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Crowns --- Crowns in art. --- Clothing and dress --- Queens --- Bas-relief --- Statues --- Couronnes (Insignes) --- Couronnes (Insignes) dans l'art --- Vêtements --- Reines --- Bas-reliefs --- Symbolic aspects --- Biography. --- Aspect symbolique --- Biographies --- Arsinoe --- Egypt --- Egypte --- History --- Kings and rulers --- Histoire --- Rois et souverains --- Couronnes --- Insignes royaux --- Arsinoé --- Vêtements --- Crowns in art --- Apparel --- Clothes --- Clothing --- Clothing and dress, Primitive --- Dress --- Dressing (Clothing) --- Garments --- Beauty, Personal --- Manners and customs --- Fashion --- Undressing --- Decoration and ornament --- Relief (Sculpture) --- Sculpture --- Statuary --- Monuments --- Headgear --- Regalia (Insignia) --- Coronations --- Arsinoé
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The life of Arsino? II (c. 316-c.270 BCE), daughter of the founder of the Ptolemaic dynasty, is characterized by dynastic intrigue. This book provides the first accessible biography of this fascinating queen.
Arsinoe --- Egypt --- Greece --- Macedonia --- Thrace --- Egypte --- Grèce --- Macédoine --- History --- Kings and rulers --- Biography. --- Histoire --- Rois et souverains --- Biographies --- Biographie --- Grèce --- Macédoine --- Arsinoe - II, - Queen, consort of Ptolemy II, King of Egypt, - approximately 316 B.C.-270 B.C. --- Egypt - History - 332-30 B.C. --- Egypt - Kings and rulers - Biography --- Greece - History - Macedonian Hegemony, 323-281 B.C. --- Macedonia - History - Diadochi, 323-276 B.C. --- Thrace - Kings and rulers - Biography
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Manuscripts, Greek (Papyri) --- Names, Personal --- Prosopography --- Prosopographie --- Egyptian --- Greek --- Arsinoë (Fayy*um, Egypt : Extinct city) --- Egypt --- History --- Catalogs --- Indexes --- Arsinoe (Fayyum, Egypt : Extinct city) --- Sources --- -Manuscripts, Greek --- -Names, Personal --- -Prosopography --- -History --- Anthroponomy --- Baby names --- Christian names --- Family names --- Forenames --- Names of families --- Names of persons --- Personal names --- Surnames --- Names --- Onomastics --- Greek manuscripts --- Greek language --- Greek philology --- Greek papyri --- Papyri, Greek --- Manuscripts, Classical (Papyri) --- Manuscripts (Papyri) --- -Indexes --- Methodology --- -Egypt --- Arsinoiton polis (Fayyūm, Egypt : Extinct city) --- Crocodilopolis (Fayyūm, Egypt : Extinct city) --- Krokodilon polis (Fayyūm, Egypt : Extinct city) --- Krokodilopolis (Fayyūm, Egypt : Extinct city) --- Ptolemais Euergetis (Extinct city) --- Setje (Extinct city) --- Shedet (Extinct city) --- -Sources --- -Catalogs --- -Antiquities --- Catalogs. --- Indexes. --- Arsinoë (Fayyūm, Egypt : Extinct city) --- -Manuscripts, Greek (Papyri) --- Arsinoë (Fayy*um, Egypt : Extinct city) --- Greek&delete& --- Arsinoë (Fayyūm, Egypt : Extinct city) --- Égypte --- Ägypten --- Egitto --- Egipet --- Egiptos --- Miṣr --- Southern Region (United Arab Republic) --- Egyptian Region (United Arab Republic) --- Iqlīm al-Janūbī (United Arab Republic) --- Egyptian Territory (United Arab Republic) --- Egipat --- Arab Republic of Egypt --- A.R.E. --- ARE (Arab Republic of Egypt) --- Jumhūrīyat Miṣr al-ʻArabīyah --- Mitsrayim --- Egipt --- Ijiptʻŭ --- Misri --- Ancient Egypt --- Gouvernement royal égyptien --- جمهورية مصر العربية --- مِصر --- مَصر --- Maṣr --- Khēmi --- エジプト --- Ejiputo --- Egypti --- Egypten --- מצרים --- United Arab Republic --- Antiquities --- Manuscripts, Greek (Papyri) - Egypt - Arsinoe (Fayyum : Extinct city) - Catalogs --- Names, Personal - Egypt - Arsinoe (Fayyum : Extinct city) - Indexes --- Manuscripts, Greek (Papyri) - Austria - Vienna - Catalogs --- Names, Personal - Greek - Indexes --- Prosopography - Indexes --- Arsinoe (Fayyum, Egypt : Extinct city) - History - Sources - Catalogs --- Egypt - History - Greco-Roman period, 332 B.C.-640 A.D. - Sources - Catalogs --- Papyrus grecs --- Noms de personnes --- Noms de personnes grecs --- Fayoum (Égypte ; gouvernorat) --- Égypte --- Médinet el-Fayoum (Égypte) --- Catalogues --- Index --- Histoire --- 332 av. J.-C.-640 (période gréco-romaine)
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Water-supply --- Eau --- History --- Approvisionnement --- Histoire --- Egypt --- Egypte --- Municipal government --- Management. --- Management --- -Water-supply --- Cities and towns --- City government --- Municipal administration --- Municipal reform --- Municipalities --- Urban politics --- Local government --- Metropolitan government --- Municipal corporations --- Availability, Water --- Water availability --- Water resources --- Natural resources --- Public utilities --- Water resources development --- Water utilities --- Government --- British Library --- BL --- B.L. (British Library) --- Great Britain. --- Sifriyah ha-Briṭit --- Ying-kuo tʻu shu kuan --- Da Ying tu shu guan --- 大英图书馆 --- British Museum --- Arsinoe (Fayyum, Egypt : Extinct city) --- -Arsinoe (Fayyum, Egypt : Extinct city) --- -Arsinoiton polis (Fayyūm, Egypt : Extinct city) --- Crocodilopolis (Fayyūm, Egypt : Extinct city) --- Krokodilon polis (Fayyūm, Egypt : Extinct city) --- Krokodilopolis (Fayyūm, Egypt : Extinct city) --- Ptolemais Euergetis (Extinct city) --- Setje (Extinct city) --- Shedet (Extinct city) --- Economic conditions --- Politics and government --- Antiquities --- -Economic conditions --- British Library. --- British Museum. --- Arsinoë (Fayyūm, Egypt : Extinct city) --- Arsinoiton polis (Fayyūm, Egypt : Extinct city) --- Economic conditions. --- Politics and government. --- Water-supply - Egypt - Arsinoe (Fayyum : Extinct city) - Management. --- Water-supply - Egypt - Arsinoe (Fayyum : Extinct city) - Management - Early works to 1800. --- Municipal government - Egypt - Arsinoe (Fayyum : Extinct city)
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La 4e de couverture indique : "Le fort de Krokodilô, fouillé en 1996 et 1997 par la Mission française du désert Oriental, est situé sur la route reliant Coptos, dans la Vallée du Nil, à Myos Hormos, sur la mer Rouge. Son dépotoir, formé sous les règnes de Trajan et Hadrien, a livré plus de 800 ostraca, dont 189 sont publiés dans ce volume. Après un premier volume des Ostraca de Krokodilô consacré à la correspondance militaire, le présent ouvrage s'intéresse à la correspondance privée que s'échangeaient les habitants de Krokodilô et des forts voisins, Phoinikôn et Persou. Les lettres ont été rédigées par trois personnalités très différentes : Philoklès, le vivandier et proxénète, joue un rôle central dans l'approvisionnement des habitants des fortins du désert, et dans le commerce de prostituées, dont il s'est fait une spécialité); Ischyras, le carrier, est une connaissance de Philoklès, ses lettres regorgent de manifestations d'amitié tout en livrant quelques confidences peu amènes, indices de rapports humains parfois brutaux ; Apollôs enfin, en plus d'être semble-t-il un soldat, assure le rôle de scribe au sein d'un groupe dont les préoccupations concernent presque uniquement le ravitaillement. La richesse de ce corpus permet de reconstituer la vie des petites sociétés peuplant les garnisons du désert au début du iie s. apr. J.-C., et de mettre en lumière la vigueur des réseaux qui liaient les quelque 200 personnages qui apparaissent dans les ostraca. On y découvre l'importance des liens de solidarité dans un milieu hostile et la place essentielle des civils, notamment des femmes, dans la vie des fortins." La 4e de couverture indique : "The fort of Krokodilo on the road from Coptos to Myos Hormos was excavated in 1996-97 by the French mission in the Eastern desert. Its rubbish-dump was formed during the reigns of Trajan and Hadrian, and produced over 800 ostraca, 189 of which are published in this volume. While the first volume of Ostraca de Krokodilô concerns military correspondence, this second volume contains private letters exchanged between the inhabitants of Krokodilo and the neighbouring forts, Phoinikon and Persou. The letters were written by three very different characters: Philokles, a green-grocer and pimp, plays a central role in supplying vegetables to the inhabitants of the desert forts and also organises the prostitution; Ischyras, a quarry-man, is an acquaintance of Philokles and his letters are full of declarations of friendship, but also contain some harsh remarks which demonstrate the brutality of certain human relationships; Apollos is probably a soldier, but also functions as a letter-writer for a group of people who are mostly concerned with their provisions of food. This rich corpus gives us a glimpse of the daily life in a society of some 200 people who lived in the desert garrisons at the beginning of the 2nd century AD, and who appear in the ostraca. We are able to witness the importance of solidarity in this hostile environment and the important role of civilians, not least the women, in the life around the forts."
Ostraca --- Inscriptions, Greek --- Military towns --- Inscriptions grecques --- Villes de garnison --- Translations into French --- History --- Sources --- Traductions françaises --- Histoire --- Rome --- History, Military --- Army --- Records and correspondence --- Histoire militaire --- Armée --- Documents et correspondance --- Ostraka --- Romans --- Arsinoé (Fayyûm, Egypt : Extinct city) --- Fayyûm (Egypt) --- Egypt --- Antiquities, Roman --- Arsinoë (Fayyūm, Egypt : Extinct city) --- Fayyūm (Egypt) --- Antiquities, Roman. --- Records and correspondence. --- Arsinoë (Fayyūm, Egypt : Extinct city). --- Traductions françaises --- Armée --- Ethnology --- Italic peoples --- Latini (Italic people) --- Potsherds (Ostraka) --- Paleography --- Pottery --- Writing materials and instruments --- Arsinoë (Fayyūm, Egypt : Extinct city) --- Fayyūm (Egypt) --- Rim --- Roman Empire --- Roman Republic (510-30 B.C.) --- Romi (Empire) --- Byzantine Empire --- Rome (Italy) --- Fayum (Egypt) --- Fayoum (Egypt) --- Faiyum (Egypt) --- Fayyoum (Egypt) --- Fayoom (Egypt) --- Madīnet el Faiyūm (Egypt) --- Medinat Fayum (Egypt) --- Médinate el-Fayoum (Egypt) --- Madīnat al-Fayyūm (Egypt) --- Égypte --- Ägypten --- Egitto --- Egipet --- Egiptos --- Miṣr --- Southern Region (United Arab Republic) --- Egyptian Region (United Arab Republic) --- Iqlīm al-Janūbī (United Arab Republic) --- Egyptian Territory (United Arab Republic) --- Egipat --- Arab Republic of Egypt --- A.R.E. --- ARE (Arab Republic of Egypt) --- Jumhūrīyat Miṣr al-ʻArabīyah --- Mitsrayim --- Egipt --- Ijiptʻŭ --- Misri --- Ancient Egypt --- Gouvernement royal égyptien --- جمهورية مصر العربية --- مِصر --- مَصر --- Maṣr --- Khēmi --- エジプト --- Ejiputo --- Egypti --- Egypten --- מצרים --- United Arab Republic --- Arsinoiton polis (Fayyūm, Egypt : Extinct city) --- Crocodilopolis (Fayyūm, Egypt : Extinct city) --- Krokodilon polis (Fayyūm, Egypt : Extinct city) --- Krokodilopolis (Fayyūm, Egypt : Extinct city) --- Ptolemais Euergetis (Extinct city) --- Setje (Extinct city) --- Shedet (Extinct city) --- Antiquities --- Garnisons --- Fouilles archéologiques --- Correspondance --- Égypte --- Sources. --- Excavations (Archaeology) --- Social networks --- History. --- Social life and customs --- Ostraka - Egypt - Arsinoé (Fayyûm : Extinct city) --- Romans - Egypt - Arsinoé (Fayyûm : Extinct city) --- Fayyûm (Egypt) - Antiquities, Roman --- Rome - Army - Records and correspondence --- Egypt - History - 30 B.C.-640 A.D. - Sources
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Under Ptolemy II Philadelphus, who ruled Egypt in the middle of the third century B.C.E., Alexandria became the brilliant multicultural capital of the Greek world. Theocritus's poem in praise of Philadelphus-at once a Greek king and an Egyptian pharaoh-is the only extended poetic tribute to this extraordinary ruler that survives. Combining the Greek text, an English translation, a full line-by-line commentary, and extensive introductory studies of the poem's historical and literary context, this volume also offers a wide-ranging and far-reaching consideration of the workings and representation of poetic patronage in the Ptolemaic age. In particular, the book explores the subtle and complex links among Theocritus's poem, modes of praise drawn from both Greek and Egyptian traditions, and the subsequent flowering of Latin poetry in the Augustan age. As the first detailed account of this important poem to show how Theocritus might have drawn on the pharaonic traditions of Egypt as well as earlier Greek poetry, this book affords unique insight into how praise poetry for Ptolemy and his wife may have helped to negotiate the adaptation of Greek culture that changed conditions of the new Hellenistic world. Invaluable for its clear translation and its commentary on genre, dialect, diction, and historical reference in relation to Theocritus's Encomium, the book is also significant for what it reveals about the poem's cultural and social contexts and about Theocritus' devices for addressing his several readerships. COVER IMAGE: The image on the front cover of this book is incorrectly identified on the jacket flap. The correct caption is: Gold Oktadrachm depicting Ptolemy II and Arsinoe (mid-third century BCE; by permission of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston).
Ptolemy II Philadelphus, King of Egypt --- Theocritus --- Ptolemy --- Ptolemaeus --- Ptolemy II Philadelphus --- Poetry --- LITERARY CRITICISM / Ancient & Classical. --- alexandria. --- ancient egypt. --- ancient greece. --- aristophanes. --- arsinoe ii. --- art. --- augustan poetry. --- classical studies. --- clouds. --- egypt. --- encomium. --- genre studies. --- greek culture. --- greek poetry. --- greek world. --- hellenism. --- hellenistic poetry. --- hellenistic world. --- heracles. --- homeric hymn. --- hymn. --- king. --- latin poetry. --- literary criticism. --- monarchy. --- mythology. --- patronage. --- patrons. --- pharaoh. --- pharaonic traditions. --- philadelphus. --- pithom stele. --- poetic meter. --- poetic tribute. --- poetry. --- poets. --- praise. --- ptolemaic dynasty. --- ptolemy ii. --- reign. --- ruler. --- theocritus. --- third century. --- zeus.
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