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Reactions to heat and cold in the ciliate Infusoria -- Reactions to light in ciliates and flagellates -- Reactions to stimuli in certain Rotifera -- The theory of tropisms -- Physiological states as determining factors in the behavior of lower organisms -- The movements and reactions of Amoeba -- The method of trial and error in the behavior of lower organisms.
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"The Joint Committee on Education was formed to arouse an intelligent interest in public schools. Its work was threefold: to secure newspaper publicity for educational topics, to encourage school visiting based on recent school surveys and a study of experimental schools, and to seek what new light on the subject might be obtained from modern science. Some mothers whose daily care of little children during the years when they were acquiring knowledge and developing their powers naturally, instinctively, were convinced that school hampered rather than helped them. They argued--if "sensation tends toward motion, " why, during the years when, life is largely sensation, do we screw our children into desks five hours a day; if variety of type is desirable, why strive for uniformity; if surplus energy is necessary to further evolution, why not conserve that wonderful superabundant vitality of childhood? Might not biology, psychology, psychopathology, sociology offer suggestions concerning a school program which should secure physical, mental and moral health, and the development of individual initiative and creative power? The committee feel in duty bound to share with all parents and teachers the remarkable series of papers written in response to their need"--Foreword. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2005 APA, all rights reserved).
Child development. --- Child development --- Social aspects.
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GBZ General Biology, Zoology & Biophilosophy --- Protozoa --- general biology --- zoology
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GEN Genetics & Population Genetics --- Protozoa --- evolution --- genetics --- heredity
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