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The presented publication brings knowledge about the cultural-historical development of the festival, dramaturgical concept, choice of artists, the character of concert instruments, etc. The first chapter contains a cross-section of the 40-year history of the festival (Judita Kučerová). The historical study is followed by 3 chapters, first including the personal memories and experiences of the contemporary dramaturg and festival organizer Hana Bartošová. The essay on the organist's mission as a concert artist was contributed by the founder of the organ festival, prof. Alena Veselá, former rector of the Janáček Academy of Performing Arts in Brno and still active concert organist. The chapter on the concert organs, which the individual music evenings are played, was prepared by P. Jan Martin Bejček, OSB. The last part of the collective monograph consists of overviews of concerts held since the first years of the festival (Hana Bartošová), then in the period when the artistic and financial patronage of the Brno Organ Festival was taken over by the Club of Moravian Composers (Marek Sedláček) and an overview of non-Brno concerts (Hana Bartošová). The text has a source nature, the authors draw on preserved written documents and interviews with witnesses and festival organizers.
Keyboard instruments --- organ festival --- musical history --- dramaturgy of programme --- Cultural history --- Music --- Post-War period (1950 - 1989) --- Transformation Period (1990 - 2010) --- Present Times (2010 - today) --- Brněnského varhanního festivalu --- Civilization --- Music. --- History.
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Proces optuženima za atentat na Zorana Ðinđića je test spremnosti sudstva i srbijanskog društva za suočavanje sa pravim razlozima zbog kojih je prvi demokratski premijer brutalno ubijen. Istovremeno, njegov ishod pokazaće i meru spremnosti Srbije da raskine sa nasledjem režima Slobodana Miloševića i njegovom ratnom politikom. Takva ključna odrednica determinisala je i tragičnu ličnu sudbinu Zorana Ðindjića. Atmosfera koja je prethodila i najavila njegovo ubistvo karakteriše i tok sudskog procesa. Nastavljeno je sa opstrukcijama i diskreditacijama, ne samo Zorana Ðindjića, već i svih svedoka koji su njegovo ubistvo stavljali u politički kontekst bez kojeg se ono ne bi bilo moguće.
Trials (Assassination) --- Đinđić, Zoran, --- Assassination. --- Politics / Political Sciences --- Politics --- History --- Social Sciences --- Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence --- Criminal Law --- Sociology --- Recent History (1900 till today) --- Government/Political systems --- Criminology --- Transformation Period (1990 - 2010)
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The presented collective monograph aims to introduce the readers to socio-political and cultural aspects of the formation of Belarusian national identity throughout the centuries. It shows the main problems faced by the Belarusians searching for their own path of civilizational development on the borderland between the cultures of the broadly understood East and West.
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Politics / Political Sciences --- Politics --- History --- Political Sciences --- Political history --- Social history --- Recent History (1900 till today) --- International relations/trade --- Comparative politics --- Post-War period (1950 - 1989) --- Transformation Period (1990 - 2010) --- Inter-Ethnic Relations --- Geopolitics --- Politics of History/Memory --- Yugoslavia
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Politics / Political Sciences --- Politics --- History --- Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence --- Civil Law --- International Law --- Political Sciences --- Civil Society --- Recent History (1900 till today) --- Security and defense --- Transformation Period (1990 - 2010) --- Inter-Ethnic Relations --- Corruption - Transparency - Anti-Corruption --- Kosovo (Republic) --- History.
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Politics / Political Sciences --- Politics --- History --- Civil Society --- Recent History (1900 till today) --- Special Historiographies: --- International relations/trade --- Transformation Period (1990 - 2010) --- Post-Communist Transformation --- Politics and Identity --- Serbia --- Politics and government --- Social conditions
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Srđa Popović's analysis in détail of Serbia's way into the wars and conflicts of the 1990s
Politics / Political Sciences --- Politics --- History --- Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence --- Human Rights and Humanitarian Law --- Recent History (1900 till today) --- Special Historiographies: --- Transformation Period (1990 - 2010) --- Post-Communist Transformation --- Inter-Ethnic Relations --- Politics of History/Memory --- Yugoslavia --- Politics and government. --- Foreign relations.
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Ova knjiga je nastala tokom dramatičnih godina za srpsku politiku. U martu 2003. ubijen je premijer Đinđić – sve ukazuje na to da je ubica poticao iz „Crvenih beretki“ pod komandom Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova, uključujući njihove kontaktie u beogradskoj mafiji – pri čemu su možda bili uključeni i veći delovi državnog aparata. Posle više predsedničkih izbora bez rezultata, zbog premalog odziva birača, parlamentarni izbori od 28. decembra 2003. bili su iznenađenje za one koji su mislili da je Srbija na putu normalizacije. Pobednici su bile stranke koje su podržavale ranijeg predsednika Miloševića i još radikalnijeg Vojislava Šešelja – iako su obojica sedeli na optuženičkoj klupi u Hagu. Šešeljeva radikalna stranka postala je najjača, sa 28% glasova – i jedino ju je koalicija četnika, monarhista, liberalnih reformskih ekonomista i prethodnog predsednika, levičarskog nacionaliste Koštunice, sprečila da preuzme vlast; Koštunica se, pak, isključivo zahvaljujući goroj alternativi, predstavljao kao umeren.
Politics --- History --- Social Sciences --- Media studies --- Communication studies --- Sociology --- Recent History (1900 till today) --- Special Historiographies: --- Nationalism Studies --- Transformation Period (1990 - 2010) --- Wars in Jugoslavia --- Bosnia and Herzegovina --- Serbia --- Politics and government
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Pitanje iz naslova bi se u svakoj evropskoj državi shvatilo kao lakrdijaška pravna dosjetka. U Bosni ono ne stvara reflekse osmijeha; pitanje je ozbiljno i prate ga dramatična upozorenja. Tema je unekoliko izlizana političkim parolama i medijskim eskponiranjem političkih pozicija. No, stručni krugovi (sudije, tužioci, advokati i državni službenici) i akademska zajednica (saradnici univerzitetskih insitucija i naučno-istraživačkih instituta) imaju jasno artikulirine stavove o ovom pitanju. Oni nisu apodiktičke prirode, nego počivaju na analizi pravnog ustrojstva BiH i iznalaze argumente u uporednom pravu, jursidikciji Ustavnog suda BiH i u pozitivnom ustavnom pravu.
Politics / Political Sciences --- Politics --- History --- Social Sciences --- Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence --- Constitutional Law --- Public Law --- Sociology --- Recent History (1900 till today) --- Government/Political systems --- Evaluation research --- Transformation Period (1990 - 2010) --- Present Times (2010 - today) --- EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment --- EU-Legislation
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Politics / Political Sciences --- Politics --- History --- Diplomatic history --- Recent History (1900 till today) --- Special Historiographies: --- International relations/trade --- Transformation Period (1990 - 2010) --- Post-Communist Transformation --- Peace and Conflict Studies --- Wars in Jugoslavia --- Yugoslavia --- politics --- human rights --- 1990-2004