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Case of a hydraulic splashing nozzle : effect of the disk geometry on the sheet breakup

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In the agricultural field, conventional farmers use Plant Protection Products (PPP) to control crop enemies as for instance weeds, diseases and pests. In practice, PPP application techniques are based on droplet clouds to carry the spray mixture containing the active ingredient and the adjuvant to the surface target. The PPP application efficiency consists in maximizing the deposition of the mixture on the target while reducing the environmental losses. However, the droplet characteristics within the spray affect drastically the treatment efficiency. For instance, small droplets (< 200 µm) are prone to drift while big droplets (> 300 µm) have the tendency to splash on a specific target surface. The widely used agricultural nozzles produce a liquid sheet that disintegrates into ligaments leading to droplets with various diameters and velocities. Hence, the generated spray is characterized by a wide droplet size distribution (RSF = 1) resulting in potential drifting or efficiency losses due to splashing phenomena. The spray must deliver an optimal droplet distribution in term of diameters and velocities by reducing the extent of the droplet size distribution. The design of new agricultural nozzles is a challenge for the practitioners in the field of agricultural nozzles. As the simplicity, the robustness, the low cost and the high flow rate ranges are required for the agronomic application, the Savart configuration namely a round jet impacting vertically a motionless disk is the ideal candidate for the massive production of droplets. The Savart sheet develops in the air (outside the disk) and it results in random breakup leading to wide droplet size distribution as in the case in hydraulic nozzles. As the used flow ranges are high in the PPP application, the obtained sheet on the disk is turbulent. The challenge is to tame the turbulent sheet. I propose to split the sheet into individual jets using textured disks by acting on the semi-free film or by inserting the right structures directly in the free sheet. Then, the jets break up according the Plateau-Rayleigh mechanism and lead to a narrower droplet size distribution. Therefore, this thesis aims to study experimentally the effect of the disk geometry on the sheet break up. This study is seen as a practical guide for specialists in fluid mechanics who desire developing the generation of drops with controlled sizes. One firstly detailed the experimental setup based on the impact of a turbulent jet on a non-textured disk. The disk configuration constitutes our reference case to which results on textured disks are to be confronted. The sheet was characterized through several parameters: The mean velocity U, the mean thickness h and the ejection angle φ that depends on the disk geometry and on the flow rate Q. As the jet flow is turbulent at the impact, local disturbances in the film triggered downstream the disk edge the appearance of random holes at a distance R' (from the jet axis) in the liquid sheet. These holes lead to the disintegration of the sheet into droplets. Furthermore, the produced droplets are characterized in term of diameters. The droplet size distribution is clearly wide (RSF values are close to 1) that is similar to the case of hydraulic nozzles. Moreover, one perturbed the semi-free film evolving on the disk surface. The case of a turbulent round water jet impacting a disk engraved along its circumference by a number N of radial grooves is addressed. By the insertion of grooves, one controls the turbulent flow and the film splits into a number n of liquid jets before reaching the disk edge. The phase diagrams presented as a function of the inside gap between grooves d1 and the flow rate Q illustrate the transition between jet regimes. Droplets were characterized in term of their diameters and velocities. For all configurations including an engraved disk, the obtained droplet size distribution is narrower compared to the ungraved disk and to the standard flat fan nozzle Teejet TP 65 15. The V50 is reduced towards smaller droplets in the case of the engraved disk configurations but it is still coarse compared to that of the Teejet nozzle.Furthermore, one perturbed directly the Savart sheet, i.e. the free sheet evolves in the air. A number N of triangular prisms are set in the sheet at a radial distance r from the jet axis. This radial distance is strictly greater than D/2 (D = disk diameter) and less than or equal to R' (for which the holes appear in the sheet). Once the number of prisms and the distance from the injector is fixed, the geometry is determined by the size of the prism and the distance b between two successive prisms. When increasing the flow rate Q, the jet numbers are n = 0, n = N and n = N* (elastic coalescence of jets) for large Q. One used a geometrical model that explains the generation of individual jets through these structures. Then, the emitted droplets are characterized in term of diameters and velocities. The droplet size distribution is narrower compared to the non-textured disk and the hydraulic nozzle TP 65 15 with the same spray class. The V50 decreased by decreasing the external gap b between two neighboring textures at the same radial distance r from the jet axis. Also, the V50 decreased by increasing the radial distance from the jet axis as the sheet thickness decreases. However, we are limited by R' due to holes appearances. Finally, one concludes on the fundamental findings and on the role that the developed nozzle could play in applications. Also, one proposed some original perspectives to the present thesis such as testing the triangular prism textures in the case of the liquid sheet produced by a standard hydraulic nozzle.


Cellules photovoltaïques à base de pérovskite par spray pyrolyse ultrasonique
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Dans le contexte énergétique actuel, le développement de technologies de production d’énergies renouvelables, telles que les panneaux photovoltaïques, est une nécessité. Dans ce mémoire, l’attention s’est portée sur les cellules photovoltaïques à base de pérovskite et plus précisément sur les composés MAPbI3, MAPbI3-xClx et RbCsMAFAPbI3-xBrx (MA = CH3NH3+, FA= CH(NH2)2+). Ces matériaux ont été déposés par spray pyrolyse ultrasonique (USP), assemblés en cellules et leur efficacité a été comparée aux cellules obtenues par spin coating, technique de dépôt de films généralement utilisée dans la littérature, l’objectif du mémoire étant de valider la transposabilité de fabrication des cellules photovoltaïques à base de pérovskite vers des techniques de mise en œuvre compatibles avec une production à l’échelle industrielle en roll-to-roll Le dépôt de pérovskite par USP a été optimisé en jouant sur différents paramètres comme la concentration en précurseurs, le débit de solution, la température du substrat, la température de stabilisation ou encore le lissage par un anti-solvant après dépôt. Si le lissage anti-solvant a prouvé son utilité en spin-coating afin d’améliorer l’efficacité des cellules, il n'a pu être transféré avec succès en USP. A l’issue de cette campagne d’optimisations, les cellules photovoltaïques constituées des meilleurs films pérovskite par USP (sans lissage) ont donné une efficacité de conversion moyenne de 3% pour MAPbI3 (cellule champion : 4,2%) et 7,4% pour RbCsMAFAPbI3-xBrx (cellule champion : 8,9%). La pérovskite MAPbI3-xClx a donné des efficacités proches de 0%. A titre de comparaison, les dépôts par spin coating (avec lissage) ont donné des performances photovoltaïques moyennes de 4,5% pour MAPbI3 (cellule champion : 7,1%), 12,7% pour RbCsMAFAPbI3-xBrx (cellule champion : 14,9%) et 2,5% pour MAPbI3-xClx (cellule champion : 3,5%). Le dépôt de la pérovskite par spray pyrolyse ultrasonique ne permet donc pas, avec nos optimisations actuelles, d’égaler les efficacités de cellules préparées par spin coating mais est en bonne voie pour aboutir à terme à une production industrielle des panneaux photovoltaïques à base de pérovskite. In the current energy context, the development of renewable energy technologies, such as photovoltaic panels, is necessary. In this master thesis, a special attention was paid on perovskite-based photovoltaic cells and more specifically on MAPbI3, MAPbI3-xClx and RbCsMAFAPbI3-xBrx (MA = CH3NH3+, FA = CH(NH2)2+). These compounds were deposited by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis (USP), assembled in cells and their efficiency was compared to cells obtained by spin coating, usually used in the literature. The goal of this work is to validate the manufacturing process transposition towards roll-to-roll industrial production. The perovskite deposition by USP has been optimized by varying different parameters such as the precursor concentration, the solution flow, the substrate temperature, the stabilization temperature or the smoothing with an anti-solvent after deposition. If anti-solvent smoothing has proven to improve the cell efficiency by spin coating, it could not be successfully transferred to USP process. From our optimization work, the best photovoltaic cells by USP (without smoothing) gave an average conversion efficiency of 3% for MAPbI3 (champion cell: 4.2%) and 7.4 % for RbCsMAFAPbI3-xBrx (champion cell: 8.9%). The MAPbI3-xClx perovskite gave efficiencies close to 0%. In comparison, the best cells by spin coating (with smoothing) gave average photovoltaic efficiency of 4.5% for MAPbI3 (champion cell: 7.1%), 12.7% for RbCsMAFAPbI3-xBrx (champion cell: 14,9%) and 2.5% for MAPbI3-xClx (champion cell: 3.5%). At this stage, the perovskite deposition by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis, therefore, does not allow to reach the efficiencies of cells prepared by spin coating but is on track to achieve large-scale production of perovskite solar cells.

Feuilles magnéto-élastiques
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Cette étude se consacre à la compréhension des configurations adoptées par de feuilles élastiques, contenant des particules ferromagnétiques, soumises à un champ magnétique uniforme. Une synthèse des études accomplies auparavant est réalisée dans le but d'avoir une compréhension globale des différents facteurs influencant les comportements comportements . L'apparition de différentes configurations (modes d'ondulation) est mise en avant et un modèle simplifié du système est réalisé pour expliquer l'origine de celles-ci. Les perspectives entrevues par cette étude sont également explicitées dans le but d'approfondir l'étude réalisée.

Qubits supraconducteurs et atomes artificiels géants
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Depuis de nombreuses années, les circuits électriques à jonction Josephson sont au cœur des recherches dans le développement d’ordinateurs quantiques. La non-linéarité induite par la jonction Josephson confère à ces circuits le qualificatif d’atomes artificiels simulant les propriétés quantiques d’un atome tel que la discrétisation du spectre rendant apte à travailler avec seulement l’une ou l’autre transition. Dès lors en limitant le spectre à deux niveaux, les atomes artificiels forment des qubits (bits quantiques). La taille de ces circuits permet également une nouvelle approche dans l’étude fondamentale de l’interaction lumière-matière, car ces qubits peuvent être couplés en plusieurs endroits induisant dès lors des phénomènes d’interférence qui peuvent préserver la cohérence d’un ensemble de qubits. Cela a mené à la naissance du domaine des atomes géants.

Multiple Josephson Junctions interferometer tuned by electromigration
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Suggested and implemented in 1964 by R.C. Jaklevic, J. Lambe, A.H. Silver and J. E. Mercereau, Direct Current Superconducting QUantum Interference Devices (DC SQUIDs) are magnetic flux-to-voltage converters that offer an unequalled sensitivity in magnetic field measurement, being able to detect fields amplitude down to 1E-17 T. This exceptional sensitivity coupled to their high frequency operating rate and reduced noise, makes DC SQUIDs the ideal sensors for a broad range of applications including magnetic resonance analysis, microscopic imaging techniques, cosmology, biomagnetic, magnetotellurics and interferometry. &#13;However, SQUID magnetometers' most sensitive domains of applications – e.g. spintronics – require for the devices' size to shrink down to the nanometer scale, where numerous challenges remain in terms of noise, sensitivity and nanofabrication techniques. In this context, we propose electromigration as a robust, simple and scalable tool to tailor SQUIDs' junctions down to a few nanometers in order to improve their performances. We demonstrate in the present work the power of the technique to induce modifications in devices consisting of one to three junctions in parallel. In addition, we introduce a simulation-based study which aims to provide new insights into the electromigration process by computing the device's modifications step-by-step, which allows us to improve our comprehension on the local effects of electromigration.

Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2024 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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With the aim of contributing to the advancement and development of the emerging field of spin wave optics, we investigate the propagation of magnetostatic surface spin waves in a uniform permalloy waveguide with grooves and constrictions created by in-situ atomic force microscopy nanolithography. Our findings reveal that the introduction of these artificial defects in the spin waves path leads to an unexpected reduction in the signal intensity of the transmitted spin wave compared with a waveguide interrupted by a full slit. This remarkable extinction phenomenon dominates the tunnel-like propagation facilitated by magnetic dipolar coupling across the gap. Combining experimental and numerical analyses, the complex interplay between spin wave tunneling, diffraction and reflection at the edges of the waveguide is comprehensibly addressed. These results provide new insights into the controllable manipulation of spin waves, opening up promising avenues for the development of spin wave switches and interferometers.

Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2024 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Entanglement is a key concept in quantum information science and quantum metrology. NOON states represent an important class of these entangled states. Such states can be created through a process of collective tunneling of an ultracold bosonic gas between two wells of a symmetric double-well potential. Specifically, the NOON state is achieved at the halfway point of this collective tunneling process. Thus, the aim of this Master's thesis is to calculate the time of the collective tunneling of a Bose-Einstein condensate between the two sites of a time crystal. This is done using the two-site Bose-Hubbard model and the Floquet theory.

Photo-electrical Properties of Transparent Conductive Materials in Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cells
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Since their emergence about ten years ago, perovskite solar cells show great promise. Indeed, they have achieved performances comparable to those of silicon cells and have good flexibility properties. However, their transparent conductive electrodes - transparent conductive oxides -, are not only composed of scarce elements but are also quite fragile. In the present work, silver nanowire networks will be suggested as a more viable alternative. For this purpose, the production process of perovskite solar cells will be analyzed step by step, allowing the identification of the stresses experienced by the cells. Similarly, silver nanowire networks will&#13;be produced and characterized in order to determine what stresses they can withstand. It will be found that in the case of replacement, two main factors can cause problems: the high production temperatures of the cells and the low adhesion of the nanowire networks. Various solutions will be proposed for successful replacement.

Etude des propriétés opto-électroniques de cellules solaires composées d'alliages de type kësterite en films minces
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Afin de répondre à la problématique énergétique actuelle, l'alliage de cuivre, zinc, étain et sélénium se révèle être un candidat idéal afin de composer la couche absorbante d'une cellule solaire en films minces. Cependant, la quantité notable de défauts lors de la synthèse de cet alliage amène des limitations importantes pour le rendement de la cellule. Ce mémoire se consacre dans un premier temps à une caractérisation d'échantillons de CZTSe d'un point de vue optique, électrique et structurel. Dans un second temps, des simulations sont effectuées afin de modéliser une cellule solaire et d'évaluer l'impact des paramètres microscopiques sur les performances de cette cellule. Enfin, une troisième étude, dans la continuité de l'étude précédente, est consacrée à la réponse fréquentielle de la cellule solaire, alors modélisée par un circuit électrique équivalent.

Existe-t-il un équivalent granulaire de la poussée d'Archimède ?
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Ce mémoire tente de répondre à la question: existe-t-il un équivalent granulaire de la poussée&#13;d’Archimède ?

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