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This book examines how legal systems and mechanisms give shape to the capitalist economic system. In this regard, it focuses on the most important of these systems, such as monetary and financial law, company law, fiscality, contract and labour law. Further, the book provides a thorough analysis of the underlying ethical values of said legal systems and mechanisms. It also gives an overview of several potentially devastating related effects, such as poverty, the increasing polarisation between rich and poor, climate change, and mounting debts at both the public and private level. The book concludes by presenting proposals for change. Given its critical analysis of legal systems and mechanisms in connection with the value choices dictated by economic ideologies, the book will be of particular interest to legal and economic academics, researchers and students, but also to policymakers, and, more generally, to anyone with a genuine concern for how the socio-economic order will evolve.
Capitalism --- Law and economics. --- Economics and jurisprudence --- Economics and law --- Jurisprudence and economics --- Economics --- Jurisprudence --- Moral and ethical aspects. --- Business ethics. --- Economic policy. --- Social justice. --- Public finance. --- International Economic Law, Trade Law. --- Theories of Law, Philosophy of Law, Legal History. --- Business Ethics. --- Economic Policy. --- Social Justice, Equality and Human Rights. --- Financial Law/Fiscal Law. --- Cameralistics --- Public finance --- Currency question --- Equality --- Justice --- Economic nationalism --- Economic planning --- National planning --- State planning --- Planning --- National security --- Social policy --- Business --- Businesspeople --- Commercial ethics --- Corporate ethics --- Corporation ethics --- Professional ethics --- Wealth --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Public finances --- International law. --- Trade. --- Law—Philosophy. --- Law. --- Human rights. --- Basic rights --- Civil rights (International law) --- Human rights --- Rights, Human --- Rights of man --- Human security --- Transitional justice --- Truth commissions --- Acts, Legislative --- Enactments, Legislative --- Laws (Statutes) --- Legislative acts --- Legislative enactments --- Legislation --- Law of nations --- Nations, Law of --- Public international law --- Law --- Law and legislation --- Finance, Public.
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Company law. Associations --- Economic law --- Belgium --- BPB1208 --- 658.114.513.3 --- Droit des sociétés --- Fusion d'entreprises --- vennootschapsrecht --- fusie --- acquisition --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- 347.728.6 --- 338.048 --- 333.67 --- U36 - Droit des sociétés - Vennootschappenrecht --- 347.72 <493> --- 347.72 <493> Handelsvennootschappen: statuut, aandeelhouder, patrimonium, inbreng, winst en verlies, algemene vergadering, raad van beheer, toezicht. Vennootschaprecht--België --- Handelsvennootschappen: statuut, aandeelhouder, patrimonium, inbreng, winst en verlies, algemene vergadering, raad van beheer, toezicht. Vennootschaprecht--België --- Fusie. Overname van bedrijven --- Vennootschapsrecht --- Fusie van ondernemingen --- droit des societes --- fusion --- verwerving --- Fusies, verdeling en vereffening van vennootschappen. --- Fusies van ondernemingen. Industriële concentratie. --- openbaar overnamebod. --- Consolidation and merger of corporations --- Law and legislation --- Entreprises --- Business enterprises --- Fusion --- Droit --- Purchasing --- Achat --- Ebooks --- pravo družb --- dlí na gcuideachtaí --- právo společností --- dritt soċjetarju --- diritto delle società --- právo obchodných spoločností --- Derecho de sociedades --- direito das sociedades comerciais --- uzņēmējsabiedrības likums --- pravo trgovačkih društava --- company law --- associationsrätt --- e drejtë e shoqërive tregtare --- äriühinguõigus --- prawo o spółkach --- yhtiöoikeus --- право на трговско друштво --- selskabsret --- Gesellschaftsrecht --- εταιρικό δίκαιο --- társasági jog --- право на сдружения --- bendrovių teisė --- право трговачких друштава --- dreptul societăților comerciale --- diritto aziendale --- direito das empresas --- право на трговските друштва --- bolagsrätt --- Δίκαιο των εταιριών --- diritto societario --- ondernemingsrecht --- įmonių įstatymas --- droit des entreprises --- bendrovių įstatymas --- uzņēmējsabiedrības tiesības --- Δίκαιο των επιχειρήσεων --- видови трговски друштва --- спојување --- fúzia --- merger --- združevanje podjetij --- fusión de empresas --- спајање предузећа --- Fusion von Unternehmen --- сливане --- fusie van ondernemingen --- ühinemine --- fusione d'imprese --- apvienošana --- fúze podniků --- bashkim i ndërmarrjeve --- fużjoni --- fuziune --- bendrovių jungimas --- συγχώνευση επιχειρήσεων --- sammanslagning av företag --- spajanje poduzeća --- vállalkozás egyesülése --- fusão de empresas --- sulautuminen --- fuzja przedsiębiorstw --- virksomhedsfusion --- fusión de sociedades --- įmonių susivienijimas --- sloučení podniků --- assorbimento d'impresa --- Eingliederung eines Unternehmens --- Verschmelzung durch Aufnahme eines Unternehmens --- absorción de empresas --- absorção de empresas --- Konzentration von Gesellschaften --- selskabsfusion --- bendrovių susiliejimas --- vállalkozások egybeolvadása --- Aufnahme eines Unternehmens --- samensmelting van ondernemingen --- vállalkozás egyesüléssel történő beolvadása --- contratto di fusione --- spojení podniků --- převzetí podniků --- vállalkozások fúziója --- absorption d'entreprise --- Übernahme eines Unternehmens --- fúzió --- unificare --- amalgamare --- shkrirje --- fusion de sociétés --- splynutí podniků --- progetto di fusione --- fusie van vennootschappen --- akvizice podniků --- förvärv av företag --- συγχώνευση εταιριών --- fusão de sociedades comerciais --- amalgamation --- företagsfusion --- liitumine --- fusione di società --- ühendamine --- integracija poduzeća --- Verschmelzung von Unternehmen --- splynutie --- contopire --- Fusion von Gesellschaften --- fusione per incorporazione --- bendrovių susijungimas --- απορρόφηση επιχείρησης --- Fusies, verdeling en vereffening van vennootschappen --- Fusies van ondernemingen. Industriële concentratie --- openbaar overnamebod --- E-books --- Droit des sociétés --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- U36 - Droit des sociétés - Vennootschappenrecht --- Fusies van ondernemingen. Industriële concentratie --- Handelsvennootschappen: statuut, aandeelhouder, patrimonium, inbreng, winst en verlies, algemene vergadering, raad van beheer, toezicht. Vennootschaprecht--België --- cumasc --- fusion d'entreprises --- droit des sociétés --- Concentration industrielle --- Europe des sociétés --- Belgique --- Réorganisation
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The book provides a critical analysis of the legal mechanisms that help shape the capitalist system, and also makes proposals for deploying these tools in a different manner. Although often disguised in difficult legal jargon, in reality the main legal building blocks of the prevailing capitalist socio-economic system are simple, the most important being: (1) money; (2) the company form and (3) (neo)liberal state organization aimed at making markets as free as possible for the entrepreneurial sector. Having been used to create the socio-economic order over 2-3 centuries, the legal systems that helped shape capitalist societies around the globe have also contributed to a variety of fundamental problems that remain unaddressed by the capitalist system itself, such as ever-mounting public and private debt, pollution and climate change, an increasing polarization between rich and poor and a globally unjust fiscal order. By proposing alternative uses for the tools of law that shape capitalism, the book also makes proposals for dealing with these matters.
Macroeconomics. --- Law and economics. --- Public finance. --- Commercial law. --- International Economic Law, Trade Law. --- Macroeconomics/Monetary Economics//Financial Economics. --- Law and Economics. --- Financial Law/Fiscal Law. --- Commercial Law. --- Business --- Business law --- Commerce --- Law, Commercial --- Mercantile law --- Law --- Law merchant --- Maritime law --- Cameralistics --- Public finance --- Currency question --- Economics and jurisprudence --- Economics and law --- Jurisprudence and economics --- Economics --- Jurisprudence --- Law and legislation --- Public finances --- International law. --- Trade. --- Law of nations --- Nations, Law of --- Public international law --- Capitalism. --- Finance, Public.
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This open access book provides a comprehensive analysis of the socioeconomic determinants of Covid-19. From the end of 2019 until presently, the world has been ravaged by the Covid-19 pandemic. Although the cause of this is (obviously) a virus, the extent to which this virus spread, and therefore the number of infections and deaths, was largely determined by socio-economic factors. From this, it follows that the course of the pandemic varies greatly from one country to another. This observation applies both to countries’ resilience to such a pandemic (which is mainly rooted in the period preceding the outbreak of the virus) and to the way in which countries have reacted to the virus (including the political choices on how to respond). Meanwhile, research has made it clear that the nature of this response (e.g., elimination policy, mitigation policy, and proceeding herd immunity) was, on the one hand, strongly determined by political and ideological factors and, on the other hand, was highly influential in the factors of success or failure in combating the pandemic. The book focuses on the situation in a number of Western regions (notably the USA, the UK, and the EU and its Member States). The author addresses the reasons why in many Western countries both pandemic prevention and response policies to Covid-19 have failed. The book concludes with recommendations concerning the rearrangement of the socio-economic order that could increase the resilience of (Western) societies against such pandemics.
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De rechtssystemen die de kapitalistische samenlevingen wereldwijd vorm geven, dragen bij tot een aantal fundamentele maatschappelijke problemen. Een almaar groeiende openbare en particuliere schuld, de milieuvervuiling, een toenemende polarisatie tussen rijk en arm, en een wereldwijd onrechtvaardig fiscaal en financieel systeem zijn daar voorbeelden van.Het kapitalistische systeem zelf pakt deze problemen niet aan. Nochtans zijn de belangrijkste juridische bouwstenen van het kapitalistische sociaaleconomische systeem opmerkelijk eenvoudig, namelijk geld en de manier waarop het wordt gecreëerd, de (kapitaal)vennootschapsvorm en de (neo)liberale staatsorganisatie die de markten zo vrij mogelijk wil maken.In Hoe economie het probleem werd (en wat eraan te doen valt) geeft de auteur als specialist ter zake een kritische analyse van de kapitalistische economie en geeft hij inzichten in hoe we, ten bate van onze samenlevingen, de heersende juridische instrumenten volledig anders kunnen inzetten. Het boek vormt de Nederlandse versie van de oorspronkelijke Engelse versie met als titel How Economics Became the Problem. An urgent call to legal action. In 2021 verscheen de Russische vertaling van het boek. Een Chinese versie van het boek is momenteel ter perse.
BPB2301 --- 460.1 Markteconomie, Kapitalisme --- 460 Economie --- Kapitalisme --- Maatschappijkritiek --- Neoliberalisme --- Welvaart --- Economische ontwikkeling --- Democratie --- Economie --- Sociaal-economisch systeem --- Monetaire economie
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Al geruime tijd is het duidelijk dat het vigerende systeem van inrichting van de socio-economische ordening, met name het kapitalisme, zijn limieten heeft bereikt.Na ruim vier decennia te zijn blootgesteld aan het economisch neoliberalisme, zijn de geglobaliseerde, kapitalistische samenlevingen verzeild in een veelheid aan fundamentele problemen (schuldenberg, armoede, polarisering tussen rijken en armen, quasi-onoplosbare milieuproblematiek). In dit boek zet Koen Byttebier uiteen dat dit alles geen toeval is, maar het rechtstreekse gevolg van een aantal waardekeuzes. Hierdoor kreeg de ondernemersklasse (in de ruime zin van het woord) een absoluut vrijgeleide om de wereld te hervormen tot een systeem waarin alles en iedereen functie werd van hun egoïstische streven naar almaar meer rijkdom, waaraan alle andere waarden systematisch werden geslachtofferd.In dit boek worden de ethische keuzes die dit alles hebben veroorzaakt niet alleen aan een nauwgezette analyse onderworpen, maar wordt meteen ook gepeild naar mogelijke uitwegen.
BPB9999 --- economisch model --- markteconomie --- liberalisme --- schuldenlast --- armoede --- bochtaineacht --- povertà --- chudoba --- faqar --- siromaštvo --- ένδεια --- pobreza --- revščina --- vaesus --- fattigdom --- köyhyys --- Armut --- pauvreté --- бедност --- nabadzība --- poverty --- сиромаштија --- ubóstwo --- skurdas --- сиромаштво --- szegénység --- varfëri --- sărăcie --- fattig --- nouze --- ενδεής --- ekonomiskt svag --- i dobët ekonomikisht --- economie slabă --- indigente --- lufta kundër varfërisë --- szegény --- ekonomicky slabé obyvatelstvo --- uusköyhät --- lidé s nízkými příjmy --- беда --- Einkommensschwacher --- немаштија --- szegénység elleni küzdelem --- săraci --- cīņa ar nabadzību --- nuevo pobre --- καταπολέμηση της φτώχειας --- οικονομικά ασθενής --- ekonomska slabost --- økonomisk svagt stillet --- ekonomiski vājš --- boj proti chudobe --- i varfër --- pauvre --- schudobnelý --- pauperism --- nouveau pauvre --- lucha contra la pobreza --- mendigo --- debilidade económica --- sociálně slabí občané --- fight against poverty --- poor --- лица со ниски примања --- menesteroso --- new poor --- neopovero --- bekæmpelse af fattigdom --- борба против сиромаштија --- wirtschaftlich Schwacher --- pauperismo --- võitlus vaesusega --- neue Armut --- povero --- majanduslikult nõrk --- економска слабост --- i varfër i ri --- oskudica --- neturtingieji --- ekonomiškai silpnas --- boj proti bídě --- nieuwe arme --- fattigdomsbekämpning --- nyfattig --- medellös --- economically weak --- lupta împotriva sărăciei --- vähävarainen --- πενία --- chudobný --- uusvaene --- Bekämpfung der Armut --- νεόπτωχος --- zproletarizované skupiny --- ubemidlet --- pobre --- bijeda --- zchudnutí --- lutte contre la pauvreté --- naujieji skurdžiai --- luta contra a pobreza --- neimaština --- φτώχεια --- bída --- köyhyyden torjuminen --- ekonomicky slabý --- meno abbiente --- borba protiv siromaštva --- économiquement faible --- φτωχός --- bestrijding van de armoede --- novo pobre --- lotta all'indigenza --- Armer --- köyhä --- economisch zwak --- kova su skurdu --- άπορος --- gazdaságilag gyenge --- vaene --- arm --- indigent --- задолженост --- eladósodás --- endividamento --- velkaantuneisuus --- Verschuldung --- zadlženosť --- zadolženost --- gældsætning --- zadluženost --- endeudamiento --- parādsaistības --- võlgnevus --- indebitamento --- gjendje debitore --- endettement --- zadłużenie --- χρέος --- įsiskolinimas --- indebtedness --- féichiúnas --- îndatorare --- zaduženost --- skuldsättning --- tidjin --- задуженост --- задълженост --- eladósodottság --- обврски --- zadlužení --- δανεισμός --- Schulden --- liberalizam --- либерализъм --- liberalizem --- liberalismus --- либерализам --- liberalismi --- libéralisme --- Liberalism --- φιλελευθερισμός --- liobrálachas --- liberalism --- liberalizm --- Liberalismus --- liberalismo --- liberalizmus --- liberālisms --- liberalizmas --- Liberaliżmu --- liberalizëm --- neoliberalismo --- neoliberalisme --- neoliberalizam --- neoliberalizëm --- uusliberalismi --- νεοφιλελευθερισμός --- svobodomyslnost --- neoliberalizmas --- ultraliberalismo --- neoliberalizmus --- nyliberalism --- neo-liberalism --- nyliberalisme --- neoliberalismus --- neoliberalism --- uusliberalism --- неолиберализам --- néolibéralisme --- neoliberālisms --- Neoliberalismus --- ekonomija tas-suq --- economia de mercado --- market economy --- marknadsekonomi --- пазарна икономика --- Marktwirtschaft --- тржишна привреда --- markedsøkonomi --- piacgazdaság --- economía de mercado --- пазарна економија --- rinkos ekonomika --- économie de marché --- markkinatalous --- economie de piață --- tržno gospodarstvo --- geilleagar margaidh --- tržní ekonomika --- gospodarka rynkowa --- οικονομία της αγοράς --- tirgus ekonomika --- turumajandus --- trhová ekonomika --- tržišna ekonomija --- economia di mercato --- ekonomi e tregut --- tržní hospodářství --- капиталистичка економија --- economía social de mercado --- kapitālisma ekonomika --- kapitālisms --- tržišna privreda --- princip trhu --- kapitalisme --- kapitalistische economie --- capitalisme --- капитализам --- freie Marktwirtschaft --- kapitalistické hospodářství --- kapitalismus --- sociálně tržní hospodářství --- capitalism --- tržišno gospodarstvo --- economía capitalista --- economia capitalista --- kapitalistische Wirtschaft --- kapitalismi --- kapitalizam --- capitalismo --- soziale Marktwirtschaft --- capitalist economy --- kapitalista gazdaság --- kapitalistinen talousjärjestelmä --- kapitalistická ekonomika --- kapitalizmas --- szociális piacgazdaság --- kapitalizmus --- καπιταλισμός --- kapitalistlik majandus --- economie capitalistă --- szabad piacgazdaság --- kapitalistinis ūkis --- καπιταλιστική οικονομία --- economia capitalistica --- kapitalizëm --- Kapitalismus --- ελεύθερη οικονομία --- kapitalism --- kapitalistička ekonomija --- ekonomi kapitaliste --- économie capitaliste --- капиталистички економски систем --- kapitalistisk ekonomi --- systém svobodného podnikání --- volné tržní hospodářství --- markedsdirigeret økonomi --- пазарно стопанство --- kapitalistisk økonomi --- ekonomický model --- Wirtschaftsmodell --- model ekonomiczny --- ekonominis modelis --- model ekonomik --- taloudellinen malli --- økonomisk model --- ekonomikas modelis --- modelo económico --- model economic --- икономически модел --- mudell ekonomiku --- economic model --- majandusmudel --- gazdasági modell --- ekonomski model --- samhail eacnamaíoch --- modèle économique --- економски модел --- οικονομικό υπόδειγμα --- modello economico --- ekonomisk modell --- ekonometriskais modelis --- modèle économétrique --- økonometrisk model --- econometric model --- οικονομικό μοντέλο --- econometrisch model --- model econometric --- ekonometrinen malli --- modello econometrico --- model ekonometrik --- οικονομετρικό υπόδειγμα --- ökonomisches Modell --- ekonometrisk modell --- ökonomeetriline mudel --- gospodarski model --- ekonometrinis modelis --- економетриски модел --- οικονομετρικό μοντέλο --- ekonometrický model --- ökonometriai modell --- ökonometrisches Modell --- modelo econométrico --- E-books --- STRADALEX --- BPB2306 --- Consumer credit --- Poverty --- Capitalism --- Free enterprise --- Sustainable development --- Crédit à la consommation --- Pauvreté --- Économie de marché --- Libéralisme --- Développement durable --- Law and legislation --- Law and legislation. --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Economic aspects. --- Social aspects --- Droit --- Aspect moral --- Aspect économique --- Aspect social
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The book analyzes socioeconomic through the lens of a lawyer. In the past decade the world has witnessed some severe financial and economic crises, especially the financial crisis of 2007-2008 and the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The author states that the socio-economic order has in the past four to five decades been thoroughly redesigned, generally favouring models that prioritize the free market over the public interest or even, more generally, government operation. He works out that during four to five decades, globalized, capitalist societies are facing a multiplicity of fundamental problems, such as: (1) increasing debt that severely burdens both the private and public sectors; (2) persistent poverty and an ever-increasing polarization between rich and poor, in addition to (3) intractable environmental problems that, fifty years after the Club of Rome's report entitled ‘Limits to growth’ (1972), has dragged the world into what in recent years has been referred to as "climate change." The book explains why all this is the direct result of value choices made from the late Middle Ages onwards, when in the Western world the societal models of that time were increasingly abandoned for a societal model that came to rely on the primacy of economic interests. The book not only subjects the ethical choices but also examines various problems it has caused and probes for possible ways out. This is an open access book.
International law. --- Trade regulation. --- Law and economics. --- International Economic Law, Trade Law. --- Law and Economics.
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