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Les plantes ne se répartissent pas au hasard dans la nature, elles forment ce que l'on appelle des « communautés végétales », en fonction de leurs affinités pour la nature du sol, le degré d'hygrométrie, l'exposition à la lumière, etc. Le conservatoire botanique national de Bailleul est connu depuis toujours par son implication dans l'étude et la caractérisation de ces végétations. S'il existe de multiples catalogues de végétation, plus ou moins descriptifs, on déplore l'absence de guides orientés résolument vers la détermination et permettant une identification sur le terrain des végétations. Cet ouvrage vient donc combler une lacune importante en fournissant des clés d'identification et des critères fiables qui permettent de reconnaître les groupements végétaux. Chacune des 540 associations du nord de la France est ensuite traitée sous forme de monographie : description morphologique complète, éléments d'écologie, de chorologie, une carte départementale et un tableau de synthèse qui reprend tous les indices liés aux caractéristiques pédologiques (humidité, pH, matière organique, granulométrie) et stationnelles (nutriments, lumière, salinité).Cet ouvrage permettra à de nombreux botanistes et écologues de se familiariser avec la phytosociologie et ainsi de contribuer à la connaissance et la conservation des milieux naturels du nord de la France.
Plantes --- Associations végétales --- Plantes sauvages --- Distribution géographique. --- Associations végétales --- Distribution géographique. --- Phytogeography --- Plant communities --- Phytogéographie
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Plant ecology. Plant sociology --- Environmental protection. Environmental technology --- Plant physiology. Plant biophysics --- Kivu --- Rwanda --- Plant communities --- Vegetation classification --- Associations végétales --- Végétation --- Classification --- -Vegetation classification --- -Plant communities --- Systematic plant sociology --- Synsystematics --- Syntaxonomy --- Vegetation systematics --- Plants --- Communities, Plant --- Phytosociology --- Plant associations --- Plant societies --- Biotic communities --- Plant ecology --- Associations végétales --- Végétation --- Kivu, lac --- Vegetation --- Dynamique
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Botany --- Plant communities --- Botanique --- Associations végétales --- Ecology --- Ecologie --- -Plant communities --- -Plant ecology --- -Botany --- Plants --- Communities, Plant --- Phytosociology --- Plant associations --- Plant societies --- Biotic communities --- Plant ecology --- ECO Ecology --- Alps --- Central Europe --- aerial photographs --- climatologic diagrams --- ecology --- habitat photographs --- handbooks --- phytosociology --- vegetation --- vegetation maps --- vegetation profiles --- Associations végétales --- Phytoecology --- Vegetation ecology --- Ecology. --- Floristic ecology
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This striking book provides a handy summary of the ecology of the world's vegetation. The introductory chapters provide a basic back-drop to the subject. The subsequent chapters examine sequentially the form and function of each major biome throughout the world.
Ecologie végétale --- Ecophysiologie --- Végétation --- Phytoécologie --- plant ecology --- Distribution géographique --- Plant communities. --- Plant ecophysiology. --- Terrestrial Ecology --- Terrestrial Ecology. --- Ecologie végétale --- Plant ecology. Plant sociology --- Environmental Sciences and Forestry. Ecology --- Plant ecology. --- vegetation --- Climatology --- biomass --- Geographical distribution --- Landscape --- forests --- world --- Plant communities --- Plant ecology --- Plant ecophysiology --- Associations végétales --- Plantes --- vegetation.
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Botany --- Phytogeography --- Botanique --- Phytogéographie --- Zone urbaine --- urban areas --- Zone ripicole --- Riparian zones --- Terre cultivée --- Cultivated land --- Terre humide --- Wetlands --- Terre marginale --- Marginal land --- Phytoécologie --- plant ecology --- Succession écologique --- ecological succession --- Biogéographie --- Biogeography --- France --- Paris --- vegetation communities --- biogeography --- flora and vegetation --- habitat-vegetation relations --- localities --- phytosociology --- Phytogéographie --- Ecology. --- Botany. --- Plant diversity. --- Phytogeography. --- Plant ecology. --- Plant communities. --- Écologie --- Botanique. --- Diversité végétale. --- Phytogéographie. --- Associations végétales --- Écologie végétale --- France.
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Na ruim 25 jaar verschijnt er een nieuw overzicht van de plantengemeenschappen in ons land dat uitkomt in vijf delen. De eerste drie delen zijn verschenen in 1995 en 1996, deel 5 komt uit in de herfst van 1998. Deel 1 gaat in op de grondslagen, methoden en toepassingen van de plantensociologie. In deel 2 zijn de plantengemeenschappen van open water, bronnen, moerassen, hoogvenen en natte heiden behandeld. In deel 3 komen de graslanden, zomen en droge heiden aan de orde, in deel 4 wordt de plantengroei van de kust en van binnenlandse pioniermilieus behandeld en deel 5 omvat de ruigten, struwelen en bossen.
Plant ecology. Plant sociology --- Phytogeography --- flora --- Netherlands --- Nederland --- 571.2 Plantensoorten --- 582 --- Gras --- Grasland --- Heideplanten --- Plantkunde --- Wegbermen (bermbeheer, bermen, bermvegetatie, wegbermbeheer) --- NED The Netherlands --- Plant communities --- Associations végétales --- Nederland flora --- Plant and Crop Sciences. Botany --- Plant Ecology --- The Netherlands --- distribution maps --- surveys --- systematics --- terminology --- vegetation --- aquatic plants --- marsh --- peatland --- Moerasplanten --- Waterplanten --- Plant Ecology. --- Associations végétales --- Kustplanten --- coastal flora --- phytogeography --- pioneer flora --- brushwoods --- forests --- plant communities --- scrubs --- 578.1 --- landschap (lt) --- nederland (lt) --- Bosbouw --- Ruigten --- Struwelen --- 582 Systematic botany --- Systematic botany --- Nederland ; flora --- Botany --- Plant (lt) --- 578.5
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Covers all current aspects of vegetation science, including phytosociology, vegetation theory, classification and ordination, pattern and process, structure and function, population ecology, ecophysiology, succession, palaeoecology, plant geography and landscape ecology
Plant ecology. Plant sociology --- Botany --- Plant communities --- Plant populations --- Botanique --- Associations végétales --- Plantes --- Ecology --- Periodicals --- Ecologie --- Périodiques --- Populations --- Plant ecology --- Écologie végétale --- Associations végétales --- Agriculture Sciences --- Ekologi --- Botanik --- General and Others. --- JEX6 --- 58 --- Life Sciences --- General and Others --- Sweden --- bimonthly --- current periodical --- ecophysiology --- landscape ecology --- palaeoecology --- phytogeography --- phytosociology --- population ecology --- vegetation study --- 58 Botany --- Périodiques --- EBSCOASP-E EJBIOLO EPUB-ALPHA-J EPUB-PER-FT JSTOR-E WILEY-E --- Populations, Plant --- Communities, Plant --- Phytosociology --- Plant associations --- Plant societies --- Population biology --- Biotic communities --- Plantenecologie. Plantensociologie --- 58 Botanie --- Botanie --- Periodicals. --- Plant ecology.
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Vegetation boundaries --- Forest ecology --- Savanna ecology --- Plant communities --- Limites de la végétation --- Ecologie forestière --- Ecologie des savanes --- Associations végétales --- forests --- Savane --- Savannas --- Biologie du sol --- Soil biology --- Propriété physicochimique du sol --- soil chemicophysical properties --- Pédogénèse --- soil genesis --- Végétation --- vegetation --- Phytoécologie --- plant ecology --- Cartographie --- cartography --- Remote sensing --- Méthodologie --- methodology --- Population végétale --- plant population --- Écotone --- ecotones --- Afrique --- Africa --- Amazonie --- Amazonia --- Brazil --- Afrique orientale --- East Africa --- Limites de la végétation --- Ecologie forestière --- Associations végétales --- Tropics --- Congresses --- Vegetation boundaries - Tropics - Congresses. --- Forest ecology - Tropics - Congresses. --- Savanna ecology - Congresses. --- Plant communities - Tropics - Congresses. --- vegetation.
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Botany --- Plant communities --- Botanique --- Associations végétales --- Ecology --- Ecologie --- Plant ecology --- ECO Ecology --- Alps --- Central Europe --- ecology --- handbooks --- phytosociology --- vegetation --- Associations végétales --- Ressource végétale --- Plant resources --- Végétation --- Plant ecology. Plant sociology --- Eastern and Central Europe --- forest ecology --- environment --- Europe --- Plantenecologie. Plantensociologie --- Oost- en Centraal-Europa --- Methodology --- vegetation. --- Plants --- Communities, Plant --- Phytosociology --- Plant associations --- Plant societies --- Phytoecology --- Vegetation ecology --- Biotic communities --- Ecology. --- Floristic ecology --- Plant ecology - Methodology --- Plant ecology - Europe, Central --- Plant ecology - Alps --- Plant communities - Europe, Central --- Plant communities - Alps --- ANTHROPOGENIC EFFECTS --- CENTRAL EUROPE --- VEGETATION --- ECOLOGY