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Psychopathological behaviour in relationship to environmental stress in an alpha-mannosidosis mouse model and evaluation of enzyme replacement therapy
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2014 Publisher: Leuven : K.U. Leuven. Faculteit Psychologie en Pedagogische Wetenschappen

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Alpha-mannosidosis is a rare lysosomal storage disease caused by lysosomal α-mannosidase deficiency. In human patients the disease is characterized by an array of physical and physiological symptoms as well as psychiatric disease. This master thesis will focus on the psychiatric symptoms. Patients may show recurrent episodes of confusion and psychosis, delusions, auditory and visual hallucinations, anxiety and depression. In addition, these symptoms are often preceded by a physical or psychological stressor. A mouse model of alpha-mannosidosis was created that mimicked the human features of the milder form of this disease. However, psychopathological behaviour alterations in this mouse model have not been described elaborately yet, nor has the influence of environmental stress been assessed in this mouse model of alpha-mannosidosis. Therefore, the goal of this master thesis is to make up a psychopathological behaviour profile of alpha-mannosidosis mice and assess its relationship to environmental stress. In addition, as the efficacy of enzyme replacement therapy for the correction of storage in alpha-mannosidosis has been proved in several animal studies of alpha-mannosidosis mice, a second objective is to assess the effects of enzyme replacement therapy on psychopathological behaviour in these alpha-mannosidosis mice. Two groups of alpha-mannosidase knock-out mice and control mice were used. The first group comprised an experimental group of 17 4-to-5-month-old alpha-mannosidosis mice and a control group of 17 age-matched control mice. Before these mice were assessed in a behavioural test battery, a genotype mixed group of 17 out of these 34 mice underwent a stress conditioning procedure in order to elicit chronic stress. Then, all mice were assessed in a comprehensive behavioural test battery comprised of seven behavioural paradigms, including depression, anxiety, explorative behaviour, sensorimotor gating, social exploration and working memory tests. Prepuls...


Kwantiteit en Structuur van Ultrasone Vocalisaties Verschillen Significant Tussen Vrouwelijke en Mannelijke C57BL/6J Muizen, Nietteg enstaande de Minimale Geslachtsverschillen in Gedragsprofiel
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Psychologie en Pedagogische Wetenschappen

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Ultrasone vocalisaties (USV’s) zijn een robuust en consistent fenomeen dat bij vele diersoorten een indicatie geeft van motivaties en affectieve toestanden. USV’s kunnen een bijdrage leveren in het veelgebruikte muizenmodel voor onderzoek naar psychiatrische stoornissen zoals ASS. Hoewel in eerder onderzoek de samenhang tussen USV’s van muizen en communicatieve competenties al werd aangetoond, staat het onderzoek naar de exacte functie van USV’s nog in kinderschoenen. In dit onderzoek wordt de relatie nagegaan tussen kwantiteit en structuur van USV’s in sociale interacties en andere sociale en niet-sociale aspecten van gedrag van C57BL/6J muizen. Zodoende kan een bijdrage worden geleverd in de kennis over de samenhang van USV’s met het gedragsprofiel. Vervolgens wordt stilgestaan bij de invloed van sociale isolatie, die het aantal USV’s verhoogt in een sociale interactie en de USV experimenten voorafgaat. Ten slotte wordt een aanvulling aangeboden op het al reeds uitgebreide onderzoek naar het gedragsprofiel van de C57BL/6J muis met een focus op de geslachtsverschillen. Sociale en niet-sociale gedragsexperimenten werden uitgevoerd om geslachtsverschillen van C57BL/6J muizen in kaart te brengen. Aangezien in de bestaande literatuur weinig evidentie bestaat voor geslachtsverschillen bij de C57BL/6J muis, werd de hypothese aangenomen dat er geen of weinig geslachtsverschillen aan het licht zouden komen. In dit onderzoek werd enkel voor de ‘startle’-respons een significant geslachtsverschil vastgesteld. Vervolgens werden kwantiteit en structuur van USV’s nagegaan in een experiment met vrouw-vrouw en man-man interacties. De hypothese was dat, gezien de aard van sociale relaties tussen hetzelfde geslacht verschilt tussen mannetjes en vrouwtjes, de samenhang tussen USV’s en andere gedragsaspecten ook zou verschillen. In dit onderzoek produceerden de vrouwtjes meer USV’s dan de mannetjes. Bovendien werden ook verschillende significante geslachtsverschillen aangetoond in de structuur van deze vocalisaties, wat in eerder onderzoek nog niet werd beschreven. De totale duur van de vocalisaties van de vrouwtjes was significant langer dan die van de mannetjes en daarnaast produceerden de vrouwtjes relatief meer complexe vocalisaties en meer vocalisaties met frequentiesprongen terwijl de mannetjes relatief meer korte vocalisaties produceerden. Vervolgens verschilde de gemiddelde frequentieamplitude niet significant tussen de geslachten. Uiteindelijk kan uit de resultaten geen duidelijke samenhang afgeleid worden tussen de geslachts-specifieke USV variabelen en de gedragsparameters. In dit onderzoek werd wel het belang van geslacht aangetoond wanneer USV’s zouden worden gebruikt in het muizenmodel voor autisme spectrum stoornis.


Assessment of cognitive performance and social behaviour in the biAT/TPLH mouse model for Alzheimer’s disease
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Psychologie en Pedagogische Wetenschappen

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Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease identified by two major neuropathological hallmarks namely extracellular plaques containing Aβ protein and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT’s) made up of hyperphosporylated tau protein. AD neuropsychological symptoms include a gradual onset and progressive decline of cognitive functions such as episodic memory, language and attention. Additionally, non-cognitive changes such as behavioural and psychological symptoms are prominent in patients with AD. For the examination and understanding of the neuropathological mechanisms and neuropsychological symptoms of AD, mouse models and animal behavioural read-outs respectively, have proved to be essential. In this research we aim to establish a better understanding of AD pathogenesis and its related cognitive and non-cognitive symptoms through the use of behavioural read-outs involving mouse models. We made use of two mouse models with the C57BL/6J background: 1) the biAT mouse model (Tau.P301L x APP.V717I) expressing both major hallmarks of human AD and 2) the TLPH mouse model (Tau.P301L) expressing tau pathology only. The biAT and TLPH mouse models were tested at 5 to 6 months of age over a period of 2 months. They were exposed to a large test battery including a variety of behavioural experiments. Spatial memory performance was studied in the mouse models using the Morris water maze as the most established paradigm for the investigation of hippocampus-dependent learning. In addition, paradigms such as contextual and cued fear conditioning and sociability/preference for social novelty were included for the investigation of cognitive-related symptoms. Other behavioural tests including the elevated plus maze, open field, marble burying, tail suspension and 24h assessment were used for the investigation of non-cognitive symptoms. As opposed to WT mice, we expected transgenic mouse models to display neuropathological related cognitive and non-cognitive symptoms of AD. Contrary to our expectations, the results did not demonstrate major, consistent cognitive, social nor neuropsychological AD-like symptoms in the biAT or TLPH mouse models compared to WT controls. Besides several environmental and genetic factors that could have contributed to this, another possibility is that the AD-related neuropathology has a later onset in these C57BL/6J-backcrossed mouse models. Moreover, although C57BL/6 mice were described to perform well in these tasks and previously have been successfully used in our lab with the same equipment, the WT controls in this research overall seemed to display abnormal behaviour. For future experiments, mice at a more advanced age could be tested and the breeding schemes may need to be redesigned so that littermate wildtype control mice are available.


The behavioral effects of green tea polyphenol extract in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Psychologie en Pedagogische Wetenschappen

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During the past years lots of research has been done on Alzheimer’s disease, but so far without any success in producing a preventative or even therapeutic treatment. Since we are facing an Alzheimer epidemic in the near future, a highly accessible and affordable preventative strategy is still eagerly awaited. Natural compounds have become of great importance and in particular green tea polyphenols have gained lots of attention. These polyphenols are believed to have neuroprotective effects due to different mechanisms like antioxidant and iron chelating abilities. The aim of our study was to investigate if we could objectify a preventative efficacy of green tea supplementation in a mouse model of AD. For this research we used 28 mice that were either wild type or transgenic mice of the APPPS1-21 strain, which is a well-established mouse model in the field of AD research. Mice were randomly assigned to a green tea supplementation or mock treatment shortly before amyloid deposition was supposed to occur in the hippocampal dentate gyrus of transgenic mice. At this moment the transgenic mice are still in a pre-symptomatic stage without observable behavioral symptoms. After 21 weeks of green tea administration, mice reached the age where they should start showing behavioral signs of underlying cognitive deficits. From then on, all mice were subjected to a battery of behavioral tests to examine whether or not significant effects of treatment were found. During the behavioral tests, the treatment was continued. We hypothesized that transgenic mice receiving green tea supplemented water would show improvement of cognitive and/or other impairments. Unfortunately no such clear effects were found. On some tests there was an effect of genotype, confirming that the mice showed cognitive deficits. For example they showed a slower learning curve on the MWM than wild type mice. Effects regarding the green tea administration were rather rare, but we cannot be certain that the green tea supplementation had no effect due to the good performance of transgenic mice receiving mock treatment on some tests. Based on the tests where transgenic mice did show a clear deficit but no treatment effects were found, we have to conclude that we failed to objectify a preventative efficacy of green tea supplementation in a mouse model of AD, but further research on this topic is recommended.


Assessment of early cognitive performance and social behaviour in the biAT/TPLH mouse models for Alzheimer's disease
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Psychologie en Pedagogische Wetenschappen

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Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurocognitive disorder that affects over 40 million people worldwide and has become one of the main causes of death in developed countries. Its major neurobiological hallmarks are the extracellular Aβ plaques and the aggregation of hyperphosphorylated tau protein into intracellular neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs). The disease is characterized by a gradual onset and progressive decline of cognitive functions such as episodic memory, executive functions and language. Moreover, AD patients present behavioural and psychological signs and symptoms of dementia (BPSD), such as social withdrawal, apathy, depressive mood, aggression and diurnal rhythm disturbances. Currently, no cure exists for the disease. However, many authors have proposed that earlier intervention could improve AD prognosis and might even halt AD progression. Therefore, it is crucial to improve preclinical detection and diagnosis of AD based on biomarkers and behavioural markers. In order to identify robust preclinical cognitive and non-cognitive changes in AD, we assessed cognitive functions and social behaviour in 3-month-old wild-type and transgenic mice over a period of three months. All mice had a C57BL/6J background. Two transgenic mouse models were used: 1) the biAT mouse model (APP.V717I x Tau.P301L) expressing both Aβ plaques and NFTs and 2) the TPLH mouse model (Tau.P301L) which only expresses tau pathology. All mice performed a variety of behavioural tasks to evaluate cognitive and non-cognitive impairments. More specifically, the test battery included 12 tasks (Morris water maze (MWM), context- and cue-dependent fear conditioning (CFR), spontaneous activity, rotarod, marble burying, elevated plus maze, open field, SPSN, tail suspension, tail withdrawal, nesting, and nesting 2.0), designed to assess hippocampus-dependent memory, exploratory, anxiety-related, social, depressive and nociceptive behaviour, and activities of daily living (ADLs). We hypothesized that compared to age-matched controls, transgenic mice would show specific impairments in both cognitive and non-cognitive tasks. We expected significant differences in hippocampus-dependent memory function and anxiety-related, social and depressive behaviour, which are affected first in human patients. Furthermore, we expected little to no differences in exploratory behaviour, nociception and ADLs, since these functions are generally affected in later stages of the disease. Furthermore, we expected more severe impairments in the biAT than in the TPLH mouse model. In line with our expectations, transgenic mice showed decreased cognitive flexibility in the MWM. Moreover, transgenic mice displayed increased anxiety-related behaviour. However, transgenic mice also displayed decreased exploratory behaviour and reduced functioning in ADLs. Finally, there were no major differences in performance between the biAT and TPLH mouse models.


The Effect of Gender and Socio-Emotional Differences on Ultrasonic Vocalizations Production in C57BL/6 Mice
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Psychologie en Pedagogische Wetenschappen

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As autism research is becoming a hot topic, mouse models are often used to test new hypothesis or possible genetic causes. Two important behavioral conditions of autism are difficulties with social skills and communication. Since mice also produce sounds, mouse ultrasonic vocalizations are increasingly used as a model for vocal communication deficits in humans. However not enough is known about why mice produce these ultrasonic vocalizations. To be able to form a good mice model there needs to be a good understanding of the gender differences in this type of vocalizations as well as a good understanding of how they relate to the rest of the mice’s behavioral repertoire. For this reason, the current research focused on recording and scoring these ultrasonic vocalizations mice produce to get a better idea of how they relate to gender and socio-emotional differences. Specifically, the research wanted to find possible gender differences in ultrasonic vocalization production and how this could relate to the mice’s socio-emotional characteristics. To understand how the ultrasonic vocalizations relate to the mice’s behavioral repertoire a test battery of commonly used behavioral tests was used. In the literature there are some authors who tried to create mouse models for human speech and these usually claim that mice who score higher on social tests produce more ultrasonic vocalizations. Non-social behavior relations with later ultrasonic vocalization productions are thus far not mentioned in the literature. Using two different setups to measure the ultrasonic vocalizations we got a good view of how much vocalizations mice produce. It was measured twice to add tracking to setup. As tracking was measured in the second measurement we got a good understanding of what the mice does while vocalizing. For the other behavioral tests ANOVA’s were calculated to consult the effect of gender on these behavioral tests as well as the ultrasonic vocalization production. In the next part ANOVA’s were used to look into the predictive value of ultrasonic vocalizations and gender interaction on these behavioral tests. Most of the results showed no relation between the behavioral tests and ultrasonic vocalizations, but gender usually had a very big influence. Gender plays a very big role in ultrasonic vocalization production and therefore care must be taken when selecting which gender to use in a mouse model. There seems to be no link to socio-emotional measures however. It is possible that this is because less social mice do not produce less vocalizations but produce different vocalizations, future research should look into this difference.


Behavioural abnormalities in a mouse model for the neurodegenerative disorder alpha-mannosidosis
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2013 Publisher: Leuven K.U.Leuven. Faculteit Psychologie en Pedagogische Wetenschappen

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Alpha-mannosidosis is a rare lysosomal storage disease which is autosomal recessive inheritable and causes intralysosomal accumulation of mannose-containing oligosaccharides in various tissues. Clinical symptoms include neurological impairment, immune deficiency, facial and skeletal abnormalities and hearing impairment. This Master thesis will focus on the neurological symptoms. Patients with alpha-mannosidosis show a degree of intellectual disability, with an IQ range of 60 to 80. Patients speech tends to develop inadequately and many suffer from ataxia. Often they experience periods of psychosis and other psychiatric symptoms such as confusion, depression and anxiety. Given its neurodegenerative nature, the prognosis for alpha-mannosidosis is poor. In 1999, a mouse model was created that mimicked the milder form of this human disease. Whereas humans with alpha-mannosidosis show a degree of intellectual disability, knock-out mice seem to suffer from a visuospatial cognitive deficit. Hippocampal areas are thought to play a prominent role in causing cognitive deficits in knock-out mice, yet knock-out mice are not consistently impaired in hippocampal dependent behavioural tests. The goal of this Master thesis is to make up a detailed behavioural profile of young alpha-mannosidase knock-out mice. Determining the exact behavioural profile early in the disease process is essential for evaluating effectiveness of early interventions. The objective is to pin down the specific disease characteristics in young knock-out mice in the areas of cognition, exploration/emotion and motor functioning. An experimental group of 19 alpha-mannosidase knock-out mice and a control group of 23 heterozygous mice were bred. From the age of approximately three months onwards, they were assessed on ten behavioural paradigms. Five cognitive tests considered different aspects of learning and memory in the young mice: Morris water maze, T-maze forced alternation, T-maze delayed alternation,


Assessment of early mother-infant interactions and juvenile maternal bonding in mice
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Psychologie en Pedagogische Wetenschappen

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Mother infant interactions are know to play an important role in the formation of maternal bonding in humans and in mice. Mouse studies can help to elucidate on the underlying mechanisms that influence maternal bonding in humans, for this reason the development of protocols capable to assess maternal bonding in mice has arisen. This study has aimed to assess whether a adapted radial-arm maze is able to reliably measure infant-to-mother bonding in juvenile mice and if expression of maternal preference changes between two crucial stages , namely, p21 and p28. Furthermore, to assess whether changes in mother-pup interactions lead to differences in neonatal and juvenile infant-to-mother interaction, two different C57BL/6 groups of mice have been tested. One group underwent prenatal VPA while the other group was comprised of control mice, prenatal VPA exposure has been shown to disrupt early mother-infant interaction. Lastly, to explore if evidence of changes in mother-infant interactions can be predictive of changes in adult functioning behaviors. A series of adult functioning tests were performed Our results could not validate the adapted radial-arm maze as a potential protocol for the assessment of infant-to-mother bonding in mice. Furthermore, no noticeable differences were found in neonatal USVs between VPA and control mice or in the adapted radial-arm maze at p21 or p28. Lastly, spatial memory was found to be impaired in VPA mice, similarly, repetitive behaviors were found to impair normal social functioning in adult VPA mice but no general social or communication functioning impairments were found. However, due to lack of evidence of changes in early mother-infant interaction, these results could not be directly attributed to impaired maternal bonding. 


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