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Dit proefschrift van de arts en jurist Lucas Bergkamp handelt over medische experimenten met mensen. Bergkamp biedt een korte geschiedenis; een analyse van de definitie van een experiment; een overzicht van de rechtsontwikkeling in Nederland; een vergelijkend overzicht van de regelgeving in de V.S., Frankrijk, Zwitserland, West-Duitsland, Zweden; een overzicht van de normen waaraan experimenten moeten voldoen; een hoofdstuk over aansprakelijkheid en verzekeringen; en de belangrijkste bevindingen uit zijn onderzoek naar het functioneren van de zogenaamde toetsingscommissies-experimenten in Nederland.
Status of persons --- Professional ethics. Deontology --- Human Experimentation. --- #GBIB:CBMER --- 61.001.5 --- 57.08 --- 17.023.33 --- experiment, experimenteel onderzoek (mensen) --- geschiedenis (historische aspecten) --- recht (wetgeving, rechtspraak, rechtsbeginselen, juridische aspecten, aansprakelijkheid) --- commissie voor medische ethiek (ethisch comité, CME) --- Human Research Subject Protection --- Experimentation, Human --- Helsinki Declaration --- Bioethical Issues --- Ethics, Research --- Embryo Research --- Fetal Research --- Research Subjects --- expérimentation sur la personne humaine (chez l'humain) --- histoire (aspects historiques) --- droit (aspects juridiques, législation, jurisprudence, principes de droit, responsabilité) --- comité d'éthique médicale (comité d'éthique, CEM) --- Human experimentation --- Human experimentation. --- Human Experimentation --- Droit des personnes et de la famille
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À l'heure où plusieurs établissements songent à implanter un comité d'éthique clinique, au moment où les avancées technologiques bousculent les valeurs traditionnelles et en cette époque de foisonnement d'informations, ce livre propose une réflexion pratique et théorique sur la pertinence de tels comités. Il suggère des moyens et des orientations possibles pour faire de ces comités des lieux d'interface de la réflexivité éthique. Il offre des perspectives pratiques que les auteurs souhaitent voir retenues et discutées non seulement par les professionnels du milieu hospitalier, mais aussi par les citoyens, 'profanes' ou 'avertis'.
Ethics committees --- Medical ethics --- Hospital care --- Comités d'éthique --- Ethique médicale --- Soins hospitaliers --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Aspect moral --- ziekenhuis (ziekenhuiszorg) --- ziekenhuisethiek --- commissie voor medische ethiek (ethisch comité, CME) --- ethische theorie --- sociologie (sociologische aspecten) --- Quebec --- hôpital (soins hospitaliers) --- éthique clinique --- comité d'éthique médicale (comité d'éthique, CEM) --- théorie éthique --- sociologie (aspects sociologiques) --- Québec --- Comités d'éthique --- Ethique médicale --- Medical ethics committees --- Health care ethics committees --- Healthcare ethics committees --- Hospital ethics committees --- Hospital patients --- Medical care --- Institutional care --- Medical ethics. --- Bioethics. --- Decision making. --- Moral and ethical aspects.
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Medical ethics. --- Bioethics. --- Medical jurisprudence. --- 175 --- recht (wetgeving, rechtspraak, rechtsbeginselen, juridische aspecten, aansprakelijkheid) --- ethiek (ethische aspecten) --- arts-patiëntrelatie --- commissie voor medische ethiek (ethisch comité, CME) --- orgaandonatie --- Nederland --- #GBIB:CBMER --- Amusementsethiek --- droit (aspects juridiques, législation, jurisprudence, principes de droit, responsabilité) --- ethique (aspects ethiques) --- relation médecin-patient --- comité d'éthique médicale (comité d'éthique, CEM) --- don d'organes --- Pays-Bas --- 175 Amusementsethiek --- Bioethics --- Medical ethics --- Medical jurisprudence --- Forensic medicine --- Injuries (Law) --- Jurisprudence, Medical --- Legal medicine --- Forensic sciences --- Medicine --- Medical laws and legislation --- Biomedical ethics --- Clinical ethics --- Ethics, Medical --- Health care ethics --- Medical care --- Professional ethics --- Nursing ethics --- Social medicine --- Biology --- Life sciences --- Life sciences ethics --- Science --- Moral and ethical aspects
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A collection of essays discussing the complex issues of research involving human participants, including research ethics and regulations, conflicts of interest, cross-cultural research, and critical issues in specialized areas of research, such pediatric and genome research. As its primary objective, this book seeks to make sense of an almost overwhelming body of literature & regulation on research ethics.A collection of essays discussing the complex issues of research involving human participants, including research ethics and regulations, conflicts of interest, cross-cultural research, and critical issues in specialized areas of research, such pediatric and genome research.
Human experimentation in medicine --- Ethics, Medical. --- Human Experimentation. --- Moral and ethical aspects. --- onderzoeksethiek --- experiment, experimenteel onderzoek (mensen) --- klinische proef (klinische studie, geneesmiddelenstudie) --- medisch-wetenschappelijk onderzoek --- embryo-onderzoek (experiment op embryo's, onderzoek op embryo's in vitro) --- commissie voor medische ethiek (ethisch comité, CME) --- proefpersonen --- éthique de la recherche --- expérimentation sur la personne humaine (chez l'humain) --- essai clinique (étude clinique) --- recherche médicale --- recherche sur l'embryon (expérimentation sur l'embryon, recherche sur les embryons in vitro) --- comité d'éthique médicale (comité d'éthique, CEM) --- sujets (participants) d'expérimentation --- Moral and ethical aspects
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It is widely believed today that the free market is the best mechanism ever invented to efficiently allocate resources in society. Just as fundamental as faith in the free market is the belief that government has a legitimate and competent role in policing and the punishment arena. This curious incendiary combination of free market efficiency and the Big Brother state has become seemingly obvious, but it hinges on the illusion of a supposedly natural order in the economic realm. This work argues that our faith in "free markets" has severely distorted American politics and punishment practices. The author traces the birth of the idea of natural order to eighteenth century economic thought and reveals its gradual evolution through the Chicago School of economics and ultimately into today's myth of the free market. The modern category of "liberty" emerged in reaction to an earlier, integrated vision of punishment and public economy, known in the eighteenth century as "police." This development shaped the dominant belief today that competitive markets are inherently efficient and should be sharply demarcated from a government run penal sphere. ThIs modern vision rests on a simple but devastating illusion. Superimposing the political categories of "freedom" or "discipline" on forms of market organization has the unfortunate effect of obscuring rather than enlightening. It obscures by making both the free market and the prison system seem natural and necessary. In the process, it facilitated the birth of the penitentiary system in the nineteenth century and its ultimate culmination into mass incarceration today.
Economic order --- United States --- Punishment --- Free enterprise --- Chicago school of economics --- Chicago Board of Trade --- Chicago school of economics. --- Chicago Board of Trade. --- economie de marche libre --- AA / International- internationaal --- US / United States of America - USA - Verenigde Staten - Etats Unis --- FR / France - Frankrijk --- 330.1 --- 330.52 --- 351.5 --- 321.2 --- vrije markteconomie --- Domein en natuur van de staathuishoudkunde. --- Liberaal systeem. Neo-liberalisme. Theorie van de onderhandeling. --- Politie van de industrie, de handel en het vervoer. --- Economisch beleid van de overheid. --- E-books --- Monetarism --- Institutional economics --- Neoclassical school of economics --- Schools of economics --- Chicago. --- Board of Trade of the City of Chicago --- Board of Trade of Chicago --- CBOT --- CME Group --- Economisch beleid van de overheid --- Domein en natuur van de staathuishoudkunde --- Liberaal systeem. Neo-liberalisme. Theorie van de onderhandeling --- Politie van de industrie, de handel en het vervoer --- Punishment - United States --- Free enterprise - United States --- United States of America
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Issues concerning patients' rights are at the centre of bioethics, but the political basis for these rights has rarely been examined. This text offers an analysis of how the political context of liberal constitutional democracy shapes the rights and obligations of patients and professionals.
#GBIB:CBMER --- politieke filosofie --- liberalisme --- autonomie van de patiënt --- wilsbekwaamheid (wilsonbekwaamheid, wilsbekwame patiënten, wilsonbekwame patiënten) --- voorafgaande wilsverklaring (voorafgaande negatieve wilsverklaring, levenstestament, euthanasieverklaring) --- autonomie van de professional --- tolerantie --- beroepsethiek (ethische beroepscodes) --- commissie voor medische ethiek (ethisch comité, CME) --- geïnformeerde vrijwillige toestemming (instemming) --- counselling --- weldadigheid (weldadigheidsprincipe, weldoen) --- philosophie politique --- libéralisme --- autonomie du patient --- capacité (incapacité) --- testament de vie (directive anticipée) --- autonomie professionnelle --- tolérance --- éthique professionnelle (code d'éthique) --- comité d'éthique médicale (comité d'éthique, CEM) --- consentement libre et éclairé --- bienfaisance (principe de bienfaisance) --- Bioethics. --- Decision Making. --- Liberalism. --- Medical ethics. --- Patient Advocacy. --- Professional Autonomy. --- Bioethics --- Liberalism --- Medical ethics --- Biomedical ethics --- Clinical ethics --- Ethics, Medical --- Health care ethics --- Medical care --- Medicine --- Liberal egalitarianism --- Biology --- Life sciences --- Life sciences ethics --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Professional ethics --- Nursing ethics --- Social medicine --- Liberty --- Political science --- Social sciences --- Science
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The expanded and revised edition of Bioethics: An Anthology is a definitive one-volume collection of key primary texts for the study of bioethics. * Brings together writings on a broad range of ethical issues relating such matters as reproduction, genetics, life and death, and animal experimentation. * Now includes introductions to each of the sections. * Features new coverage of the latest debates on hot topics such as genetic screening, the use of embryonic human stem cells, and resource allocation between patients. * The selections are independent of any particular approach to bioethics. * Can be used as a source book to complement A Companion to Bioethics (1999).
Bioethics --- Medical ethics --- begin van het leven --- recht op gezondheidszorg --- orgaandonatie --- stamcelonderzoek --- experiment, experimenteel onderzoek (dieren, dierproeven) --- commissie voor medische ethiek (ethisch comité, CME) --- début de vie --- droit aux soins de santé --- qualité de vie (années de vie ajustées sur la qualité) --- don d'organes --- recherche sur des cellules souches --- expérimentation sur l'animal --- comité d'éthique médicale (comité d'éthique, CEM) --- Biology --- Professional ethics. Deontology --- Bioethical Issues --- Bioethics. --- Ethics, Medical --- Medical ethics. --- Ethique médicale --- Bioéthique --- bio-ethiek (medische, biomedische ethiek, bio-ethische aspecten) --- experiment, experimenteel onderzoek (mensen) --- genetica (genen) --- levenseinde (einde van het leven, levenseindebeslissing) --- levenskwaliteit --- Biomedical ethics --- Clinical ethics --- Health care ethics --- Medical care --- Medicine --- Life sciences --- Life sciences ethics --- bioéthique (éthique médicale, biomédicale, aspects bioéthiques) --- expérimentation sur la personne humaine (chez l'humain) --- génétique (gènes) --- fin de vie (décision de fin de vie) --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Professional ethics --- Nursing ethics --- Social medicine --- Science --- Bioéthique --- Euthanasie --- Génétique --- Procréation médicalement assistée --- Aspect moral
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No detailed description available for "Trading at the Speed of Light".
Stock exchanges. --- Program trading (Securities) --- Investments --- Finance. --- Algorithms. --- Data processing. --- Computer-directed trading (Securities) --- Index arbitrage (Securities) --- Program trade (Securities) --- Electronic trading of securities --- Bulls and bears --- Commercial corners --- Corners, Commercial --- Equity markets --- Exchanges, Securities --- Exchanges, Stock --- Securities exchanges --- Stock-exchange --- Stock markets --- Capital market --- Efficient market theory --- Speculation --- Algorism --- Algebra --- Arithmetic --- Funding --- Funds --- Economics --- Currency question --- Foundations --- Alexandre Laumonier. --- Automated Trading Desk. --- BrokerTec. --- CME. --- Chicago Mercantile Exchange. --- Dark Pools. --- E-Mini. --- EBS. --- Flash Boys. --- Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra. --- Michael Durbin. --- Michael Gorham. --- Michael Lewis. --- Nidhi Singh. --- Scott Patterson. --- eSpeed. --- electronic order books. --- financial trading. --- foreign exchange. --- futures. --- geodesic. --- liquidity taking. --- market making. --- material political economy. --- materiality. --- political economy. --- science and technology studies. --- share trading venue. --- shares. --- social studies of finance. --- sociology of finance. --- sovereign bonds. --- speed bumps. --- E-books
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orgaantransplantatie --- IVF (in vitrofertilisatie) --- Jehova's Getuigen --- ethische commissie --- transseksualiteit --- kunstmatige inseminatie --- Professional ethics. Deontology --- medische ethiek --- Medical law --- AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) --- Ethique médicale --- Medische ethiek --- #GGSB: Bio-ethiek --- Ethics Committees. --- Ethics, Medical. --- 174.2 --- C1 --- ethiek --- geneeskunde [medisch] --- ziekenhuis --- 241.63*2 --- 614.253 --- Medical ethics --- Academic collection --- 614.29 --- bio-ethiek (medische, biomedische ethiek, bio-ethische aspecten) --- commissie voor medische ethiek (ethisch comité, CME) --- abortus provocatus --- arts-patiënt relatie --- beroepsgeheim --- embryologie --- euthanasie --- in-vitrofertilisatie --- palliatieve zorgen --- patiëntenbegeleiding --- patiëntenrecht --- privacy --- therapeutische hardnekkigheid --- transplantaties --- ziekenhuisbeleid --- Medical Ethics --- Medicine --- Professionalism --- Bioethics --- Biomedical ethics --- Clinical ethics --- Ethics, Medical --- Health care ethics --- Medical care --- Professional ethics --- Nursing ethics --- Social medicine --- Regional Ethics Committees --- Institutional Ethics Committees --- Committee, Ethics --- Committee, Institutional Ethics --- Committee, Regional Ethics --- Committees, Ethics --- Committees, Institutional Ethics --- Committees, Regional Ethics --- Ethics Committee --- Ethics Committee, Institutional --- Ethics Committee, Regional --- Ethics Committees, Institutional --- Ethics Committees, Regional --- Institutional Ethics Committee --- Regional Ethics Committee --- Advisory Committees --- Ethical Review --- Animal Care Committees --- Beroepsmoraal van de artsen. Medische beroepsethiek --- Kerken en religie --- Theologische ethiek: medische ethiek: dokter; verpleegster; ziekenhuis --- Relations of doctors with colleagues, with patients. Medical ethics --- bioéthique (éthique médicale, biomédicale, aspects bioéthiques) --- comité d'éthique médicale (comité d'éthique, CEM) --- ethics --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Medical ethics. --- Medische ethiek. --- 614.253 Relations of doctors with colleagues, with patients. Medical ethics --- 241.63*2 Theologische ethiek: medische ethiek: dokter; verpleegster; ziekenhuis --- 174.2 Beroepsmoraal van de artsen. Medische beroepsethiek --- Ethics Committees --- Bio-ethiek
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In line with its strong position in clinical research, Belgium was one of the first European Member States where the implementing regulation of the Clinical Trials Directive is fully operational. The specific conditions provided for in the legislation concerning experiments on the human person reinforce Belgium as a very attractive host for clinical trials, ensuring a lasting environment for innovative research. This new edition of the Operational Guidance does not only analyse the Belgian law from the perspective of the sponsor of a clinical trial, but also addresses the roles and tasks of all parties involved in clinical trials.
Professional ethics. Deontology --- medische ethiek --- medische experimenten --- Medical law --- Pharmacology. Therapy --- Belgium --- Clinical Trials --- QV 771 Standardization and evaluation of drugs --- European Union --- Clinical Trials as Topic --- Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic --- Ethics, Clinical --- Legislation, Drug --- Legislation, Medical --- 34 EU --- 351.84*7 --- 615 <493> --- Medische experimenten : wetgeving --- 611.08 --- Wet van 7 mei 2004 inzake experimenten op de menselijke persoon --- klinische proef (klinische studie, geneesmiddelenstudie) --- commissie voor medische ethiek (ethisch comité, CME) --- 351.84*7 Medisch recht. Gezondheidsrecht. Wetgeving i.v.m. ziekenhuizen --- Medisch recht. Gezondheidsrecht. Wetgeving i.v.m. ziekenhuizen --- 34 EU Rechtswetenschappen.--EU --- Rechtswetenschappen.--EU --- Farmacologie. Farmaceutische wetenschappen--België --- Loi du 7 mai 2004 relative aux expérimentations sur la personne humaine --- essai clinique (étude clinique) --- comité d'éthique médicale (comité d'éthique, CEM) --- Clinical Trials as Topic - Belgium --- Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic - Belgium --- Ethics, Clinical - Belgium --- Legislation, Drug - Belgium --- Legislation, Medical - Belgium --- Droit médical --- Clinical trials --- Droit de la santé --- Bioéthique --- Medicaments --- Belgique --- recherche scientifique --- expérimentations humaines --- essais cliniques