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De belangrijkste begrippen en methoden uit de analyse van functies van één variabele en de analytische vlakke meetkunde. Hier gebracht als een samenhangend geheel.
Analyse (wiskunde). --- Analytische meetkunde. --- Analyse (wiskunde) --- Meetkunde
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Cet ouvrage regroupe l'analyse enseignée dans l'année L2 de licence de mathématiques, depuis les intégrales généralisées jusqu'aux séries entières, sans tomber dans une abstraction trop théorique, car l'auteur a souhaité rester très proche du lecteur. Un résumé des prérequis de l'analyse, de l'année L1 de licence, situé en début d'ouvrage, permet à l'étudiant de vérifier ses connaissances préalables. Les séries entières peuvent être abordées sans aucune connaissance de la convergence uniforme, les démonstrations étant faites par des majorations directes. Certaines parties peuvent être admises en première lecture sans nuire à une bonne assimilation des notions nouvelles. La délicate notion de borne supérieure est rappelée en début de volume, mais elle est utilisée avec parcimonie. À la fin de chacun des chapitres concernés, une liste récapitulative des techniques permet d'avoir une vue synthétique et ordonnée des tests à effectuer pour l'étude des convergences d'intégrales et de séries.Chaque notion nouvelle est illustrée par de très nombreux exemples détaillés. Le livre contient environ 60 % de cours et 40 % d'exercices soigneusement corrigés, permettant au lecteur de s'assurer de la bonne assimilation du contenu enseigné.
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De analyse speelt een rol in bijna alle toepassingen van de wiskunde. Deze tekst, die voor beginnende studenten is geschreven, legt de nadruk op zowel begrip van de analyse als technische vaardigheid. Zo komt convergentie aan de orde, differentiatie en integratie worden behandeld, maar ook volledige inductie en het rekenen met rijen. De stof reikt tot differentiatie en integratie van functies van twee veranderlijken. In de laatste paragrafen wordt opnieuw aandacht geschonken aan de grondslagen. Vele historische intermezzo's brengen de noodzakelijke culturele achtergrond aan die hoort bij de beoefening van het vak wiskunde. Dit boek is ontstaan uit jarenlange ervaring met het geven van colleges analyse. De tekst kan worden gebruikt voor zelfstudie door de uitvoerige uitleg en het gevoel voor de problemen dat bijgebracht wordt. De didactische stijl is verbonden met de precisie die voor het vak nodig is, maar de lezer kan de tekst bestuderen zonder te bekeeuwen. De uitvoerige behandeling van rijen en reeksen maakt het boek ook geschikt voor studenten informatica.
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Logical thinking, the analysis of complex relationships, the recognition of und- lying simple structures which are common to a multitude of problems these are the skills which are needed to do mathematics, and their development is the main goal of mathematics education. Of course, these skills cannot be learned in a vacuum'. Only a continuous struggle with concrete problems and a striving for deep understanding leads to success. A good measure of abstraction is needed to allow one to concentrate on the essential, without being distracted by appearances and irrelevancies. The present book strives for clarity and transparency. Right from the beg- ning, it requires from the reader a willingness to deal with abstract concepts, as well as a considerable measure of self-initiative. For these e?orts, the reader will be richly rewarded in his or her mathematical thinking abilities, and will possess the foundation needed for a deeper penetration into mathematics and its applications. Thisbookisthe?rstvolumeofathreevolumeintroductiontoanalysis.It- veloped from courses that the authors have taught over the last twenty six years at theUniversitiesofBochum,Kiel,Zurich,BaselandKassel.Sincewehopethatthis book will be used also for self-study and supplementary reading, we have included far more material than can be covered in a three semester sequence. This allows us to provide a wide overview of the subject and to present the many beautiful and important applications of the theory. We also demonstrate that mathematics possesses, not only elegance and inner beauty, but also provides e?cient methods for the solution of concrete problems.
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This book is composed of three survey lecture courses and nineteen invited research papers presented to WOAT 2006 - the International Summer School and Workshop on Operator Algebras, Operator Theory and Applications, which was held at Lisbon in September 2006. The volume reflects recent developments in the area of operator algebras and their interaction with research fields in complex analysis and operator theory. The lecture courses are: Subalgebras of Graph C*-algebras, by Stephen Power: An introduction to two classes of non-selfadjoint operator algebras, the generalized analytic Toeplitz algebras associated with the Fock space of a graph and subalgebras of graph C*-algebras; C*-algebras and asymptotic spectral theory, by Bernd Silbermann: Three topics on numerical functional analysis that are the cornerstones in asymptotic spectral theory: stability, fractality and Fredholmness; Toeplitz operator algebras and complex analysis, by Harald Upmeier: A survey concerning Hilbert spaces of holomorphic functions on Hermitian symmetric domains of arbitrary rank and dimension, in relation to operator theory, harmonic analysis and quantization.
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This comprehensive yet concise book deals with nonlocal elliptic differential operators, whose coefficients involve shifts generated by diffeomorophisms of the manifold on which the operators are defined. The main goal of the study is to relate analytical invariants (in particular, the index) of such elliptic operators to topological invariants of the manifold itself. This problem can be solved by modern methods of noncommutative geometry. This is the first and so far the only book featuring a consistent application of methods of noncommutative geometry to the index problem in the theory of nonlocal elliptic operators. Although the book provides important results, which are in a sense definitive, on the above-mentioned topic, it contains all the necessary preliminary material, such as C*-algebras and their K-theory or cyclic homology. Thus the material is accessible for undergraduate students of mathematics (third year and beyond). It is also undoubtedly of interest for post-graduate students and scientists specializing in geometry, the theory of differential equations, functional analysis, etc. The book can serve as a good introduction to noncommutative geometry, which is one of the most powerful modern tools for studying a wide range of problems in mathematics and theoretical physics.
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Mathematical Analysis: Foundations and Advanced Techniques for Functions of Several Variables builds upon the basic ideas and techniques of differential and integral calculus for functions of several variables, as outlined in an earlier introductory volume. The presentation is largely focused on the foundations of measure and integration theory. The book begins with a discussion of the geometry of Hilbert spaces, convex functions and domains, and differential forms, particularly k-forms. The exposition continues with an introduction to the calculus of variations with applications to geometric optics and mechanics. The authors conclude with the study of measure and integration theory - Borel, Radon, and Hausdorff measures and the derivation of measures. An appendix highlights important mathematicians and other scientists whose contributions have made a great impact on the development of theories in analysis. This work may be used as a supplementary text in the classroom or for self-study by advanced undergraduate and graduate students and as a valuable reference for researchers in mathematics, physics, and engineering. One of the key strengths of this presentation, along with the other four books on analysis published by the authors, is the motivation for understanding the subject through examples, observations, exercises, and illustrations. Other books published by the authors - all of which provide the reader with a strong foundation in modern-day analysis - include: * Mathematical Analysis: Functions of One Variable * Mathematical Analysis: Approximation and Discrete Processes * Mathematical Analysis: Linear and Metric Structures and Continuity * Mathematical Analysis: An Introduction to Functions of Several Variables Reviews of previous volumes of Mathematical Analysis: The presentation of the theory is clearly arranged, all theorems have rigorous proofs, and every chapter closes with a summing up of the results and exercises with different requirements. . . . This book is excellently suitable for students in mathematics, physics, engineering, computer science and all students of technological and scientific faculties. Journal of Analysis and its Applications The exposition requires only a sound knowledge of calculus and the functions of one variable. A key feature of this lively yet rigorous and systematic treatment is the historical accounts of ideas and methods of the subject. Ideas in mathematics develop in cultural, historical and economical contexts, thus the authors made brief accounts of those aspects and used a large number of beautiful illustrations. Zentralblatt MATH
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