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April 7. Numb. 20. Extraordinary newes: containing many admirable, strange, ioyfull and pitifull accidents and passages : As likewise, The speeches made at the generall meeting of Austria: besides, the imperiall propositions which are aswell in this meeting at Vienna propounded, as in the Land-day of Silisia, which is kept at Breslaw. Moreouer, The abruption of the treaty of peace which was betwixt the Emperor and Bethlem Gabor appointed, and the warlike preparations on each side. The inuasion made on the dominion of the Duke of Brunswicke, and his resolution to defend his subiects, as appeareth by a copy of his owne letter. The commission granted by the Emperor, to settle the Prince Lodowike Philips Duke of Simmeren, being brother of the King of Bohemia into his due inheritance. As likewise the resolution by the Commissioners made vnder their hand writing. Besides diuers other things of moment which happened lately in the Palatinate, Hungaria, Bohemia, Morauia, in the Low Countries, and other parts of Christendome.
Authors: ---
Year: 1624 Publisher: Printed at London, : For Nathaniel Butter.,

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March 19. Numero 18. Newes from Europe: with the particular accidents. : The Emperor is perswaded to make peace with Bethlem Gabor: and why. The proceedings betweene the Emperour and Bethlem Gabor. Diuers maskes, and courtly pastimes in Vienna. Bauaria's suspition for the meeting of the Marquis of Brandenbourg, and Duke of Saxony. Great impositions vpon Prague. What the Imperiall forces haue done, since the last incursion of Graue Vandenbergen into Gelderland. The Hollanders distressed: yet haue diuers comforts which are named. Threescore peeces of ordnance surprised by the Dunkirkers. False rumors of the Spaniards proceeding against Holland. Brussells afraid lest England should breake the peace with Spaine..
Authors: ---
Year: 1624 Publisher: London, : Printed for Nathaniel Butter,

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July 22. Numb. 41. More newes of the Duke of Brunswick : Relating the late and full ouerthrow giuen by him to two regiments of Monsieur Tilly. The continuance of Bethlem Gabers warlike preparations. Some new propositions made by the emperour vnto him. Count Mansfields march out of Embdenland, vnto Meppen. With other newes of the Prince of Orang and Spinolaes last designes. Together with diuers other particulars, from seuerall places and the continuation of our former newes.
Authors: ---
Year: 1623 Publisher: London : printed [by Eliot's Court Press] for Nathaniel Butter, and William Sheffard,

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January 18. Numb. 49. The continuation of our weekly newes, from the 11. of Ianuary to the 17. of the same. : Containing these particulars. : The confirmation of the great ouerthrowe giuen by the Duke Christian of Brunswycke, to the Duke of Friedland with the true particulars. : The great ouerthrow which the Duke of Brunswycke hath giuen to Count Colalto. : The warlike proceedings of Count Mansfield, and the places which he hath lately taken. : The manner of the coronation of the new King of Hungarie. : The skirmishes and enterprises which both the Imperialistes and Danish haue had lately. : The attemps which both the French, the Sauoyards, and the Spanish and their adherents haue had in Italie. : The townes which the Protestants haue surprised in France. : The great warlike preparations of the Turkes. : The leauies which the King of France is making. : The new designes of the Emperour. : No peace concluded in the meeting of Brunswycke. : The taxations which is laid vpon the land of Holstayn and other places for the defence of the countries. : With diuers other matters of speciall moment, which hapned lately in the Low-Countries and in seuerall parts of Christendome.
Authors: ---
Year: 1626 Publisher: London: : Printed for Mercurius Britanicus.,

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March 12. Numero 17 Newes of Europe, with the seuerall particulars of each countrey. : More souldiers come out of Italy into Flanders, and the Spanish armie is much increased. : The cardinall of Lerma still maligned in Spaine. : The affaires of the Emperour, the Hungarians being weary of the warre. : Bethelem Gabors new propositions for a peace. : The Turke threatens Poland, if hee takes the Emperors part against Gabor. : The Marquesse of Brandeburg meeteth with the Duke of Saxonie. : The states perplexed, by reason the neuter prouinces are full of souldiers and enemies. : Seuerall letters concerning the Spaniards inroads into Guelderland. : A rumor in Spaine, for the recouery of Ormus in the Persian Gulph. : Count Mansfeild intertained into the French Kings seruice, made a marshall of France, and his Lieutenant Generall in the Valtoline.
Authors: --- ---
Year: 1624 Publisher: [London] : Printed by Aug. Mathewes for Nathaniel Butter, and William Sheffard.,

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Decemb. 13. Number 7. Weekely nevves from Germanie, and other places of Europe. : VVith the late proceedings of Bethlem Gabor, with his approaches towards Vienna and Prague, with seuerall armies, and diuers ouerthrowes giuen to the Emperours forces. The lantsgraue of Hessens message to the King of Denmarke. The Emperours sending away of the Empresse and his children to Inspurg from Vienna. The feare that Prague and Vienna is of the Transiluanian armies and others. The Popes new prayer for the Emperours proceedings.
Authors: --- ---
Year: 1623 Publisher: London, : Printed by Edw: Allde for Nathaniel Butter and Nicholas Bourne.,

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January 29. Number 12. The affaires and occurrences of Europe: more particularly as they are thus abstracted. : The dissoluing of Mansfields army, with his preparation to goe to Venice. The Duke of Brunswick meanes to visit his bishopricke. The Hollanders haue planted in the West Indies. The thriuing and preuailing of the Emperour with his many armies, and principall commanders. A new order of souldiers to be raised, called Militia Sancta Catholica. The last fight betweene the Dunkerkers and Hollanders.
Authors: --- ---
Year: 1624 Publisher: London, : Printed by Edw : Allde for Nathaniel Butter and William Sheffard.,

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October 20. Numb. 38. The nevves of this present vveeke continued. : Containing these particulars. : The renuing of the league betwixt the Turke and the King of Poland: containing the King of Poland his message to the Turke to that purpose. : The great preparation of the French King, and his fortifying of the frontiers of Artois, Henault, Burgundy, and sundry other places. : With his leauying of men in Swisserland, Bazil, and other parts. : The resolution of the Archduke Leopoldus to resigne the Bishoprick of Strasburg to the Emperors yongest sonne. : A relation of the late attempt made upon the towne of Antwerp by the states forces. : With divers other particulars from Germany, the Low-Countries, and other places.
Authors: --- ---
Year: 1624 Publisher: London, : Printed for Nathaniel Butter, and Nicholas Bourne.,

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March 6. Numero 16. The newes and affaires of Europe, more particularly. : The sending of Friers from the Pope to Congos, King in AEthiopia. A kinde of hurly-burly at Constantinople, wherein the young Emperour was neere to be slaine. The Lord Esterhasi, an enemie to Gabors peace, with his reasons. The Emperour prepares to come to Prague, and settle Bohemia. A wonderfull accident in Transiluania, with swarmes of flyes of incredible bignesse, with foure wings a peece. The Protestants threatned [sic] againe in Prague. Mansfield stayes with the states. The Archdutches hath made new officers. The states of Holland much troubled with the Spaniards possessing the Newter Prouinces..
Authors: --- ---
Year: 1624 Publisher: [London] : Printed by Edw: Allde for Nathaniel Butter and Nicholas Bourne.,

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January 7. Number 9. The newes and affaires of Europe : The wonderfull taking of a Turkish carmisall by 9. Christian slaues, and bringing it to Ciuita Vecchia by Rome. The message of the Emperour to Bethelem Gabor about a truce. A cessation of armes betweene them, with the motiues and reasons. The daily mustring of souldiers in all countries. The deniall of Count Thorne to the truce, with his preparations against Prague. The yeelding vp of Sparenburg to the Archdutches, and her forces. The preparations in Spaine to conuoy their West India fleet home, wherein are 16. millions ready shipped. The reasons of the Hollanders planting in the West Indies. The treaty of a mariage betweene the Duke of Muscoula, and the Lady of Brandenberg..
Authors: --- ---
Year: 1624 Publisher: London, : Printed by Edw: Allde for Nathaniel Butter and Nicholas Bourne.,

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