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This working paper reviews a number of the challenges and opportunities confronting analysts interested in measuring the Internet and its economic and social impacts. It identifies several additional challenges to the measurement issue, in addition to all of the normal problems one expects when measuring information and communication technologies (ICTs). These challenges are related to: the rapidly changing nature of the Internet, the need for more granular data in order to understand the complex nature of the Internet, and the phenomenon of big data and the resulting ability to measure almost anything.
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This working paper reviews a number of the challenges and opportunities confronting analysts interested in measuring the Internet and its economic and social impacts. It identifies several additional challenges to the measurement issue, in addition to all of the normal problems one expects when measuring information and communication technologies (ICTs). These challenges are related to: the rapidly changing nature of the Internet, the need for more granular data in order to understand the complex nature of the Internet, and the phenomenon of big data and the resulting ability to measure almost anything.
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"For over a decade, William Lehr, Lorenzo Pupillo, and their colleagues in academia, industry, and policy have been on the electronic frontier, exploring the implications of the technologies that are revolutionizing communication and culture. In 2002, Cyber Policy and Economics in an Internet Age featured essays that focused on such emerging economic and policy-related issues of universal access, appropriate content, spectrum allocation, taxation, consumer protection, and regulation, with respect to the Internet. In this fully revised and updated edition, entitled Internet Policy and Economics: Challenges and Perspectives, the editors and contributors tackle the most current topics and issues, as the Internet continues to permeate all facets of society. New chapters cover dynamics in the developing world, the implications of e-commerce for fiscal policy, and the impact of peer-to-peer networks on music and the arts, as well as debates over intellectual property rights, privacy issues, and cybercrime. Applying insights from economics, political science, law, business, and communications, the book will serve as essential resource for researchers and students, policymakers and regulators, and industry analysts and practitioners."--Publisher.
Globalization --Economic aspects. --- Industrial promotion --United States. --- Internet --Government policy --United States. --- Internet industry --Government policy --United States. --- Internet industry --- Internet --- Industrial promotion --- Globalization --- Commerce --- Business & Economics --- Industries --- Marketing & Sales --- Government policy --- Economic aspects --- Law and legislation. --- Economic aspects. --- DARPA Internet --- Internet (Computer network) --- Cyberspace --- Law and legislation --- Computer science. --- Industrial management. --- Computers. --- E-commerce. --- Mass media. --- Law. --- Economic policy. --- Computer Science. --- Theory of Computation. --- e-Commerce/e-business. --- Media Management. --- Media Law. --- Economic Policy. --- Wide area networks (Computer networks) --- World Wide Web --- Information theory. --- Mass media --- IT Law, Media Law, Intellectual Property. --- Economic nationalism --- Economic planning --- National planning --- State planning --- Economics --- Planning --- National security --- Social policy --- Business administration --- Business enterprises --- Business management --- Corporate management --- Corporations --- Industrial administration --- Management, Industrial --- Rationalization of industry --- Scientific management --- Management --- Business --- Industrial organization --- Communication theory --- Communication --- Cybernetics --- Acts, Legislative --- Enactments, Legislative --- Laws (Statutes) --- Legislative acts --- Legislative enactments --- Jurisprudence --- Legislation --- Mass communication --- Media, Mass --- Media, The --- Cybercommerce --- E-business --- E-commerce --- E-tailing --- eBusiness --- eCommerce --- Electronic business --- Internet commerce --- Internet retailing --- Online commerce --- Web retailing --- Information superhighway --- Automatic computers --- Automatic data processors --- Computer hardware --- Computing machines (Computers) --- Electronic brains --- Electronic calculating-machines --- Electronic computers --- Hardware, Computer --- Computer systems --- Machine theory --- Calculators --- Internet. --- public policy. --- mass media. --- electronic commerce. --- economic conditions. --- globalisation. --- United States. --- die Vereinigte Staaten --- Združene države --- Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες --- l-Istati Uniti --- Ameerika Ühendriigid --- Stati Uniti --- Shtetet e Bashkuara --- Estados Unidos --- Stany Zjednoczone --- Spojené státy --- États-Unis --- Egyesült Államok --- Statele Unite --- Amerikas Savienotās Valstis --- Förenta staterna --- Verenigde Staten --- Сједињене Америчке Државе --- Jungtinės Valstijos --- Yhdysvallat --- Съединени щати --- Sjedinjene Američke Države --- Na Stáit Aontaithe --- Spojené štáty --- Соединети Американски Држави --- Amerikas Forenede Stater --- VS --- САД --- Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá --- USA --- EE.UU. --- JAV --- Amerikas förenta stater --- l-Istati Uniti tal-Amerika --- los Estados Unidos de América --- ΗΠΑ --- Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës --- SAD --- Verenigde Staten van Amerika --- Соединетите Држави --- Amerikai Egyesült Államok --- Stati Uniti d'America --- Statele Unite ale Americii --- Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες της Αμερικής --- SHBA --- United States of America --- Ühendriigid --- Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες Αμερικής --- EUA --- ASV --- États-Unis d'Amérique --- Združene države Amerike --- Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki --- САЩ --- Съединени американски щати --- SUA --- Yhdysvallat, USA --- Spojené státy americké --- U.S.A. --- Jungtinės Amerikos Valstijos --- Sjedinjene Države --- Estados Unidos da América --- De Forenede Stater --- Spojené státy severoamerické --- Amerikan yhdysvallat --- Spojené štáty americké --- die Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika --- US --- globalizace --- παγκοσμιοποίηση --- globalizáció --- globalizacija --- globalisering --- globalizacja --- mondialisation --- глобализација --- globalizare --- globalizácia --- globalizzazzjoni --- globalizzazione --- globalizim --- globalização --- globaliseerumine --- globalizācija --- globalización --- globalisaatio --- domhandú --- глобализация --- Globalisierung --- globalisering van de economie --- talouden globalisoituminen --- Globalisierung der Wirtschaft --- gazdasági globalizáció --- altermondialisme --- altermundialismo --- alterglobalização --- ekonomiskās darbības internacionalizācija --- alterglobalizm --- altermundialización --- economic globalisation --- globalizim ekonomik --- globalizácia ekonomiky --- globalizarea economiei --- οικονομική παγκοσμιοποίηση --- mondializzazione --- altermondialism --- globalizzazzjoni tal-ekonomija --- altermundialização --- alterglobalizacja --- алтерглобализация --- erilainen globalisaatio --- antiglobalizmus --- internaționalizarea activității economice --- majandustegevuse globaliseerumine --- mundialización de la economía --- globalizacija ekonomskih aktivnosti --- internacionalizacija ekonomskih aktivnosti --- globalisering av ekonomin --- alternativ globalisering --- alterglobalizacija --- интернационализиране на икономиката --- ekonomikos globalizacija --- globalizzazione dell'economia --- globalization --- economic globalization --- talouden kansainvälistyminen --- Internationalisierung der Wirtschaft --- globalisering af økonomien --- altermondialista mozgalom --- εναλλακτική παγκοσμιοποίηση --- talouden maailmanlaajuistuminen --- internacionalizacija gospodarstva --- ekonomiskās darbības globalizācija --- globalizacija gospodarstva --- ekonomikos internacionalizacija --- internationalisering af økonomien --- mondialisering af økonomien --- internacionalizace ekonomiky --- globalisation of economic activity --- globalisation de l'économie --- internazzjonalizzazzjoni tal-ekonomija --- gazdasági tevékenység globalizációja --- majanduse globaliseerumine --- alterglobalizmas --- ndërkombëtarizim i veprimtarisë ekonomike --- internationalisering van de economie --- παγκοσμιοποίηση της οικονομίας --- internationalisering av ekonomin --- globalizációellenesség --- ekonomická globalizace --- protiglobalizacija --- alterglobalizace --- globalisation of the economy --- ekonominės veiklos internacionalizacija --- globalizacja gospodarki --- internacionalização da economia --- економска глобализација --- internationalisation de l'économie --- alternative Globalisierung --- vaihtoehtoinen globalisaatio --- икономическа глобализация --- altermondialisation --- internacionalizácia ekonomiky --- ekonominės veiklos globalizacija --- globalizace světové ekonomiky --- глобализација привреде --- alterglobalizácia --- интернационализација привредне делатности --- internationalisation of economic activity --- διαφορετική παγκασμιοποίηση --- глобализација економије --- altermundismo --- internationalization of economic activity --- globalizim i ekonomisë --- altermondialismo --- antiglobalisering --- globalizzazione economica --- internacionalización de la economía --- алтерглобализъм --- majandustegevuse rahvusvahelistumine --- ekonomická globalizácia --- alterglobalismus --- globalizim i veprimtarisë ekonomike --- globalizace ekonomiky --- globalizzazzjoni ekonomika --- Altermondialisation --- mondialisation économique --- διεθνοποίηση της οικονομίας --- internazionalizzazione dell'economia --- gospodarska globalizacija --- globalización de la economía --- mondialisering van de economie --- globalización económica --- geglobaliseerde economie --- globalizarea activității economice --- mundialização da economia --- üleilmastumine --- mondialisering --- alternatiivne globaliseerumine --- interdipendenza a livello mondiale dell'economia --- globalizacja gospodarcza --- alternatīva globalizācijas kustība --- глобализиране на икономиката --- ekonomikas globalizācija --- altermondializare --- привредна глобализација --- altermondializmus --- majandustingimused --- condición económica --- dálaí eacnamaíocha --- икономически условия --- condition économique --- ekonomiska förhållanden --- ekonomické podmínky --- kushte ekonomike --- ekonominės sąlygos --- taloudelliset olot --- економски услови --- Wirtschaftsverhältnisse --- økonomisk stilling --- економске прилике --- condições económicas --- economische toestand --- warunki gospodarcze --- ekonomske prilike --- hospodárske podmienky --- gospodarske razmere --- gazdasági feltételek --- condizione economica --- οικονομικές συνθήκες --- kundizzjonijiet ekonomiċi --- saimnieciskie nosacījumi --- condiții economice --- aspecto económico --- tržní vývoj --- aspekt ekonomik --- aspetto economico --- aspeto económico --- οικονομική πλευρά --- ekonomisk aspekt --- околности во стопанството --- aspect economic --- markedsudvikling --- taloudellinen näkökohta --- οικονομική όψη --- ekonomiskais aspekts --- hospodářské podmínky --- economic aspect --- ekonomické poměry --- aspect économique --- majanduslik aspekt --- Marktentwicklung --- gazdasági szempontok --- економско опкружување --- economische aspecten --- gospodarske prilike --- ekonominis aspektas --- hospodárske hľadisko --- hospodářské aspekty --- økonomisk aspekt --- економски аспект --- commerce électronique --- comerț electronic --- elektronsko poslovanje --- elektronikus kereskedelem --- elektronkaubandus --- comércio eletrónico --- sähköinen kaupankäynti --- Elektronischer Handel --- comercio electrónico --- ríomhthráchtáil --- elektroniskā tirdzniecība --- електронна търговия --- elektronische handel --- handel elektroniczny --- elektronisk handel --- elektronička trgovina --- tregti elektronike --- kummerċ elettroniku --- електронска трговија --- elektroninė prekyba --- електронска трговина --- commercio elettronico --- elektronický obchod --- ηλεκτρονικό εμπόριο --- comércio na Internet --- handel via internet --- tregti online --- kibernetinė prekyba --- commercio on line --- e-kaubandus --- iepirkšanās internetā --- internetové obchodování --- kaupankäynti Internetissä --- τηλεεμπόριο --- commercio su Internet --- internetska trgovina --- virtualna trgovina --- e-kauppa --- tregti nëpërmjet Internetit --- virtuel handel --- virtuální obchod --- cibercomércio --- e-kereskedelem --- Online-Geschäfte --- E-Commerce --- comércio virtual --- Electronic Commerce --- r-thráchtáil --- е-трговија --- virtuaalikauppa --- virtuaalkaubandus --- elektronické obchodování --- comércio electrónico --- küberkaubandus --- virtual commerce --- online trgovina --- internetes kereskedelem --- internetinė prekyba --- cyberhandel --- e-commercio --- Interneti-kaubandus --- virtualioji prekyba --- comercio virtual --- e-comerț --- virtuell handel --- commerce virtuel --- internetový obchod --- virtuális kereskedelem --- handel via Internet --- e-comercio --- online commerce --- e. prekyba --- on-linehandel --- online-kaupankäynti --- comércio em linha --- virtuele handel --- e-trgovina --- εμπόριο on-line --- on line obchodování --- on-line handel --- cibercomercio --- commercio virtuale --- e-obchodování --- comerț prin internet --- e-handel --- κυβερνοεμπόριο --- tregti virtuale --- cybercommercio --- cybercommerce --- tregti kibernetike --- e-commerce --- onlinehandel --- E-Business --- comercio en Internet --- tirdzniecība internetā --- commerce sur Internet --- prekyba elektroniniu ryšiu --- интернетска трговија --- comercio en línea --- kyberkauppa --- virtuālā tirdzniecība --- tirdzniecība tiešsaistē --- εμπόριο μέσω Internet --- elektronischer Geschäftsverkehr --- comerț on line --- commerce en ligne --- e-obchod --- media masowe --- sredstva javnoga priopćavanja --- media tal-massa --- масмедия --- meios de comunicação de massas --- средства за јавно информирање --- mórmheáin --- massamedia --- mezzo di comunicazione di massa --- mediji --- масовни медији --- plašsaziņas līdzekļi --- masmédiá --- Massenmedium --- tömegmédia --- medio de comunicación de masas --- massmedier --- hromadné sdělovací prostředky --- μέσο μαζικής επικοινωνίας --- masmedia --- žiniasklaida --- joukkoviestintävälineet --- massekommunikationsmiddel --- mass-media --- moyen de communication de masse --- massiteabevahendid --- massikommunikatsioonivahendid --- sredstva javnoga informiranja --- joukkoviestimet --- masinės komunikacijos priemonės --- Massenkommunikationsmittel --- massimeediumid --- mjete të komunikimit masiv --- μίντια --- μέσο μαζικής ενημέρωσης --- мас-медиум --- tömegmédiumok --- mass media --- massemedier --- medier --- média --- means of mass communication --- meios de comunicação social --- meedia --- masovokomunikačné prostriedky --- tömegtájékoztatási eszközök --- visuomenės informavimo priemonės --- Medien --- masovni mediji --- mijloace de comunicare în masă --- massacommunicatiemiddel --- médias --- veřejné sdělovací prostředky --- media --- masu informācijas līdzekļi --- масовни медиуми --- massmedia --- masmédia --- avalik poliitika --- offentlig politik --- veřejná politika --- öffentliche Politik --- politică publică --- overheidsbeleid --- politique publique --- verejná politika --- обществена политика --- javna politika --- valsts politika --- közpolitika --- државна политика --- viešoji politika --- beartas poiblí --- δημόσια πολιτική --- politica pubblica --- polityka władz publicznych --- ordni pubbliku --- јавна политика --- julkinen politiikka --- política pública --- politika publike --- politika pubblika --- управувачка политика --- официјална политика --- политика на државниот врв --- Интернет --- internet --- internetas --- internets --- интернет --- Idirlíon --- webb --- idirlíon --- an tIdirlíon --- tīmeklis --- veeb --- faqe web --- světová počítačová síť --- svjetska računalna mreža --- web --- međumrežje --- www --- világháló --- Computer Science --- Mass media - Law and legislation --- Economic policy --- Industrial promotion - United States
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316.356.2 --- Family --- System theory --- #SBIB:316.356.2H2220 --- Systems, Theory of --- Systems science --- Science --- Families --- Family life --- Family relationships --- Family structure --- Relationships, Family --- Structure, Family --- Social institutions --- Birth order --- Domestic relations --- Home --- Households --- Kinship --- Marriage --- Matriarchy --- Parenthood --- Patriarchy --- 316.356.2 Gezinssociologie --- Gezinssociologie --- Gezinssociologie: gezinsrelaties: algemeen --- Philosophy --- Social aspects --- Social conditions
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Globalization --- Industrial promotion --- Internet industry --- Internet --- Economic aspects. --- Government policy
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For over a decade, William Lehr, Lorenzo Pupillo, and their colleagues in academia, industry, and policy have been on the electronic frontier, exploring the implications of the technologies that are revolutionizing communication and culture. In 2002, Cyber Policy and Economics in an Internet Age featured essays that focused on such emerging economic and policy-related issues of universal access, appropriate content, spectrum allocation, taxation, consumer protection, and regulation, with respect to the Internet. In this fully revised and updated edition, entitled Internet Policy and Economics: Challenges and Perspectives, the editors and contributors tackle the most current topics and issues, as the Internet continues to permeate all facets of society. New chapters cover dynamics in the developing world, the implications of e-commerce for fiscal policy, and the impact of peer-to-peer networks on music and the arts, as well as debates over intellectual property rights, privacy issues, and cybercrime. Applying insights from economics, political science, law, business, and communications, the book will serve as essential resource for researchers and students, policymakers and regulators, and industry analysts and practitioners.
Journalism --- Economic policy and planning (general) --- Law --- Applied marketing --- mediarecht --- persbeleid --- e-business --- economische politiek --- e-commerce
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This book contains an Open Access chapter Beyond the Pandemic? is integral to the exploration of the sectoral consequences of the Internet for business managers, policymakers and researchers engaged in planning and study for the digital economy future and planning for future pandemics.
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020 --- -Internet --- Telecommunication --- Influence. --- Social aspects. --- COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-2023 --- Internet
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