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Questo volume è dedicato all’approfondimento dei più accreditati interventi strutturati per la riabilitazione cognitiva dei soggetti affetti da schizofrenia, e rappresenta uno strumento di lavoro per tutti i professionisti impegnati nel trattamento, nella riabilitazione e nel recupero delle persone con disturbi psicotici, in particolare di tipo schizofrenico. La presenza di alterazioni cognitive nei disturbi schizofrenici è attualmente oggetto di grande interesse da parte di clinici e ricercatori, sia per la diffusione di tali alterazioni sia per il loro impatto negativo sulla vita sociale, relazionale e lavorativa del paziente; determinante è stato inoltre il recente sviluppo di nuove tecniche e strategie non farmacologiche di intervento, che costituiscono nel loro complesso la cosiddetta riabilitazione cognitiva della schizofrenia. Dopo i primi capitoli dedicati all’analisi aggiornata delle principali alterazioni cognitive presenti nella schizofrenia e del loro impatto sul funzionamento sociale, vengono passati in rassegna gli strumenti di assessment dei deficit cognitivi e psicosociali, utili per disegnare i successivi interventi e monitorarne gli effetti. Alcuni capitoli affrontano poi il background teorico e i principi applicativi alla base del rimedio cognitivo nella schizofrenia e delle principali tecniche finora sviluppate. In particolare ne vengono analizzate tre, fornite di ampie dimostrazioni di efficacia: la Terapia Psicologica Integrata (IPT) secondo Brenner e colleghi, la Terapia di Rimedio Cognitivo (CRT) secondo Wykes e colleghi, e il Cogpack, rimedio cognitivo svolto con l’ausilio del computer. Si affronta infine il problema dell’implementazione pratica delle tecniche descritte nei servizi psichiatrici territoriali e ospedalieri, suggerendone modalità di integrazione con gli interventi terapeutici e riabilitativi abituali.
Cognitive psychology --- Psychology --- Social policy and particular groups --- Psychiatry --- Neuropathology --- medische psychologie --- psychiatrie --- cognitieve psychologie --- bewustzijn --- rehabilitatie --- neuropsychologie --- sociale integratie
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Music --- opera's --- muziekgeschiedenis --- Russia
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Anti-abortion movement --- Legislation --- Book --- Pro Vita --- Belgium
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The book is based on the Cancers journal Special Issue entitled “Immunotherapy, Tumor Microenvironment and Survival Signaling", and focuses on important problems concerning tumors and tumor microenvironment interactions, as well as novel immunotherapies such as CAR-T cell therapy. Immunotherapies have recently shown remarkable results in the treatment of cancer patients. However, there are still many questions that remain to be solved in regards to more effective therapies, such as the tumor heterogeneous profile, tumor microenvironment, and tumor survival epigenetic and genetic pathways, all of which make patients resistant to the presently available treatments for cancer. This book demonstrates different approaches to overcome the challenges faced by immunotherapies due to suppressive tumor microenvironments. This book includes 18 papers that can be divided into three chapters: 1. novel immunotherapies; 2. targeting tumor microenvironment and novel approaches; 3. targeting tumors and tumor microenvironment in different types of cancer.
Medicine --- Clinical & internal medicine --- Autophagy --- colorectal cancer --- immunotherapy --- tumor stroma --- tumor microenvironment --- immune checkpoint inhibitors --- chemotherapy --- tyrosine kinase inhibitors --- angiogenesis --- check point inhibitors --- programmed cell death protein 1 --- programmed cell death 1 ligand 1 --- cardiotoxicity --- lung metastasis --- CAR-T --- hypoxia --- tumor --- microenvironment --- CD19 --- BCMA --- cancer --- melanoma --- immune escape --- antigen loss --- chimeric antigen receptor --- electroporation --- lentivirus --- lentiviral transduction --- macrophages --- leukemia cells --- lytic peptides --- targeted therapy --- dendritic cells --- pathogenesis --- risk factors --- breast cancer --- resistance --- checkpoint --- targeted treatment --- personalized medicine --- pediatric solid tumors --- chimeric antigen receptors --- cancer vaccines --- oncolytic viral therapy --- immunomodulation --- DCLK1 --- tumor stem cells --- clonogenicity --- mitochondria --- mitochondrial transfer --- tunneling nanotubes --- triple-negative breast cancer --- immune checkpoint inhibitor --- combination therapy --- cancer nanomedicine --- tumor antigens --- cancer metabolism --- cancer immunotherapy --- nanoparticles --- immunotherapeutic agent --- immunomodulators --- tuft cells --- cancer stem cells --- immunotherapies --- myeloid-derived suppressor cells --- regulatory T cells --- crosstalk --- tumor immune evasion --- cell–cell contact --- β2 integrins --- CD18 --- CD11 --- CAR-T cells --- CD37 --- cell therapy --- tumor antigen --- lymphoma --- CAR macrophage --- CAR T cell --- solid tumors --- immunometabolism --- miRNA --- immunogenic cell death --- n/a --- cell-cell contact
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Vita Zimmermann analysiert den Konsumenten als Anbieter seines Eigentums im Hinblick auf Sharing Economy, Kollaborativen Konsum (KoKonsum) und digital-kollaborative Wirtschaft. Die Autorin untersucht, warum Konsumenten selten genutzte Gegenstände (nicht) anderen auf Online-Plattformen zur Miete anbieten und ob es bestimmte Personengruppen gibt, die eher ihr Eigentum teilen und es an andere Konsumenten vermieten würden. Es wird gezeigt, dass die persönliche Einstellung die Bereitschaft zur Vermietung (Vermietungserwartung) am stärksten beeinflusst, die grundlegende Bereitschaft alltägliche Gebrauchsgüter zu teilen jedoch über alle Personengruppen in Deutschland weiterhin gering ist. Der Inhalt Merkmale der digital-kollaborativen Wirtschaft Bessere Nutzung ungenutzter Ressourcen Interpretationsraum des Begriffs Teilen Erklärbarkeit und Beeinflussung der Vermietungserwartung Diskriminierende soziodemografische Merkmale und vermietungsaffine Gruppen Die Zielgruppen Lehrende und Studierende wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Studiengänge mit den Schwerpunkten E-Business, Internetökonomie, digitale Wirtschaft und Konsumentenforschung Fach- und Führungskräfte aus der digitalen Wirtschaft, Innovatoren und Inkubatoren mit dem Schwerpunkt digitale Geschäftsmodelle Die Autorin Vita Zimmermann verfasste ihre Masterarbeit bei Prof. Dr. Michael Schleusener im Studiengang E-Business (M.Sc.) des Fachbereichs Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen an der Hochschule Niederrhein. .
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