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Lisht, twenty miles south of Cairo, has been the site of excavations since its discovery in 1906, and since that time scholars at the Metropolitan Museum have published several volumes about this Middle Kingdom site. This new book in the series focuses on the architecture of the pyramid complex of King Amenemhat I, which was built on a foundation using Old Kingdom blocks. The publication brings together new information obtained from numerous expeditions and many years of research and analysis, and includes photographs from the original finding in the early 20th century as well as new, unpublished drawings of wall reliefs and inscriptions. Documenting an area of excavation in Egypt that has suffered recent damage and continues to be threatened, this book provides indispensable insight to students and scholars of Egyptian archaeology and architecture.
Pyramids --- Architecture, Ancient --- Amenemhet --- Tomb --- Lisht Site (Egypt) --- Egypt --- Antiquities --- Tombes --- Pyramides --- Architecture égyptienne --- Licht (Égypte ; site archéologique) --- Égypte --- Licht (Égypte ; site archéologique). --- Pyramide d'Amenemhat I. --- Amenemhat I --- Licht (Égypte) --- Pyramids - Egypt --- Architecture, Ancient - Egypt --- Amenemhet - I, - King of Egypt, - -1962 B.C. - Tomb --- Egypt - Antiquities --- Amenemhet - I, - King of Egypt, - -1962 B.C.
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The temple's history and its decorationReused blocks originating from the Old KingdomReused blocks found in place and originating from the early Twelfth DynastyBlocks from Amenemhat I's Temple .
Pyramids --- Relief (Art) --- Architecture, Ancient --- Amenemhet --- Tomb --- Lisht Site (Egypt) --- Egypt --- Antiquities --- Pyramides -- Égypte --- Art, Ancient --- Antiquities. --- 3-D painting --- Layering (Art) --- Relief art --- Relief painting --- Relief panel --- Three-dimensional painting --- Art, Modern --- Pyramids - Egypt --- Relief (Art) - Egypt --- Architecture, Ancient - Egypt --- Amenemhet - I, - King of Egypt, - -1962 B.C. - Tomb --- Egypt - Antiquities --- Amenemhet - I, - King of Egypt, - -1962 B.C.
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In der ägyptischen Tempelarchitektur finden sich für die Wasserableitung neben schmucklosen Steinblöcken auch figürlich ausgearbeitete Wasserspeier, die durchweg als rundplastische Löwen gestaltet sind. Anders als aus Griechenland, Rom oder von zahlreichen mittelalterlichen Kirchen und Kathedralen bekannt, speien die ägyptischen Exemplare das Wasser jedoch nicht aus dem Maul, sondern leiten es durch eine zwischen den vorgestreckten Pranken angebrachte Rinne ab. Bettina Ventker untersucht in ihrer Studie Der Starke auf dem Dach den Sinngehalt dieser Architekturelemente, der sich keineswegs wie gemeinhin angenommen in der Übel abwehrenden Funktion des Löwen erschöpft. Der Schwerpunkt der Untersuchung liegt dabei auf den dekorierten Löwen-Wasserspeiern der griechisch-römischen Zeit, deren Inschriften Aufschluss über die ihnen zugrunde liegenden Vorstellungen geben und so den wesentlichen Zugang zum Verständnis ermöglichen. Auf Grundlage der in Transliteration und Übersetzung vorgelegten Texte kann erstmals ein umfassendes Bild von der Funktion und Bedeutung der Motivwahl des Löwen gezeichnet werden. Obwohl löwengestaltige Wasserspeier für die gesamte ägyptische Geschichte im Tempelbau belegt sind, wurden sie in der Fachliteratur bislang nur unzureichend berücksichtigt. Um diese Forschungslücke zu schließen, legt Ventker zudem einen Gesamtüberblick über die Konstruktion und Gestaltung der Löwen-Wasserspeier vom Alten Reich bis in die griechisch-römische Zeit vor.
Lion --- Décoration architecturale --- Gargouilles (architecture) --- Dans l'art --- Architecture, Ancient --- Decoration and ornament, Architectural --- Gargoyles --- Lion in art --- Religious architecture --- Temples --- Architecture --- Grotesque in architecture --- Architectural decoration and ornament --- Stonework, Decorative --- Architectural design --- Exterior walls --- Spiritual architecture --- Lions in art --- Details --- Decoration and ornament --- Dans l'art. --- Gargoyles - Egypt --- Architecture, Ancient - Egypt --- Religious architecture - Egypt --- Temples - Egypt --- Decoration and ornament, Architectural - Egypt
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In der ersten Hälfte des 7. Jahrhunderts v.u.Z. ließ sich Monthemhet, Vierter Gottesdiener des Amun in Karnak und Bürgermeister von Theben, seine Grabanlage im nördlichen Asasif auf dem Westufer der Stadt errichten. Es entstand eines der größten Gräber, das im alten Ägypten für eine Privatperson jemals erbaut wurde. Die unterirdisch angelegten beiden Höfe und mehr als 60 Räume, Treppen und Durchgänge sind mit Texten und Bildern dekoriert, die extrem umfangreich und inhaltlich sehr breit gestreut sind, bislang jedoch nur unzulänglich oder gar nicht publiziert vorliegen.Mit dem nördlichen Bestattungstrakt ist nun ein erster, in sich abgeschlossener Bereich erstmals vollständig zugänglich. Vorgelegt werden die Reliefs in Umzeichnung, die Texte sind in Hieroglyphen, Umschrift und Übersetzung wiedergegeben und mit Kommentaren versehen, Fotos vermitteln einen Eindruck der Örtlichkeiten. In einer ersten Annäherung werden Dekoration und Architektur als Reise gedeutet, die der Grabherr am Tag seiner Bestattung unternimmt und nach seinem Tod gedanklich bei jedem Verlassen und Betreten der Grabanlage wiederholt. Sie führt ihn vom Mundöffnungsritual über mehrere Stationen (u.a. Tore, Totengericht) und über Opferstätten für ihn und für Osiris bis hin zu seiner ewigen Ruhestätte. Es ist auch der Weg eines jeden Besuchers, der zudem an verschiedenen Stellen in eine rituelle Kommunikation mit dem Grabherrn eintreten kann
Excavations (Archaeology) --- Tombs --- Inscriptions, Egyptian --- Translations into German. --- Month-em-hat, --- Architecture, Ancient --- Art, Ancient --- Tombs - Egypt - Thebes (Extinct city) --- Architecture, Ancient - Egypt - Thebes (Extinct city) --- Art, Ancient - Egypt - Thebes (Extinct city) --- Inscriptions, Egyptian - Egypt - Thebes (Extinct city) --- Excavations (Archaeology) - Egypt - Thebes (Extinct city) --- Archäologie --- Religionswissenschaft --- Supulkralkultur --- Ägyptologie --- Sargkammer
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Architecture, Ancient --- Building, Stone --- Architecture antique --- Construction en pierre --- History. --- Histoire --- Egypt --- Egypte --- Civilization --- Kings and rulers --- Civilisation --- Rois et souverains --- Building --- Histoire de l'architecture --- Histoire de la construction --- Palais --- Pyramide --- Temple --- History --- Antiquities --- Architectural engineering --- Buildings --- Construction --- Construction science --- Engineering, Architectural --- Structural design --- Structural engineering --- Architecture --- Construction industry --- Stone building --- Stone construction --- Design and construction --- Antiquities. --- Antiquité égyptienne --- Bâtiment en pyramide --- Building - Egypt - History - To 1500 --- Architecture, Ancient - Egypt --- Egypt - Antiquities
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Entre environ 2350 et 2150 av. J.-C., à la fin de l’Ancien Empire égyptien, cinq rois, Ounas, Téti, Pépy Iᵉʳ, Mérenrê Iᵉʳ et Pépy II, ont été enterrés sous des pyramides, dans des appartements funéraires décorés de formules destinées à leur faciliter l’accès à l’immortalité. En 1880 Auguste Mariette, puis Gaston Maspero en 1881 et 1882, découvraient ces fameux Textes des pyramides.Dans la continuité de Gustave Jéquier et de Jean Sainte-Fare Garnot, Jean Leclant a fondé en 1963 la Mission archéologique française de Saqqara afin de poursuivre la collecte, l’étude et la publication de ces textes. C’est dans ce cadre qu’une exploration systématique des pyramides a permis leur étude architecturale. Dans un premier volume consacré à Saqqara Nord, Audran Labrousse, actuel directeur de la MAFS, avait déjà analysé l’architecture des pyramides d’Ounas et de Téti ainsi que, plus généralement, la construction interne des pyramides à textes. Ce deuxième volume concerne Saqqara Sud avec les pyramides de Pépy Iᵉʳ, Mérenrê Iᵉʳ et Pépy II.
Architecture, Egyptian --- -Pyramids --- -Archaeology --- Architecture, Ancient --- Monuments --- Sepulchral monuments --- Tombs --- Egyptian architecture --- Saqqarah (Egypt) --- -Antiquities --- -Saqqarah (Egypt) --- Pyramids --- Archaeology --- Ṣaqqārah (Egypt) --- Antiquities. --- Antiquities --- Pyramids - Egypt - Ṣaqqārah --- Architecture, Ancient - Egypt - Ṣaqqārah --- Tombs - Egypt - Ṣaqqārah --- Ṣaqqārah (Egypt) - Antiquities --- Pyramides --- Fouilles archéologiques --- Architecture égyptienne --- Textes des pyramides --- Saqqarah (Égypte ; site archéologique) --- Égypte --- Conception et construction --- Dessins et plans
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The study of the semiotics of palaces in the Ancient Near East and Ancient Egypt provides the historian with diverse information as size and type of architecture demonstrate the kind of representation chosen by rulers towards their world. Some features were adopted from temples in order to stage the appearance of the ruler like a divine epiphany. Some further integrate a temple within the palace, showcasing the desire of the ruler to live with a specific deity under one roof for divine support and protection. The importance of this ruler can also be reflected by the size of the throne room and the number of columns, showing as well a hierarchy in the use of space within the whole building complex and its different units. For instance, the presence of a rather intimate throne room or a second small throne room points to space for confidential exchange between the ruler and his visitors. The capacity of storerooms additionally gives us insight into the economic power standing behind the palace. The comparison of different elements between palatial and domestic architecture also proves helpful in identifying the origins of particular components. Exploration of such semiotics was initiated with the publication of the first palace volume in 2018 following a conference held in London 2013. The present volume stands in direct continuation and is the result of a second palace conference that took place at the 10th ICAANE 2016 in Vienna. Besides introducing other palaces in Egypt and Nubia, this volume is dedicated primarily to Near Eastern palaces which are presented and studied by prominent experts in this field.
Palaces --- Architecture, Ancient --- Excavations (Archaeology) --- Egypt --- Middle East --- Antiquities. --- Archaeological digs --- Archaeological excavations --- Digs (Archaeology) --- Excavation sites (Archaeology) --- Ruins --- Sites, Excavation (Archaeology) --- Archaeology --- Buildings --- Conferences - Meetings --- Antiquities --- Palaces - Middle East - Congresses --- Palaces - Egypt - Congresses --- Architecture, Ancient - Middle East - Congresses --- Architecture, Ancient - Egypt - Congresses --- Excavations (Archaeology) - Middle East - Congresses --- Excavations (Archaeology) - Egypt - Congresses --- Egypt - Antiquities --- Middle East - Antiquities --- Architecture antique --- Architecture, Ancient. --- Excavations (Archaeology). --- Palaces. --- Egypt. --- Middle East. --- Ancient Egypt (region). --- Middle East (general region).
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The study of the semiotics of palaces in the Ancient Near East and Ancient Egypt provides the historian with diverse information as size and type of architecture demonstrate the kind of representation chosen by rulers towards their world. Some features were adopted from temples in order to stage the appearance of the ruler like a divine epiphany. Some further integrate a temple within the palace, showcasing the desire of the ruler to live with a specific deity under one roof for divine support and protection. The importance of this ruler can also be reflected by the size of the throne room and the number of columns, showing as well a hierarchy in the use of space within the whole building complex and its different units. For instance, the presence of a rather intimate throne room or a second small throne room points to space for confidential exchange between the ruler and his visitors. The capacity of storerooms additionally gives us insight into the economic power standing behind the palace. The comparison of different elements between palatial and domestic architecture also proves helpful in identifying the origins of particular components. Exploration of such semiotics was initiated with the publication of the first palace volume in 2018 (Verlag der ÖAW, Vienna) following a conference held in London 2013. The present volume stands in direct continuation and is the result of a second palace conference that took place at the 10th ICAANE 2016 in Vienna. Besides introducing other palaces in Egypt and Nubia, this volume is dedicated primarily to Near Eastern palaces which are presented and studied by prominent experts in this field.
Conferences - Meetings --- Architecture égyptienne --- Architecture --- Actes de congrès. --- Architecture égyptienne --- Architecture, Ancient --- Palaces --- Excavations (Archaeology) --- Antiquities. --- Architecture, Ancient. --- Palaces. --- Egypt --- Middle East --- Egypt. --- Middle East. --- Antiquities --- Archaeology --- E-books --- Architecture, Ancient - Middle East - Congresses --- Architecture, Ancient - Egypt - Congresses --- Palaces - Middle East - Congresses --- Palaces - Egypt - Congresses --- Excavations (Archaeology) - Middle East - Congresses. --- Excavations (Archaeology) - Egypt - Congresses --- Egypt - Antiquities --- Middle East - Antiquities --- Architecture antique --- Excavations (Archaeology). --- Fouilles archéologiques --- Palais --- Moyen-Orient --- Égypte --- Antiquités.
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Collections of scenes and texts designated variously as the "Book of the Earth," "Creation of the Solar Disc," and "Book of Aker" were inscribed on the walls of royal sarcophagus chambers throughout Egypt's Ramessid period (Dynasties 19-20). This material illustrated discrete episodes from the nocturnal voyage of the sun god, which functioned as a model for the resurrection of the deceased king. These earliest "Books of the Earth" employed mostly ad hoc arrangements of scenes, united by shared elements of iconography, an overarching, bipartite symmetry of composition, and their frequent pairing with representations of the double sky overhead. From the Twenty-First Dynasty and later, selections of programmatic tableaux were adapted for use in private mortuary contexts, often in conjunction with innovative or previously unattested annotations. The present study collects and analyzes all currently known Book of the Earth material, including discussions of iconography, grammar, orthography, and architectural setting.
Architecture, Ancient --- Egyptian language --- Funeral rites and ceremonies --- Tombs --- Egyptian literature --- Égyptien ancien (langue) --- Architecture égyptienne --- Rites et cérémonies funéraires égyptiens --- Inscriptions égyptiennes --- 1200 av. J.-C.-1085 av. J.-C. --- Religious literature --- Funerary texts --- Egypt --- Egypte antique --- History --- Religion --- Afroasiatic languages --- Mastabas --- Funerals --- Mortuary ceremonies --- Obsequies --- Manners and customs --- Rites and ceremonies --- Burial --- Cremation --- Cryomation --- Dead --- Mourning customs --- Religion. --- Funeral rites and ceremonies - Egypt - Sources --- Architecture, Ancient - Egypt --- Tombs - Egypt. --- Egyptian literature - Religious literature --- Egypt - Religion --- Egypt - History - Twentieth dynasty, 1200-ca. 1070 B.C.
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Art --- Antiquity --- Philae --- Antieke versiering en ornament --- Decoration and ornament [Ancient ] --- Décoration et ornement de l'antiquité --- Geschiedenis van de Oudheid --- Histoire de l'Antiquité --- Versiering en ornament [Antieke ] --- Versiering en ornament van de oudheid --- Ptolemies, --- Inscriptions, Egyptian --- Inscriptions égyptiennes --- Egypt --- Philae (Egypt) --- Egypte --- Philae (Egypte) --- Antiquities --- Antiquités --- Temples --- Architecture, Ancient --- Decoration and ornament, Architectural --- Gods, Egyptian, in art. --- Ptolemaic dynasty, 305-30 B.C. --- -Architecture, Ancient --- -Decoration and ornament, Architectural --- -Gods, Egyptian, in art --- Academic collection --- Architectural decoration and ornament --- Architecture --- Stonework, Decorative --- Architectural design --- Exterior walls --- Archaeology --- Church architecture --- Religious institutions --- Decoration and ornament --- Inscriptions égyptiennes --- Antiquités --- Gods, Egyptian, in art --- Ptolemaic dynasty, 305-30 B.C --- Archeologen, historici --- Temples - Egypt - Philae --- Architecture, Ancient - Egypt - Philae --- Decoration and ornament, Architectural - Egypt - Philae --- Antiquities. --- Religious architecture
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