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This book discusses the ways in which procurement can help to provide an ethical and sustainable approach to business and product creation while raising an awareness of unacceptable practices with a view to their eradication. The author demonstrates and explains how to best conduct yourself in a procurement role and what challenges you should be aware of. Factors such as being aware of modern slavery, supply chain's pollution emissions, and opportunities to recycle and reuse will be explored to create an understanding for the reader in how value should be achieved in today's way of managing procurement.
Business logistics. --- Continuous improvement process. --- Industrial procurement. --- Business --- Business & Economics
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This book guides process-industry professionals from the implementation of the basic foundations of Continuous Improvement (CI) through to an organization where CI is a "way of life" and a defining feature of the culture of the organization. The readers of this book are seeking solutions to such pressing issues as: • Eliminating accidents and near misses. • Reducing customer complaints. • Improving customer delivery performance. • Elimination of accidents and near misses. • Reducing customer complaints. • Improving customer delivery performance. • Introducing new products. • Improving staff productivity. • Removing costs to meet the budget. • Dealing with absence and poor morale. • Improving staff retention. This book provides them with guidance on how to address issues in these areas in a way that enables improvements to be realized quickly but not at the expense of a long-term goal of a sustainable Continuous Improvement culture. In addition, this book presents the implementation of CI as a cyclical journey with no endpoint. The stages are ordered in a sequence that enables the reader to get started in their area of the company and build up the elements without the need for an overall organizational strategy at the beginning. Continuous Improvement is a vast subject with many takes on principles, approaches, and tools. This book is about how all the fundamentals of these areas fit together and, as such, covers only some of them. However, within the bibliography, I have signposted the books that have guided me during my career and which go into the principles, approaches, and tools further.
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"Although many businesses, organizations, and institutions have currently implemented continuous improvement initiatives that address wants, needs, and challenges at the process and systems level, very few have effectively considered and addressed human factors. Thus, even businesses, organizations, and institutions with the most finely crafted continuous improvement systems face failure from inadequate human factors continuous improvement. Continuous Improvement by Improving Continuously (CIBIC): Addressing the Human Factors During the Pursuit of Process Excellence explains how the frustrating reoccurrence of operating failures are the result of flawed or fragmented business philosophies and principles. CIBIC is designed to promote the pursuit of excellence from mediocrity using an adaptable strategic model that promotes the pursuit of continuous improvement and sustainability in operations, performance management, and personal endeavors. By transforming the pursuit of excellence from a hit-and-miss endeavor to an easily achievable and sustainable continuous endeavor, CIBIC creates value where other systems fail. By addressing gaps, disconnects, and chaotic realities at a fundamental level through the sustained use of frameworks, methods, and analytics, CIBIC promotes the pursuit of excellence across the wide range continuum, eradicating the value and philosophical disconnects that generally plague individuals and collective interests. This book addresses this systemic problem by highlighting an incredibly comprehensive system that promotes continuous improvement and the pursuit of excellence. By highlighting key inner drivers, essential outer qualities, and supporting models and frameworks, the book makes the pursuit of excellence an easily sustainable and logical endeavor."--Provided by publisher.
Continuous improvement process. --- Performance. --- Employee motivation. --- Quality control.
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When done well, implementing the principles found in the Cultural Enablers dimension of the Shingo Model leads to an organizational culture that assures a safe environment, places a special emphasis on the development of its people, and engages and empowers everyone in the pursuit of continuous improvement. This fifth book of the Shingo Model series is laid out in a format similar to a Shingo workshop. You'll find chapters devoted to both of the principles, examples from organizations from around the world, an overview of key systems and ideal behaviors, and a few expanded case studies to aid your learning. Cultural Enablers is designed to help all organizations on their journey towardexcellence. You will better understand the concepts of respect and humility, and how these two principles can be brought to life through the creation of your own ideal behaviors. Although the systems listed here are not exhaustive, you'll discover an overview of a few systems that are critical to developing a world-class culture of continuous improvement that is characterized by high levels of engagement and daily problem solving.
Corporate culture. --- Humility. --- Organizational effectiveness. --- Continuous improvement process.
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"The purpose of this book is to persuade leaders that action research is leadership"--
Leadership. --- Management --- Continuous improvement process. --- Organizational change. --- Action research. --- Philosophy.
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Long description: Illustrierter Leitfaden für echte Business-Agilität! Erfrischend ehrlich und inspirierend Praxisnah und innovativ Erfolgreich mit dem Flight-Levels-Konzept Klaus Leopold zeigt in Wort und Illustration, was bei vielen agilen Transformationen falsch läuft und warum die ersehnten Verbesserungen ausbleiben. Sie erfahren aber auch, wie man aus der Sackgasse wieder herauskommt und was Sie mit Hilfe des Flight-Levels-Denkmodells tun können, um erst gar nicht in die Sackgasse einzubiegen und das Ziel »mehr Business-Agilität« doch noch zu erreichen. In der 2. Auflage finden Sie eine erweiterte und aktualisierte Erklärung des Flight-Levels-Denkmodells. Mit diesem Modell zeigt Klaus Leopold Unternehmen weltweit, wie sie die Fallen der lokalen Optimierung und Skalierungsblaupausen umgehen können und wo sich stattdessen die Hebel für echte, individuelle Business-Agilität verbergen. So viel vorab: Starten Sie nicht mit der Agilisierung von Teams – das spart Nerven und sehr viel Geld! Biographical note: Dr. Klaus Leopold ist Informatiker und unterstützt als Topmanagement-Berater seit mehr als zehn Jahren Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt dabei, sich agil am Markt zu bewegen. Das Flight-Levels-Modell hat Klaus entwickelt, weil er in der Praxis von agilen Transformationen immer wieder ein Phänomen beobachtet: Zwar werden Teams »agilisiert«, aber diese lokalen Optimierungen ergeben in Summe kein agiles Business. Wie man diesen Irrtum von Anfang an vermeidet und was bei der Ausrichtung einer Organisation auf die Anforderungen des Marktes für echte Wendigkeit sorgt, zeigt er in seinem Buch »Agilität neu denken«. In seinen frühen Jahren in der Agile Community hat sich Klaus intensiv mit Kanban beschäftigt und mit »Kanban in der Praxis« und als Co-Autor von »Kanban in der IT« zwei Standardwerke zu diesem Thema verfasst. Heute liegt sein Fokus aber darauf, mit dem Flight-Levels-Modell einen Denkrahmen ohne Vorschriften zu bieten, mit dem Organisationen ihren individuellen Weg zu mehr Business-Agilität finden können. Seine Gedanken, Erlebnisse und Erkenntnisse teilt er auf dem Blog von sowie unter @klausleopold auf Twitter.
Just-in-time systems. --- Continuous improvement process. --- Transformational leadership. --- Job enrichment.
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Agility: management principles for a volatile world fills a tremendous need in the marketplace for a practical set of principles to help managers become more agile. Today's volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) world has created a dynamic, ever-changing, and hypercompetitive global marketplace, challenging managers to think differently. The apprehension of the present moment experienced by managers across industries, sectors, and markets demands a new way of understanding the nuances involved with navigating today's chaos to achieve and sustain growth. With the speed of change, disruption, and transformation expected to increase exponentially now is the opportune time for organizations to rethink the common management paradigms of power (we are bigger), speed (we move faster), or force (we can acquire). Agility, more so, than power, speed, or force is the Kairos for managers today. In archery, Kairos, the ancient Greek word for a proper or opportune time for action, denotes the moment in which an arrow may be fired with suffcient force to reach a target. Now is an opportune time for managers to become more agile and shift their position from one of planning, organizing, staffing, directing, or controlling to one of being a curator, architect, conductor, humanist, advocate, and pioneer. This shift from doing to being is paramount for the agile manager. Agility: management principles for a volatile world provides readers with alist of principles associated with each role of the modern agile manager andis required reading for individuals from small to medium-sized businesses,large corporations, nonprofit organizations, and government offices.
Leadership. --- Industrial management. --- Continuous improvement process. --- Business. --- Management. --- Agility. --- Global business.
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Mr. Rogo, a plant manager, must improve his factory's efficiency or face its closing in just three months. Despite the fictional setting, Goldratt's novel has become a classic business and management text.
Theory of constraints (Management) --- Continuous improvement process --- Strategic planning --- Manufacturing industries --- Business --- Progress