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This collection explores the links between multimodality and multilingualism, charting the interplay between languages, channels, and forms of communication in multilingual written texts from historical manuscripts through to the new media of today and the non-verbal associations they evoke.
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Using insights from cognitive science, Comics and Cognition provides a cohesive framework for understanding how readers make meaning out of the many features of comics, including images, language, and layouts, and in a range of styles from realistic to very abstract cues. Mike Borkent unpacks many unconscious patterns and processes that support the why's and how's of the textual experience, showing how perception, interaction, synthesis, and improvisation produce a dynamic interplay between the reader and the text creating a unique texture to readerly experience, including the development of different viewpoints, senses of time, and metacommentaries.
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Cet ouvrage présente une synthèse inédite des travaux conduits dans les pays anglo-saxons en matière de multimodalité, d'analyse multimodale des discours et de multilittératies. Ces recherches, qui connaissent aujourd'hui un développement important, sont encore peu connues des lecteurs francophones. Or, en remettant en question nombre de positionnements épistémologiques, elles conduisent à une profonde reconfiguration des manières de penser la communication. Elles apportent ainsi des perspectives originales pour appréhender les discursivités contemporaines, caractérisées par le recours massif et conjoint à divers modes d'expression (verbal, visuel, audio, etc.). En outre, par leur articulation avec les problématiques éducatives, elles offrent un terrain fertile pour le réexamen de pratiques pédagogiques. Le terme de multilittératies renvoie en effet à la pluralité et à la diversité: celles des modes (le visuel, l'oral, l'écrit, le gestuel, etc.); celles des langues (plurilinguisme); des pratiques; des situations; des contextes; des technologies. L'objectif de ce travail est de proposer aux étudiants et chercheurs qui s'intéressent à ces questions une réflexion épistémologique, ainsi qu?une vision globale des apports de ces recherches. L'ouvrage comprend un grand nombre de références bibliographiques en anglais et en français.
Modality (Linguistics) --- Communication --- Literacy --- Sociolinguistics
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This book examines the role of modal expressions in various medical genres, as well as pointing out other markers of speaker attitude. Based on new computer-readable data, and combining quantitative and qualitative methods, the book argues that the use of modal expressions reflects the institutional context of medical discourse. Modal expressions are analysed with reference to hedging, reliability, and argumentation, and it is shown that their use in different genres reflects a model of medicine leading from bio-medical hypotheses through assessment to clinical applications. The book also analyses new genres of medical writing that have developed as a response to the increasing amount of medical information. Advertisements are analysed as an example of medicalization, showing how evaluation in the texts is based on medical values.
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Originating from papers presented at an international colloquium, the 18 articles in this volume reflect the different aspects of modality: general, lexical, temporal and modal. There is no one single definition or methodological approach to the study of modality. This is borne out by the range of these articles, with perspectives extending from different manifestation forms of modality to its different implications or values (alethic, deontic, epistemic, radical, etc.) and from modality in specific genres to contrastive and historical perspectives on the phenomenon.
French language --- Grammar --- Modality (Linguistics) --- Linguistics --- Modality
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Lexicology. Semantics --- English language --- Modality (Linguistics) --- Linguistics