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Cet ouvrage propose des conseils de docteurs-managers à destination des doctorants en management et plus particulièrement à ceux qui mènent une activité professionnelle en parallèle de leur thèse. De façon pédagogique, nous y présentons des fiches de conseil concises, mais précises regroupées en 7 parties qui jalonnent un processus doctoral. Chaque fiche suit la même structure : 1) nous mettons en lumière une question que peut se poser chaque doctorant, 2) nous proposons quelques mots-clés afin de caractériser le contenu de la fiche, 3) nous traitons un conseil dans le corps du texte puis 4) nous référençons des lectures qui peuvent aider le doctorant à étudier plus en profondeur le thème traité dans la fiche. Cet ouvrage est né d'un rendez-vous annuel dans le contexte de la semaine internationale du Business Science Institute au Luxembourg. Depuis 2016, des docteurs alumni du Business Science Institute échangent avec les doctorants-managers sur leurs pratiques et leur expérience en thèse. Nous pouvons en tirer deux constats. D'un côté, les doctorants-managers cherchent à comprendre les mécanismes de la recherche afin de créer de la connaissance issue de leur forte expérience professionnelle. D'un autre côté, les docteurs-managers visent, après leur thèse, à transmettre de la connaissance issue de leur recherche doctorale. Il s'agit en premier lieu de la transmettre à leur réseau professionnel par exemple au travers d'ouvrages spécialisés, de séminaires ou d'apparitions dans les médias. Ces besoins de transmission ont été le moteur de la rédaction de cet ouvrage novateur.
Management --- Doctoral students. --- Study and teaching (higher)
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This book contains advice offered by Executive DBA graduates to students, and in particular those who are working in parallel to their doctoral education. It is divided into seven parts, with short but detailed chapters that give guidance on how to successfully complete the different stages of the doctoral process. Each chapter follows the same structure: 1 a specific question that typically might be raised by a doctoral student is presented, 2 a few key words are given to describe the content of the chapter, 3 a specific piece of advice is discussed in the body of the text. At the end of the book, we present some suggested background reading that may help the doctoral student to explore the topics covered in the chapters in greater depth. This book results from a series of meetings that take place each year during the International Week organised by Business Science Institute in Luxembourg. Since 2016, graduates from Business Science Institute have been meeting DBA students during workshops to share their knowledge and experiences of the doctoral journey. From this initiative, two observations can be made. On the one hand, DBA student-managers seek to understand the mechanisms of research in order to produce knowledge from their considerable professional experience. On the other hand, after completing their thesis, DBA graduate-managers seek to pass on the knowledge produced through their doctoral research. This mainly involves sharing it with their professional network, for example through specialist publications, seminars or media appearances. Their desire to disseminate knowledge was indeed the driving force behind the writing of this pioneering book. Preface Introduction Chapter 1. From the decision to "pursue a thesis" to choosing the type of doctoral programme Chapter 2. The Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA), a programme like any other? Chapter 3. Impact of the management thesis on management outlook Chapter 4. The SMART topic Chapter 5. The research question: foundation of the thesis Chapter 6. Dealing with self-doubt and uncertainty Chapter 7. From research topic to research methodologies Chapter 8. The manager faced with methodological pitfalls Chapter 9. Surveys and interviews: key ingredients Chapter 10. Autoethnography in practice Chapter 11. Which epistemological research framework for doctoral students? Chapter 12. The weekly thesis progress report Chapter 13. Thesis supervision in a distance learning context Chapter 14. The relationship with the thesis supervisor: a major key to success Chapter 15. Doctoral students' thesis writing experience: different perspectives Chapter 16. Successful supervision of doctoral student-managers: guidelines for managing the balance between academic demands and professional imperatives Chapter 17. Crossing the finish line of this long-distance race with a manuscript that meets scholarly and editorial standards Chapter 18. Using the Quintilian Hexameter to structure a literature review Chapter 19. The literature review: from a basic to a sophisticated approach Chapter 20. The value of reference management software Chapter 21. Visual aids for the thesis defence Chapter 22. Some advice on preparing the thesis defence Chapter 23. Life after the thesis, continuing the adventure of producing knowledge with managerial impact! Chapter 24. Post-thesis impact on the researcher's environment Chapter 25. Turning the content of the thesis into cognitive rent for the company Chapter 26. The post-doctoral management transformation Chapter 27. From DBA to PhD: anautoethnographical account Further reading and references.
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Lucrarea include comunicările prezentate în cadrul Colocviului ştiinţific al doctoranzilor, "Orientări actuale în cercetarea doctorală", care a avut loc pe 4 decembrie 2015 şi 2 decembrie 2016 în incinta Universităţii de Stat "Alecu Russo" din Bălţi.
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"multidisciplinary and cross-institutional perspective on postgraduate researcher mental health and wellbeing in order to support academic and professional staff in the higher education sector. Contributing authors unpack the key debates, issues and initiatives within higher education policy and practice, while also considering wider contextual factors that may impact upon the mental health of researchers. Readers are encouraged to recognize the importance of belonging throughout and to understand how we may promote healthy research cultures by fostering connections and community. A crucial read for anyone working with doctoral students or involved Higher Education policy, this edited collection provides a new contribution to research within the field, bettering our understanding of the mental health of postgraduate researchers by drawing from a range perspectives"--
Doctoral students --- Universities and colleges --- Research
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Doctoral students --- Belgium --- Flanders (Belgium) --- Doctoral students --- Belgium --- Flanders (Belgium) --- Statistics
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En quoi le doctorat constitue-t-il un rite de passage ? Le parcours doctorant est une aventure extrêmement riche dans laquelle le doctorant doit faire face à de nouveaux défis, difficultés ou obstacles : la découverte des implicites et l'appropriation de la culture scientifique, l'intégration dans la communauté scientifique, la relation duale avec son directeur de thèse, l'apprentissage de l'écriture scientifique, les incompréhensions de l'entourage, la gestion du stress, la gestion de ses identités multiples, le vide de l'après - doctorat ou le douloureux choix de l'abandon. L'auteure fait une analyse sociologique du parcours doctoral et post-doctoral en s'appuyant sur ses propres recherches, sur les recherches francophones et anglophones qui ont été menées sur le thème du doctorat et en s'appuyant sur des extraits de journaux de bord de doctorants et de jeunes docteurs. La problématique de l'insertion professionnelle des docteurs est également abordée, notamment sous l'angle des compétences. Le jeune docteur ressort grandi de l'expérience doctorale avec un enrichissement professionnel et personnel qu'il peut faire valoir sur le marché du travail en dehors de la sphère académique. La finalité du doctorat n'est plus uniquement de former des chercheurs, mais aussi des professionnels qui seront des vecteurs essentiels de l'innovation et ce, dans tous les secteurs d'activités. Quelles compétences les docteurs développent-ils et comment peuvent-ils les valoriser en dehors de la sphère académique ?
Doctor of philosophy degree --- Doctoral students --- Doctorat --- Doctorants
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Ce travail est mené par une équipe de doctorants qui se sont interrogés sur leurs positionnements respectifs en essayant de mettre en lumière les enjeux et les implications de ceux-ci. Bien que relatant des expériences de doctorants, ce livre s'adresse aussi bien à des étudiants de master faisant de la recherche qu'à des professeurs expérimentés encadrant de jeunes chercheurs.
Doctoral students --- Doctorants --- Training of --- Formation --- Training of.
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Recent decades have seen an explosion in doctoral education worldwide. Increased potential for diverse employment has generated greater interest, with cultural, political and environmental tensions focusing the attention of new creative, responsible scholars.Towards a Global Core Value System in Doctoral Education provides an evaluation of changes and reforms in doctoral education since 2000. Recognising the diversity of academic cultures and institutional systems worldwide, the book advocates for a core value system to overcome inequalities in access to doctoral education and the provision of knowledge. Building on in-depth perspectives of scholars and young researchers from more than 25 countries, the chapters focus on the structures and quality assurance models of doctoral education, supervision, and funding from an institutional and comparative perspective. The book examines capacity building in the era of globalisation, global labour market developments for doctoral graduates, and explores the ethical challenges and political contestations that may manifest in the process of pursuing a PhD.Experts and early career researchers in the Global North and South collaborated in interdisciplinary and intergenerational teams to develop guidelines for doctoral education. They learned from each other about how to act courageously within a complex global context. The resulting recommendations and reflections are an invitation to reflect on the frames and conditions of doctoral education today.
Doctoral students. --- PhD students --- Ph. D. students --- Graduate students