamic control performance of Distributed Electric Vehicles. The developed methods make it possible to gain more accurate information regarding the vehicle states, ensure more desirable vehicle motions and better robustness in unforeseeable driving environments. Given the impressive features of Distributed Electric Vehicles, including their simple and compact structure, short transmission chains, fast and accurate control response, modular drivetrain design etc., it is widely recognized that they represent an important future development direction and attract many of the brightest engineers and scientists. This book makes a significant contribution to the design of safer and more efficient vehicles.
Applied physical engineering --- Transport engineering --- elektrische auto's --- motorrijtuigen --- ingenieurswetenschappen
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Waar gaat de elektrische auto heen? Voor sommigen is de emissieloze auto een antwoord op de almaar stijgende olieprijs of op de mondiale milieuproblematiek. Voor de ander is het luchtfietserij. Wat weinigen beseffen is dat de elektrische auto niet iets is van de toekomst. Een stille revolutie vindt plaats binnen de auto-industrie waar steeds meer elektrische modellen van de band rollen. Maar wat weten we eigenlijk van de elektrische auto? Hoe werkt het en wat vraagt het? En rijden we straks op elektriciteit uit accu's of leveren brandstofcellen de benodigde stroom? Net als de benzineauto zal ook de elektrische auto zijn stempel drukken op de indeling van ons land en de wijze waarop wij kijken naar mobiliteit. Van laadstations tot actieradius, van accuruil tot brandstofcel, dit boek behandelt alle facetten van het ontstaan, de ontwikkeling en de toekomst van de elektrische auto in Nederland en daarbuiten.
Motorcars engineering --- brandstofcellen --- elektrische auto's --- auto's
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Development of higher-voltage electrical systems in vehicles has been slowly progressing over the past few decades. However, tightening vehicle efficiency and emissions regulations and increasing demand for onboard electrical power means that higher voltages, in the form of supplemental 48 V subsystems, may soon be nearing production as the most cost-effective way to meet regulations. The displacement of high-wattage loads to more efficient 48 V networks is expected to be the next step in the development of a new generation of mild hybrid vehicles.In addition to improved fuel economy and reduced emissions, 48 V systems could potentially save costs on new electrical features and help better address the emerging needs of future drivers. Challenges to 48 V system implementation remain, leading to discussions by experts from leading car makers and suppliers on the need for an international 48 V standard. Initial steps toward a proposed standard have already been taken. So the consensus of global forecasts suggests that 48 V mild hybrids will soon come to dominate the market. Compared with 200-600 V full hybrid and battery electric vehicles, the lower-voltage approach avoids the need for high-cost safety features and large battery packs.
Motorcars engineering --- elektrische auto's --- hybridevoertuigen --- auto's
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This book presents select proceedings of the International Conference on Renewable Energy Systems (ICRES 2020). It focuses mainly on the concepts of electric vehicle, selection of batteries, selection of electric motors for specific capacity vehicles, design of controllers, battery chargers and development of testing facility. It presents the importance of energy storage system and modeling aspects of battery, super capacitor, flywheel energy storage and Superconducting magnetic energy storage systems. The book comprehensively presents the integration of renewable energy sources with smart grid, smart grid technologies and equipment, grid interconnection issues and design of intelligent controllers for grid connected system. The state-of-the-art technologies such as charging infrastructure for electric vehicles, robotic applications in energy, energy education and informatics are also covered in this book. This book will benefit the students and researchers in the field of electronics and electrical engineering, energy engineering, automotive engineering, e-mobility specialists and industrial experts.
Applied physical engineering --- batterijen --- oplaadbare batterijen --- elektrische auto's
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Motorcars engineering --- remmen --- elektrische auto's --- hybridevoertuigen --- auto's
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Drive into the 21st century in an electric car With falling cost of ownership, expanded incentives for purchasing, and more model and body type options than ever, it may finally be time to retire the old gas-guzzler and dive into the world of electric car ownership. Electric Cars For Dummies is your guide to becoming lightning powered, reducing your carbon footprint, and saving money on gas while you do it. This book teaches you how to select the battery-charged vehicle that fits your need and budget. It also offers insight into how to maintain your electric car, including answering all your questions about charging your vehicle. Calculate the total cost of ownership, prep your home to become one huge charger, and demystify the battery, the tune-ups and more. Learn the difference in cost of ownership and emissions between electric and gas-powered vehicles Explore your options and find an electric car that fits in your budget Know when and how to charge your vehicle, and what kind of maintenance it needs Figure out how to charge your car on the goThis is the perfect book for new and would-be electric car owners looking for guidance on buying and maintaining one of these super sleek machines.
Motorcars engineering --- elektrische auto's --- hybridevoertuigen --- auto's --- verbrandingsmotoren