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Beecroft, Vanessa --- 705.9 --- conceptuele kunst --- installaties --- videokunst --- kunst; algemeen ; beeldende kunst; algemeen ; 21e eeuw
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Keep/Delete encourages you to generate new keepsakes like this one, turning digital messages that are on the verge of being forgotten, deleted, outdated or even lost into something tangible; an artifact. Grab your old mobile phone and scroll through your current messages. Typically tied to specific people or particular moments in our lives, some messages want to be kept. Perhaps the last message from a friend who passed away, the first message from a grandparent still trying to figure out how to use predictive text, a cryptic love note or simply a well-timed message that was so appreciated at the time; these are the messages of Keep/Delete. As designers we have the ability to turn these sentences into visual substance; typographic structure that can exist as both digital and tangible form. As physical objects, these fragments of communication become personal artifact. In 2012, the project was gathered together in book form, highlighting the transformation of digital text-message into physical artefact. Designers submitted artifacts of a messages that were ‘wanting to be kept’, either from their own personal repository of messages or from their circle of friends and family. Along with these artifacts (across various types of media: eg. prints on paper, fabric, hand-lettered typography…) the book includes essays by designers that look critically at the ability for the graphic medium to archive the personal. -
MAD-faculty 13 --- grafisch design --- 705.9 --- typografie --- Wilkinson, Andrea --- kunst; algemeen ; beeldende kunst; algemeen ; 21e eeuw
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CAT Catalogues --- duplicates available 2013 --- art exhibitions --- art photography --- exhibition catalogues --- 705.9 --- Kosten, Niek --- Vrancken, Kristof --- Z33 --- kunst; algemeen ; beeldende kunst; algemeen ; 21e eeuw
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kunstfilosofie --- wetenschap --- psychologie --- Social psychology --- Art and science. --- Mathematics in art. --- Mathematics --- 705.9 --- conceptuele kunst --- kunst; algemeen ; beeldende kunst; algemeen ; 21e eeuw --- Art and science --- Mathematics in art --- Math --- Science --- Science and art
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Whether latched on to his pregnant wife's stomach, carrying an elephant on his back, or holding his father in an intimate embrace, Fabien Mérelle always presents himself in his drawings as the protagonist of an absurd surrealistic play. The French artist is known for the anatomical precision with which he draws his figures, the sea of white he surrounds them with, and the dream-like sequences he depicts. This book, a compilation of the best of his work until now, contains around a hundred drawings and four sculptures = Cramponné au ventre de sa femme enceinte, un éléphant appuyé sur le dos ou étreignant son père avec ferveur : dans ses dessins, Fabien Mérelle se présente lui-même dans le premier rôle d'une pièce de théâtre absurde et surréaliste. L'artiste français est connu pour la précision anatomique de ses figures, l'océan de blanc qui les entoure et les séquences oniriques qu'il inclut dans son travail. Ce livre réunit les points forts de son oeuvre à ce jour - avec une centaine de dessins et quatre sculptures.
Drawing --- Mérelle, Fabien --- tekenkunst --- conceptuele kunst --- 705.9 --- 737.9 --- Drawings --- Sketching --- Art --- Graphic arts --- Illustration of books --- Manual training --- kunst; algemeen ; beeldende kunst; algemeen ; 21e eeuw --- schilder- en tekenkunst, 21e eeuw, overige landen, kunstenaars afzonderlijk --- Mérelle, Fabien, --- Exhibitions
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"In this timely volume, artists and thinkers join in conversation around the topic of global migration, examining both its cultural impact and the culture of migration itself. Individual voices shed light on the societal transformations related to migration and its representation in 21st-century art, offering diverse points of entry into this massive phenomenon and its many manifestations. The featured artworks range from painting, sculpture, and photography to installation, video, and sound art, and their makers-including Isaac Julien, Richard Mosse, Reena Saini Kallat, Yinka Shonibare MBE, and Do Ho Suh, among many others-hail from around the world. Texts by experts in political science, Latin American studies, and human rights, as well as contemporary art, expand upon the political, economic, and social contexts of migration and its representation. The book also includes three conversations in which artists discuss the complexity of making work about migration. Amid worldwide tensions surrounding refugee crises and border security, this publication provides a nuanced interpretation of the current cultural moment. Intertwining themes of memory, home, activism, and more, When Home Won't Let You Stay meditates on how art both shapes and is shaped by the public discourse on migration."
Emigration and immigration in art --- Art, Modern --- Art and society --- 705.9 --- kunst --- Beeldende kunst --- hedendaagse kunst --- conceptuele kunst --- migratie --- Migranten --- 20e eeuw (twintigste eeuw) --- 21e eeuw (eenentwintigste eeuw) --- kunst; algemeen ; beeldende kunst; algemeen ; 21e eeuw --- Exhibitions
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La pratique diversifiée de Marianne Berenhaut (1934, Bruxelles) refuse d’être cataloguée. Elle s’étend dans toutes les directions, couvrant parfois tragique, lyrisme romantique, côté féministe critique, humour dada et juxtapositions imaginatives dignes du surré cela ne cesse de changer. À travers une curieuse combinaison d’images d’exposition, de documents d’archives inédits et d’essais nouvellement commandés, ce livre offre un aperçu des nombreuses vies des œuvres de Marianne Berenhaut. Elle s’écarte du contexte spécifique de son exposition personnelle 'Mine de rien' au CIAP et C-mine à Genk, au tournant 2021 et 2022, pour arriver à des moments et des lieux différents. Qu’il s’agisse d’une tournée avec une troupe de théâtre, d’une assemblée féministe ou d’un parc public, ses œuvres ont toujours été proches de la vie quotidienne, comme si elles revenaient aux lieux mêmes d’où elles sont originaires.
kunst --- 7.071 BERENHAUT --- Berenhaut Marianne --- België --- installaties --- beeldhouwkunst --- assemblages --- assemblage --- twintigste eeuw --- eenentwintigste eeuw --- 705.9 --- kunstenaars --- 20e eeuw (twintigste eeuw) --- 21e eeuw (eenentwintigste eeuw) --- Beeldende kunst --- kunst; algemeen ; beeldende kunst; algemeen ; 21e eeuw --- Berenhaut, Marianne
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A major figure in contemporary art, John Baldessari is widely considered one of the most influential artists to emerge since the mid-1960s. From his text-and-image paintings of the 1960s to his more recent photo collages and installations, Baldessari has continued to make art that addresses the social and cultural impact of mass culture, often playfully through strategies of appropriation and deconstruction. Baldessari's lifelong interest in language, written and visual, and the interaction between the two, raises questions about the nature of communication and perception. More than 150 of Baldessari's works are presented in full colour in this monograph published in conjunction with a major exhibition at Tate Modern and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Eleven essays by critics, curators, art historians and former students round off this volume. Few contemporary artists have achieved the range and relevance of Baldessari's oeuvre, which is finally given its due in this beautiful and elegant limited edition, including a fold-out poster designed specially for this hardback volume by John Baldessari.
Baldessari, John --- Baldessari, John, --- (069) --- 7.07 --- Baldessari, John °1931 (National City, California, Verenigde Staten) --- Beeld en woord ; beeld en tekst --- Beeldende kunst ; fotografie ; 1962-2008 ; J. Baldessari --- Conceptuele kunst --- Narratieve kunst --- Tentoonstellingscatalogi ; Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) --- 7.071 BALDESSARI --- Baldessari John --- Verenigde Staten --- concept art --- conceptuele kunst --- film --- fotografie --- kunst --- schilderkunst --- twintigste eeuw --- 705.9 --- (Musea. Collecties) --- Kunstenaars met verschillende disciplines, niet traditioneel klasseerbare, conceptuele kunstenaars A - Z --- kunst; algemeen ; beeldende kunst; algemeen ; 21e eeuw --- Exhibitions --- Baldesari, G'on, --- בלדסארי, ג׳ון --- departement Beeldende Kunst 10 --- hedendaagse kunstenaars --- Baldessari, John, - 1931 --- -705.9 --- -Baldessari, John, - 1931 --- -Baldessari, John, --- -Baldessari, John --- -Baldessari, John, - 1931-
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When Marcel Duchamp shipped Constantin Brancusi's sculpture Bird in Space to Edward Steichen in 1926, New York customs officials refused to accept that it was a work of art, instead levying the standard import tariff for a manufactured object. A legal battle ensued, with the courts eventually declaring Bird in Space an artwork and therefore exempt from the tariff. Seventy-eight years later, visitors to Simon Starling's exhibition at New York's Casey Kaplan Gallery were confronted with Staling's own Bird in Space (2004): a two-ton slab of steel from Romania (Brancusi's country of origin) leaning against the gallery wall and propped up on three inflatable cushions. The United States had recently introduced a new import tax of twenty per cent on foreign metals, which Starling circumvented by labelling this unaltered chunk of European steel a work of art. Its plinth of cushioned air not only introduced a second, more representational valance to the work but also brought to bear the traditional sculptural parameters of weight, gravity and balance. Starling's art frequently traffics in deception. It also traffics in traffic, meaning the circulation of goods, knowledge and people (usually the artist himself). Many of his works circle back on themselves, taking an idea on a journey that ends at its point of origin. Wilhelm Noack oHG (2006), for example, is an elaborate helical steel structure designed to loop a thirty-five-millimetre film of the workshop in which it was fabricated. The circuitous path that the film takes through the towering metal structure is the perfect visual metaphor for the work's own circular logic, a self-regulating system that adds up to much more than the sum of its parts. Starling is a key figure in one of contemporary art's most significant recent developments: the linking of artistic practice and knowledge production. Although this tendency flourished with Conceptual art in the 1960s and 1970s, in recent years it has taken on a new intensity. Unlike the Conceptual artists, however, many of whom strove for a language-based dematerialized art, for Starling the object is always at the work's heart. Economies, ecologies, coincidences and convergences are all simply means to an end - although 'simply' may be the wrong word to describe the transformation of thousands of miles of travel and hundreds of years of history into a single sculpture, film or photograph. Starling's other predecessors are the Land artists, such as Robert Smithson, with whom he shares a fascination with entropy and other natural forces. But he is truly an artist of the current age, setting out to understand and illustrate the complex processes through which the natural and human-made realms interact. The five platinum/palladium prints that constitute One Ton (2005) show a single view of a South African platinum mine. Together the five prints contain the precise amount of platinum salts that can be derived from one ton of ore, succinctly illustrating the enormous amount of energy required in the extraction of precious metals.
Starling, Simon, --- Criticism and interpretation. --- 7.039 --- 7.07 --- Beeldende kunst ; 1990-2012 ; Simon Starling --- Beeldhouwkunst ; installaties ; film ; 21ste eeuw --- Conceptuele experimenten --- Omgevingskunst --- Starling, Simon °1967 (°Epsom, Surrey, Groot-Brittannië) --- 7.071 STARLING --- Groot-Brittannië --- beeldhouwkunst --- concept art --- conceptuele kunst --- eenentwintigste eeuw --- film --- fotografie --- kunst --- land art --- twintigste eeuw --- 705.9 --- Starling, Simon --- Kunstgeschiedenis ; 2000 - 2050 --- Kunstenaars met verschillende disciplines, niet traditioneel klasseerbare, conceptuele kunstenaars A - Z --- kunst; algemeen ; beeldende kunst; algemeen ; 21e eeuw --- kunstgeschiedenis, 21e eeuw --- Starling, Simon, - 1967 --- -Starling, Simon, --- -705.9 --- -Starling, Simon, - 1967 --- -Starling, Simon, - 1967-
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Ai Weiwei ist der bekannteste chinesische Künstler, regimekritische Dissident der Gegenwart und ein Multitalent: Seine evident politischen Botschaften vermittelt er in Plastiken, Installationen, Fotos, Filmen, Büchern und seit dem er nicht mehr ins Ausland reisen darf verstärkt über Twitter. Der Berliner Martin-Gropius-Bau zeigt in der bisher größten Einzelausstellung des Künstlers Arbeiten, die noch nie in Deutschland zu sehen waren. Ai Weiwei bespielt mit seinen Werken das gesamte, ca. 3000 Quadratmeter umfassende Erdgeschoss des Ausstellungsgebäudes. Für jeden der 20 Räume sowie den Lichthof entwickelt er eine eigene Komposition, mehr als die Hälfte der Werke entsteht direkt für die Berliner Schau. In kurzen Einführungen zum Tafelteil vermittelt der Künstler seine persönliche Sicht auf die Kunstwerke. Für den vorliegenden Band werden diese Werke eigens aufgenommen und präsentieren zusammen mit den fundierten Texten der wichtigsten Kenner des _uvres von Ai Weiwei einen umfassenden Überblick über das ebenso faszinierende wie berührende Schaffen des "chinesischsten aller Künstler, die wir aus China kennen", wie ihn Gereon Sievernich, Direktor des Martin-Gropius-Baus, charakterisiert.
politics --- sculpting --- installations [visual works] --- kunst --- art [fine art] --- photography [process] --- video recordings --- Ai Weiwei --- Art, Chinese --- 705.9 --- Weiwei, Ai --- conceptuele kunst --- performance --- China --- kunst; algemeen ; beeldende kunst; algemeen ; 21e eeuw --- Ai, Weiwei --- Ai, Wei Wei --- 艾未未 --- Weiwei, Ai, --- Wei Wei, Ai --- ai, wei wei --- video recordings [physical artifacts] --- art [discipline] --- social criticism
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