Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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The waning of the Renaissance 1640-1740 : studies in the thought and poetry of Henry More, John Norris and Isaac Watts
Hoyles, John
Year: 1971
Volume: 39
Publisher: The Hague : Nijhoff,
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A discourse of the love of God : shewing that it is well consistent with some love or desire of the creature, and answering all the arguments of Mr. Norris in his sermon on Matth. 22, 37, and of the letters philosohical and divine to the contrary
Whitby, Daniel
Year: 1697
Publisher: London : Printed for Awnsham and John Churchill ...,
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The divine light of Christ in man, and his mediation : truly confessed by the people called Quakers. In a brief and gentle examination of John Norris his two treatises concerning the divine light. Intended to wipe off his undue reflection of grossness and confusion on the Quakers notion of the light within. With a postscript to J. N. By G. W. a servant of Christ.
Whitehead, George
Year: 1692
Publisher: London : printed for Thomas Northcott, in George-yard in Lombard-street,
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Letters concerning the love of God : between the author of the Proposal to the ladies and Mr. John Norris, wherein his late discourse, shewing that it ought to be intire and exclusive of all other loves, is further cleared and justified
Norris, John
Astell, Mary
Year: 1695
Publisher: London : Printed for Samuel Manship ..., and Richard Wilkin ...,
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Captain Desborow, by his petition to the honourable House of Commons, : sets forth, that he being commander of the Mary-Galley, was the last year, together with fourteen other ships, ordered to Newfoundland, under the command of Captain John Norris.
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The castle, or picture of pollicy : shewing forth most liuely, the face, body and partes of a commonwealth, the duety quality, profession of a perfect and absolute souldiar, the martiall feates encounters and skirmishes lately done by our English nation, vnder the conduct of the most noble and famous Gentleman M. Iohn Noris Generall of the Army of the states in Friseland. The names of many worthy and famous gentlemen which liue and haue this present yeare. 1580. ended theyr liues in that land most honorably. Handled in manner of a dialogue betwixt Gefferay Gate, and William Blandy, souldiars. Anno 1581.
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A iournall, or briefe report of the late seruice in Britaigne, by the Prince de Dombes generall of the French Kings army in those partes, : assisted with her Maiesties forces at this present there, vnder the conduct of Sir Iohn Norreis: aduertised by letters here resident from the said prince to the Kings ambassadour, with her Maiesty, and confirmed bylike aduertisements from others, imployed in that seruice. Published, to aunswere the slanderous bruites raised of late by some euill affected to that and other good actions, vndertaken against the enemy of Gods true religion.
Year: 1591
Publisher: London : Printed by Iohn VVolfe, and are to be sold at his shop right ouer against the great south-doore of Paules,
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The true reporte of the seruice in Britanie. Performed lately by the honorable knight Sir Iohn Norreys and other captaines and gentlemen souldiers before Guingand. : Together with the articles which the Prince D'ombes accorded to the defendants of the towne.
Montpensier, Henri de Bourbon
Year: 1591
Publisher: London : Printed by Iohn VVolfe, and are to be sold at his shop right ouer against the great south-doore of Paules,
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Newes from Brest. : A diurnal of al that Sir Iohn Norreis hath doone since his last ariuall in Britaine : also of the taking in of the forte by Croyzon, and the names of such captaines gentlemen and others that were slaine and hurte in this seruice. 1594.
Norris, John
Year: 1594
Publisher: Imprinted at London : by Peter Short, for Thomas Millington, and are to be sold at his shoppe vnder S. Peters Church in Cornhill.,
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The waning of the Renaissance 1640-1740 : studies in the thought and poetry of Henry More, John Norris and Isaac Watts
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