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This book makes a major contribution to the scholarship on internationalization in higher education by focusing on the perceptions and experiences of the academic profession in a comparative perspective. Drawing from data collected by the Academic Professions in the Knowledge-based Society (APIKS) project, the contributors to this volume are uniquely positioned to explore the impact and implications of internationalization on those who play the central role in the teaching and research functions of higher education: the professoriate. The core chapters address issues such as the roles of gender, discipline, and career stage in the international activities of academics in different countries, national differences in the perceptions and behaviors of university faculty in the internationalization of teaching, and of research within higher education systems on the perceptions and behaviors of academics. Each of these chapters draw on the existing research literature in these thematic areas as a foundation for the systematic analysis of the international APIKS dataset to illuminate and discuss key findings. This book offers a highly original and unique contribution to the study of internationalization in higher education because its editors and contributors, as participants in the APIKS project, have been able to raise and address key research questions using comparative international empirical data on the academic profession that has never before been available. Given the tremendous importance of internationalization and the global dimension of higher education, this volume offers unique, distinctive insights on the implications of internationalization for the academic profession and the very different ways in which these transformations are understood by academics both within and between systems.
Sociology of education --- Teaching --- Higher education --- Educational sciences --- HO (hoger onderwijs) --- vergelijkende pedagogiek --- onderwijs --- onderwijssociologie --- onderwijsonderzoek --- Education, Higher. --- International education. --- Comparative education. --- Educational sociology. --- Higher Education. --- International and Comparative Education. --- Sociology of Education. --- Educació superior --- Finalitats de l'educació --- Globalització --- Educació comparada
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Comparative Education Review investigates education throughout the world and the social, economic, and political forces that shape it. Founded in 1957 to advance knowledge and teaching in comparative education studies, the Review has since established itself as the most reliable source for the analysis of the place of education in countries other than the United States.
Education --- Comparative education --- Comparative education. --- Education. --- Éducation --- Éducation comparée --- Onderwijskunde. --- Children --- Education of children --- Education, Primitive --- Human resource development --- Instruction --- Pedagogy --- Schooling --- Students --- Youth --- Education, Comparative --- Civilization --- Learning and scholarship --- Mental discipline --- Schools --- Teaching --- Training --- חינוך השוואתי --- חינוך --- التربية والتعليم --- Science of teaching. --- Educació --- Educació comparada --- Educació dels infants --- Educació dels joves --- Escolarització --- Infants --- Joves --- Civilització --- Coeducació --- Cultura --- Ensenyament --- Erudició --- Formació --- Pedagogia --- Ciències de l'educació --- Mestres --- Història
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Community organization --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Algeria --- Tunisia --- Morocco --- Arab States --- Egypt --- Europe --- 230*711 --- 230*711 Feministische theologie --- Feministische theologie --- Sociolinguistics --- Latin America --- Brazil --- Argentina --- Cuba --- Chile --- Colombia --- Educació comparada. --- Educació de la dona. --- Estudis de dones. --- Feminisme --- Feminisme. --- Europa. --- Educational sciences --- Mass communications --- Computer. Automation --- Europe: North --- Baltic Area --- Arab states --- Didactics --- Balkan Peninsula --- Feminism --- Computer science --- Women's studies --- Internet --- Book --- Edited volume
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Comparative education. --- Education, Comparative --- Education --- History --- Educació comparada --- Política educativa --- Llibres de text --- Pedagogia comparada --- Educació --- Antropologia educativa --- Educació internacional --- Guies del mestre --- Guies del professor --- Guies didàctiques --- Llibre de text --- Llibres del mestre --- Llibres de l'alumne --- Llibres del professor --- Llibres escolars --- Manual escolar --- Manuals escolars --- Textos escolars --- Llibres --- Enciclopèdies escolars --- Lectures escolars --- Lectures instructives --- Educació i Estat --- Política social --- Beques --- Comunitat i escola --- Dret a l'educació --- Administració escolar --- Economia de l'educació --- Escola única --- Legislació educativa --- Política de la joventut
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This book reflects a range of pedagogical responses to increasingly complex educational contexts. It finds this complexity in the interplay of a number of factors, including the diverse histories and identities of educational actors; institutional and systemic demands and constraints; competing conceptions of valued knowledge; and technological change. The chapters show the demand for pedagogical response to unexpected and unprecedented events (like COVID-19) and the importance of addressing barriers to access that become sedimented into institutional cultures. The authors, mostly from Global South contexts, are concerned with enabling educational access and inclusion in the face of competing global and local demands. They present new knowledge about pedagogical approaches that are relevant and effective in uncertain times and challenging places. Together, the contributors offer accounts of hope-full and innovative practice and conceptually rigorous engagement with fundamental issues of learning and teaching.
Comparative education. --- Inclusive education. --- Inclusion (Education) --- Inclusive learning --- Inclusive schools movement --- Least restrictive environment --- Education --- Mainstreaming in education --- Education, Comparative --- History --- Educació comparada --- Educació inclusiva --- Teaching. --- Education, Higher. --- Teachers --- International education. --- Inclusive Education. --- Pedagogy. --- Higher Education. --- Teaching and Teacher Education. --- International and Comparative Education. --- Training of. --- Global education --- Intellectual cooperation --- Internationalism --- Teacher education --- Teacher training --- Teachers, Training of --- College students --- Higher education --- Postsecondary education --- Universities and colleges --- Didactics --- Instruction --- Pedagogy --- School teaching --- Schoolteaching --- Instructional systems --- Pedagogical content knowledge --- Training
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Vocational education. --- Comparative education. --- Education, Comparative --- Education --- Education, Vocational --- Vocational training --- Work experience --- Technical education --- History --- Orientació professional --- Condicions socials --- Educació comparada --- Pedagogia comparada --- Educació --- Antropologia educativa --- Educació internacional --- Aspectes socials --- Qüestions socials --- Situació social --- Desenvolupament social --- Condicions rurals --- Situació legal --- Orientació ocupacional --- Orientació vocacional --- Assessorament psicològic --- Competències professionals --- Desenvolupament professional --- Educació cooperativa --- Treball a l'estranger --- Reorientació professional --- Pràcticums --- Professions --- Recol·locació laboral --- Mercat de treball
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This book focuses on discourses of globalisation in comparative education research and the politics of education reforms. It analyses and evaluates the shifts in methodological approaches to globalisation and education reforms, as reflected in comparative education research and their impact on education policy and pedagogy. The book covers topics such as globalisation and comparative education, globalisation as a multidimensional construct, methods and methodologies in comparative education, the moral face of post-structuralism, and school reforms in the age of globalisation. It offers a critical analysis of education policy reforms. The book demonstrates a complex nexus between globalisation, ideology and education reforms. On one hand, democratisation and progressive pedagogy is equated with equality, inclusion, equity, tolerance and human rights, while on the other hand, globalisation is perceived – by some critics at least – to be a totalising force that is widening the socio-economic status (SES) gap and cultural and economic capital between the rich and the poor, and bringing power, domination and control by corporate bodies and powerful political, economic and educational organisations. The perception of globalisation as dynamic and multi faceted processes clearly necessitates a multiple perspective approach in the study of comparative education globally. This book contributes in a very scholarly way, to a more holistic understanding of the nexus between globalisation, comparative education research and education reforms.
Comparative education. --- Education and globalization. --- Educational change. --- Change, Educational --- Education change --- Education reform --- Educational reform --- Reform, Education --- School reform --- Educational planning --- Educational innovations --- Globalization and education --- Globalization --- Education, Comparative --- Education --- History --- Educació comparada --- Reforma de l'educació --- Globalització --- Internacionalització --- Mundialització --- Relacions internacionals --- Globalització (Economia) --- Globalització cultural --- Pensament únic --- Moviment antiglobalització --- Transnacionalisme --- Canvi educatiu --- Reforma de l'ensenyament --- Reforma educativa --- Innovacions educatives --- Programes de millora de l'eficàcia escolar --- Pedagogia comparada --- Educació --- Antropologia educativa --- Educació internacional --- Education—Curricula. --- International education. --- Education and state. --- Curriculum Studies. --- International and Comparative Education. --- Educational Policy and Politics. --- Education Policy. --- Education policy --- Educational policy --- State and education --- Social policy --- Endowment of research --- Global education --- Intellectual cooperation --- Internationalism --- Government policy
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Professors --- Condicions socials --- Educació internacional --- Xangai (Xina) --- Educació per a la comprensió internacional --- Intercanvi d'estudiants --- Cooperació cultural --- Educació comparada --- Internacionalisme --- Aspectes socials --- Qüestions socials --- Situació social --- Desenvolupament social --- Condicions rurals --- Situació legal --- Docents --- Ensenyants --- Mestres d'educació secundària obligatòria --- Personal docent --- Dones mestres --- Mestres --- Participació dels professors --- Professors d'economia --- Professors d'educació física --- Professors de ciències --- Professors de dret --- Professors de geografia --- Professors de llengua --- Professors de matemàtica --- Professors de música --- Professors en pràctiques --- Professors novells --- Professors universitaris --- Actituds dels professors --- Educadors --- Formació del professorat --- Formadors --- Psicòlegs escolars --- Shanghai (Xina) --- Xina --- Professors de dansa
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This handbook is the first of its kind to provide a general and comprehensive overview of virtually every aspect of International Large Scale Assessment (ILSA). It includes historical, economic, and policy perspectives, theoretical foundations, methodology, and reviews of findings from analyses of ILSA data. After decades, during which ILSAs have generated knowledge within central areas of education research and gained increased and substantial impact on educational policy, practice and research, such a broad overview for a wide-ranging audience is much needed. With contributions from authors and editors from all continents, this handbook appeals to an international audience and keeps a neutral perspective, not favoring one ILSA over another. The handbook is suitable to be read by politicians, researchers and stakeholders who are seeking an overview of ILSAs, their history and development, and both potential benefits and limitations with regard to policy implications. The reviews of findings from studies analyzing ILSA data will be of interest to stakeholders, teachers, researchers, and policymakers. Considering that the reviews extend to all fields pertaining to educational research, the book will be valuable to all researchers interested in education. Students may use the book to learn about ILSAs in the context of policy, theoretical underpinnings, or research. Moreover, the methodology section is written in a manner that is understandable and accessible for students, stakeholders, or researchers not familiar with these data. This methodology part, however, is also a valuable resource for researchers who are familiar with ILSA data, as it provides overviews of the design and sampling procedures of several ILSAs, and includes advice on methods of analysis. Even the owners of the ILSAs may find the book valuable, as it contains overviews and insights into a number of ILSAs, provides information how the data is used by the research community, and includes recommendations for future instruments.
Cross-cultural studies. --- Education. --- Comparative education. --- Education, Comparative --- Education --- Children --- Education, Primitive --- Education of children --- Human resource development --- Instruction --- Pedagogy --- Schooling --- Students --- Youth --- Civilization --- Learning and scholarship --- Mental discipline --- Schools --- Teaching --- Training --- Comparison of cultures --- Inter-cultural studies --- Intercultural studies --- Trans-cultural studies --- Transcultural studies --- Culture --- Ethnology --- Social sciences --- History --- Methodology --- Educació comparada --- Anàlisi transcultural --- Anàlisi cultural comparat --- Comparació de cultures --- Estudis interculturals --- Estudis transculturals --- Interculturalisme --- Investigació intercultural --- Investigació transcultural --- Ciències socials --- Cultura --- Metodologia de les ciències socials --- Psiquiatria transcultural --- Etnopsicologia --- Etnopsiquiatria --- Influència cultural --- Relacions ètniques --- Relativisme cultural --- Pedagogia comparada --- Educació --- Antropologia educativa --- Educació internacional --- International education. --- International and Comparative Education. --- Global education --- Intellectual cooperation --- Internationalism
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This book presents a global overview of discourses of globalization, current research in education and education policy reforms. It first examines globalisation, education and policy research and reforms in education, including coverage of main trends in education and policy reforms globally, as well as specific policy issues such as equity, inclusive schooling and quality education for all. Next, it offers a comparative perspective in evaluating the ambivalent and problematic relationship between globalisation, ideology, the state and education reforms globally. One significant impact of globalization on education policy and reforms is the competitive comparison of education systems. These comparisons are usually based on common achievement tests such as TIMSS, PIRLS and PISA. Major policy reforms are frequently justified with reference to these achievement data. The book features coverage of education reforms globally, and academic achievement syndrome. Not only do the chapters offer a timely analysis of current issues shaping education policy research, but the book also contains ideas concerning the future directions that education and policy reforms could take, to offer more democratic and equitable education. Respective chapters critically assess the dominant discourses and debates on education and policy reforms. By doing so, it provides a comprehensive view of the diverse and intersecting discourses on globalisation and policy-driven reforms in education.
Education --- International education. --- Comparative education. --- Education and state. --- Educational sociology. --- Education, Higher. --- Curriculum Studies. --- International and Comparative Education. --- Educational Policy and Politics. --- Sociology of Education. --- Higher Education. --- Curricula. --- College students --- Higher education --- Postsecondary education --- Universities and colleges --- Education and sociology --- Social problems in education --- Society and education --- Sociology, Educational --- Sociology --- Global education --- Intellectual cooperation --- Internationalism --- Core curriculum --- Courses of study --- Curricula (Courses of study) --- Curriculums (Courses of study) --- Schools --- Study, Courses of --- Instructional systems --- Education policy --- Educational policy --- State and education --- Social policy --- Endowment of research --- Education, Comparative --- Aims and objectives --- Curricula --- Government policy --- History --- Education—Curricula. --- Educació comparada --- Política educativa --- Globalització