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China's continuing rapid economic growth and expanding involvement in global affairs pose major implications for the power structure of the international system. To more accurately and fully assess the significance of China's emergence for the United States and the global community, it is necessary to gain a more complete understanding of Chinese security thought and behavior. This study addresses such questions as: What are China's most fundamental national security objectives? How has the Chinese state employed force and diplomacy in the pursuit of these objectives over the centuries? What s
National security --- China --- Military policy. --- China -- Military policy. --- National security -- China.
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No longer confined to China's land territory or its near abroad, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) is conducting increasingly complex operations farther and farther from China's continental borders. Within Asia, the PLA now regularly operates into the far reaches of the South China Sea and deep into the Western Pacific, enforcing China's territorial claims and preparing to counter U.S. intervention in a regional conflict. Beyond Asia, the PLA is present on the ground, at sea, or in military exercises with foreign partners across the Indian Ocean and into the Middle East, Africa, and Europe. Foreign militaries now regularly encounter the PLA, whether in tense incidents or friendly contacts, on their home turf and in the global commons. This book surveys the dimensions of Chinese operations within the Indo-Pacific region and globally. The international contributors look both at the underlying enablers of these activities, including expeditionary capabilities and logistics, command and control, and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance systems, as well as new and evolving operational concepts and operational patterns. Employing different analytic lenses, they portray a reformed PLA accelerating the pace of its overseas operations and increasing its modernization not only in the traditional domains but also in space and cyber,
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Apres plus d'un demi-siecle d'absence, la guerre entre grandes puissances pourrait-elle signer son retour ? Alors que la degradation des relations entre les Etats-Unis, la Chine et la Russie a desormais ete actee, cet ouvrage entend s'interroger sur le risque du declenchement d'une guerre, globale ou regionale, entre eux d'ici à 2030. Certaines evolutions technologiques pourraient-elles venir remettre en cause la stabilite de l'equilibre nucleaire, garant de la paix depuis 1945 ? Les projets americains, notamment dans le domaine des defenses antimissile balistique, sont-ils sur le point de rendre caduc les dissuasions nucleaires chinoise et russe ? Se dirige-t-on en reaction vers une nouvelle course aux armements nucleaires ? Sur le plan conventionnel, comment Pekin et Moscou pourraient-ils chercher a contourner la superiorite militaire americaine ? Dans quelle mesure le developpement de leurs capacites dites de 'deni d'acces' renforce la probabilite d'un conflit arme au niveau regional ?
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A critical look at how China's growing strategic arsenal could impact a rapidly changing world order.
CHINA--STRATEGIC ASPECTS --- CHINA--MILITARY POLICY --- CHINA--FOREIGN RELATIONS --- International relations. --- Military policy. --- China --- United States --- Strategic aspects. --- Foreign relations
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"The topic of China's rise and what it really means for the global and regional order is the subject of intense debate in scholarly discourse and media around the world. While some are confident that China will rise to the level of an equally powerful competitor to the United States, others are more cautious. This volume engages with this ongoing debate through empirical, sector-based, and systematic assessments of China's power. Top scholars address China's power today, compare China's power with that of the USA, and forecast China's power in 2025. The book offers persuasive accounts of where China stands out, where China still has room to improve, and where China's comprehensive power is and will be situated within the hierarchy of the international system"--
International relations. Foreign policy --- China --- Foreign relations --- Foreign economic relations --- Economic conditions --- Economic policy --- Military policy. --- China - Foreign relations - 21st century. --- China - Foreign economic relations - 21st century. --- China - Economic conditions - 2000 --- -China - Economic policy - 2000 --- -China - Military policy.
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Si elle poursuit toujours plus dans la voie du développement économique, on peut craindre que la Chine n'en vienne aussi à se doter d'une puissance militaire réellement mondiale et ne cherche à peser davantage sur l'échiquier international. Ce scénario d'une Chine hégémonique déclenchant par réaction un vaste conflit est-il vraiment probable ? La logique même de la stratégie n'impose-t-elle pas aux dirigeants chinois d'opter pour une autre voie ? Sauront-ils le comprendre ? Et que faire, partout, pour endiguer cette dangereuse montée en puissance qui pourrait de nouveau faire basculer le monde dans le chaos et la guerre ? Stratège hors pair autant qu'historien, grand connaisseur du monde asiatique, Edward N Luttwak analyse en profondeur ce qui inspire la politique récente de la Chine, ainsi que ses biais culturels, ses limites, ses erreurs, ses maladresses, ses tromperies aussi. Il en met au jour tous les dangers, si nous ne prenons pas soin, dès aujourd'hui, de réagir vigoureusement et adéquatement. Décryptant tous les enjeux au coeur des relations qu'entretient la République populaire avec les Etats-Unis aussi bien qu'avec l'Australie, le Japon autant qu'avec la Corée du Sud ou le Vietnam, la Mongolie ou encore la Russie, il souligne les échecs et les réussites des uns et des autres. Un ouvrage essentiel pour mieux comprendre l'impact de la Chine sur le monde.
Geopolitics --- Géopolitique --- China --- Chine --- Strategic aspects --- Military policy --- Foreign relations --- Aspect stratégique --- Politique militaire --- Relations extérieures --- Géopolitique --- Aspect stratégique --- Relations extérieures --- Strategic aspects. --- Geopolitics - China --- China - Strategic aspects --- China - Military policy --- China - Foreign relations - 1976 --- -Politique militaire
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How can countries decide what kind of military forces they need, if threats are uncertain and history is full of strategic surprises ? This is a question that is more pertinent than ever, as countries across the Asia-Pacific are faced with the military and economic rise of China. Uncertainty is inherent in defence planning, but different types of uncertainty mean that countries need to approach decisions about military force structure in different ways. This book examines four different basic frameworks for defence planning, and demonstrates how states can make decisions coherently about the structure and posture of their defence forces despite strategic uncertainty. It draws on case studies from the United States, Australia and New Zealand, each of which developed key concepts for their particular circumstances and risk perception in Asia. Success as well as failure in developing coherent defence planning frameworks holds lessons for the United States and other countries as they consider how best to structure their military forces for the uncertain challenges of the future'.
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This research aims to examine how and why a continental-oriented China has shifted its maritime strategic orientation and naval force structure from its coast toward the far seas in an era of interdependent international system. Generally, China is an ancient continental land power with an incomplete oceanic awareness. With the transformation after the Cold War of China's grand strategy from landward security to seaward security, maritime security interests have gradually become the most essential part of China's strategic rationale. This book contains six color maps.
China -- Military policy. --- China. Zhongguo ren min jie fang jun. Hai jun. --- Naval strategy. --- Pacific Area -- Strategic aspects. --- Sea-power -- China. --- Strategic culture -- China. --- Sea-power --- Naval strategy --- Strategic culture --- China. --- China --- Pacific Area --- Military policy. --- Strategic aspects.