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001 --- 041 --- 507 --- Radio I --- Radioprogramma's --- Weetjes --- Wetenschap --- jongeren --- wetenschappelijk onderzoek --- wetenschappen --- Encyclopedische werken van algem. inhoud --- Natuurwetenschappelijk onderzoek ; algemeen --- Jongens en Wetenschap (radioprogramma) --- Wetenschappen --- Geschiedenis --- Voorlichting --- 50 --- 50 Generalities about the pure sciences --- Generalities about the pure sciences
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Didactics of sciences --- 50 --- Educational psychology --- Science --- -Science --- -Natural science --- Science of science --- Sciences --- Education --- Psychology, Educational --- Psychology --- Child psychology --- Generalities about the pure sciences --- Experiments --- Study and teaching --- Educational psychology. --- Experiments. --- Study and teaching. --- -Generalities about the pure sciences --- 50 Generalities about the pure sciences --- -Education --- Natural science --- Psychologie de l'éducation. --- Etude et enseignement --- Expériences --- Science education --- Scientific education --- Psychologie de l'éducation --- Étude et enseignement. --- Expériences. --- Étude et enseignement --- Psychologie de l'éducation. --- Étude et enseignement --- Expériences.
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50 --- Medicine --- -Physics --- -Psychiatry --- -Medicine and psychology --- Mental health --- Psychology, Pathological --- Natural philosophy --- Philosophy, Natural --- Physical sciences --- Dynamics --- Clinical sciences --- Medical profession --- Human biology --- Life sciences --- Medical sciences --- Pathology --- Physicians --- Generalities about the pure sciences --- Research --- -Case studies --- -Generalities about the pure sciences --- 50 Generalities about the pure sciences --- -50 Generalities about the pure sciences --- -001.8 --- Social Sciences and Humanities. Philosophy --- Systematics of Philosophy --- Physics --- Psychiatry --- 001.8 --- 159.955 --- Medicine and psychology --- 001.8 Methodologie in de wetenschap --- Methodologie in de wetenschap --- 159.955 Denken. Abstractievermogen --- Denken. Abstractievermogen --- Research&delete& --- Case studies --- Methodology --- Philosophy of science --- Methodology. --- Case studies. --- Logic. --- Recherche --- Méthodologie --- Health Workforce
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25 leuke, eenvoudige, soms hilarische experimenten staan in dit boek beschreven. Ze zijn met beperkte middelen uit te voeren. Alleen een beetje gezond verstand is onontbeerlijk, want zoals het voorwoord vermeldt: 'Elektrocutie, vergiftiging en diepe vleeswonden behoren allemaal tot de mogelijkheden.'
experimenten --- fysica --- natuurkunde --- proeven --- 53 --- wetenschappelijk onderzoek --- wetenschappelijke experimenten --- buskruit --- dinosaurus --- dna --- experimentele chemie --- fotografie --- magnetron --- mobiele telefonie --- motorolie --- seismologie --- testmethode --- zonnecel --- (zie ook: olie) --- (zie ook: smeermiddel) --- Chemische proeven --- Natuurkundige proeven --- Proeven (wetenschappen) --- Technologische opvoeding --- Techniek --- Chemie --- Fysica --- Science --- 50 --- 50 Generalities about the pure sciences --- Generalities about the pure sciences --- Chemische proef --- Natuurkundige proef --- Proef (wetenschap) --- Techniek (wetenschap) --- Grafische sector
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Leonardo da Vinci was wiskundige, beeldhouwer, knutselaar en filosoof. Dit boek bevat niet alleen de basale feiten over het opmerkelijke leven van da Vinci, maar laat vooral zien wat voor een enorme sprong voorwaarts de wetenschap had gemaakt als Leonardo's geniale uitvindingen niet in de vergetelheid waren geraakt.
Science --- Painting --- Leonardo da Vinci --- 50 --- 5 <092> --- #GGSB: Wetenschap --- 001 wetenschap --- 929 biografieën --- Da Vinci, Leonardo --- Italië 737.2 --- 929 --- 50 Generalities about the pure sciences --- Generalities about the pure sciences --- 5 <092> Wiskunde. Natuurwetenschappen--Biografieën --- Wiskunde. Natuurwetenschappen--Biografieën --- Italië --- 16e eeuw --- Schilderkunst --- Tekenkunst --- Wetenschap
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Kepler, Johannes --- 52 <092> --- 50 --- #GGSB: Wetenschap --- 929 biografieën --- 001 wetenschap --- 551.2 --- 929 --- Heelal --- 50 Generalities about the pure sciences --- Generalities about the pure sciences --- Astronomie. Astrofysica. Ruimteonderzoek. Geodesie--Biografieën --- Astronomie --- Biografieën --- Geschiedenis --- Biografie --- Boekdrukkunst --- Film (cinematografie) --- Literatuur --- Geneeskunde --- Techniek (wetenschap) --- Atlas --- Museum --- Noorwegen --- Kafka, Franz --- Vlaanderen --- Vlaams --- Emigratie --- Vrouw --- Wetenschap
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Originally published in 1960, The Edge of Objectivity helped to establish the history of science as a full-fledged academic discipline. In the mid-1950s, a young professor at Princeton named Charles Gillispie began teaching Humanities 304, one of the first undergraduate courses offered anywhere in the world on the history of science. From Galileo's analysis of motion to theories of evolution and relativity, Gillispie introduces key concepts, individuals, and themes. The Edge of Objectivity arose out of this course. It must have been a lively class. The Edge of Objectivity is pointed, opinionated, and selective. Even at six hundred pages, the book is, as the title suggests, an essay. Gillispie is unafraid to rate Mendel higher than Darwin, Maxwell above Faraday. Full of wry turns of phrase, the book effectively captures people and places. And throughout the book, Gillispie pushes an argument. He views science as the progressive development of more objective, detached, mathematical ways of viewing the world, and he orchestrates his characters and ideas around this theme. This edition of Charles Coulston Gillispie's landmark book introduces a new generation of readers to his provocative and enlightening account of the advancement of scientific thought over the course of four centuries. Since the original publication of The Edge of Objectivity, historians of science have focused increasingly on the social context of science rather than its internal dynamics, and they have frequently viewed science more as a threatening instance of power than as an accumulation of knowledge. Nevertheless, Gillispie's book remains a sophisticated, fast-moving, idiosyncratic account of the development of scientific ideas over four hundred years, by one of the founding intellects in the history of science.Featuring a new foreword by Theodore Porter, who places the work in its intellectual context and the development of the field, this edition of The Edge of Objectivity is a monumental work by one of the founding intellects of the history of science.
Science --- Sciences --- History --- Philosophy --- Histoire --- Philosophie --- Pure sciences. Natural sciences (general) --- Philosophy of science --- History. --- Philosophy. --- 165.42 --- 50 --- 50 Generalities about the pure sciences --- Generalities about the pure sciences --- 165.42 Kennis: omvang van de geldigheid; subjectiviteit; objectiviteit --- Kennis: omvang van de geldigheid; subjectiviteit; objectiviteit --- Science. --- SCIENCE / History.
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Without assuming any scientific background, Bucchi provides clear summaries of all the major theoretical positions within the sociology of science, using many fascinating examples to illustrate them.
Science --- Sciences --- Social aspects. --- Aspect social --- #SBIB:051.IO --- 316.75:001 --- #SBIB:316.23H2 --- 50 --- Wetenschapssociologie --- Sociologie van de wetenschappen --- Generalities about the pure sciences --- 50 Generalities about the pure sciences --- 316.75:001 Wetenschapssociologie --- Science. --- Science - Social aspects. --- Social Science. --- Sciences - General --- Physical Sciences & Mathematics --- Sociology. --- Social theory --- Science and society --- Sociology of science --- Social aspects --- Social sciences