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The International Workshop on Pseudo-Di?erential Operators: Complex Analysis and Partial Di?erential Equations was held at York University on August 4-8, 2008. The ?rst phase of the workshop on August 4-5 consisted of a mini-course on pseudo-di?erential operators and boundary value problems given by Professor Bert-Wolfgang Schulze of Universita ¨t Potsdam for graduate students and po- docs. This was followed on August 6-8 by a conference emphasizing boundary value problems;explicit formulas in complex analysis and partialdi?erential eq- tions; pseudo-di?erential operators and calculi; analysis on the Heisenberg group and sub-Riemannian geometry; and Fourier analysis with applications in ti- frequency analysis and imaging. The role of complex analysis in the development of pseudo-di?erential op- ators can best be seen in the context of the well-known Cauchy kernel and the related Poisson kernel in, respectively, the Cauchy integral formula and the Po- son integral formula in the complex plane C. These formulas are instrumental in solving boundary value problems for the Cauchy-Riemann operator? and the Laplacian?onspeci?cdomainswith theunit disk andits biholomorphiccomp- ion, i. e. , the upper half-plane, as paradigm models. The corresponding problems in several complex variables can be formulated in the context of the unit disk n n in C , which may be the unit polydisk or the unit ball in C .
Operator theory --- Partial differential equations --- differentiaalvergelijkingen --- analyse (wiskunde)
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This volume consists of eighteen peer-reviewed papers related to lectures on pseudo-differential operators presented at the meeting of the ISAAC Group in Pseudo-Differential Operators (IGPDO) held at Imperial College London on July 13-18, 2009. Featured in this volume are the analysis, applications and computations of pseudo-differential operators in mathematics, physics and signal analysis. This volume is a useful complement to the volumes Advances in Pseudo-Differential Operators , Pseudo-Differential Operators and Related Topics , Modern Trends in Pseudo-Differential Operators , New Developments in Pseudo-Differential Operators and Pseudo-Differential Operators: Complex Analysis and Partial Differential Equations published in the same series in, respectively, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2009 and 2010.
Geometry --- Operator theory --- Partial differential equations --- Electrical engineering --- Applied physical engineering --- differentiaalvergelijkingen --- elektrotechniek --- geometrie
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The International Workshop on Pseudo-Di?erential Operators: Complex Analysis and Partial Di?erential Equations was held at York University on August 4-8, 2008. The ?rst phase of the workshop on August 4-5 consisted of a mini-course on pseudo-di?erential operators and boundary value problems given by Professor Bert-Wolfgang Schulze of Universita ¨t Potsdam for graduate students and po- docs. This was followed on August 6-8 by a conference emphasizing boundary value problems;explicit formulas in complex analysis and partialdi?erential eq- tions; pseudo-di?erential operators and calculi; analysis on the Heisenberg group and sub-Riemannian geometry; and Fourier analysis with applications in ti- frequency analysis and imaging. The role of complex analysis in the development of pseudo-di?erential op- ators can best be seen in the context of the well-known Cauchy kernel and the related Poisson kernel in, respectively, the Cauchy integral formula and the Po- son integral formula in the complex plane C. These formulas are instrumental in solving boundary value problems for the Cauchy-Riemann operator? and the Laplacian?onspeci?cdomainswith theunit disk andits biholomorphiccomp- ion, i. e. , the upper half-plane, as paradigm models. The corresponding problems in several complex variables can be formulated in the context of the unit disk n n in C , which may be the unit polydisk or the unit ball in C .
Operator theory --- Partial differential equations --- differentiaalvergelijkingen --- analyse (wiskunde)
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The ISAAC Group in Pseudo-di?erential Operators (IGPDO) was formed at the Fourth ISAAC Congress held at York University in Toronto in 2003 and the ?rst volume entitled Advances in Pseudo-di?erential Operators and devoted to papers focussing on pseudo-di?erential operators and its diverse applications was then initiated and published in Professor Israel Gohberg's series Operator Theory: - vances and Applications in 2004. As a satellite conference to the Fourth Congress of European Mathematics held at Stockholm University in 2004,the International ConferenceonPseudo-di?erentialOperatorsandRelatedTopicswasheldatVaxj ¨ o ¨ University in Sweden. Prompted by the enthusiasm of the participants, the second volume with similar scope and entitled Pseudo-di?erential Operators and Related Topics was published in the same series in 2006. Members of IGPDO met again at the Fifth ISAAC Congress held at Univ- sit` a di Catania in Italy in July 2005. Core members of the group encouraged the publication of a sequel to the Toronto Volume and the Vaxj ¨ o ¨ Volume. The vision is to seek new directionsfor the broadsubjectonpseudo-di?erentialoperatorsand the strategy is to devote the Catania Volume not only to papers based on lectures given at the special session on pseudo-di?erential operators, but also invited - pers that bear on the themes of IGPDO. In order to re?ect the goal and vision of IGPDO, the Catania Volume is entitled Modern Trends in Pseudo-di?erential Operators.
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di?erential operators in particular will be developed hand in glove with appli- tions andcomputation inthe physical,biologicaland medicalsciences.This theme will play an important role in the forthcoming volumes on pseudo-di?erential - erators originating from IGPDO. The Editors OperatorTheory: Advances andApplications,Vol.189, 1-14 c 2008Birkh¨ auserVerlagBasel/Switzerland Phase-Space Weyl Calculus and Global Hypoellipticity of a Class of Degenerate Elliptic Partial Di?erential Operators Maurice de Gosson Abstract. In a recent series of papers M.W. Wong has studied a degenerate elliptic partial di?erential operator related to the Heisenberg group. It turns out that Wong's example is best understood when replaced in the context of the phase-space Weyl calculus we have developed in previous work; this - proach highlights the relationship of Wong's constructions with the quantum mechanics of charged particles in a uniform magnetic ?eld. Using Shubin's classes of pseudodi?erential symbols we prove global hypoellipticity results for arbitrary phase-space operators arising from elliptic operators on con- uration space. Mathematics Subject Classi?cation (2000). Primary 47F30; Secondary 35B65, 46F05. Keywords. Degenerate elliptic operators, hypoellipticity, phase space Weyl calculus, Shubin symbols.
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Algebra --- Operator theory --- Partial differential equations --- differentiaalvergelijkingen --- algebra --- analyse (wiskunde)
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This volume consists of twenty peer-reviewed papers from the special sessions on pseudodifferential operators and on generalized functions and asymptotics at the Eighth Congress of ISAAC held at the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia in Moscow on August 22‒27, 2011. The category of papers on pseudo-differential operators contains such topics as elliptic operators assigned to diffeomorphisms of smooth manifolds, analysis on singular manifolds with edges, heat kernels and Green functions of sub-Laplacians on the Heisenberg group and Lie groups with more complexities than but closely related to the Heisenberg group, L
Differential geometry. Global analysis --- Topological groups. Lie groups --- Analytical spaces --- Operator theory --- Partial differential equations --- Differential equations --- Mathematical analysis --- Mathematics --- differentiaalvergelijkingen --- analyse (wiskunde) --- topologie (wiskunde) --- differentiaal geometrie --- wiskunde
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Pseudo-differential operators were initiated by Kohn, Nirenberg and Hörmander in the sixties of the last century. Beside applications in the general theory of partial differential equations, they have their roots also in the study of quantization first envisaged by Hermann Weyl thirty years earlier. Thanks to the understanding of the connections of wavelets with other branches of mathematical analysis, quantum physics and engineering, such operators have been used under different names as mathematical models in signal analysis since the last decade of the last century. The volume investigates the mathematics of quantization and signals in the context of pseudo-differential operators, Weyl transforms, Daubechies operators, Wick quantization and time-frequency localization operators. Applications to quantization, signal analysis and the modern theory of PDE are highlighted.
Pseudodifferential operators --- Mathematics. --- Math --- Science --- Operators, Pseudodifferential --- Pseudo-differential operators --- Operator theory --- Differential equations, partial. --- Operator theory. --- Fourier analysis. --- Numerical analysis. --- Quantum theory. --- Partial Differential Equations. --- Operator Theory. --- Approximations and Expansions. --- Fourier Analysis. --- Numerical Analysis. --- Quantum Physics. --- Quantum dynamics --- Quantum mechanics --- Quantum physics --- Physics --- Mechanics --- Thermodynamics --- Mathematical analysis --- Analysis, Fourier --- Functional analysis --- Partial differential equations --- Partial differential equations. --- Approximation theory. --- Quantum physics. --- Theory of approximation --- Functions --- Polynomials --- Chebyshev systems
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Consists of seventeen peer-reviewed papers related to lectures on pseudo-differential operators presented at the meeting of the ISAAC Group in Pseudo-Differential Operators (IGPDO) held at the Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkey on August 13-18, 2007.
Differential equations, Partial. --- Pseudodifferential operators. --- Mathematics. --- Pseudodifferential operators --- Differential equations, Partial --- Calculus --- Mathematics --- Physical Sciences & Mathematics --- Operator theory. --- Operators, Pseudodifferential --- Pseudo-differential operators --- Global analysis (Mathematics). --- Manifolds (Mathematics). --- Partial differential equations. --- Operator Theory. --- Partial Differential Equations. --- Global Analysis and Analysis on Manifolds. --- Functional analysis --- Operator theory --- Differential equations, partial. --- Global analysis. --- Partial differential equations --- Geometry, Differential --- Topology --- Analysis, Global (Mathematics) --- Differential topology --- Functions of complex variables --- Geometry, Algebraic