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The book focuses on the syntactic behavior of argument noun phrases depending on their discourse status. The main language of consideration is German, but it is shown that the observations can be carried over to other languages. The claim is that discourse-new arguments remain inside the VP where they are base generated. The hierarchy of argument projection is claimed to be fix within and across languages. With the major attention to direct objects it is then argued that discourse-old, here called topical noun phrases undergo raising to agreement projections. This movement can be realized differently: scrambling, object agreement, clitic-doubling, differences in morphological case and stress pattern turn out to be analyzable as one underlying phenomenon. It is furthermore shown that many so-called subject:object asymmetries boil down to topic:non-topic differences, for example with respect to extraction. Thus, irrespectively of the argumental status discourse-new constituents do not act as barriers whereas topical arguments create (weak) islands.
801.56 --- 801.56 Syntaxis. Semantiek --- Syntaxis. Semantiek --- LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES --- Linguistics / General --- Grammar, Comparative and general --- Philology & Linguistics --- Languages & Literatures --- Language and languages --- Syntax --- Functional sentence perspective (Grammar) --- Predicate and subject (Grammar) --- Subject and predicate (Grammar) --- Theme and rheme --- Topic and comment (Grammar) --- Focus (Linguistics) --- Topic and comment --- Subject and predicate --- Linguistics --- Philology --- Grammar, Comparative and general Syntax --- Topic and comment. --- Syntax.
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Sick, Bastian --- Sick, Bastian, --- German language --- Grammar --- Usage
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Discourse analysis --- German language --- Sexism in language. --- Sociolinguistics. --- Social aspects. --- Gender. --- Semantics. --- Sex differences.
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This book presents a cross-section of recent generative research into the syntax of relative clauses constructions. Most of the papers collected here react in some way to Kayne's (1994) proposal to handle relative clauses in terms of determiner complementation and raising of the relativized nominal. The editors provide a thorough introduction of these proposals, their background and motivations, arguments for and against. There are detailed studies in the syntax and the semantics of relative clauses constructions in Latin, Ancient Greek, Romanian, Hindi, (Old) English, Old High German, (dialects of) Dutch, Turkish, Swedish, and Japanese. The book should be of interest to any linguist working within generative syntax.
Grammar --- 801.56 --- Grammar, Comparative and general --- -801.56 Syntaxis. Semantiek --- Syntaxis. Semantiek --- Comparative grammar --- Grammar, Philosophical --- Grammar, Universal --- Language and languages --- Philosophical grammar --- Linguistics --- Philology --- Relative clauses --- Grammar, Comparative --- Relatives --- -Comparative grammar --- 801.56 Syntaxis. Semantiek --- Philology & Linguistics --- Languages & Literatures --- Clauses, Relative --- Clauses --- -Linguistics --- -Relative clauses --- Relative clauses.
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This book deals with sentential proforms and their relationship to their associated clauses. Sentential proforms are highly interesting from the point of view of grammatical theory, since their occurrence is determined not only by syntax, but also by prosody and semantics. The present volume contributes to a better understanding of the interfaces between these different levels. By providing syntactic, prosodic, semantic, psycholinguistic and corpus-based support, this book underpins the claim that there exist different sentential proform types in German and Dutch, that these proform types correlate with different verb classes, and that their associated related clauses are located in different syntactic positions. The present volume also looks at a Hungarian sentential proform construction, which is similar to the German(ic) structure, but, at the same time, is different in its licensing conditions.
Grammar, Comparative and general --- German language --- Dutch language --- Flemish language --- Netherlandic language --- Germanic languages --- Ashkenazic German language --- Hochdeutsch --- Judaeo-German language (German) --- Judendeutsch language --- Judeo-German language (German) --- Jüdisch-Deutsch language --- Jüdischdeutsch language --- Language and languages --- Syntax --- Syntax. --- Grammar, Comparative --- Dutch. --- German. --- Grammar, Comparative&delete& --- Dutch --- German --- E-books --- Propositional phrases. --- Linguistics --- Philology --- Grammar, Comparative and general Syntax
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Grammar, Comparative and general --- German language --- Dutch language --- Syntax. --- Grammar, Comparative --- Dutch. --- German.
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This volume provides a state-of-the-art account of research into datives and other morphological cases. The contributors, among them leading scholars in the field, present fresh insights into traditional issues such as the dichotomy between lexical and structural case, and open up fascinating new areas of research. A recurrent feature of the majority of contributions is their combined syntax-semantics perspective. Germanic varieties, Serbian, Albanian and other Balkan languages alongside Chinese, Japanese, Tagalog are discussed from various theoretical angles such as mainstream generativism, lexical-functional grammar, and functional typology. Despite the broad range of facts spanning the distance between acquisition data and dialectology, the papers are connected by a renewed interest in form-function correspondencies. This volume will be welcomed by theoretical linguists and typologists with an interest in argument and event structure, linguists studying the case systems of individual languages and researchers in search for up-to-date discussion of Germanic datives.
Grammar, Comparative and general --- Case. --- Grammar --- German language --- 803.0-56 --- 803.0-56 Duits: syntaxis; semantiek --- Duits: syntaxis; semantiek --- Case --- Grammar [Comparative and general ] --- Linguistics --- Philology
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Das mehrsprachige Klassenzimmer Mehrsprachigkeit ist in unseren Schulen und Kindergärten heute eine Realität. Lehrerinnen und Lehrer sind damit konfrontiert, dass viele ihrer Schülerinnen und Schüler keine deutschen Muttersprachler sind; sie wachsen mehrsprachig auf, manche lernen erst in der Schule Deutsch. Diese Situation empfinden Lehrer, Bildungsplaner, Didaktiker – und Eltern – häufig als Last, die das Bildungsniveau an den Schulen drückt. Dabei ist Mehrsprachigkeit ein wertvolles Gut. Um dieses Mehr an Sprachen und an Unterrichtsmöglichkeiten schätzen und nutzen zu können, müssen Lehrer und Erzieher etwas über die Sprachen wissen, die ihre Schüler in den Unterricht mitbringen. Genau hier setzt dieses Buch an: Es liefert anregende und dabei linguistisch fundierte Informationen zu über 20 Sprachen, die von Schülern in Deutschland am häufigsten gesprochen werden – von Türkisch, Arabisch und Polnisch über entfernte Sprachen wie Hindi und Japanisch bis hin zu bekannteren Sprachen wie Italienisch und Englisch. In jedem Kapitel werden ausgesuchte Eigenheiten dieser Sprachen in Laut und Schrift, Wortbildung, Satzbau, Bedeutung und Verwendung anregend dargestellt – begleitet von Zungenbrechern, Gedichten und interessanten Hintergrundinformationen. Die Autorinnen und Autoren der Einzelkapitel sind Linguisten und Experten der jeweiligen Sprachen, die für dieses Buch ihren Fachjargon beiseitegelegt haben. So sind die Texte für den Laien gut nachvollziehbar und können zum Beispiel auch als Grundlage für Unterrichtsmaterialien und -diskussionen dienen. Das mehrsprachige Klassenzimmer ist kein didaktischer Leitfaden, sondern bietet eine Fülle von Informationen und Anregungen, die Leserinnen und Leser nach Bedarf in Unterrichtsvorbereitungen, in die Konzeption von Lehrbüchern, in politische Überlegungen zur schulischen Integration oder in ihre persönliche Weiterbildung einfließen lassen können. Die Herausgeber Manfred Krifka ist seit 2000 Professor an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Dort ist er auch Direktor des Zentrums für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS), an dem dieses Buch entstand. Joanna Błaszczak ist seit 2008 Professorin an der Universität Breslau, wo sie das Zentrum für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft leitet. Prof. Dr. Annette Leßmöllmann ist Linguistin und Professorin für Wissenschaftskommunikation und Linguistik am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). André Meinunger forscht am ZAS und ist Privatdozent an der Universität Leipzig. Er ist der Autor des bekannten Buches Sick of Sick? Barbara Stiebels forschte bis 2012 am ZAS und wechselte dann auf eine Professur für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft an der Universität Leipzig. Rosemarie Tracy ist eine bekannte Expertin zu den Themen Spracherwerb und Mehrsprachigkeit. Sie ist seit 1995 Professorin an der Universität Mannheim. Hubert Truckenbrodt forscht am ZAS und ist außerplanmäßiger Professor an der Humboldt-Universität. 2006 erhielt er den Landeslehrpreis von Baden-Württemberg.
Linguistics. --- Education. --- Educational psychology. --- Communication. --- Linguistics, general. --- Education, general. --- Pedagogic Psychology. --- Communication Studies.
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This volume contains innovative papers that target the linguistic status of topic at the interface between grammar and discourse. The purpose of the volume is to discuss the universal properties of topics and, at the same time, to document the range of discourse-semantic and grammatical variation within this phenomenon in European languages.The volume is structured accordingly: (i) theoretical foundations of topicality in grammar and discourse; (ii) discourse-semantic correlates of topicality; (iii) variation in the grammatical (external and internal) encoding of topicality; (iv) topics from the diachronic perspective. The articles take different perspectives, including contrastive studies of modern languages, studies on diachronic development, and typological generalizations. They also take into consideration various types of empirical data – introspective data, semi-spontaneously produced data, experimental data and language corpora.The articles in this volume show that the concept of topic is necessary for the description and explanation of a number of discourse-semantic phenomena. They present a state of the art account of the architecture of topic while making recent research on the phenomenon accessible to a wider readership.
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