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Wils, Jan --- Architecture --- De Stijl (Art movement) --- De Stijl (Mouvement artistique) --- History --- Histoire --- Wils, Jan, --- 72.07 --- Architectuur ; Nederland ; 20ste eeuw ; Jan Wils --- Jan Wils 1891-1972 (°Alkmaar, Nederland) --- Architectuur ; De Stijl --- Architectuur ; Nederland ; Haagse School --- Sportstadia ; voetbalstadia ; Amsterdam ; Olympisch stadion --- 72.036 <492> --- Architecten. Stedenbouwkundigen A - Z --- Moderne bouwkunst. Architectuur van de 20e eeuw--Nederland --- 72.036 <492> Moderne bouwkunst. Architectuur van de 20e eeuw--Nederland
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Cognitive Architecture questions of how evolving modalities – from bio-politics to noo-politics – can be mapped upon the city under contemporary conditions of urbanization and globalization. Noo-politics, most broadly understood as a power exerted over the life of the mind, re-configures perception, memory and attention, and also implicates potential ways and means by which neurobiological architecture is undergoing reconfiguration. This volume, motivated by theories such as ‘cognitive capitalism’ and concepts such as ‘neural plasticity’, shows how architecture and urban processes and products commingle to form complex systems that produce novel forms of networks that empower the imagination and constitute the cultural landscape. This volume rethinks the relations between form and forms of communication, calling for a new logic of representation; it examines the manner in which information, with its non-hierarchical and distributed format is contributing both to the sculpting of brain and production of mind. Cognitive Architecture brings together renowned specialists in the areas of political and aesthetic philosophy, neuroscience, socio-cultural and architecture theory, visual and spatial theorists and practitioners; the contributions elucidate original ideas for thinking the city as a framework for possible gestations of noo-politics.
Philosophy and psychology of culture --- Architecture --- Cognitive science --- 316.276 --- 72.01 --- 1 --- Globalisatie --- 32 --- 316 --- 316.7 --- 3 --- Biopolitiek --- Noo-politics --- Architecture, Western (Western countries) --- Building design --- Buildings --- Construction --- Western architecture (Western countries) --- Art --- Building --- Science --- Philosophy of mind --- Cognitieve theorieen. Balanstheorie. Consistentietheorie. Dissonantietheorie.attributietheorie--(sociologische scholen) --- Architectuurtheorie. Bouwprincipes. Esthetica van de bouwkunst. Filosofie van de bouwkunst --- Architectuur (theorie) --- Architectuurtheorie --- Filosofie --- Politiek --- Politieke wetenschappen --- Sociologie --- Cultuursociologie --- Maatschappijwetenschappen --- Sociale wetenschappen --- Design and construction --- Architecture and philosophy. --- City planning. --- Semiotics and architecture. --- Urbanization. --- Philosophy. --- 72.01 Architectuurtheorie. Bouwprincipes. Esthetica van de bouwkunst. Filosofie van de bouwkunst --- Architecture and philosophy --- City planning --- Semiotics and architecture --- Urbanization --- Cities and towns, Movement to --- Urban development --- Urban systems --- Cities and towns --- Social history --- Sociology, Rural --- Sociology, Urban --- Urban policy --- Rural-urban migration --- Architecture and semiotics --- Civic planning --- Land use, Urban --- Model cities --- Redevelopment, Urban --- Slum clearance --- Town planning --- Urban design --- Urban planning --- Land use --- Planning --- Art, Municipal --- Civic improvement --- Regional planning --- Urban renewal --- Philosophy and architecture --- Philosophy --- Government policy --- Management --- 72.01 Theory and philosophy of architecture. Principles of design, proportion, optical effect --- Theory and philosophy of architecture. Principles of design, proportion, optical effect
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The Danish artist Asger Jorn is primarily known as a painter who was active in the Høst, Cobra and the Situationist International groups. The numerous leaflets, exhibition catalogues, interviews, articles and books he wrote throughout his entire career attest to his vast literary output and his urge to provoke debate at all social levels. Fraternité Avant Tout (above all – unity) is an anthology of Asger Jorn’s writings on art and architecture translated into English for the first time. Asger Jorn’s statement, ‘In the beginning there was the image’, represents both the starting point for discussions with his contemporaries and also the key element in his overall philosophy. After more than half a century, his groundbreaking theory on image creation coupled with his Marxist political convictions are strikingly fresh and apposite. His arguments on the image and imagery, not only as a medium for artistic imagination and aesthetic articulation but also as a critical instrument for progress in human life, strike immediate resonances today when image based popular cultures and technologies exert an undeniable influence on our own society. Jorn’s writings also shed new light on the origin and development of the Situationist movement’s theory of architecture and urbanism. This is especially pertinent in the context of recent scholarly work on the Situationist International in which Jorn is often characterized ‘only’ as the artistic impresario. The critical introduction to Jorn’s philosophy on the relationship between art and architecture sets a context for a contemporary audience so that it can fully appreciate how his thoughts and writing evolved.
Aesthetics, Modern --- Art and architecture --- Jorn, Asger --- Philosophy. --- kunstfilosofie --- Antique, the --- architectural history --- philosophy of art --- literatuur --- Romeinse oudheid --- architectural historians --- Architecture --- Art --- Asger, Jorn --- anno 1930-1939 --- anno 1940-1949 --- anno 1950-1959 --- Cobra (Association) --- Expressionism --- Surrealism --- 7.037.5 --- 7.036.7 --- 7.037 --- 75.037 --- 72.01 --- Superrealism --- Surrealism in art --- Arts, Modern --- Kunststijlen: surrealisme --- Expressionistische richtingen in de kunst. Expressionisme --- Overgang tussen expressionisme en abstracte kunst. Avant-gardekunst --- Overgang van figuratieve naar abstracte schilderkunst --- Architectuurtheorie. Bouwprincipes. Esthetica van de bouwkunst. Filosofie van de bouwkunst --- 72.01 Architectuurtheorie. Bouwprincipes. Esthetica van de bouwkunst. Filosofie van de bouwkunst --- 75.037 Overgang van figuratieve naar abstracte schilderkunst --- 7.037 Overgang tussen expressionisme en abstracte kunst. Avant-gardekunst --- 7.036.7 Expressionistische richtingen in de kunst. Expressionisme --- 7.037.5 Kunststijlen: surrealisme --- Architecture and art --- Aesthetics --- History --- 72.01 Theory and philosophy of architecture. Principles of design, proportion, optical effect --- Theory and philosophy of architecture. Principles of design, proportion, optical effect
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Compleet overzicht van een van de grondleggers van de Amsterdamse School Joan Melchior van der Meij (1878-1949) staat, als architect van het Scheepvaarthuis in Amsterdam, bekend als een van de grondleggers van de Amsterdamse School. Terwijl zijn collega's Michel de Klerk en Piet Kramer wereldberoemd zijn geworden, is het leven en werk van Van der Meij altijd in de schaduw blijven staan. Een nieuw standaardwerk over een van Nederlands belangrijkste architecten brengt hierin verandering. Architectuurhistoricus Michiel Kruidenier en vormgever Paul Smeets werpen aan de hand van talloze, nooit eerder gepubliceerde tekeningen, brieven en foto's nieuw licht op de Amsterdamse School en de rol van Van der Meij binnen de Nederlandse architectuurgeschiedenis. Het boek beschrijft niet alleen het turbulente leven van Van der Meij, vol roem en succes, rampspoed en financiële sores, maar bevat tevens een compleet overzicht van zijn werk.
Amsterdamse school (Architecture) --- Architecture, Modern --- Architecture --- Van der Meij, Joan Melchior --- Amsterdamse School --- Architecture, Western (Western countries) --- Building design --- Buildings --- Construction --- Western architecture (Western countries) --- Art --- Building --- Modern architecture --- History. --- Design and construction --- Meij, Joan Melchior van der, --- Van der Mey, Johan Melchior, --- Meij, Johann Melchior van der, --- Mey, Johann Melchior van der, --- Mey, Jan, --- Van der Meij, Johan Melchior, --- History --- Architecture, Primitive
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avant-garde --- Art styles --- anno 1940-1949 --- anno 1950-1959 --- Europe --- kunst --- twintigste eeuw --- beeldhouwkunst --- tekenkunst --- schilderkunst --- situationisme --- communisme --- marxisme --- kunst en politiek --- 75.036 --- 7.038 --- Amsterdam --- België --- Denemarken --- Cobra --- cobra --- CoBra
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This book displays and dissects the career and design motives of graphic designer Joost Grootens. In a systematic fashion it charts the first 100 books designed by Grootens over the past ten years. In the first chapter, '10 years', Grootens uses timelines, lists and graphs to map the course of his career as a designer, the people he worked with and the places where the work took place. In '100 books', the designer dissects his book designs. He details the grids, formats, paper stocks, colours and typefaces, and charts the books' structures and compositions. '18,788 pages' shows at actual size a selection of spreads from books designed by Grootens, including the internationally acclaimed atlases. In the text 'I swear I use no art at all' Joost Grootens gives a personal account of making books and the ideas behind his designs.
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7 <492> --- 749 <492> --- 749 <492> Meubelkunst--Nederland --- Meubelkunst--Nederland --- 7 <492> Kunst. Ruimtelijke ordening. Architectuur. Sport en spel--Nederland --- Kunst. Ruimtelijke ordening. Architectuur. Sport en spel--Nederland --- Exhibitions --- Art deco --- Decoration and ornament --- Furniture --- Interior decoration --- Decoration, Interior --- Home decoration --- House decoration --- Interior design --- Art --- Buildings --- Home economics --- House furnishings --- Upholstery --- Wood furniture --- Wooden furniture --- Decorative arts --- Cabinetwork --- Art, Decorative --- Decorative art --- Decorative design --- Design, Decorative --- Nature in ornament --- Ornament --- Painting, Decorative --- Arts and crafts movement --- Aesthetic movement (Art) --- Art, Modern --- Environmental engineering --- Applied arts. Arts and crafts --- anno 1900-1999 --- Netherlands --- Art deco (Architecture) --- Decoration and ornament, Primitive
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