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Rejection (Psychology) --- Foundlings --- love story --- Triangles (Interpersonal relations) --- Heathcliff --- Yorkshire (England) --- Social life and customs
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South Korea 1957. Sukey, an intelligent graduate with much promise, falls in love with a man, Kwon, who confesses to her that he has been a North Korean spy. It is four years since the Korean War ended in a cease-fire (having started on 25 June 1950). Even though fighting is suspended, hostility and enmity towards the North is the social norm. With anti-spy campaigns, street and hotel searches, and arrests of any suspect, citizens are urged to be vigilant and to report on any suspicious goings-on.
Romance fiction. --- korea. --- korean war. --- love story. --- north korea. --- south korea. --- spy story. --- LITERARY CRITICISM / General.
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"Is There God After Prince? is a book about loving things (books, songs, poems, people) in the shadow of looming disaster. Coviello's dazzling, highly personal essays address pieces of contemporary culture across an expansive range--songs by Prince, Joni Mitchell, SZA, and Phoebe Bridgers, writings by Sam Lipsyte, Paula Fox, Paul Beatty, and Dana Spiotta, movies like Heathers, TV shows like The Sopranos, as well as videos, poems, and other pop artefacts. Coviello places these artefacts back in the scenes where he first found them and traces what they did there, whether private (a kid's graduation, an aging parent, a divorce) or public (an election, a pandemic). Laced throughout is a queasy fascination with signs that so much is now coming to an end. It is on this terrain of endstrickenness, as Coviello calls it, that the book lingers, though it does so often in the mood of a startled joyousness, one that these pieces are at pains to understand. Cumulatively, Is There God After Prince? wants to be a model for what criticism can do--what it can sound like, how much sorrow and delight it can get into one place--in an era of Last Things"--
Popular culture --- Popular music --- History and criticism. --- cultural history, emotions, essays, lyrical, humor, romance, grief, friendship, movies, film criticism, love story, comedy, music, literature, relationships, art, songs, The Shining, sopranos, Joni Mitchell, Steely Dan, poems, novels.
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Goethe has long been enshrined as the greatest German poet, but his admirers have always been uneasy with the idea that he did not produce a great epic poem. A master in all the other genres and modes, it has been felt, should have done so. Arnd Bohm proposes that Goethe did compose an epic poem, which has been hidden in plain view: 'Faust.' Goethe saw that the Faust legends provided the stuff for a national epic: a German hero, a villain (Mephistopheles), a quest (to know all things), a sublime conflict (good versus evil), a love story (via Helen of Troy), and elasticity (all human knowledge could be accommodated by the plot). Bohm reveals the care with which Goethe draws upon such sources as Tasso, Ariosto, Dante, and Vergil. In the microcosm of the 'Auerbachs Keller' episode Faust has the opportunity to find 'what holds the world together in its essence' and to end his quest happily, but he fails. He forgets the future because he cannot remember what epic teaches. His course ends tragically, bringing him back to the origin of epic, as he replicates the Trojans' mistake of presuming to cheat the gods. Arnd Bohm is associate professor of English at Carleton University, Ottawa. Winner of the 2007 CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title Award.
Epic poetry, European --- European epic poetry --- European poetry --- History and criticism --- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, --- History and criticism. --- Cheating the gods. --- Elasticity. --- Epic poem. --- Epic. --- Faust legends. --- German hero. --- Goethe. --- Good versus evil. --- Helen of Troy. --- Knowledge. --- Love story. --- Mephistopheles. --- Trojans' mistake.
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"Briefly forays into the role of women filmmakers at the NFB in order to understand the political and aesthetic philosophies of Klein, and the production process for Not a Love Story."--Page 14
Pornography. --- Feminism. --- Documentary films --- Feminist films --- Feminist cinema --- Feminist motion pictures --- Women's liberation films --- Motion pictures --- Emancipation of women --- Feminist movement --- Women --- Women's lib --- Women's liberation --- Women's liberation movement --- Women's movement --- Social movements --- Anti-feminism --- Literature, Immoral --- Porn --- Porno --- Sex-oriented businesses --- Erotica --- History and criticism. --- Emancipation --- Klein, Bonnie Sherr. --- Not a love story (Motion picture) --- Sex industry
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"Intimate Geopolitics is a story about territory. The stories of love and marriage that play out in the book are caught up in and revealing of global processes, which define "insiders" and "outsiders" in relation to borders and national identity, through the regulation of marriage, intimacy, love, and children. In Ladakh, a culturally Tibetan region in India's Jammu and Kashmir state, 11,000 feet above sea level, and only a few hundred miles from the disputed Pakistan border, inter-religious marriages are informally banned today--bodies are understood as part of a struggle to manage future voting blocs, and thus, territory itself. Using the threat of Muslim population growth, Ladakhi Buddhist activists are encouraging Buddhist women to give up family planning and have as many children as possible, to guarantee a demographic future for Buddhists. Religious identity has been bound to a struggle to control the region through management of its demography one body at a time. When religion, population, and voting blocs are implicitly tied to territorial sovereignty, marriage across religious boundaries becomes a geopolitical problem. Smith argues that time--temporality--should be worked into our understanding of both marriage and territory to show that territory is alive and embodied, and that by attending to the life of territory and its temporal dimension, we gain a much richer and complex understanding of what it means to claim space, both for the present and the future. Demography is anything but abstract--it is the decisions and experiences that are most intimate: birth, marriage, movement across borders, and death. These sites are where geopolitical strategy is animated and made material"--
Geopolitique --- Geopolitics --- Religious identity. --- India. --- Inde --- India --- Moeurs et coutumes. --- Social life and customs. --- Anthropology, Women's Studies, Human Rights, Asian Studies, Political Science, social science, Sociology, Marriage, World, Asian, Regional Studies, Rural Human Geography, family, cultural, public policy, social policy, rural, birth, children, intimacy, Geopolitics, Kashmir State, love story, teenagers, religion, population, identity, northern India, future, threshold, intimate geopolitics. --- Religious identity
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In this new verse translation of one of the great works of French literature, Dorothy Gilbert captures the vivacity, wit, and grace of the first known Arthurian romance. Erec and Enide is the story of the quest and coming of age of a young knight, an illustrious member of Arthur's court, who must learn to balance the demands of a masculine public life-tests of courage, skill, adaptability, and mature judgment-with the equally urgent demands of the private world of love and marriage. We see his wife, Enide, develop as an exemplar of chivalry in the female, not as an Amazon, but as a brave, resolute, and wise woman. Composed ca. 1170, Erec and Enide masterfully combines elements of Celtic legend, classical and ecclesiastical learning, and French medieval culture and ideals.In choosing to write in rhymed octosyllabic couplets-Chrétien's prosodic pattern-Dorothy Gilbert has tried to reproduce what so often gets lost in prose or free verse translations: the precise and delicate meter; the rhyme, with its rich possibilities for emphasis, nuance, puns and jokes; and the "mantic power" implicit in proper names. The result will enable the scholar who cannot read Old French, the student of literature, and the general reader to gain a more sensitive and immediate understanding of the form and spirit of Chrétien's poetry, and to appreciate the more Chrétien's great contribution to European literature.
Arthurian romances. --- Erec (Legendary character) --- Romances --- Romances. --- Knights and knighthood --- 1170. --- academic. --- ancient world. --- arthurian romance. --- celtic legend. --- chivalry. --- classic literature. --- coming of age. --- courage. --- courtly romance. --- european literature. --- folklore. --- french literature. --- gender roles. --- jokes. --- king arthur. --- knight. --- knighthood. --- literary history. --- literary studies. --- love story. --- love. --- marriage. --- masculine. --- masculinity. --- medieval culture. --- medieval france. --- mythology. --- old french. --- poetry. --- puns. --- quest. --- scholarly. --- translation. --- womens roles. --- world literature.
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Thomas Mann's last major novel, 'Doktor Faustus,' revolves around the transformation of traditional German culture into Hitler's fascist Germany, a process that intrigues and confounds thinking people still today. Mann has always been considered an exemplary and authoritative portrayer of German culture, and his opinion on the rise of fascism carries considerable weight. Unfortunately, the novel has always been interpreted as saying the opposite of what it does in fact say. Frances Lee provides a radically new interpretation by relating in a detailed manner to the text of Doktor Faustus the arguments expressed by Mann in his 'Observations of a Non-Political Man' - a book of political essays published in 1918. This approach resolves many of the features that have been seen by critics as flaws or contradictions in the novel. Lee establishes what is actually happening in the novel in its historical setting, showing Mann's view of how the acceptance of fascism occurred and the determining role he attributed to the academic community in bringing about the disaster. Her book will be of interest to both amateur and professional students of Mann, particularly because it points to rich new directions for study. Frances Ann Ray Lee received the Ph.D. in German literature from the University of Toronto in 2005.
Mann, Thomas, --- Political and social views. --- マン・トオマス --- マン, トーマス --- Mann, Paul Thomas --- Mann, Thomas --- Man, Tomas, --- Man, Tʻomasŭ, --- Mān, Tūmās, --- Manas, Tomas, --- Mani, Tʻomas, --- Mann, Paul Thomas, --- Mann, Tomas, --- Mann, Tomasz, --- Thomas, Paul, --- Манн, Томас, --- מאן, תומאס --- מאן, תומאס, --- מאן, טאמאס --- מאן, טאמאס, --- מן, תומס --- מן, טומס --- מן, טומס, --- مان، توماس --- LITERARY CRITICISM / European / German. --- Academic community. --- Doktor Faustus. --- Faust legends. --- German culture. --- German hero. --- Good versus evil. --- Hitler's fascist Germany. --- Knowledge. --- Love story. --- Mephistopheles. --- National epic. --- Thomas Mann.
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Part human rights drama, part political thriller, part love story, this riveting narrative chronicles the disappearance of one woman as it tells the larger story of the past fifty years of violence and struggle for social justice and democracy, and U.S. intervention in Guatemala. Maritza Urrutia was abducted from a middle-class neighborhood while taking her son to school in 1992. To Save Her Life tells the story of her ordeal which included being interrogated in secret by army intelligence officers about her activities as part of a political opposition group. Chained to a bed, blindfolded, and deprived of sleep, Maritza was ultimately spared because her family was able to contact influential intermediaries, including author Dan Saxon, who was in Guatemala working for the Catholic Church's Human Rights Office. Here Saxon brings to life the web of players who achieved her release: the Church, the U.S. State Department, the U.S. Congress, numerous NGOs, guerrilla groups, politicians, students, and the media. Reaching back to 1954, when Maritza's grandparents were activists, the book is a study of the complex and often cruel politics of human rights, and its themes reverberate from Guatemala to Guantánamo to Iraq.
Human rights --- Political persecution --- Disappeared persons --- Desaparecidos --- Missing persons --- Victims of state-sponsored terrorism --- Guatemala --- United States --- ABŞ --- ABSh --- Ameerika Ühendriigid --- America (Republic) --- Amerika Birlăshmish Shtatlary --- Amerika Birlăşmi Ştatları --- Amerika Birlăşmiş Ştatları --- Amerika ka Kelenyalen Jamanaw --- Amerika Qūrama Shtattary --- Amerika Qŭshma Shtatlari --- Amerika Qushma Shtattary --- Amerika (Republic) --- Amerikai Egyesült Államok --- Amerikanʹ Veĭtʹsėndi︠a︡vks Shtattnė --- Amerikări Pĕrleshu̇llĕ Shtatsem --- Amerikas Forenede Stater --- Amerikayi Miatsʻyal Nahangner --- Ameriketako Estatu Batuak --- Amirika Carékat --- AQSh --- Ar. ha-B. --- Arhab --- Artsot ha-Berit --- Artzois Ha'bris --- Bí-kok --- Ē.P.A. --- EE.UU. --- Egyesült Államok --- ĒPA --- Estados Unidos --- Estados Unidos da América do Norte --- Estados Unidos de América --- Estaos Xuníos --- Estaos Xuníos d'América --- Estatos Unitos --- Estatos Unitos d'America --- Estats Units d'Amèrica --- Ètats-Unis d'Amèrica --- États-Unis d'Amérique --- Fareyniḳṭe Shṭaṭn --- Feriene Steaten --- Feriene Steaten fan Amearika --- Forente stater --- FS --- Hēnomenai Politeiai Amerikēs --- Hēnōmenes Politeies tēs Amerikēs --- Hiwsisayin Amerikayi Miatsʻeal Tērutʻiwnkʻ --- Istadus Unidus --- Jungtinės Amerikos valstybės --- Mei guo --- Mei-kuo --- Meiguo --- Mî-koet --- Miatsʻyal Nahangner --- Miguk --- Na Stàitean Aonaichte --- NSA --- S.U.A. --- SAD --- Saharat ʻAmērikā --- SASht --- Severo-Amerikanskie Shtaty --- Severo-Amerikanskie Soedinennye Shtaty --- Si︠e︡vero-Amerikanskīe Soedinennye Shtaty --- Sjedinjene Američke Države --- Soedinennye Shtaty Ameriki --- Soedinennye Shtaty Severnoĭ Ameriki --- Soedinennye Shtaty Si︠e︡vernoĭ Ameriki --- Spojené staty americké --- SShA --- Stadoù-Unanet Amerika --- Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá --- Stany Zjednoczone --- Stati Uniti --- Stati Uniti d'America --- Stâts Unîts --- Stâts Unîts di Americhe --- Steatyn Unnaneysit --- Steatyn Unnaneysit America --- SUA (Stati Uniti d'America) --- Sŭedineni amerikanski shtati --- Sŭedinenite shtati --- Tetã peteĩ reko Amérikagua --- U.S. --- U.S.A. --- United States of America --- Unol Daleithiau --- Unol Daleithiau America --- Unuiĝintaj Ŝtatoj de Ameriko --- US --- USA --- Usono --- Vaeinigte Staatn --- Vaeinigte Staatn vo Amerika --- Vereinigte Staaten --- Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika --- Verenigde State van Amerika --- Verenigde Staten --- VS --- VSA --- Wááshindoon Bikéyah Ałhidadiidzooígíí --- Wilāyāt al-Muttaḥidah --- Wilāyāt al-Muttaḥidah al-Amirīkīyah --- Wilāyāt al-Muttaḥidah al-Amrīkīyah --- Yhdysvallat --- Yunaeted Stet --- Yunaeted Stet blong Amerika --- ZDA --- Združene države Amerike --- Zʹi︠e︡dnani Derz︠h︡avy Ameryky --- Zjadnośone staty Ameriki --- Zluchanyi︠a︡ Shtaty Ameryki --- Zlucheni Derz︠h︡avy --- ZSA --- Η.Π.Α. --- Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες της Αμερικής --- Америка (Republic) --- Американь Вейтьсэндявкс Штаттнэ --- Америкӑри Пӗрлешӳллӗ Штатсем --- САЩ --- Съединените щати --- Злучаныя Штаты Амерыкі --- ولايات المتحدة --- ولايات المتّحدة الأمريكيّة --- ولايات المتحدة الامريكية --- 미국 --- Gvatemala --- Goatemala --- Republic of Guatemala --- República de Guatemala --- Central America (Federal Republic) --- Foreign relations --- Spojené obce severoamerické --- États-Unis --- É.-U. --- ÉU --- 20th century guatemalan history. --- 20th century latin american history. --- abduction. --- activism. --- american government. --- army intelligence. --- captivity. --- catholic church. --- dan saxon. --- democracy. --- disappearance. --- government and governing. --- guatemala. --- guerrilla groups. --- human rights activism. --- human rights office. --- human rights. --- humanity. --- interrogation. --- latin american history. --- love story. --- ngos. --- political opposition group. --- political. --- politics. --- social justice. --- struggle. --- torture. --- us congress. --- us intervention. --- us state department. --- violence.
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