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Designed for adolescent survivors of sexual abuse who are in group or individual counselling and written in a style appropriate for this age group, this book provides information on how survivors may have been affected by abuse. 'The Survivor's Guide' will also be valuable to counsellors, psychotherapists and others helping survivors.
Sexually abused teenagers --- Teenage sexual abuse victims --- Abused teenagers --- Sexual abuse victims --- Mental health --- Sexually abused teenages --- Case studies.
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This book will introduce the reader to the basics of conducting a successful investigation into allegations of sexual abuse of a child or adolescent. It is designed to help the newer investigators avoid some of the common errors that occur in child and adolescent sexual abuse investigation, while gaining some of the basic knowledge necessary to be successful in this difficult and complex work. Written from a multi-discipline perspective, the book begins by defining successful investigation as a multidimensional outcome. The book moves forward by providing basic foundation information for succe
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La parole de l'enfant en justice est un sujet passionné, pollué par de nombreuses représentations idéologiques parfois copieusement servies par des théories pseudo-scientifiques. Le témoignage d'un enfant peut être contaminé par des interrogatoires répétés et être influencé par toutes sortes de facteurs : la perte de confiance de l'enfant, son niveau développemental, sa compréhension des questions et bien entendu l'influence des adultes sur ses propres souvenirs. Les connaissances scientifiques concernant le témoignage des enfants ont explosé au cours des trente dernières années. Elles ont permis de mieux baliser la pratique de l'audition des mineurs et de tout entretien requis à des fins d'expertise ou d'évaluation auprès d'enfants. Cet ouvrage offre aux intervenants une synthèse des connaissances acquises, ainsi qu'un éclairage sur les implications de celles-ci pour la conduite d'entretiens dans les meilleures conditions possibles. Sont examinés, entre autres, divers protocoles actuellement utilisés en France, dont l'Entretien par étapes progressives ou l'entretien cognitif adapté aux enfants, et le protocole du National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), qui est le protocole le plus reconnu, et le mieux validé, à l'échelle mondiale. La version révisée de ce protocole y est détaillée.
Enfants maltraités --- Enfants témoins --- Audition des témoins --- Abused teenagers --- Children as witnesses --- Cross-examination --- Child witnesses.
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Adolescent and child sexuality is studied by developmental psychologists from a research perspective and is of interest to forensic psychologists dealing with abuse and custody issues as well as rape cases. In many cases, it is of interest whether the child in question was sexually active to understand the extent to which an underage minor might have voluntarily participated in sexual activity as opposed to having been coerced. Previously, researchers interested in the applications of their research needed to look to separate books, and forensic specialists needed to look to development boo
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Written in a supportive tone, this easy-to-understand book explains what happens when a child discloses abuse and how various systems may respond to the testimony. 'Finding Your Way' is intended to help children understand what abuse is, the steps that are taken to protect a child, the process of prosecuting the abuser, and the child's feelings during the healing process. Intended for children ages 9-18, this is a valuable tool for any professional whose work involves protecting or treating abused children as well as investigating and prosecuting child abuse cases.
Abused children --- Child abuse --- Child sexual abuse --- Sexually abused teenagers --- Counseling of. --- Reporting --- Rehabilitation
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Teenagers --- Abused teenagers --- Youth and violence --- Victims of crimes surveys --- Crimes against
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Children --- Exploitation --- Girls in popular culture --- Human body --- Sexually abused teenagers --- Health and hygiene --- Social conditions
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Masculinity --- Sexually abused boys --- Sexually abused children --- Sexually abused teenagers --- Mental health --- Rehabilitation
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Explains teens' vulnerabilities to dating abuse, and describes tell-tale behaviors of teen abusers and teen victims. Addresses parents' role in recognizing associated warning signs. Provides guidelines to parents for communicating with teens to support healthy relationships and for monitoring teens' behavior to ensure their safety.
Dating violence --- Teenagers --- Abused teenagers --- Parent and teenager --- Prevention --- Abuse of --- Crimes against