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Science --- Technology --- English language
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Engineering sciences. Technology --- German language --- Russian language
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Engineering sciences. Technology --- German language --- Russian language
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This volume contains the proceedings of the 32nd International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2007). The purpose of the MFCS symposia is to encourage high-quality researchin all ?elds of theoret- ? ical computer science. This year's conference was held in Cesky ´ Krumlov, Czech Republic, during August 26-31. The conference program of MFCS 2007 consisted of 61 contributed papers selectedby the ProgramCommittee froma totalof 167submissions.All subm- sionswerereadandevaluatedbyatleastfour referees,andthe resultingdecision was based on electronic discussion which often included help from outside - perts. A selection of contributed papers will appear in the journal Theoretical Computer Science. Complementing the contributed papers,the programof MFCS 2007included invitedlecturesbyVa? sekChv´ atal(Montreal,Canada),AnujDawar(Cambridge, UK), Kurt Mehlhorn (Saarbruc ¨ ken, Germany), Luke Ong (Oxford, UK), and Leslie Valiant (Cambridge, USA). We are grateful to the invited speakers for accepting our invitation and sharing their knowledge and skills with all MFCS 2007 participants. As the editors of these proceedings, we would like to thank everyone who contributed to the success of the symposium. First of all, we thank the authors ofallsubmittedpapersforconsideringMFCS2007asanappropriateplatformfor presentingtheirwork.Sincethenumberofsubmissionswasveryhigh,manygood papers could not be accepted. We also thank the Program Committee members for their demanding and responsible work, the referees for careful reading of all the submissions, and the sta? at Springer for the professional support in producing this volume.
Complex analysis --- Discrete mathematics --- Computer science --- discrete wiskunde --- complexe analyse (wiskunde) --- informatica --- programmeren (informatica) --- database management --- programmatielogica --- algoritmen
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Mathematical logic --- Logic --- Computer science --- Programming --- Computer architecture. Operating systems --- Computer. Automation --- computers --- computerbesturingssystemen --- programmeren (informatica) --- programmeertalen --- wiskunde --- software engineering --- logica
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Complex analysis --- Discrete mathematics --- Mathematics --- Computer science --- Programming --- Computer architecture. Operating systems --- Computer. Automation --- toegepaste informatica --- discrete wiskunde --- complexe analyse (wiskunde) --- computers --- informatica --- externe fixatie (geneeskunde --- programmeren (informatica) --- programmeertalen --- algoritmen
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Chemistry --- English language --- German language --- Dictionaries --- German --- English
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The series of MFCS symposia, organized in rotation by Poland, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic since 1972, has a long and well-established tradition. The symposiaencouragehigh-qualityresearchinallbranchesoftheoreticalcomputer science.Their broadscopeprovidesanopportunityto bring together researchers whodonotusuallymeetatspecialized conferences. The 35th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of C- puter Science (MFCS 2010) was organized in parallel with the 19th EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic (CSL 2010). The federated MFCS and CSL 2010 conference had shared plenary sessions and social events forallparticipants,butthescienti?cprogramandtheproceedingswereprepared independently for both events. Out of 149 regular submissions to MFCS 2010, the Program Committee - lected 56 papers for presentation at the conference and publication in this v- ume. Each paper was reviewed by at least three Program Committee members with the help of outside experts, and the actual selection was based on a sub- quent electronic discussion. In addition to the contributed papers, the scienti?c program of MFCS 2010 included ?ve MFCS and CSL plenary talks delivered by David Basin (ETH Z¨ urich),HerbertEdelsbrunner (IST Austria andDuke University),ErichGrad ¨ el (RWTH Aachen), Bojan Mohar (University of Ljubljana and Simon Fraser U- versity),andJosephSifakis (CNRS), andthree invitedMFCS lecturesby Andris Ambainis (University of Latvia), Juraj Hromkovi?c(ETHZur ¨ ich), and Daniel Lokshtanov (Universitetet i Bergen). We are grateful to the invited speakers for accepting our invitation and sharing their knowledge and skills with all MFCS 2010 participants.
Computer programming --- Algorithms --- Computable functions --- Machine theory --- Programmation (Informatique) --- Algorithmes --- Fonctions calculables --- Automates mathématiques, Théorie des --- Congresses. --- Congrès --- Automates mathématiques, Théorie des --- Congrès --- EPUB-LIV-FT LIVINFOR SPRINGER-B
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This volume contains the papers presented at the 4th International Workshop on Reachability Problems, RP 2010 held during August 28-29, 2010 in the F- ulty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic and co-located with Joint MFCS and CSL 2010 (35th InternationalSymposiums on Mathem- ical Foundations of Computer Science and 19th EACSL Annual Conferences on Computer Science Logic). RP 2010 was the fourth in the series of workshops following three successful meetings at Ecole Polytechnique, France in 2009 at University of Liverpool, UK in 2008 and at Turku University, Finland in 2007. TheReachabilityProblemsworkshopsseriesaimsatgatheringtogethersch- ars from diverse disciplines and backgrounds interested in reachability problems that appearin algebraicstructures,computationalmodels, hybridsystems, logic and veri?cation, etc. Reachability is a fundamental problem in the context of many models and abstractions which describe various computational processes. Analysisofthecomputationaltracesandpredictabilityquestionsforsuchmodels can be formalized as a set of di?erent reachability problems. In general, reac- bility can be formulated as follows: Given a computational system with a set of allowed transformations (functions), decide whether a certain state of a system is reachable from a given initial state by a set of allowed transformations. The same questions can be asked not only about reachability of exact states of the system but also about a set of states expressed in terms of some property as a parameterized reachability problem. Another set of predictability questions can be seen in terms of reachability of eligible traces of computations,unavoidability ofsomedynamicsandapossibilitytoavoidundesirabledynamicsusingalimited control.
Mathematical logic --- Logic --- Computer science --- Programming --- Computer architecture. Operating systems --- Computer. Automation --- computers --- computerbesturingssystemen --- programmeren (informatica) --- programmeertalen --- wiskunde --- software engineering --- logica
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This volume contains the proceedings of the 32nd International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2007). The purpose of the MFCS symposia is to encourage high-quality researchin all ?elds of theoret- ? ical computer science. This year's conference was held in Cesky ´ Krumlov, Czech Republic, during August 26-31. The conference program of MFCS 2007 consisted of 61 contributed papers selectedby the ProgramCommittee froma totalof 167submissions.All subm- sionswerereadandevaluatedbyatleastfour referees,andthe resultingdecision was based on electronic discussion which often included help from outside - perts. A selection of contributed papers will appear in the journal Theoretical Computer Science. Complementing the contributed papers,the programof MFCS 2007included invitedlecturesbyVa? sekChv´ atal(Montreal,Canada),AnujDawar(Cambridge, UK), Kurt Mehlhorn (Saarbruc ¨ ken, Germany), Luke Ong (Oxford, UK), and Leslie Valiant (Cambridge, USA). We are grateful to the invited speakers for accepting our invitation and sharing their knowledge and skills with all MFCS 2007 participants. As the editors of these proceedings, we would like to thank everyone who contributed to the success of the symposium. First of all, we thank the authors ofallsubmittedpapersforconsideringMFCS2007asanappropriateplatformfor presentingtheirwork.Sincethenumberofsubmissionswasveryhigh,manygood papers could not be accepted. We also thank the Program Committee members for their demanding and responsible work, the referees for careful reading of all the submissions, and the sta? at Springer for the professional support in producing this volume.
Complex analysis --- Discrete mathematics --- Computer science --- discrete wiskunde --- complexe analyse (wiskunde) --- informatica --- programmeren (informatica) --- database management --- programmatielogica --- algoritmen
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