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Tooth development relies completely on the interaction between epithelium and the mesenchyme, thereby transitioning from the initiation stages to bud, cap, bell and advanced bell stages and finally eruption of tooth in the oral cavity. For each tooth class, the above stages take place under the influence of specific genes, which are regulated by the signalling pathways. Genes play important part in the initial phases of tooth development, from birth till the age of 14 years, contributing 80% to their development Dental age can be evaluated for different population groups as genes are main regulators for tooth development, with the environmental factors having a smaller influence, especially in the early stages of life. Thereafter tooth development relies on interaction of genetic, epigenetic and environmental factors. The aim of this study was to understand the influence of genes on tooth development. A systematic review was done according to Cochranes Manual of Systematic Reviews of Intervention with articles being searched online on PubMed/NCBI. Of the 2547 articles identified, 19 were included for data extraction. Data extracted pertained to the gene, the pathways, tooth class, tooth part and mutation effects. With this review an understanding of the extent to which the genes influenced dental development; and other factors, if involved, then how they influenced tooth development. Result: One article each provided information to link a Gene to: Tooth Class + Tooth Part & Tooth Class +Tooth Part + Mutation Effect. A possibility to trace a gene to a specific part of the tooth or to overall tooth development was attempted by depicting the outcomes of the data extraction with the help of a flow diagram.
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Objectives: specific morphologic aspects of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) on CBCT could be considered as an identifier for human identification. The aim of the current study was to quantify the potential of specific measures from TMJ on CBCT images, separate or combined, for subject identification. Methods: CBCTs of TMJ of 198 Slavic and Eastern origin patients were examined to find out which parameters of the joint were potential identifiers. Evaluation of parameters was performed using ICATVision and GIMP software. One representative slice where measurements were performed, for both planes, was chosen. Afterwards, nine landmarks on sagittal and 6 landmarks of frontal planes, for right and left sides simultaneously, were established. Width, height, length of TMJ were measured between the landmarks. Also, two angles were allocated. In total, 14 parameters were measured on the sagittal plane and 4 on the frontal plane. Whereupon, statistical analysis was done. At first step; sex and side were analyzed separately (univariate analysis) to find out if there is a significant difference between the left and right side and significant difference between males and females. In the next step; interaction between sex and sides were evaluated (multivariate analysis). Results: Periost density showed to be the most unique single measurement. The side of the joint does not make difference for the identifying purposes.There is no significant difference between right and left sides, however, there is a considerable (p<0,0001) impact of sex on some of the variables. When it comes for a combination of the variables, the most unique patterns of identifiers (12,12%) showed 26 parameters together. Conclusion: Considering discussed outcomes, the present study indicated the possibility for obtaining information from morphologic identifiers like TMJ. By combining 26 parameters of the joint it is possible to garner additional information which can be used for identification purposes in forensic practise.
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In the last decade need for age, estimation has increased in INDIA because of medicolegal/criminal cases such as rape, child labor. Aim of this study was to estimate the dental age by validating performances of D (lower left quadrant), K(TM) and D+K(combined) in relation to sex-specific age prediction. 1300 panoramic radiographs northwest(NW) Indian subjects were used. Two staging techniques were used. Demirjian’s et al(D)[7] staging technique for all developing seven mandibular permanent teeth and modified Kohler(K) et al was used to evaluate all available third molars(TM). The comparison was quantified by MAE, RMSE and mean width and coverage of the prediction interval. The conclusion was D+K model was providing better age prediction information than D and K models separately.
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Introduction: In forensic context, age estimation in adolescents and young adults is essential to prove whether or not the individual is a minor or an adult. The study aim is to systematically review the literature regarding the age prediction performances of dental age estimation methods based on the development of one or more third molars combined. The set research question is: “What is the most accurate dental age estimation method based on third molar(s) development? Materials and methods: This systematic review was performed according to criteria set forward by PRISMA statement. An electronic search until 03/03/2020 was performed in 4 databases: MEDLINE/PubMed, Cochrane library, EMBASE and Web of Science. Results: 113 studies were considered eligible for inclusion after review of title/abstract, full-text and reference list. Since we only discussed the point prediction and related uncertainty aspect, the age prediction performance and outcomes reported as the error, mean error, mean absolute error, RMSE (root mean squared error), R2 and others were included and classified. The ultimate data extracted for analysis were classified in 3 tables (respectively based on a validation sample): a) mean error (chronological age- estimated age) +- standard deviation, mean absolute error and R*2 number=6, b)regression formula +- standard deviation and R*2 number=11. c) regression model + root mean squared error and R*2 number=5. Discussion: The staging technique turned to be the most accepted registration predictor status compared to others, maybe due to the early origin and many developed branches. And it’s obvious that Demirjian et al. 1973 and Köhler Gleiser and Hunt 1955(modified) outperformed the others. Correspoundingly, the regression formula, linear regression models and Bayesian models were broad used to calculate the estimated ages as age estimation methods. a) The Demirjian et al. method performed better (José 2005) compared to others, especially with low ME(0.07-0.1)+S.D(1.22-1.23), MAE(0.074-0.106) and high R*2(0.45-0.54) and QA score (10) in a large Spanish subadult population. b) The Iranians turned out to have better result in 4TM and 2TM. By the Köhler Gleiser and Hunt 1955(modified) staging technique, they gained a low standard deviation and a high R*2 together with high QA score 9 for the tooth position examined in the study. And in general, the Belgian population performed best in 3TM examined. While for 1 TM, Thais population gained the lowest S.D (M: 1.29-1.3 F: 1.47-1.48) and a extremely high R*2 (M: 0.892 F: 0.85-0.86) using Demirjian technique. c) The Brazilians were found having better scores in RMSE 0.74-1.56 for both genders in linear regression models. Conclusion: In forensic practice, it is difficult to select a method for age estimation based on the development of third molars. In current systematic review, the Demirjian et al.1973(both technique and method)provided the most accurate point prediction of age in Spanish population, Köhler Gleiser and Hunt 1955(modified) technique + regression formula method did the most accurate prediction in Iranians population(4TM and 2TM), Demirjian technique + regression formula outperformed others in Thais population (1TM), and Köhler Gleiser and Hunt 1955(modified) technique + linear regression model method performed best in Brazilians, while more research is needed to verify these methods in the future.
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Among dental age estimation methods in children and sub-adults, Cameriere`s method based on the measurements of open apices is regularly applied in medico-legal cases. The purpose of this study was to investigate the observer reproducibility of Cameriere`s tooth development measurements and classifications and their impact on correlated age predictions. Despite reoccurring reports on a high reproducibility of Cameriere`s measurements, in none of the related publications, a specification and detailed explanation of the gradual steps in the measurement proceedings for the different parameter was provided. Following Cameriere`s protocol, the measurements and classifications on a sample of 237 panoramic radiographs were completely or proportionately performed by 6 observers in 2 replications. The multiple regression model provided in the protocol was used for 1291 subsequent age estimates. For the statistical assessment of intra- and inter-observer agreement on the continuous measurements and the succeeding age estimates, the intraclass correlation coefficients, reproducibility coefficients, as well as the within subject coefficients of variation were determined, while the agreement on dichotomous evaluations of apical ends was analyzed with the Kappa coefficient. In contrast to a good to excellent intra-observer agreement, the inter-observer results for the tooth development measurements revealed an only poor to fair reproducibility for specific tooth positions and caused doubts about the reliability of the resulting age estimates. The partially unspecified protocol of Cameriere was found to have a remarkably negative impact on the inter-observer agreement on the allocations of landmarks and the correlated measurement techniques. Combined with tooth position dependent, impeded diagnostics of the apical ends on panoramic radiographs, this led to a reduced reproducibility of the inter-observer results. Thus, the current study results clearly contradict to the frequently reported good to excellent reproducibility of Cameriere`s measurements in previous studies and gives reasons to consider a specification of the delivered protocol. Suggestions for possible enhancements regarding specific steps in Cameriere`s method are indicated in this study, which encourages the increasement of reliability of age estimations in medico-legal cases.
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Age is an important feature of a person. Sometimes this information is not available. This is possible when you deal with migration. Because The official documentation is not available. Or a corpse where there is no identification available. In this case, a method is needed to determine the age. There exist methods to determine the age based on teeth information. However, these method’s rely on manual staging of the teeth which is time consuming. In this thesis, an automatic approach is researched to determine the age of a person. In this approach, you try to predict the age based on dental X-ray images. The proposed method tries to solve this problem using convolutional neural networks. This neural network is trained on a dataset of 4000 pictures of people between the ages of 8 and 25 year. The thesis focuses on preprocessing the data, selecting the best possible neural net architecture and finetuning the hyperparameters to get the best result possible. In the end, the proposed method was evaluated using 5-fold cross validation. The result is an MAE is 089 years and the MSE is 1.45 years. These results are very competitive towards the already available methods.
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Het doel van deze studie bestaat erin te bepalen of de afmetingen van eerste en de tweede ondermolaren van de mens geëvolueerd zijn sinds de Neolithische periode en, zo ja, te verklaren hoe dat komt. Er worden verklarende factoren gezocht, en er wordt dieper ingegaan op invloed van voedsel op de tandgrootte. Vervolgens worden toekomsttrends voorspeld. De methode van deze studie bestaat uit een odontometrische analyse uitgevoerd op de tandkronen van eerste en tweede ondermolaren van een Europese Neolithische populatie, bewaard in het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen te Brussel. De data verkregen uit dit onderzoek worden vergeleken met een zorgvuldig vastgelegde literatuurstandaard van de Moderne Europese mens uit de 20e eeuw. Er wordt vastgesteld dat de maximale mesio-distale, bucco-linguale, mesiobuccaledistolinguale en de mesiolinguale-distobuccale kroondiameters kleiner zijn bij de Moderne populatie dan bij de Neolithische popula ondermolaar is er een afname doorheen de tijd. Uit onderzoek blijkt dat voedselbereiding hierin de grootste factor speelt. Er wordt besloten dat deze trend zich in de toekomst verderzetten.
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Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the age prediction performance when the third molar information is added to permanent teeth in children and subadults from western Indian population. Material & Methods: A sample of 1533 orthopantomograms of Indian males (M) and females (F), in the age range between 2 and 23.99 years were collected retrospectively. The Demirjian staging technique was used on the lower left permanent teeth, and the technique of Gleiser et al modified by Köhler et al. was applied to stage all present third molars. Continuation ratio models were obtained for permanent teeth (PT), third molars (TM), permanent teeth and third molars combined (PT + TM) as predictors and age as the response. Mean error (ME;), Mean absolute error (MAE), Root mean squared error (RMSE), Coverage and width prediction intervals were calculated from the models. Results: When third molar information was added to permanent teeth, the decrease in mean error (ME) was 0.10 years in M and 0.13 years in F. Whereas, the decrease in Mean absolute error (MAE) was 0.36 years (4.4 months) in M and 0.43 years (5.2 months) in F. An overall, decrease in root mean squared error (RMSE) of 0.52 years (6.3 months) in males and females both. The highest decrease in RMSE was noted for the age category of 14 to 14.99 years in males (1.41 years) and between 23 to 23.99 years in females (1.67 years) when PT+TM model was compared to PT model. Conclusion: Inclusion of the third molar developmental information to permanent teeth does improve the age prediction performance in Indian children and subadults. Especially in the age groups of 13 to 14.99; 20 to 22.99 and 11 to 16.99; 21 to 23.99 for males and females respectively.
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The aim of the study was to detect which methods are used by non-forensic dentists to estimate the age of individuals from different age groups, based on panoramic radiographs. Their prediction results were compared with established gold standard age estimation outcomes. A cross-sectional study was conducted among Flemish non-forensic dentists by means of an online questionnaire. The participants were asked to estimate the age of five individuals based on their provided panoramic radiograph. The panoramic radiographs were from three age categories based on the observed dental developmental status: children (≤ 16 years), subadults (≥ 16 years ≤ 23 years) and adults (≥ 23 years). Qualtrics software was used to establish and distribute the online questionnaire. Dentists were invited to participate by phone, e-mail and social media. Microsoft Excel was used to conduct the statistical analyses. A total of 195 dentists participated the study. For the age estimation of the children, almost all participants relied on the eruption of the definitive teeth and approximately 75% obtained a point estimate lower than the gold standard point estimate. For the age estimation of the subadults, 98% of the participants relied on the eruption and/or developmental process of the third molars. More than half of the obtained point estimates were underestimations, while the mean value of all the received point estimates was an overestimation, explained by some extremely high received point estimates. The provided uncertainty intervals were variable with some very wide interval ranges up to 20,0 years. For the age estimation of the adult, the majority of the participants relied on both developmental and morphological predictors. Approximately 70% of the participants obtained a point estimate higher than the gold standard point estimate. The provided uncertainty intervals were variable among which some very wide interval widths up to 30,0 years. The application of literature-based dental age estimation methods was nearly absent. The accuracy of the received point estimates was higher than expected but decreased with increasing age of the subjects. More attention should be paid to the training of skills in performing dental age estimations in the Flemish dental education programs.
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Third molar development is used to estimate age in sub adults. However, the incidence of third molar impaction is high. If third molars are impacted, their development may be disturbed and may have consequences on the performed age estimations. The aim of current study was to evaluate the influence of third molar impaction related parameters on third molar development and related age estimations. Impaction related parameters such as contact between third and corresponding second molar, retro-molar space availability, and angulation between third and corresponding second molar were examine on 5.279 panoramic radiographs from 1,031 subjects (473 male, 558 female) with ages ranging between 3.2 and 23.5 years. Impaction status was assigned by the evaluation of contact with the corresponding second molar and the angulation measurement between the long axes of third and second molar (<-22 or >18 for the upper third molar and <-17 or >12 for the lower third molar). All present third molars were staged according to modified Köhler et al. staging technique. Significant differences were found in mean age as function of presence of contact and retro-molar space availability, depended on third molar position and on stage. There were significant linear relation between angulation and age, depended on stages. There was significant different in age between impacted and non-impacted third molars. However, all the differences were clinically very small (≤0.65 years). Impaction related parameters did not meaningfully influence third molar development. Therefore impacted third molars can be examined for age estimation purposes equally as non-impacted third molar.