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"The authors use detailed ethnographic evidence to design and interpret a broad representative survey of 800 households in Delhi's slums, examining the processes by which residents gain access to formal government and develop their own informal modes of leadership. While ethnically homogeneous slums transplant rural institutions to the city, newer and ethnically diverse slums depend on informal leaders who gain their authority through political connections, education, and network entrepreneurship. Education and political affiliation are more important than seniority in determining a leader's influence. Informal leaders are accessible to all slum dwellers, but formal government figures are most accessed by the wealthy and the well-connected. "--World Bank web site.
Leadership --- Slums
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This book provides a detailed account of childhood experiences in the slums of Liverpool during the 1950s and 1960s. It explores themes of poverty, resilience, and community life in a deprived urban environment. The author, Bob Dunn, combines personal anecdotes with historical context to illustrate the challenges and joys of growing up in such conditions. The narrative is set against the backdrop of post-war Britain, highlighting social, cultural, and economic factors that influenced childhood during this period. The book serves as both a personal memoir and a social history, offering insights into the everyday lives of families in Everton, Liverpool. It is intended for readers interested in social history, childhood studies, and the history of Liverpool.
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More than half of the world now lives in urban areas, but a billion of these people reside in neighbourhoods characterized by entrenched disadvantage. These neighbourhoods, known as 'slums', are often seen as a debilitating and even subversive presence within society. In reality, however, it is often the host societies and public policies that are at fault. In this comprehensive global history, Alan Mayne explores the evolution and meaning of the word 'slum', from its origins in London early in the nineteenth century to its use to describe favela communities in the lead up to the Rio de Janeiro Olympic games in 2016. The word 'slum' has been extensively used for two hundred years to condemn and disperse poor communities. Mounting a case for the word's elimination from the language of progressive urban social reform, Slums is a must-read book for all those interested in social history and the importance of these vibrant and vital neighbourhoods.
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Slums. --- Slums --- Community organization --- Poor
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Press --- Slums --- Case studies.
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Ensemble de constructions hâtivement bâties avec des matériaux de fortune sur un terrain squatté non viabilisé, destiné à une population pauvre exclue de tout, le bidonville est l'une des modalités de l'urbanisation planétaire, née à la fin du XIXe siècle et qui abritera près de 2 milliards d'habitants en 2030. Le phénomène s'est considérablement amplifié avec l'exode rural et l'extension des mégalopoles en ouvrant l'éventail des situations : certains bidonvilles centenaires se sont branchés sur les réseaux d'eau et d'électricité, des bicoques sont dorénavant en "dur" et disposent d'un jardinet, d'autres encore représentent le degré zéro de l'habitabilité avec quelques planches maladroitement clouées entre elles et surmontées d'un bout de tôle. Cet ouvrage retrace la géohistoire des bidonvilles, présente les principales théories socio-anthropologiques qui en expliquent la genèse et la pérennité, s'attarde sur leurs représentations tant romanesques que cinématographiques et évalue ce que ces "villes" incomplètes et inconfortables apportent à l'architecture de survie et à l'urbanisation sans urbanisme.
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Slums --- Poor --- Lima (Peru)
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Urban renewal --- Slums --- Housing
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Slums --- Poor --- Public welfare