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Bible --- 222.8 --- #GROL:SEMI-229 Judi 1.6 --- Tobit. Judit. Ester. Esther
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222.8 --- Tobit. Judit. Ester. Esther --- Bible --- Religious texts --- Judaism --- Images of women --- Book
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222.8 --- Tobit. Judit. Ester. Esther --- Bible OT. Historical books. Esther
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222.8 --- Tobit. Judit. Ester. Esther --- Bible OT. Historical books. Judith
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Bible --- Criticism, interpretation, etc --- 222.8 --- #GROL:SEMI-222.8 --- Tobit. Judit. Ester. Esther --- Bible. --- Ester (Book of the Old Testament) --- Esther (Book of the Old Testament) --- Megilat Aḥashṿerosh --- Megilat Ester --- מגילת אסתר --- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
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Bible --- Criticism, interpretation, etc --- 222.8 --- Tobit. Judit. Ester. Esther --- Bible. --- Book of Judith --- Judith (Book of the Apocrypha) --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- -Conferences - Meetings --- -222.8 --- -Bible. --- Criticism, interpretation, etc.-
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Bible. O.T. --- Bible. --- 222.8 --- Tobit. Judit. Ester. Esther --- Book of Judith --- Judith (Book of the Apocrypha)
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Bible --- 222.8 --- Tobit. Judit. Ester. Esther --- Bible. --- Tobias (Book of the Apocrypha) --- Tobit (Book of the Apocrypha)
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Bible --- 222.8 --- Tobit. Judit. Ester. Esther --- Commentaries --- Bible. --- Book of Judith --- Judith (Book of the Apocrypha)
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Bible --- 222.8 --- Tobit. Judit. Ester. Esther --- Bible. --- Tobias (Book of the Apocrypha) --- Tobit (Book of the Apocrypha)