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The concept of climate migration : advocacy and its prospects
ISBN: 9781786431721 1786431726 1786431734 9781786431738 Year: 2016 Publisher: Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing,

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Political narratives on climate or environmental migration have been deployed in support of policy arguments relating to humanitarian assistance, migration, and climate change, or to promote national security or economic interests. But while climate change certainly has various impacts on human mobility, it does not appear to create distinct "climate migrants" or (in general) unprecedented migration scenarios. In this timely book, Benoît Mayer offers a unique interdisciplinary inquiry into the prospects of different political narratives on climate migration. The Concept of Climate Migration identifies the essential narratives around climate migration - the humanitarian narrative, the migration narrative and the climate change narrative - and assesses their prospects. It argues that although such arguments will influence global governance, they will not necessarily achieve what advocates hope for. Throughout the discussion, it appears that the weaknesses of the concept of "climate migration" are likely to be utilized in favour of repressive policies against migration or for the defence of industrial nations against perceived threats from the Third World. This discerning book explores new paradoxes in political advocacy and relates them to some of the greatest challenges to contemporary global governance. It will be of great interest to researchers and postgraduate students interested in climate migration, climate change and the law, or anyone involved in advocacy around these important issues.

International law obligations on climate change mitigation
ISBN: 9780192843661 0192843664 0192655752 0191926302 0192655744 Year: 2022 Publisher: New York : Oxford University Press,

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"Recent years have witnessed exciting developments in international negotiations, litigation, and scholarship about climate change, but doctrinal research in the field remains in its infancy. In particular, little is known about how fast states are required to limit and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. This book presents a first comprehensive doctrinal study of states' obligations on climate change mitigation. It shows that such obligations arise not only from climate treaties, but also from customary international law, unilateral declarations, and, possibly, human rights treaties. It also explores the interactions between these multiple obligations. The first part of the book identifies the relevant obligations through an analysis of treaties, custom, and other sources of international law. Beyond express quantified commitments contained for instance in nationally determined contributions, the book sheds light on the existence of general obligations of due diligence. While these general obligations are difficult to interpret, they are often more demanding. The second part explores how these general obligations can be applied objectively, for instance by a court, in concrete cases. Instead of an improbable judicial assessment of a state's requisite level of mitigation action, the book shows the possibility of assessing a state's conduct based on the measures that general mitigation obligations entail. These measures relate to corollary duties of cooperation, vigilance, and consistency. The book's thorough analysis is written in an accessible language. It should be read by anyone with an academic or practical interest in climate law"--

International Law Obligations on Climate Change Mitigation
ISBN: 0192655744 0191926302 Year: 2022 Publisher: Oxford Oxford University Press

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Recent years have witnessed exciting developments in international negotiations, litigation, and scholarship about climate change, but doctrinal research in the field remains in its infancy. In particular, little is known about how fast states are required to limit and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. This book presents a first comprehensive doctrinal study of states' obligations on climate change mitigation. It shows that such obligations arise not only from climate treaties but also from customary international law, unilateral declarations, and, possibly, human rights treaties. It also explores the interactions between these multiple obligations. The first part of the book identifies the relevant obligations through an analysis of treaties, custom, and other sources of international law. Beyond express quantified commitments contained, for instance, in nationally determined contributions, the book sheds light on the existence of general obligations of due diligence. While these general obligations are difficult to interpret, they are often more demanding.


environmental law --- commentary on a law --- climate change policy --- reduction of gas emissions --- international convention --- multilateral agreement. --- bilateral agreement. --- bilateralita --- bilaterális megállapodás --- divpusēja sadarbība --- divpusēja sadarbība attīstības jomā --- divpusējs līgums --- билатерален договор --- dvišalė sutartis --- bilateralni sporazum --- двостран договор --- bilateraal akkoord --- zweiseitiges Abkommen --- bilaterální dohoda --- двострани споразум --- kétoldalú megállapodás --- accordo bilaterale --- двустранно споразумение --- dvostrani sporazum --- marrëveshje dypalëshe --- umowa dwustronna --- divpusējs nolīgums --- bilaterale overeenkomst --- билатерална спогодба --- bilateralt avtal --- acuerdo bilateral --- διμερής συμφωνία --- dvišalis susitarimas --- bilaterálna dohoda --- bilateral aftale --- acordo bilateral --- dvoustranná dohoda --- comhaontú déthaobhach --- bilaterales Abkommen --- kahepoolne leping --- accord bilatéral --- dvostranski sporazum --- kahdenvälinen sopimus --- ftehim bilaterali --- acord bilateral --- multilateraler Vertrag --- többoldalú szerződés --- mitmepoolne kokkulepe --- multilateral treaty --- tratado multilateral --- mehrseitiges Abkommen --- πολυμερής συνθήκη --- traktat shumëpalësh --- multilaterální dohoda --- daugiašalė sutartis --- daudzpusējs līgums --- globální dohoda --- мултилатерален договор --- повеќестран договор --- acuerdo plurilateral --- multilateral traktat --- monenvälinen valtiosopimus --- multilaterální smlouva --- повеќестрана спогодба --- multilateralni sporazum --- traité multilatéral --- multilateral överenskommelse --- mnohostranná smlouva --- multilateraal akkoord --- trattato multilaterale --- multilaterális megállapodás --- multilaterálna zmluva --- multilateraal verdrag --- monenvälinen sopimus --- accord multilatéral --- мултилатерална спогодба --- daugiašalis susitarimas --- multilateral aftale --- multilateralt avtal --- mitmepoolne leping --- umowa wielostronna --- mnohostranná dohoda --- многостранно споразумение --- вишестрани споразум --- multilaterales Abkommen --- večstranski sporazum --- višestrani sporazum --- acord multilateral --- πολυμερής συμφωνία --- acordo multilateral --- acuerdo multilateral --- ftehim multilaterali --- multilaterale overeenkomst --- accordo multilaterale --- marrëveshje shumëpalëshe --- daudzpusējs nolīgums --- comhaontú iltaobhach --- többoldalú megállapodás --- πολυμερής σύμβαση --- mezinárodní konvence --- multilaterale Übereinkunft --- convenzione multilaterale --- мултилатерална конвенција --- multilaterális egyezmény --- convenție multilaterală --- multilateral convention --- mitmepoolne konventsioon --- monenvälinen yleissopimus --- mnohostranný dohovor --- daudzpusēja konvencija --- daugiašalė konvencija --- többoldalú egyezmény --- convenção multilateral --- convention multilatérale --- multilateralna konvencija --- convención multilateral --- convenio internacional --- multilaterale conventie --- mnohostranná konvence --- mnohostranná úmluva --- konventë shumëpalëshe --- multilateral konvention --- kansainvälinen yleissopimus --- convenção internacional --- convención internacional --- internationale conventie --- международна конвенция --- international konvention --- konventë ndërkombëtare --- starptautiska konvencija --- medzinárodný dohovor --- convention internationale --- rahvusvaheline konventsioon --- διεθνής σύμβαση --- tarptautinė konvencija --- међународна конвенција --- coinbhinsiún idirnáisiúnta --- međunarodna konvencija --- mednarodna konvencija --- convenzione internazionale --- convenție internațională --- mezinárodní úmluva --- nemzetközi egyezmény --- меѓународна конвенција --- internationale Konvention --- internationell konvention --- konwencja międzynarodowa --- Konvenzjoni Internazzjonali --- mitigation of climate change --- masë zbutëse --- Verringerung der Treibhausgasemissionen --- zbutje e ndryshimit klimaterik --- emissionsreduktion --- мерки за ублажување --- mitigation measure --- kibocsátáscsökkentés --- laghdú astaíochtaí --- päästövähennys --- snižování emisí skleníkových plynů --- gasemissievermindering --- päästövähenemä --- päästöjen vähennys --- мерки за ублажување на климатските промени --- udslipsreduktion --- minskade utsläpp av växthusgaser --- climate change mitigation --- politique d'atténuation du changement climatique --- ulje e emetimit të gazrave --- politikë zbutjeje --- mitigation policy --- περιορισμός των εκπομπών αερίων --- ублажување на климатските промени --- reducción de emisión --- mesure d'atténuation du changement climatique --- gas emission reduction --- riduzione delle emissioni --- znižovanie emisií --- μείωση των εκπομπών --- zníženie emisií --- zmanjšanje emisij --- redução de emissões --- atténuation du changement climatique --- Emissionsreduktion --- намаляване на емисиите на отработени газове --- utsläppsminskning --- redukcja emisji --- gasemissiereductie --- emisiju samazināšana --- emissiereductie --- Emissionsminderung --- heitkoguste vähendamine --- snižování emisí --- политика за ублажување --- réduction d'émission --- emissiooni vähendamine --- emissziócsökkentés --- išmetamųjų teršalų mažinimas --- išmetamųjų dujų mažinimas --- reducere a emisiilor --- gaasiheidete vähendamine --- gázkibocsátás csökkentése --- minskade gasutsläpp --- reducción de las emisiones de gas --- kaasupäästöjen vähentäminen --- smanjenje emisija plina --- laghdú astaíochtaí gás --- redução das emissões de gases --- réduction des émissions de gaz --- μείωση των εκπομπών αερίων --- riduzione delle emissioni gassose --- Verringerung der Emissionen von Treibhausgasen --- reduktion af gasemissioner --- snižování plynných emisí --- vermindering van gasemissie --- намаляване на емисиите --- ograniczenie emisji gazów --- reducerea emisiilor de gaze cu efect de seră --- tnaqqis tal-emissjonijiet --- gāzu emisijas samazināšana --- pakësimi i emetimeve të gazeve --- смањење емисија гаса --- znižovanie emisií plynov --- zmanjšanje emisij plinov --- намалување на емисиите на гас --- išmetamųjų dujų kiekio mažinimas --- klimaatveranderingsbeleid --- действия срещу изменението на климата --- climate policy --- politika v oblasti klimatických zmien --- politikë klimaterike --- politikë në përgjigje të ndryshimit klimaterik --- action face au changement climatique --- beartas aeráide --- klimatåtgärder --- klimatska politika --- политика срещу изменението на климата --- climate action --- acción ante el cambio climático --- policy for responding to climate change --- politique en matière de changement climatique --- klimato kaitos politika --- polityka przeciwdziałania zmianie klimatu --- politika dwar il-bidla fil-klima --- politica in materia di cambiamenti climatici --- политика в областта на изменението на климата --- klimata pārmaiņu politika --- politica privind schimbările climatice --- beartas don athrú aeráide --- politika o podnebnih spremembah --- политика у области климатских промена --- πολιτική για την αλλαγή του κλίματος --- éghajlat-változási politika --- klimatpolitik --- politika v oblasti změny klimatu --- política para as alterações climáticas --- politika klimatske promjene --- Klimapolitik --- politikë e ndryshimit të klimës --- beleid inzake klimaatverandering --- política en materia de cambio climático --- ilmastonmuutospolitiikka --- politika v oblasti zmeny klímy --- политика за климатски промени --- Klimaschutzpolitik --- kliimamuutuste poliitika --- σχολιασμός νόμου --- comentario sobre un texto legislativo --- komentovaný zákon --- komentované zákony --- zákon s komentářem --- komentář k zákonu --- commento di una legge --- comentariu la o lege --- komentar zakona --- коментар на закон --- commentaire de loi --- коментар закона --- komentārs par likumu --- νομοθετικός σχολιασμός --- comentário da lei --- kummentarju fuq liġi --- lagkommentar --- komentarz do ustawy --- lovkommentar --- comentario de ley --- коментари по закона --- tráchtaireacht ar dhlí --- įstatymo komentaras --- seaduse kommentaar --- jogi kommentár --- komentár k zákonu --- Gesetzeskommentar --- lakitekstin huomautukset --- komentar për një ligj --- nota van toelichting --- miljöbestämmelser --- δίκτυο IMPEL --- vides likumdošana --- право за заштита на животната средина --- vides aizsardzības noteikumi --- ympäristölainsäädäntö --- milieuwetgeving --- normativa ambientale --- reglamentación del medio ambiente --- normativa de medio ambiente --- ympäristömääräykset --- rrjeti i ZEDM-së --- miljølovgivning --- környezetvédelmi jogszabályok --- normatīvie akti vides jomā --- Derecho medioambiental --- ekologické zákony --- a környezeti jog alkalmazására és végrehajtására létrehozott EU-hálózat --- législation environnementale --- aplinkos nuostatai --- IMPEL tinklas --- siete IMPEL --- keskkonnaõiguse rakendamise ja jõustamise Euroopa võrgustik --- legislazione ambientale --- legislación medioambiental --- síť IMPEL --- nätverket IMPEL --- IMPEL tīkls --- okolišno zakonodavstvo --- miljölagstiftning --- ИМПЕЛ --- IMPEL network --- reglementări privind mediul --- legislación sobre el medio ambiente --- regulamentação do ambiente --- keskkonnaalased õigusaktid --- rețeaua IMPEL --- omrežjem IMPEL --- sieć IMPEL --- IMPEL-verkosto --- keskkonnaeeskirjad --- Umweltschutzvorschrift --- environmental regulations --- réseau IMPEL --- environmental legislation --- περιβαλλοντική νομοθεσία --- ekologická legislativa --- IMPEL-Netz --- Bendrijos aplinkos teisės įgyvendinimo tinklas --- ZEDM --- red IMPEL --- мрежа на ЕУ за спроведување на прописите за животна средина --- IMPELi võrgustik --- IMPEL --- aplinkos įstatymai --- environmentální právo --- rede IMPEL --- ekologické predpisy --- Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law --- gennemførelse og håndhævelse af miljølovgivning --- СППЖС --- περιβαλλοντικές ρυθμίσεις --- réglementation de l'environnement --- legislație privind mediul --- IMPEL-netwerk --- voorschriften voor milieubeheer --- IMPEL-nettet --- Zbatimi dhe Ekzekutimi i së Drejtës Mjedisore --- zákony na ochranu životního prostředí --- ekologické předpisy --- legjislacion mjedisi --- miljøbestemmelser --- környezeti jog --- еколошко право --- rregullore mjedisi --- keskkonnakaitse õigusaktid --- rete IMPEL --- мрежата IMPEL --- legislatíva životného prostredia --- ekologinė teisė --- IMPEL-hálózat --- propisi o okolišu --- pravo okoliša --- environmentálne právo --- prawo ochrony środowiska --- право за животна средина --- Derecho del medio ambiente --- dlí an chomhshaoil --- miljøret --- ympäristöoikeus --- Umweltrecht --- környezetvédelmi jog --- e drejta e mjedisit --- diritto dell'ambiente --- dreptul mediului --- vides tiesības --- δίκαιο του περιβάλλοντος --- miljörätt --- ekologické právo --- екологично право --- pravo okolja --- dritt ambjentali --- droit de l'environnement --- aplinkos teisė --- keskkonnaõigus --- право заштите животне средине --- milieurecht --- direito do ambiente --- climate change mitigation, international law --- Paris Agreement, customary international law --- Climate change mitigation. --- Climatic changes --- Law and legislation. --- Climate change mitigation --- Environmental law --- Liability for climatic change damages --- Climate mitigation --- Climatic mitigation --- Mitigation of climate change --- Environmental protection --- Law and legislation --- Mitigation

Research handbook on climate change, migration and the law
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781785366581 1785366580 1785366599 9781785366598 Year: 2017 Publisher: Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing,

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"Concerns have arisen in recent decades about the impact of climate change on human mobility. Many people affected by climate change are forced or otherwise decide to migrate within or across international borders. Despite its clear importance, many questions remain open regarding the nature of the climate-migration nexus and its implications for laws and institutions. In the face of such uncertainty, this Research Handbook offers a...picture of laws and institutions relevant to climate migration and the multiple, often contradictory perspectives on the topic. [The contributors] provide a cross section of the various debates on what laws do, can do and should do in relation to the impacts of climate change on migration. A first part analyses the relations between climate change and migration. A second part explores how existing laws and institutions address the climate-migration nexus. In the final part, the chapters discuss possible ways forward."--

Critical international law : postrealism, postcolonialism, and transnationalism
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780199450633 0199450633 Year: 2014 Publisher: New Delhi: Oxford university press,

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Climate migration : critical perspectives for law, policy, and research
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1509961747 9781509961740 Year: 2023 Publisher: Oxford: London: New York: New Delhi: Sydney: Hart,

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This book investigates the epistemological and ethical challenges faced by studies exploring the relations between climate change and human migration. At the heart of the contemporary preoccupation with climate change is a concern for its societal impacts. Among these, its presumed effect on human migration is perhaps the most politically resonant, regardless of whether that politics is oriented towards human or national security.There is, however, a problem: research on the causal link between climate change and migration has shown it to be a highly equivocal one. By extension, it remains unclear what - if any - response is required from law and policy.Carefully structured to guide the reader through the issue of 'climate migration' in a logical and rigorous manner, this book is the first to bring together key critiques, caveats, and cautions in order to systematically examine the challenges facing law, policy, and research on the topic.At a time in which both the effects of climate change and the causes of migration are of great public and political interest, and in which these interests are often fraught with sentiment and freighted with politics, the book brings dispassionately critical perspectives to bear on a topic that desperately needs it.

Climate migration : critical perspectives for law, policy, and research
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1509961771 1509961755 Year: 2014 Publisher: London : London : Beck/Hart, Bloomsbury Publishing (UK),

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This book investigates the epistemological and ethical challenges faced by studies exploring the relations between climate change and human migration. At the heart of the contemporary preoccupation with climate change is a concern for its societal impacts. Among these, its presumed effect on human migration is perhaps the most politically resonant, regardless of whether that politics is oriented towards human or national security. There is, however, a problem: research on the causal link between climate change and migration has shown it to be a highly equivocal one. By extension, it remains unclear what - if any - response is required from law and policy. Carefully structured to guide the reader through the issue of 'climate migration' in a logical and rigorous manner, this book is the first to bring together key critiques, caveats, and cautions in order to systematically examine the challenges facing law, policy, and research on the topic. At a time in which both the effects of climate change and the causes of migration are of great public and political interest, and in which these interests are often fraught with sentiment and freighted with politics, the book brings dispassionately critical perspectives to bear on a topic that desperately needs it.

Critical international law : postrealism, postcolonialism and transnationalism
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0199084564 Year: 2014 Publisher: New Delhi : Oxford University Press,

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The number of scholars engaging critically with the paradoxes hidden in international law continues to grow. This edited volume features contributions by scholars from around the world, from different generations and with different critical perspectives. It thus reflects the vibrancy of contemporary critical debates cabined in three sub-streams: postrealism, postcolonialism and transnationalism.

Business law and the transition to a net zero economy.

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Climate change is widely recognised as one of society's most profound challenges. In facing that challenge, the role of businesses is central. Corporations have a crucial role to play in mitigating climate change by reducing their net emissions and by driving the innovation and adaptation that are necessary to bring about a net zero economy. This volume brings together leading thinkers to evaluate the contribution that business law has made, and could make, to help drive such change.The contributions are organized under 4 broad themes:* Climate Change Disclosures and Net Zero Commitments* Climate Change: Exit or Voice* Climate Change in the Boardroom* Climate Change in the Courtroom


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