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Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9789463793735 Year: 2019 Publisher: Leuven Den Haag Acco

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Erasmus syndroom: Een gevalsbespreking van silicose geïnduceerde systeemsclerose

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Een 71-jarige patiënt biedt zich aan omwille van progressieve dyspneu. Bijkomend onderzoek onthult de aanwezigheid van interstitieel longlijden. Het CT-grafisch beeld van micronodulaire afwijkingen met dominantie in de middelste en bovenste velden en nodulaire conglomeraten is compatibel met silicose, zeker gezien de beroepsmatige blootstelling van de patiënt aan silica. Verdere diagnostische oppuntstelling onthult de aanwezigheid van een recent ontstaan Raynaud fenomeen, initieel zonder andere huidaantasting, een afwijkende capillaroscopie en auto-immuunserologie die positief is voor anti-Scl-70 antilichamen. De diagnose van Erasmus syndroom wordt gesteld. De patiënt wordt behandeld met corticosteroïden en Methotrexaat. Desondanks treedt er op korte termijn een evolutie op van de cutane afwijkingen met snelle uitbreiding naar diffuse huidaantasting. De behandeling wordt vervolgens uitgebreid door toediening van een eerste cyclus met rituximab.


Definitions and determinants of discordance between patient and physician global assessment in rheumatoid arthritis: a scoping review

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Patient reported outcomes (PRO) are important in assessing rheumatoid arthritis (RA) disease activity and treatment response, both in research and in routine clinical practice. One of the most commonly registered PROs is the patient global assessment (PGA), which is included in the calculation of the 28-joint Disease Activity Score (DAS28), the Simple Disease Activity Index (SDAI) and the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) response criteria. Patient-physician discordance in the assessment of RA disease activity is a common and important issue that can negatively impact patient care, treatment adherence, and outcomes. When patients rate their disease activity higher than their physicians, known as positive discordance, this suggests there may be unmet patient needs that are not being fully addressed. To develop effective care strategies that focus on these unmet needs, it is crucial for the rheumatology community to gain a better understanding of the prevalence, causes, and consequences of patient-physician discordance. -The most widely used approach in the literature is to calculate the absolute difference or gap between the PGA and Physician Global Assessment (PhGA), often measured on 0-10cm or 0-100mm visual analog scales (VAS). However, no guidance is available on how to define significant discordance between these variables. We conducted a scoping review of all available evidence concerning discordance between PGA and PhGA in patients with RA. A literature search was conducted in MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane Controlled Trials Register, Scopus, and Web of Science from inception to December 2023. Peer-reviewed journal articles were considered for inclusion if they (1) included patients with RA aged ≥ 18 years, (2) reported on discordance between patient and physician global assessment, and (3) were available in English. Data concerning the used definitions and determinants of discordance between patients and physicians weresystematically extracted. 1754 studies underwent title and abstract screening, of which 31 studies met the inclusion criteria for the review. The formulation of the PGA question differed across studies. Discordance was most often approached as a binary measure by considering the absolute difference between PGA and PhGA with various cutoff values, ranging from 1 mm to 30 mm on a 100 mm scale. Positive discordance was consistently more prevalent than negative discordance, with prevalence ranging from 14% to 77%. Pain emerges as the most consistent independent determinant across multiple studies. Physical function, fatigue, fibromyalgia, depression, radiographic damage, disease activity state and objective measures of inflammation are also important correlates in some analyses. Our review revealed a lack of standardized definition for discordance between PGA and PhGA, with various approaches employed across studies. The choice of cutoff point to define significant discordance, often appeared arbitrary, lacking empirical justification or validation. A wide range of variables associated with discordance have been identified. A better understanding of this discordance may lead to more effective communication between health professionals and patients, which can improve both patient and physician satisfaction. Further research is needed to establish a standardized and validated definition of discordance that is clinically meaningful and facilitates comparisons across studies.


The optimisation of intensive treatment strategies in early Rheumatoid Arthritis

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IntroductionThe last decades meant a revolution for the treatment of patients with early Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). In the past, patients were treated conservatively and treatment was only intensified when disease escalated, leading to structural damage and functionality loss in many RA patients. Nowadays, it is clear that early, intensive treatment with a clear predefined treatment target leads to excellent clinical outcomes for the majority of patients with early RA. First of all, it is shown that the earlier the treatment is started in RA, the better outcome the patient has. However, no information on the current extent of treatment delay was available for Flanders before this thesis. Secondly, many attempts are made to tailor treatment to an individual patient based on prognostic factors, to improve further disease outcome such as structural damage. However, algorithms combining these prognostic factors to aid a physician in his treatment choice were not yet tested in daily practice. Thirdly, many intensive treatment options exist nowadays to treat a patient with early RA. Yet, debate is ongoing on the exact content of this intensive treatment.ObjectivesThe objectives of this research project were to determine:the treatment delay, defined as the time between symptom onset and treatment initiation in Flandersthe reliability of classical prognostic factors in daily clinical practicethe optimal intensive treatment strategy for every patient with RAResultsIn chapter 1, we demonstrated that in Flanders only one on five of newly diagnosed RA patients are treated in a timely fashion. Patients expressing more severe disease characteristics at baseline seemed to present themselves earlier to the treating rheumatologist than those without. Moreover, a difference in treatment delay between the different types of rheumatology practices was found. Patients treated in academic and general hospitals showed longer treatment delays than those treated in private practices. Furthermore, patient-related delay contributed the most to overall treatment delay in Flanders. Further research showed that aside of clinical characteristics, psychosocial factors also contributed to this patient-related delay. More research is needed to unravel the patient’s help seeking behaviour.In chapter 2, we firstly showed that composite algorithms using classical prognostic markers to predict structural damage in patients with early RA could not be reliably used in daily practice. No patients that developed rapid structural damage could be correctly identified by using these composite algoithms. Further in chapter 2, we showed that a combination of classical DMARDs with a GC bridging scheme seemed more effective than DMARD monotherapy in achieving higher remission rates and less radiographic progression after two years of treatment in our observational early RA cohort. Patients in this cohort were selected by the treating physician based on the presence of classical prognostic factors to receive a more conservative therapy if the RA profile of the patient seemed less severe at baseline. Hence, classical prognostic factors seem at the moment unreliable to base treatment choice upon in daily practice.In chapter 3, we presented the results of the CareRA RCT, showing firstly that in patients with poor prognosis markers after 16 weeks of treatment DMARD combinations with a high or moderate dose glucocorticoid (GC) remission induction scheme were not superior to Methotrexate (MTX) only with a moderate dose GC remission induction scheme. The efficacy of the three compared treatment strategies was similar. Yet, the safety profile was more advantageous for MTX only with a moderate GC scheme. Furthermore, we showed that MTX monotherapy with a moderate dose GC remission induction scheme seems more efficacious than MTX monotherapy without GCs in patients presenting without poor prognosis markers after 16 weeks of treatment. Most remarkable was the comparable safety profile between both treatments. Lastly, we investigated the efficacy and safety in the CareRA trial after one year of treatment for both patients with or without poor prognosis. The results confirmed the findings at week 16.The overarching conclusion regarding the third objective of this thesis is thus that MTX with an initial moderate dose glucocorticoid remission induction scheme seems to fit all patients with RA, with a high efficacy and acceptable safety profile.ConclusionFirstly, treatment delay is found to be too long in Flanders. Secondly, current classical biomarkers are not reliable in daily practice to guide treatment choice. Thirdly, MTX only combined with an initial moderate dose glucocorticoid remission induction scheme is very efficacious and safe for all patients with RA. We hope to have added essential evidence for an improved treatment outcome for every patient with RA with this thesis.


Psychosocial effects of cognitive behavioral therapy in rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic review

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We conducted a systematic literature review to investigate the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). From this systematic review, we can summarize that adding a cognitive behavioral intervention to standard medical care for RA can achieve modest, individually different improvements in physical (e.g. functional disability, pain, fatigue) and psychosocial outcomes (e.g. active coping with pain and fatigue, self-efficacy, helplessness). To achieve optimal effect, CBT should be offered tailored to the specific needs of the patient, early in the disease process and possibly after screening for highly distressed patients. The most commonly used cognitive behavioral techniques included relaxation training, attention diversion strategies, problem solving skills, goal setting and assertiveness training. The 18 included articles highlighted differences between patient groups and components of CBT but showed considerable heterogeneity regarding specific content of the used techniques and outcomes studied. Future research with large-scale RCTs is needed to investigate the long-term benefits of CBT for RA and evaluate its cost-effectiveness.


Incidentie van vertebrale fracturen bij postmenopauzale vrouwen met Reumatoïde Artritis: eerste resultaten van een longitudinale obs ervationele studie (VeFIRA)

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Introductie. Reumatoïde Arthritis (RA) vormt een risicofactor in de ontwikkeling van osteoporose (OP). Bij OP heeft een individu een lage botmassa en een verstoorde microarchitectuur van het bot. Vertebrale fracturen (VFs) zijn één van de meest voorkomende OP fracturen. Prevalente VFs zijn een risico op nieuwe VFs en fracturen in andere regio’s van het skelet. Vertebral Fracture Assessment (VFA) is een veelbelovende techniek om VFs bij risicopatiënten vast te stellen omwille van de lage stralingsdosis. Dit crossectioneel onderzoek kadert in de context van een 5 jaar durende prospectieve observationele studie (VeFIRA) en heeft tot doel de prevalentie van VFs bij postmenopauzale RA-patiënten d.m.v. VFA te bestuderen. Verder wordt er gekeken naar de voorspellende factoren (Bone Mineral Density, Trabecular Bone Score, chronisch gebruik van glucocorticoïden (GC), ziekteduur, ziekteactiviteit en vroegtijdige menopauze) die de prevalentie van VFs kunnen beïnvloeden. Methoden. Honderd postmenopauzale RA-patiënten werden geïncludeerd en bij 61 van deze vrouwen werd tot nu toe een baseline Dual X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA-scan) en VFA uitgevoerd. Verdere demografische en klinische gegevens werden verzameld aan de hand van hun elektronisch patiëntendossier en op basis van vragenlijsten (medicatiegebruik, calcium inname, fractuurrisico’s, ziekteactiviteit, algemene gezondheid en quality of life). Het fractuurrisico werd ingeschat door middel van de “Fracture Risk Assessment Tool” (FRAX). De beschikbare VFA-scans werden geanalyseerd volgens de kwantitatieve morfometrische methode. Resultaten. Analyse in de FRAX-tool toonde een verhoogd fractuurrisico bij deze RA-patiënten. De prevalentie van osteopenie en osteoporose in de onderzochte populatie was 67.2% en 9.8%, respectievelijk. VFs werden gedetecteerd bij 15 patiënten (24.6%). Patiënten met een VF hadden een statistisch significant lagere BMD zowel t.h.v. de femurnek (p=0.003) als de totale femur (p=0.000). Verder waren er in deze groep meer patiënten met een chronische gebruik van GC in het verleden (p=0.006). Er werden geen significante verschillen in (menopauzale) leeftijd, ziekteactiviteit, ziekteduur en TBS vastgesteld tussen patiënten met en zonder VFs. Conclusie. VFs kwamen frequent voor bij de onderzochte postmenopauzale RA-patiënten. Deze bevindingen suggereren het belang om deze groep van RA-patiënten routinematig te screenen voor OP en prevalente VFs. Femur BMD (nek en totaal) en chronische GC-gebruik kunnen prevalente VFs in RA-patiënten voorspellen.


Looking through the psychosocial window of opportunity in early rheumatoid arthritis

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Compared to 25 years ago, the future of newly diagnosed patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is looking much brighter. RA can be described as a manageable chronic disease, if sufficiently treated. The introduction of early therapy was one of the main drivers of transformed health outcomes of patients with RA. The early disease stage encloses a therapeutic window of opportunity in which RA is much more likely to respond to treatment compared to later on in the disease course. The overall aim of this PhD was to broaden the current view on the window of opportunity in early RA by focusing on the patient perspective and outcomes important to patients. The purpose was to produce evidence to contribute to early RA management, improving outcomes and addressing current unmet needs.


TapERA: Maintaining remission in RA with tapering Etanercept

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Objectives To compare Etanercept 50 mg subcutaneously (SC) weekly versus every other week in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) who are in sustained remission. Methods Patients with established RA and in remission as determined by the Disease Activity Score (DAS) remission criteria (DAS28 (CRP)  2.6) for at least six months were randomized 1:1 to continued weekly or tapered every other week treatment of Etanercept 50 mg SC. Treatment modifications were predefined if remission status was lost and NSAID treatment was not sufficient to restore disease control in two weeks. Restarting the weekly dose was the first step in the tapering arm. The primary outcome was the proportion of patients in remission at 6 months compared between the two arms. Secondary endpoints were the proportions of remission at 12 months, sustained remission for 12 months, the proportion and time to regain remission after a flare with a re-escalated weekly dose and possible baseline predictors for remission. Results Data from 37 patients in the weekly and 36 in the every other week arm were analysed. At 6 months, 83.8% of the weekly and 83.3% of the every other week arm were in remission (p=0.959). Eleven patients of the every other week group had to be re-escalated to a weekly dose and regained their remission state mostly fast. Younger age was a possible predictor for remission at month 6 (p=0.023). No statistically significant differences were shown in other secondary endpoints. Conclusion For patients with established RA, the TapERA trial showed that tapering Etanercept 50 mg SC to an every other week regimen is possible while keeping remission. If losing disease control, patients re-escalated to a weekly dose regain remission fast.


Dosisvermindering en de huidige herbehandelingsstrategie met rituximab in reumatoïde artritis; opinie van reumatologen.

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Background. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, progressive inflammatory autoimmune disease that mainly affects the small joints. Amongst other, RA can be treated with rituximab (RTX) that works by CD20+ B cells depletion. In Belgium, we make use of the on-flare retreatment strategy, in which a disease flare is needed before retreatment with RTX is reimbursed. According to literature, it seems possible to taper RTX by prolonging the interval between cycles or by reducing the dose. Dose reduction of RTX was found to be safe and efficacious. The aim of this master thesis was to gain insights in the perception of rheumatologists on the on-flare retreatment strategy and dose reduction of RTX in RA. Methods. Belgian rheumatologists were invited via e-mail to take part in our qualitative study. By the means of purposive sampling, the invited group was sought out to be as diverse as possible. The participants filled in a short questionnaire for demographic data and partook in a semi-structured individual online interview. The interview guide contained questions about three main topics: RTX for RA, the retreatment strategy and tapering. After each interview a descriptive, methodologic and substantive report were made. Thereafter, the interviews were transcribed verbatim. The interviews were analysed following the Qualitative Analysis Guide of Leuven (QUAGOL). After this 10-step process themes and subthemes emerged from the interview data. Results. 13 Belgian rheumatologists were interviewed. RTX was found to be used in <5% of the patients with RA by most rheumatologists. Some perceived disadvantages were the route of administration, the slow working mechanism, the long-lasting action, the need for flare-up for retreatment and the infection risk. For selected patient groups, RTX was perceived to be an appropriate choice and had several advantages including efficacy, long-lasting activity, compliance, little drop-out and cost-effectiveness. Opinions on retreatment strategies varied between rheumatologists. On-flare strategy was deemed as appropriate by some, while others preferred a more systematic or fixed retreatment. Tapering of RTX was mainly done by prolonging the interval, with only a few rheumatologists applying dose-reduction in practice. In contrast, many of these rheumatologists would be open to dose reduction of RTX for themselves. A lack of experience and knowledge on dose reduction of RTX was indicated by the rheumatologists. Conclusion. Many Belgian rheumatologists still felt unacquainted regarding the use of RTX. Their opinions on the on-flare strategy were diverse, making it difficult to determine the best perceived retreatment strategy for RTX in patients with RA. Tapering of RTX has many advantages, and is efficacious and safe, but most rheumatologists renounce from reducing the dose of RTX and prefer increasing the time interval between RTX cycles, due to a lack of experience and knowledge. In the future, more studies should be done regarding the retreatment strategy and tapering of RTX. Furthermore, rheumatologists should be informed about the recent literature, such as the success of tapering RTX, to implement the best suited strategy in their practice. Ultimately, the aim for the future is to provide (re)treatment with RTX that is as safe as possible without losing efficacy, taking into account the burden on the patient and aiding the cost-effectiveness of treatment in RA.


Onderzoek naar de slaapkwaliteit in patiënten met beginnende reumatoïde artritis

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Achtergrond: Reumatoïde artritis (RA) is een auto-immuun aandoening die gekenmerkt wordt door een chronische inflammatie van de kleine gewrichten. Naast de fysieke beperking door de gewrichtsaantasting, kampt de meerderheid van RA patiënten met een slechte slaapkwaliteit. Doelstellingen: Een overzicht te bieden van de slaapkwaliteit in patiënten met beginnende RA en de factoren die hier een effect op hebben. Daarnaast wordt ook onderzocht: het effect van verschillende behandelingsstrategieën op de slaapkwaliteit, het effect van snelle ziektecontrole op de slaapkwaliteit en het effect van slaapkwaliteit op de ziekte-evolutie. Methoden: Deze analyse includeerde 363 patiënten met beginnende RA uit de Care in Early RA studie. De Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), pijn en vermoeidheid (visueel analoge schalen), algemene gezondheidsevaluatie door de patiënt (PGA) en arts (phGA), ziekteactiviteit (DAS28CRP), Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) werden geregistreerd op baseline, week 16, week 52 en week 104. Patiënten werden op baseline onderverdeeld in een laag- en hoogrisicogroep. De laagrisicopatiënten werden gerandomiseerd in de Cobra Slim (methotrexaat + glucocorticoiden (GC)) of Tight Step-Up (methotrexaat) behandelingsgroep en de hoogrisicogroep in Cobra Slim, Cobra Classic (methotrexaat + sulfasalazine + GC) of Cobra Avant-Garde (methotrexaat + leflunomide + GC). Resultaten: De meerderheid van geïncludeerde patiënten (66.4%) lijdt op baseline aan slechte slaap. Dit aantal vermindert significant in de periode van baseline naar week 52. Verder, werden positieve zwakke en matige correlaties gevonden tussen de PSQI scores en VAS pijn, VAS vermoeidheid, HAQ, PGA, phGA, en DAS28CRP. De binaire logistische regressie toonde aan dat meer vermoeidheid en hogere HAQ scores geassocieerd waren met een lagere waarschijnlijkheid op optimale slaap. Daarnaast werden geen verschillen in slaapkwaliteit gemeten tussen de verschillende behandelingsgroepen. Volgens het lineair gemengde model waren VAS fatigue, HAQ en leeftijd positief geassocieerd met de PSQI globale score over tijd. Volgens de two-way repeated measures ANOVA scoorden patiënten met een snelle ziektecontrole (DAS28CRP<2.6 op week 16) significant beter op alle PSQI scores over alle tijdspunten. Wanneer met diezelfde techniek het verschil tussen slechte (PSQI >5 op baseline) en goede slapers werd gemeten op vlak van pijn, vermoeidheid, functionele beperktheid, algemene gezondheid (door patiënt en arts) en ziekteactiviteit, scoorden goede slapers significant beter op alle vlakken. Conclusie: Deze studie bevestigt de sterke associatie tussen ziekteactiviteit, vermoeidheid, functionele beperking, algemene gezondheid en de slaapkwaliteit. Ondanks het feit dat GCs slaapstoornissen veroorzaken als nevenwerking blijkt dit geen significant verschil te veroorzaken tussen de Cobra Slim en Tight Step-Up groep. Verder, blijkt een snelle ziektecontrole effect te hebben op slaapkwaliteit op lange termijn. Dit benadrukt het belang van een snelle en intensieve behandeling. Ten laatste scoorden goede slapers beter op RA ziekteparameters over alle tijdspunten. Er is dus een nauwe interactie tussen slaap en de ziekteparameters die de ziektelast verhogen. Dit resulteert frequent in een problematische vicieuze cirkel. Vroege en intensieve behandeling is aanbevolen om dit tegen te houden. Indien dit niet zou helpen, kan het focussen op de slaapkwaliteit van de patiënt helpen om de ziektelast te verlichten.


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