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Peronism --- Mass media and literature --- Perón, Eva, - 1919-1952 --- Argentina
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Literature, Modern --- Mass media and literature. --- History and criticism.
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Mass media and the arts --- Mass media and literature --- Intermediality
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Medien nehmen intermedial Bezug aufeinander und beziehen sich in rekursiven Schleifen in-tramedial auf sich selbst. Transportieren die vielfältigen Verfahren medialer Bezugnahme dabei einen bewegungsresisten-ten Sinn oder erzeugen sie im Zuge ihrer Prozessierung erst Bedeutung? Lässt sich über die medialen Praktiken der Bezug-nahme ein Muster freilegen, das die Verfahrenslogik der kulturel-len Semantik bestimmt? Im Anschluss an Überlegungen zu einer Transkriptionstheorie untersucht der Band Formen kultureller Kommunikation auf eine ihnen eigene Logik der Transkription. Anhand von Fall-beispielen aus verschiedenen Materialfeldern werden die me-dialen Bedingungen transkripti-ver Verfahren freigelegt und spezifiziert.
Mass media and literature. --- Mass media and the arts. --- Intermediality.
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The Routledge Companion to Literary Media examines the fast-moving present and future of a media ecosystem in which the literary continues to play a vital role. The term 'literary media' challenges the tendency to hold the two terms distinct and broadens accepted usage of the literary to include popular cultural forms, emerging technologies and taste cultures, genres, and platforms, as well as traditions and audiences all too often excluded from literary histories and canons. Featuring contributions from leading international scholars and practitioners, the Companion provides a comprehensive guide to existing terms and theories that address the alignment of literature and a variety of media forms. It situates the concept in relation to existing theories and histographies; considers emerging genres and forms such as locative narratives and autofiction; and expands discussion beyond the boundaries by which literary authorship is conventionally defined. Contributors also examine specific production and publishing contexts to provide in-depth analysis of the promotion of literary media materials. The volume further considers reading and other aspects of situated audience engagement, such as Indigenous and oral storytelling, prize and review cultures, book clubs, children, and young adults. This authoritative collection is an invaluable resource for scholars and students working at the intersection of literary and media studies.
Mass media and literature --- Literature and technology --- Intermediality
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'Techno-Magism' explores how British Romantic literature abuts and is organized around both print and non-print media. The book explores not only the print, pictorial art, and theatre of early 19th-century England and Europe but also communicative technologies invented after the British Romantic period, such as photography, film, video, and digital screens. This proleptic abutting points to one way we can understand the implicit exceptionality wagered by reading Romanticism through media studies and media theory. 'Techno-Magism' argues that both media studies and the concept of mediation in general can benefit from a more robust confrontation with, or recovery of, the arguments of deconstruction, an unavoidable consequence of thinking about the relationship between Romanticism and media.
Romanticism --- English literature --- Mass media and literature --- History and criticism.