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Ca2+ levels in the cell play an important role in both animals and plants. Abnormalities in these Ca2+ levels are related to several cancers. Therefore, many studies focus on Ca2+ concentrations in the cell. Often, proteins that light up when binding to Ca2+ are used to observe the presence of Ca2+. This light is then detected for imaging. This technique works fine for superficial imaging, but not if you want to image processes that happen deeper into the tissue. Photoacoustic (PA) imaging gets around this problem by detecting ultrasonic waves. To create such a signal, these Ca2+ binding proteins should radiate warmth instead of emitting light. To achieve this we introduced mutations into existing Ca2+ sensors. The main aim of these mutations was to stop this sensor from emitting light and make it radiate warmth instead. Due to Covid19-measures, we miss essential data to conclude if the created mutants are better candidates than the original senor for use in PA. We propose possible mutations for further research that might dim the original sensor. The second part of the project focuses on monitoring Ca2+ levels in cells that are induced by ErbB receptors on the cell membrane. ErbB receptors can give the cell signals to increase cell survival, growth or to start processes that will lead to the cell’s death. Abnormalities in these receptors are related to many cancers. These receptors need to be activated before the signal can travel further into the cell. Activation starts after a small molecule (ligand) binds to the receptor. This changes the shape of the receptor and makes it more likely to form pairs with other receptors or with itself (dimers). One receptor of this family, ErbB3, is not very active. For this reason, it is assumed that ErbB3 always needs to pair up with another family member before it is able to send signals down the cell. Some mutations in ErbB3 are found regularly in cancer. In this work, we wanted to observe if these mutations in ErbB3 have an influence on Ca2+ levels in cells. We found that some cells containing the normal ErbB3 receptor enhance Ca2+ levels, in contrast with cells containing the mutant receptor. This indicates that ErbB3 mutants do not the receptor more active. We then monitored Ca2+ concentrations in cells containing the normal ErbB3 receptor and other ErbB family members. We found that these kinds of cells could influence signals more than cells containing only the mutant ErbB3 receptor. Because of the Covid-19 outbreak, planned experiments involving cells containing the mutant ErbB3 receptor and normal other receptors were not carried out.
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Throughout the day we receive a constant flow of multisensory inputs. Therefore, the brain needs to select relevant sensory information and ignore the distracters to be able to produce a proper behavioural response. This is an active process called sensory selection. However, the question “How does the brain select between relevant and irrelevant information?” remains unanswered. In this thesis, I took a first step toward studying the role of the lateral posterior nucleus (LP) of the thalamus in sensory selection in mice. LP is a higher-order thalamic nucleus with reciprocal connections with primary and higher cortical areas. In addition to relaying information, it can combine information from multiple regions. This suggests that it is uniquely positioned to modulate cortical processing. However, its contribution to sensory selection remains poorly understood. This thesis had three aims: 1) reliable targeting of LP using stereotaxic injections 2) retinotopic mapping of higher visual areas using intact skull wide-field imaging and 3) characterize the impact of chemogenetic silencing of LP on population dynamics in cortical visual areas. To achieve this aims, we performed Cholerin toxin subunit B tracer injections. Further, we made retinotopic maps of the visual cortex and silenced LP chemogenetically during stimulation of the visual cortex. As last, we injected a halorhodopsin driving virus into LP to check its expression and performed a preliminary experiment of optognetic silencing. Together, results showed that: 1) viral injection into LP is possible with great caution and precision, 2) that retinotopic mapping through an intact skull is reliable, and 3) that chemogenetic silencing is probably not the most effective method for the scope of this project, as examining sensory selection would require greater spatial precision and temporal control during silencing.
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Diseases such as Alzheimer’s- or Parkinson’s disease that cause the degeneration of the nervous system are on the rise, especially as the global population grows older and older. A better understanding of how the brain works is required to expand the therapeutic options available to treat these diseases. Previous decades have seen many advances in the field of neurology, but scientists still struggle to combine their knowledge into a full understanding of how the brain works and more importantly, how it deals with degeneration and disease. To facilitate such an understanding, better models are needed which mimic how the brain functions but in a way that is easier to visualize and investigate. Animals such as mice and rats are often used as models for the brain. Unfortunately, research animals are often subjected to unpleasant experiences and killed after the research has concluded. Moreover, animals are not always similar enough to humans to allow us to model complex diseases. Therefore, scientists have aimed to replace animals with models of the brain that can be produced without their intervention. These in-lab models often rely on the use of cells that can grow indefinitely outside of the individual from which they were initially isolated. Historically, these cells have been grown on flat, two-dimensional surfaces which are easy to use and inexpensive. However, scientists have recently realised that the behaviour of cells grown in such a way is very different from how they would grow inside of our body. Dimension possibly plays a crucial role in this. Consequently, scientists are suspending cells into an environment that surrounds them from all sides, allowing them to grow and contact each other in all directions. Cells that grow in our body, live under similar circumstances. It is therefore assumed that such a model can more closely imitate the functioning of our brain in the lab. Like many other body tissues, the brain must organise itself to function. An important way how the brain organizes the behaviour of cells within is through long stretches of fibre. Cells cling onto these fibres and as the fibres change shape and align themselves in a certain direction, the cells are likely to follow. Such behaviour potentially impacts the development and outcome of several diseases in the brain and across the human body. Mimicking this interaction between fibres and cells in the lab requires a model where the shape and behaviour of the fibres can be controlled and the impact on the behaviour of the cells investigated. For this reason, researchers have developed a new method to control the behaviour of the fibres in a controlled and reproducible fashion. Human cells that can grow indefinitely were used here to develop neurons, the primary cell type of the brain which was suspended in a solution of fibres. In other methods, the neurons degrade quickly and return to their native form, preventing a proper investigation of the effects of fibre behaviour on neuronal cells over a longer time. Here, for this reason, a new method is proposed by us which is able to longer sustain the developed neurons, without using expensive factors normally used by others. This finding allows us to potentially investigate in further work how controlling fibre behaviour impacts neuronal behaviour over a longer period.
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Many species exhibit crucial survival behaviors, including visually triggered defensive responses against predators. The visual trigger can be an approaching aerial predator, mimicked by a looming stimulus, or a cruising predator, similar to a sweeping stimulus. This research focuses on the role of wide field and narrow field cells of the superior colliculus in triggering defense behaviors in mice against cruising predators in natural habitat, presented by a sweeping stimulus. In our experiment, the inhibition of wide field and narrow field cells was done using a “Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs” (DREADD)-based chemogenetic approach. Transgenic mouse lines were obtained and divided into groups. Next, their superior colliculus area was injected with an anterograde control virus or an AAV-DREADDs virus. After a few weeks, the DREADDs ligand CNO was administered. Subsequently, the behavioral experiments were conducted in an open field setup, with a repetitive sweeping stimulus. Each session was recorded and inspected using machine learning software. Finally, visual processing and data analysis provided tracking and quantified datasets. Narrow field cells trigger escaping behavior when facing a looming stimulus, while wide field cells set off a freezing response against a sweeping stimulus. Our study showed that the chemogenetic inhibition of wide field cells resulted in incomplete repression of Ntsr-Cre mice’ behavior while inhibiting narrow field cells caused a complete suppression of Grp-Cre mice’ reaction. Many potential reasons exist, including the cells habituating too fast after administrating a few stimuli, or that more than one cell type is implicated in this behavior. As a survival response, the SC cell types might be all contributing to certain functions, which can be a backup mechanism in case of the inhibition of one of them. Such speculations though require additional analysis and follow-up experiments to confirm. The chemogenetics approach was promising. Similar to optogenetics, both methods have advantages and suitable experimental conditions to work properly. Though their limitations are yet to be overcome, current protocols and precautions prove effective to deliver positive results.
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When we go running, or go to work, we navigate without using Google maps on our smartphones. The process that enables us to navigate relies on a cognitive map inside the brain, and is referred to as spatial navigation. This map represents the individual’s knowledge of the relationship of the environment to space. Several brain regions are known to be involved. The cognitive map of the environment requires constant updating with the incoming sensory information. However, the different brain regions involved in this process do not directly encode for sensory information. It is stated that the retrosplenial cortex (RSC), a subdivision of the cortex located caudally around the corpus callosum, could encoded for this information. Recently, more research has been devoted to the anatomical and functional characteristics of the RSC, in spatial navigation. Several researchers reported (reciprocal) connections between the RSC and other spatially involved brain regions, such as the hippocampal and parahippocampal formation, and the posterior parietal cortex. Connections between sensory areas and the RSC have also been described, and include the primary visual -, primary motor -, and primary somatosensory cortices. The RSC appears to play a role in spatial memory and learning, and in encoding and storing of spatial information. Furthermore, a recent finding at the Bonin’s lab supports a functional difference in the RSC along the rostro-caudal axis. More spatially selective cells are found in the anterior RSC, whereas more visually selective cells are found in the posterior RSC. We optimized a retrograde dual labeling approach to investigate if this functional difference is mediated by an anatomical difference between the long-range input pathways along the rostro-caudal axis. We injected Cholera toxin subunit B (CTB) tracers conjugated to Alexa Fluor (AF) fluorescent probes (CTB 488, CTB 555) into the RSC of mice, to label individual neurons in the areas that provide input. This individual retrogradely-labeled cells were quantified to map out all the brain regions that provide anterior and/or posterior input to the RSC. We hypothesized that the anterior RSC receives spatial inputs, while the posterior RSC receives visual inputs. However, our findings did not confirm this hypothesis. We found that the somatosensory and motor cortices provided most of the inputs to the anterior RSC, while the spatial areas provided mainly spatial inputs to the posterior RSC. Nevertheless, projections from spatial areas to the anterior RSC were also observed, but to a lesser extent. Visual areas also provided some projections to the posterior RSC, which is consistent with our hypothesis. However, only one mouse was used to obtain these results, which means that only preliminary conclusions can be drawn so far. More data, along with further optimization of the protocol, would result in more reliable results that would fit the hypothesis.
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Climate change increasingly affects organisms and ecosystems. Temporary pools and their fauna may be severely impacted by predicted increased temperatures. Being typically shallow, water temperatures closely follow atmospheric temperatures. Furthermore, inundation lengths (i.e. hydroperiods) are dependent on evaporation and increased temperatures would result in reduced hydroperiods. Although specialist inhabitants of temporary pools, such as large branchiopod crustaceans, are often already adapted to deal with significant daily temperature fluctuations (DTF) and short growing seasons, especially in warm regions and short-lived systems, they may be at the limit of their adaptive capacity. We use three zooplankton species from different functional groups (Conchostraca, Anostraca and Ostracoda) from shallow temporary rock pools in South Africa as models and investigate if key life-history traits (e.g. life-span, fecundity, hatching, egg survival, CT max) will be sensitive to temperature increase and DTF as expected under climate change. Next to individual and species-level responses, we assess potential changes in biotic interactions among these three important species in temporary pool food-webs. Our results indicate changes in the water variables conductivity, turbidity and chlorophyll a concentration, in response to increased temperatures. With regard to life-history responses, increased temperatures led to decreases in body size, fecundity, survival and life span. Since species were differentially affected, biotic interactions among the studied species, which represent different functional groups, will likely change. This demonstrates the importance of including biotic interactions in climate change vulnerability assessments instead of only looking at species level responses. Our results also indicate the potential for acclimation and/or adaption by increased growth and maturation rate and increasing thermal tolerance. While egg bank persistence and bet hedging strategies will become even more important under climate change, these will potentially be negatively effected through reduced egg survival rates. Future studies should aim at even higher levels of ecological realism by working in larger volumes, including a full community and testing for interactive effects among temperature stress and other stressors such as increased CO2 levels and predator presence. Finally, by running studies across a longer time and additional growing seasons, the potential impact of long lasting transgenerational effects and (genetic) adaptation on population demographics in response to future environmental conditions could be tracked.
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In the face of climate change, carbon storage and sequestration are becoming more and more important by the day. Natural Climate Solutions are the most promising method for realizing negative emissions, with forests and wetlands as the most performant ecosystems considering carbon storage and sequestration. Peatlands have the highest carbon stocks of all wetlands, but can become carbon sources rather than sinks when drained. After drainage, tree invasion is possible, which often results in a succession to willow or alder carrs. Though these forests sequester and store carbon as living biomass, they might reduce the carbon stock in the soil. In this research, we aimed to quantify the SOC stocks in 13 Flemish fens, using a coupled design of plots invaded and not invaded by trees. We used vegetation analysis to assess differences in plant communities. Different fen types were accounted for, we sampled quaking fens, sloping fens and alkaline fens. Our results show that tree cover reduces the soil organic carbon, as well as plant diversity. However, a study considering the total carbon stock including living tree biomass is needed to compare invaded and non-invaded situations. However, our results give an indication that open fens might be delivering more ecosystem services than fens invaded by trees.
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Within the diverse group of flowering plants, Polylepis trees are unique in that they can occur at much higher altitudes than other tree species. Polylepis trees grow in isolated woodlands along the Andes, where they often form islands of biodiversity in an arid environment. Because of their presence at high altitudes on mountain slopes, Polylepis woodlands play a key role in the regulation of surface water runoff, thereby lowering the risk on landslides. However, the extent of Polylepis woodlands strongly decreased due to increased agricultural practices (e.g. cattle breeding), posing a threat to their regulating effects on water retention. Although the conservation and restoration of these woodlands is urgent, the design of adequate conservation strategies is hampered by a lack of knowledge on the diversity in Polylepis species. For example, the evolutionary relationships between Polylepis species are not well understood, and it remains unclear how the diversity within this group of species evolved. Polylepis species likely have a complex genetic background, because they assumedly underwent multiple whole genome doublings throughout their evolutionary history. In addition, several Polylepis species may descend from crossings between different species (i.e. hybridization events), resulting in an admixed genome with genetic material from multiple ancestors. This complex genetic makeup impedes the inference of relationships between Polylepis species. This study aimed to unravel evolutionary relationships between 25 Polylepis individuals using DNA sequence information. Based on DNA sequences, phylogenetic trees were created to elucidate evolutionary relationships between Polylepis species. These relationships did not support a previously proposed subdivision of species into three main groups and suggested that hybridization events abundantly occurred in this group of tree species. We delineated small regions in the Polylepis genome with a unique DNA sequence in different Polylepis species. These genetic “barcodes” can be used to check the identity of Polylepis individuals with a relatively fast and inexpensive sequencing method. The insights of this thesis facilitate future research on the evolutionary history and conservation of Polylepis.
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Age-related neurodegenerative diseases are predominating our aging society, decreasing the life quality of older patients. Indeed, adult mammals lack the ability to regenerate their central nervous system (CNS) and therefore cannot repair and recover once damage or injury has been sustained. Nowadays, modern medicine has not caught up with the progression of these age-related pathologies, and there is yet to see a cure for them. Consequently, a rise in research focusing on finding the molecular players and signalling pathways involved in successful neuroregeneration is manifesting. Importantly, despite the clear correlation between age and occurrence of neurodegenerative disease, most of the research is performed in young laboratory animals. Unfortunately, age has a significant impact on the CNS and its regenerative ability, leading to a failure in many of the promising neuroregenerative strategies in an aging CNS. This calls for the necessity of a well characterised aging model organism where new promising and efficient neuroregenerative strategies can be observed and explored. This thesis points out the African turquoise killifish as a very promising model to investigate the negative aging effects on axonal regeneration in the adult CNS. The killifish is the shortest living vertebrate that can be bred in captivity, living to approximately 6 months of age in the facility of the host lab. Despite their limited lifespan, killifish display molecular and cellular changes that are parallel to those observed in aging humans over several decades. However, unlike humans, and to our advantage, the adult killifish can repair and regenerate its damaged CNS, making it the ideal model to study axonal regeneration, whether or not in an aging environment. This study follows the regeneration process of retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axons after optic nerve crush (ONC) in the killifish. Indeed, the visual system is used as a template to study axonal regeneration in the adult CNS. As an extension of the CNS, the retina and optic nerve display similarities to the brain and spinal cord in terms of its anatomy, functionality, response to injury and immunology. Our results suggest that aging severely reduces the regeneration process as the ability of old fish to regenerate and functionally recover is impaired after ONC. In order to investigate when, where, and what goes wrong and impairs this spontaneously regenerating ability, the regeneration process was spatiotemporally evaluated, focusing on the regenerating RGC soma in the retina as well as on their axons reinnervating the optic tectum (OT) and other retinofugal brain areas. Some first results show that regeneration is already delayed in early stages of the repair process in aged fish, finally resulting in an impaired/absent repair and functional recovery with age. Interestingly, despite being able to fully reinnervate their OT and regain certain vision-related reflexes, even young fish do not seem to fully recover from an ONC. Therefore, we additionally focused on the young adult killifish in particular, who appear to have an impaired regeneration of non-image forming RGCs, that results in a reduced reinnervation of other RGC projection areas in the brain, apart from the OT.
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Commercially reared bumblebees are important pollinators of agricultural crops. Biobest Group NV was the first company to commercially rear bumblebees for pollination purposes and constantly aims to optimize the pollination services that are provided by their bumblebee colonies. One potential threat to the bumblebees’ pollination capacity is drifting, which is the behavior whereby an individual leaves its natal colony and enters a conspecific foreign one. This can lead to a broad range of negative consequences for the drifter’s natal colony, as well as for the host colony, and the grower or farmer who is using the bumblebee colonies for pollination purposes. For example, some colonies experience a reduction in the number of workers due to workers drifting out of the colony, which can negatively impact the colony’s survival chances and pollination capacity. Moreover, drifting can cause horizontal disease and parasite transfer between colonies. Drifting can be an accidental behavior, meaning that a worker unintentionally enters a foreign colony due to orientation errors. Therefore, the amount of drift is considerably higher in artificial settings, such as greenhouses, where unnaturally high densities of colonies are present and which lack visual cues to aid in orientation, than in wild colonies. However, more recent studies found that some drifters lay eggs in foreign colonies, and that drifters produce significantly more male offspring than native bees from the host colony, indicating that drifting might be not a purely accidental behavior. The aim of this master thesis study was to investigate whether proximal visual cues (hive figures) can reduce the amount of drifting of commercial Bombus terrestris colonies, and to get more insights into the drivers of bumblebee drifting: is it an accidental behavior resulting from orientation errors, or do workers drift intentionally? To investigate this, B. terrestris workers were individually marked using numbered tags in a colony-specific color and the presence of drifters inside the colonies was determined by performing observations inside the colonies. The amount of drift was then compared between a control treatment where no hive figures were present, and two figure treatments. Moreover, to gain more insights into the drivers of bumblebee drift, natives (i.e., workers who never drifted) and drifters were dissected. The ovarian development was then compared between natives and drifters to evaluate whether they differ in the probability of being egg layers. We found that the use of geometric figures can lower the amount of drifting, which indicates that drifting has an important accidental aspect. However, we also found that resident drifters had a higher probability of having stage IV ovaries and more mature eggs inside their ovaries compared to natives, indicating that drifting was most likely not a purely accidental behavior and that at least some residents may have drifted intentionally to reproduce in foreign colonies. The results thus showed that drifting of commercial bumblebees is likely not a purely accidental or purely intentional phenomenon, but rather a combination of both. Our study thus shows that hive figures can be used to reduce the amount of drift of commercial bumblebees. More research is needed regarding the effects of drifting on the colonies’ pollination capacities to assess whether the use of hive figures will be economically interesting.