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Operation freak : narrative, identity, and the spectrum of bodily abilities
ISBN: 077354027X 1283834820 9780773587878 077358787X 9780773540279 9781283834827 Year: 2012 Publisher: Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press,

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In Operation Freak, Christian Flaugh embarks upon an exploration of the intricate connection between the physical bodies and narratives that, subjected to all manner of operations, generate identity. The author spotlights such voluntary and involuntary acts to show how discourses of ability, disability, and bodily manipulation regularly influence the production in and of various Francophone texts. Flaugh's foundation is the critical examination of mutually-informing narratives: Francophone novels that hyperbolically signal normative discourses through quintessential "freaks" (monstres) such as the Siamese twin, the bearded lady, and the exotic witch; and the related sociocultural master narratives from North America, North Africa, and the Caribbean. Employing disability and freak culture theories alongside studies of identification and narrative, Flaugh's close readings move beyond polarized discussions of "disabled" and "non-disabled" bodies. They expand such discussions to articulate how ability - like identity and narrative - is impermanent. It passes and it is passed throughout a spectrum at the same time that it intersects regularly with various narratives of identity like citizenship, gender, and race. Each chapter reveals how "operation" is a profit-driven identification process informed by abilities and constantly reproduced by surgeons, slave masters, writers, and the "freak" protagonists themselves. An unflinching look at such manipulation, Operation Freak illustrates the undeniably visceral relation between bodily ability, identity, narrative, and normality carved onto the body of the freak of culture (monstre de la culture).

Contemporary Literary Criticism.
ISBN: 1414423799 0787667536 Year: 2004 Publisher: Detroit, Michigan : Gale,

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Covers authors who are currently active or who died after December 31, 1959. Profiles novelists, poets, playwrights and other creative and nonfiction writers by providing criticism taken from books, magazines, literary reviews, newspapers and scholarly journals.

Art sociologique
ISBN: 2264008113 Year: 1977 Volume: 1188 Publisher: Paris : Union générale d'éditions (U.G.E.),

Ecrire la peinture : de Diderot à Quignard
ISBN: 9782850882777 2850882771 Year: 2009 Publisher: Paris : Citadelles & Mazenod,

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La peinture est une poésie muette et la poésie une peinture aveugle. Léonard de Vinci Les premières descriptions d'œuvres d'art en littérature remontent à l'Antiquité avec L'Iliade et L'Énéide - d'où le terme d'ekphrasis utilisé pour qualifier cet exercice de style, ce défi rhétorique qui consiste à donner à voir ce qui n'est pas sous les yeux, à restituer l'indicible beauté plastique par la magie des mots. À la Renaissance, les deux Muses, l'Art et la Poésie se trouvent des affinités électives. Poètes et écrivains dès lors rivalisent d'audace et d'inventivité pour rendre compte de tableaux dans leurs œuvres. Avec Diderot, le genre acquiert ses lettres de noblesse et entre dans l'histoire littéraire. Pendant plus de vingt ans, de 1759 à 1781, il excelle à rendre compte des Salons de peinture du Louvre où exposent les Chardin, Greuze, Vernet et autre Fragonard. Le ton est donné, libre et vif, sans demi-teinte dans les jugements de valeur, qu'ils écorchent ou qu'ils portent au pinacle. C'est cette liberté qui fera les grandes heures de la critique d'art au XIXe siècle avec Stendhal, Gautier, Baudelaire, Zola, Mirbeau… Leur prose vibrante et enlevée jouera un rôle important dans la reconnaissance des peintres de la modernité tels les impressionnistes (Manet, Monet notamment). Au XXe siècle, les sphères de la peinture et de la littérature s'entrecroisent, voire se confondent ; peintres et écrivains partagent les mêmes sources d'inspiration, défendent les mêmes aspirations au renouveau esthétique. Ainsi naissent les grands duos « écrivain-artiste » : Proust-Monet, Apollinaire-Picasso, Breton-Ernst, Genet-Giacometti, Beckett-Van Velde, Leiris-Bacon… Plus que jamais, dans une émulation créatrice très féconde, la plume des uns devient le prolongement désigné du pinceau des autres. En confrontant directement les œuvres picturales avec leurs commentaires littéraires, cette anthologie illustrée se propose d'explorer ce dialogue éternel entre les arts, cette fascination réciproque qui a donné naissance à quelques-unes des grandes pages de la littérature française. De Pompéi à Francis Bacon, en passant par Raphaël, Rubens et Delacroix, ce livre somptueux nous invite à une promenade parmi les chefs-d'œuvre de la peinture occidentale, sous le regard complice et éclairé de nos grands auteurs. (note de l'éditeur - - juin 2009)

Male-Female Relations in the Literary Maghreb
ISBN: 0773421432 9780773421431 9780773414884 0773414886 Year: 2011 Publisher: Lewiston Edwin Mellen Press

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This book is a study of male-female relations in two acclaimed novels by contemporary Maghrebi Francophone author and French intellectual, Tahar Ben Jelloun. The problematic of male-female relations in the Maghreb, especially as represented by Tahar Ben Jelloun--with its extensive and overarching implications and possibilities within and beyond the realm of literary enquiry--has not received due scholarly and critical attention up until now. This study responds to the need for a holistic understanding of these male-female relations. This volume makes a solid and timely contribution to the fiel

Narratives of catastrophe : Boris Diop, ben Jelloun, Khatibi
ISBN: 082324718X 1282699024 9786612699023 0823237990 0823230503 0823230481 Year: 2009 Publisher: New York : Fordham University Press,

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Narratives of Catastrophe tells the story of the relationship between catastrophe, in the senses of "down turn" and "break," and narration as "recounting" in the senses suggested by the French term récit in selected texts by three leading writers from Africa. Qader's book begins by exploring the political implications of narrating catastrophic historical events. Through careful readings of singular literary texts on the genocide in Rwanda and on Tazmamart, a secret prison in Morocco under the reign of Hassan II, Qader shows how historical catastrophes enter language and how this language is marked by the catastrophe it recounts. Not satisfied with the extra-literary characterizations of catastrophe in terms of numbers, laws, and naming, she investigates the catastrophic in catastrophe, arguing that catastrophe is always an effect of language andthought,. The récit becomes a privileged site because the difficulties of thinking and speaking about catastrophe unfold through the very movements of storytelling.This book intervenes in important ways in the current scholarship in the field of African literatures. It shows the contributions of African literatures in elucidating theoretical problems for literary studies in general, such as storytelling's relationship to temporality, subjectivity, and thought. Moreover, it addresses the issue of storytelling, which is of central concern in the context of African literatures but still remains limited mostly to the distinction between the oral and the written. The notion of récit breaks with this duality by foregrounding the inaugural temporality of telling and of writing as repetition.The final chapters examine catastrophic turns within the philosophical traditions of the West and in Islamic thought, highlighting their interconnections and differences.

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