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"More than 80% of patients with cancer will need the services of anesthesiology and perioperative medicine, intensive care medicine, and pain management specialists during their cancer journey for diagnostic, therapeutic, and symptom management needs, as well as for the management of recurrent disease, secondary cancers, and ongoing non-oncologic surgical needs during survivorship. Perioperative Care of the Cancer Patient is today's most up-to-date, authoritative, comprehensive reference on the acute care of surgical patients with cancer, from a team of international experts in this emerging and dynamic specialty."--
Cancer --- Perioperative Care. --- Patient Care --- Neoplasms --- Surgery. --- Patients --- Hospital care. --- surgery. --- Informal care --- Care, Patient --- Informal cares --- care, Informal --- cares, Informal --- Oncologic surgery --- Oncological surgery --- Surgical oncology --- Care, Perioperative --- Hospital care --- Excision --- Treatment --- Perioperative Care --- surgery
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Caregivers --- Older people --- Patient Care. --- Caregivers. --- Care --- Care. --- Eldercare --- Elder care --- Care givers --- Carers --- Family caregivers --- Home health caregivers --- Informal caregivers --- Volunteers --- Care Givers --- Family Caregivers --- Spouse Caregivers --- Care Giver --- Caregiver --- Caregiver, Family --- Caregiver, Spouse --- Caregivers, Family --- Caregivers, Spouse --- Carer --- Family Caregiver --- Spouse Caregiver --- Informal care --- Care, Patient --- Informal cares --- care, Informal --- cares, Informal --- Aged --- Aging people --- Elderly people --- Old people --- Older adults --- Older persons --- Senior citizens --- Seniors (Older people) --- Age groups --- Persons --- Gerontocracy --- Gerontology --- Old age --- Caregiver Burden
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Obesity --- Bariatric Surgery --- Patient Care --- Surgery --- Surgery. --- Adiposity --- Corpulence --- Fatness --- Overweight --- Body weight --- Metabolism --- Nutrition disorders --- Informal care --- Care, Patient --- Informal cares --- care, Informal --- cares, Informal --- Bariatric Surgeries --- Bariatric Surgical Procedures --- Metabolic Surgery --- Stomach Stapling --- Bariatric Surgical Procedure --- Metabolic Surgeries --- Procedure, Bariatric Surgical --- Procedures, Bariatric Surgical --- Stapling, Stomach --- Surgeries, Bariatric --- Surgeries, Metabolic --- Surgery, Bariatric --- Surgery, Metabolic --- Surgical Procedure, Bariatric --- Surgical Procedures, Bariatric --- Bariatric Medicine --- Bariatric surgery --- Weight loss surgery --- Disorders --- Bariatric Surgery. --- Patient Care.
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Medicine --- Nursing --- Dentistry --- Veterinary medicine --- Patient Care. --- Quality of Health Care. --- Education, Professional. --- Dentistry. --- Medicine. --- Nursing. --- Veterinary medicine. --- Farriery --- Large animal medicine --- Large animal veterinary medicine --- Livestock medicine --- Veterinary science --- Animal health --- Animals --- Domestic animals --- Livestock --- Clinical nursing --- Nurses and nursing --- Nursing process --- Care of the sick --- Clinical sciences --- Medical profession --- Human biology --- Life sciences --- Medical sciences --- Pathology --- Physicians --- Dental surgery --- Odontology --- Surgery, Dental --- Oral medicine --- Teeth --- Professional Education --- Pharmacy Audit --- Quality of Care --- Quality of Healthcare --- Audit, Pharmacy --- Care Quality --- Health Care Quality --- Healthcare Quality --- Pharmacy Audits --- Informal care --- Care, Patient --- Informal cares --- care, Informal --- cares, Informal --- Health Workforce --- Diseases --- Losses --- Human medicine --- nursing --- dentistry --- veterinary science --- medicine
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Bij de behandeling en begeleiding van mensen met kanker is er sinds het midden van de vorige eeuw een toenemende aandacht voor de sociale en psychische gevolgen van de ziekte. Psychosociale oncologie is dan ook een vakgebied dat sterk in ontwikkeling is. Er wordt volop onderzoek gedaan en geëxperimenteerd met nieuwe en effectieve behandelingen en therapieën. De nieuwste druk van 'Psychologische patiëntenzorg in de oncologie' bundelt bestaande kennis en recente nieuwe inzichten. Dat maakt het tot een uniek handboek en een naslagwerk dat professionals ondersteunt bij de dagelijkse psychosociale behandeling van patiënten met kanker.iPsychologische patiëntenzorg in de oncologie' is bedoeld voor alle professionals die te maken hebben met de psychosociale aspecten van kanker: psychologen, maatschappelijk werkenden, verpleegkundigen, huisartsen, medisch specialisten en paramedici. Dankzij de bijdragen van erkende onderzoekers en psychologen/psychotherapeuten heeft de redactie opnieuw een uniek en veelzijdig handboek samengesteld. De redactie wil daarmee bijdragen aan de verdere professionalisering van de beroepsgroep en de kennis bijeen brengen die van belang is voor complete en kwalitatief goede zorg aan patiënten. Door de combinatie van theorie en de vele praktijkvoorbeelden is het uitstekend geschikt bij de opleiding van professionals die met kankerpatiënten gaan werken.Deel 1: De achtergronden over onder andere epidemiologie, medische behandeling, genetische aspecten, gevolgen van en omgaan met de ziekte, existentiële aspecten, organisatie van zorg, het proces van sterven. Nieuw: communicatie met patiënten en hulpverleners, diversiteit binnen de zorg en ouderen met kanker.Deel 2: De algemene principes van psychosociale hulpverlening: screening, diagnostiek en behandeling vanuit verschillende psychotherapeutische kaders. Nieuw: experientiële therapie en E-Health.Deel 3: specifieke psychosociale problemen zoals vermoeidheid, pijn, seksualiteit, ontkenning, depressie en angst, agressie, boosheid, persoonlijkheidsstoornissen en organisch-psychiatrische factoren. Nieuw: Aanpassingsstoornissen, zorgmodellen en complementaire en alternatieve zorg.(bron:
Medical Oncology --- Psychology --- Patient Care --- Informal care --- Care, Patient --- Informal cares --- care, Informal --- cares, Informal --- Factors, Psychological --- Psychological Factors --- Psychological Side Effects --- Psychologists --- Psychosocial Factors --- Side Effects, Psychological --- Factor, Psychological --- Factor, Psychosocial --- Factors, Psychosocial --- Psychological Factor --- Psychological Side Effect --- Psychologist --- Psychosocial Factor --- Side Effect, Psychological --- Clinical Oncology --- Oncology, Medical --- Oncology, Clinical --- Oncology. Neoplasms --- kankerpatiënten --- kwaadaardige gezwellen --- patiëntenbegeleiding --- medische psychologie --- case management --- Social policy and particular groups --- oncologie --- kanker --- psychosociale hulpverlening --- coping --- patiëntenzorg --- Medical Oncology. --- PXL-Healthcare 2018 --- Oncologie --- Psychologie --- Gezondheidszorg --- Psycho-oncologie --- PXL-Ebooks 2019 --- Man --- Volwassene
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De groep mensen die kanker overleeft, of langer palliatieve zorg krijgt, wordt steeds groter. Dit komt door verbeterde screenings- en behandelmogelijkheden en vergrijzing. Kanker heeft niet alleen grote gevolgen voor de lichamelijke gezondheid, ook het psychosociaal functioneren van patiënten wordt vaak aangetast. De confrontatie met de ziekte kan daarnaast allerlei existentiële vragen oproepen. Psychosociale oncologie is daarom een essentieel onderdeel van de oncologische zorg. Het is een multidisciplinair veld met aandacht voor de rol van psychologische factoren bij preventie en screening, en voor de gevolgen van kanker op het functioneren van de persoon en zijn naasten.Deze herziene, vierde editie van het handboek "Psychologische patiëntenzorg in de oncologie" biedt professionals een overzicht van up-to-date wetenschappelijke inzichten en suggesties voor de behandeling van patiënten. Dat maakt het tot een uniek handboek voor professionals die werken met mensen met kanker. Door de combinatie van achtergrondkennis, theorie en de vele praktijkvoorbeelden is het boek ook heel geschikt om te gebruiken in de opleiding van deze professionals.Het boek bestaat uit vijf delen:Deel 1 geeft een beschrijving van de medische en psychosociale context van de oncologie. Aan bod komen de medische aspecten van de ziekte en behandeling, de epidemiologie, de communicatie tussen de patiënt en zorgverlener, palliatieve zorg en het proces van sterven.Deel 2 betreft het brede scala aan lichamelijke en psychosociale gevolgen die mensen met kanker kunnen ervaren. Een groep mensen met kanker lukt het om zich aan te passen aan de (gevolgen van) ziekte. Anderen ervaren problemen in de adaptatie en hebben behoefte aan en baat bij psychosociale behandeling en begeleiding. Er worden verschillende modellen aangereikt die gebruikt kunnen worden om de factoren die een rol spelen bij adaptatie te verhelderen.Deel 3 beschrijft de stappen in het zorgproces, vanaf het moment van het identificeren en diagnosticeren van psychosociale klachten tot aan behandeling. Dit wordt geschetst vanuit verschillende therapeutische kaders.Deel 4 gaat in op de verschillende levensfasen en cultuur. De impact van de ziekte bij kinderen, jongvolwassen en ouderen wordt beschreven, en tevens hoe ze het beste begeleid kunnen worden in het omgaan met de (gevolgen van) ziekte. Ook wordt de rol van culturele aspecten besproken bij adaptatie aan de (gevolgen van) ziekte.Deel 5 betreft capita selecta: specifieke onderwerpen die nog niet aan bod zijn gekomen, zoals seksualiteit en leefstijl, en ook andere vormen van zorg, inclusief eHealth, complementaire zorg, de rol van de huisarts en de eerstelijnszorg.
Medical Oncology --- Patient Care --- Psychology --- Factors, Psychological --- Psychological Factors --- Psychological Side Effects --- Psychologists --- Psychosocial Factors --- Side Effects, Psychological --- Factor, Psychological --- Factor, Psychosocial --- Factors, Psychosocial --- Psychological Factor --- Psychological Side Effect --- Psychologist --- Psychosocial Factor --- Side Effect, Psychological --- Informal care --- Care, Patient --- Informal cares --- care, Informal --- cares, Informal --- Clinical Oncology --- Oncology, Medical --- Oncology, Clinical --- migranten --- psychologie --- bejaarden --- cognitieve gedragstherapie --- kinderen --- ontkenning --- palliatieve zorgen --- patiënt-verpleegkundige relatie --- oncologie --- revalidatie --- seksualiteit --- angst --- arts-patiënt relatie --- kwaadaardige gezwellen --- vermoeidheid --- epidemiologie --- arts-patiënt-verpleegkundige relatie --- dood --- groepstherapie --- systeemtherapie --- psycho-educatie --- Kankerpatiënt --- Psychosociale hulpverlening --- kanker --- Oncology. Neoplasms --- patiëntenzorg
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Disease management --- Outcome assessment (Medical care) --- Patients --- Disease management. --- Patients. --- Behavioral Sciences --- Intelligence --- Patient Care --- Patient Participation --- Medical Communication. --- Assessment of outcome (Medical care) --- Outcome evaluation (Medical care) --- Outcome measures (Medical care) --- Outcomes assessment (Medical care) --- Outcomes measurement (Medical care) --- Outcomes research (Medical care) --- Patient outcome assessment --- Patient Activation --- Patient Empowerment --- Patient Engagement --- Patient Involvement --- Patient Participation Rates --- Activation, Patient --- Empowerment, Patient --- Engagement, Patient --- Involvement, Patient --- Participation Rate, Patient --- Participation Rates, Patient --- Participation, Patient --- Patient Participation Rate --- Informal care --- Care, Patient --- Informal cares --- care, Informal --- cares, Informal --- Proxemics --- Behavioral Science --- Proxemic --- Science, Behavioral --- Sciences, Behavioral --- patient behaviour --- patient information --- patient satisfaction --- decision support systems --- Persons --- Sick --- Medical care --- Clinical medicine --- Health services administration --- Refusal to Participate --- Evaluation --- Decision making --- Cost control --- Behavioral Sciences. --- Intelligence. --- Patient Care. --- Patient Participation. --- Human medicine --- Gestion thérapeutique --- Évaluation des résultats (Soins médicaux)
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Health services administration --- Medical care --- Health Services Administration. --- Patient Care. --- Marketing of Health Services. --- Health services administration. --- Marketing --- Marketing. --- Health administration --- Health care administration --- Health care management --- Health sciences administration --- Health services management --- Marketing Services, Health --- Marketing, Health Services --- Services, Health Marketing --- Health Services Marketing --- Health Marketing Service --- Health Marketing Services --- Marketing Service, Health --- Informal care --- Care, Patient --- Informal cares --- care, Informal --- cares, Informal --- Administration, Health Services --- Health Services --- Delivery of health care --- Delivery of medical care --- Health care --- Health care delivery --- Health services --- Healthcare --- Medical and health care industry --- Medical services --- Personal health services --- Administration --- Management --- organization & administration --- Health planning --- Public health administration --- Health Care Sector --- Public health --- Health Services Administration --- Patient Care --- Marketing of Health Services
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Obesity --- Bariatric Surgery. --- Patient Care. --- Nursing Care. --- Obésité --- Obésité morbide --- Surgery --- Chirurgie --- Soins infirmiers --- Surgery. --- Bariatric surgery --- Weight loss surgery --- Care, Nursing --- Management, Nursing Care --- Nursing Care Management --- Disease --- Patient Care --- Informal care --- Care, Patient --- Informal cares --- care, Informal --- cares, Informal --- Bariatric Surgeries --- Bariatric Surgical Procedures --- Metabolic Surgery --- Stomach Stapling --- Bariatric Surgical Procedure --- Metabolic Surgeries --- Procedure, Bariatric Surgical --- Procedures, Bariatric Surgical --- Stapling, Stomach --- Surgeries, Bariatric --- Surgeries, Metabolic --- Surgery, Bariatric --- Surgery, Metabolic --- Surgical Procedure, Bariatric --- Surgical Procedures, Bariatric --- Adiposity --- Corpulence --- Fatness --- Overweight --- nursing --- Bariatric Medicine --- Body weight --- Metabolism --- Nutrition disorders --- Disorders --- Bariatric Surgery --- nursing. --- Morbid obesity --- Medical care. --- Nursing. --- Nursing Care --- Soins médicaux. --- Soins infirmiers. --- nursing (health science) --- Nursing --- Clinical nursing --- Nurses and nursing --- Nursing process --- Care of the sick --- Medicine --- Delivery of health care --- Delivery of medical care --- Health care --- Health care delivery --- Health services --- Healthcare --- Medical and health care industry --- Medical services --- Personal health services --- Public health --- Human medicine
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"In what way is "care" a matter of "tinkering" ? Rather than presenting care as a (preferably "warm") relation between human beings, the various contributions to the volume give the material world (usually cast as "cold") a prominent place in their analysis. Thus, this book does not continue to oppose care and technology, but contributes to rethinking both in such a way that they can be analysed together. Technology is not cast as a functional tool, easy to control - it is shifting, changing, surprising and adaptable. In care practices all "things" are (and have to be) tinkered with persistently, knowledge is fluid, too. Rather than a set of general rules, the knowledges (in the plural) relevant to care practices are as adaptable and in need of adaptation as the technologies, the bodies, the people, and the daily lives invelved."
Caring --- Care of the sick. --- Nursing --- Spiritual care (Medical care). --- Care of sick animals --- Human-animal relationships. --- Medical technology. --- Caregivers --- Omvårdnad. --- Nursing. --- Philosophy. --- Psychology. --- Soins aux malades. --- Bienveillance. --- Technologie médicale. --- Technologie médicale. --- Humanitarianism --- Ethics --- Technology --- Medical ethics --- Patient Care --- Philosophy --- Professional Practice --- Human welfare --- Philanthropy --- Social welfare --- Charities --- Conduct of life --- Empathy --- Helping behavior --- Practice, Professional --- Practices, Professional --- Professional Practices --- Pharmacy Philosophy --- Philosophical Overview --- Hedonism --- Stoicism --- Overview, Philosophical --- Overviews, Philosophical --- Pharmacy Philosophies --- Philosophical Overviews --- Philosophies --- Philosophies, Pharmacy --- Philosophy, Pharmacy --- Informal care --- Care, Patient --- Informal cares --- care, Informal --- cares, Informal --- Biomedical ethics --- Clinical ethics --- Ethics, Medical --- Health care ethics --- Medical care --- Medicine --- Bioethics --- Professional ethics --- Nursing ethics --- Social medicine --- Technology and civilization --- Deontology --- Ethics, Primitive --- Ethology --- Moral philosophy --- Morality --- Morals --- Philosophy, Moral --- Science, Moral --- Values --- veterinary --- Moral and ethical aspects --- #SBIB:316.334.3M51 --- #SBIB:316.334.3M40 --- Organisatie van de gezondheidszorg: modellen van therapeutisch handelen --- Medische sociologie: zorgenverstrekkers, relatie met hulpvragers
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