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Partnerstwo publiczno-prywatne - dzieląc się wiedzą i doświadczeniem
ISBN: 8382207561 8382207553 Year: 2021 Publisher: Łódź : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Lódzkiego (University of Lodz Publisher),

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"Monografia "Partnerstwo publiczno-prywatne - dzieląc się wiedzą i doświadczeniem" jest jednym z głosów w prowadzonej od lat dyskusji na temat możliwości wykorzystania potencjału PPP w Polsce. Pomimo oficjalnych zapewnień o popieraniu tego rozwiązania, formuła PPP nie stała się popularna, jej stosowanie rodzi bowiem wiele trudności i wymaga wyspecjalizowanej wiedzy. Publikacja ta jest skierowana do szerokiego kręgu odbiorców, zarówno profesjonalnie zajmujących się problematyką współpracy podmiotów publicznych i prywatnych, rozwoju infrastruktury, zarządzania miastem i rewitalizacji, jak i najważniejszych interesariuszy tych procesów oraz mechanizmów rynku - użytkowników i odbiorców. Pomimo upływu wielu lat od rozpoczęcia implementacji szeroko pojętego PPP w Polsce wydaje się, że dla niektórych podmiotów to wciąż nowa instytucja, natomiast dla tych, którzy mają już doświadczenie na tym polu, zmieniające się rozwiązania prawne, a także czynniki społeczne, gospodarcze i środowiskowe kreują nowe warunki, które wymagają dalszych badań i analiz. Wiedza teoretyczna oraz płynąca zarówno z pozytywnych, jak i negatywnych doświadczeń stanowi niezbędny element upowszechniania wykorzystania formuły PPP."--

Public private partnership contracts : the Middle East and North Africa
ISBN: 1138343439 9781138343436 Year: 2020 Publisher: Abingdon: Routledge,

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"This book provides a comprehensive overview of the law surrounding PPPs in the Middle East and North African region. The significance of liberalised and integrated Public Private Partnership Contracts as an essential component of the world legal and policy order is well documented. The regulation of PPPs is justified economically to allow for competition in the relevant public service and to achieve price transparency, thus resulting in significant savings for the public sector. In parallel to the economic justifications, legal imperatives have also called for the regulation of PPPs in order to allow free movement of goods and services and to prohibit discrimination on grounds of nationality. The need for competitiveness and transparency in delivering public services through PPPs is considered a safeguard to achieve international standards in delivering public utility services. First, it assesses the compatibility of the current PPPs legislation and regulation in the MENA region with the international standards of legislation and regulation prevalent in many other countries, including the UK, France and Brazil. Secondly, it compares the practices in the MENA region with those of international bodies such as the OECD and World Bank. Comparisons are then made between the MENA countries and those in Europe and Asia with regard to the influence of culture, policy and legal globalization. The book will be of interest to scholars and students in the field of international contract law, public law and state contracts, finance law and private law"

Public private partnerships : governing common interests
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781789903720 1789903726 Year: 2020 Publisher: Cheltenham: Elgar,

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This insightful book critically examines the phenomenon of public private partnerships (PPPs) through a global, theoretical, lens. It considers the reasons for merging private entities and public administration, as well as the processes and consequences of doing so. The benefits for the community as well as the radical changes in the principles and modalities of administrative activity are theorized and discussed.The authors position co-responsibility and a bottom-up approach as new routes of administrative action, showing how the dynamism and energy of both communities and administrations can come together in an effective way. The key concept of the analysis is 'governing common interests'. It reveals a revolutionary change in the traditional approach to 'public interest', as a result of the emerging role of the private sector in interpreting and taking care of the community's need. Chapters provide systematic analysis of the central ideas for governing common interests through PPPs, with reference to cases and legislation, showing the advantages, the reasons and the forms of application in national and international contexts, and the differentiation from similar models.Setting PPPs in a clear and consistent theoretical framework, this informative book will be of value to academics and students of public administrative and constitutional law, whilst also appealing to both policy makers and public officials.

La Business Academy Bexley : Une école britannique à financement semi-privé
Year: 2004 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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La Business Academy Bexley est l'un des premiers établissements d'État autonomes spécialisés fonctionnant en Europe avec des financements mixtes. Elle s'inscrit dans la nouvelle démarche adoptée par le Royaume-Uni pour relever le niveau éducatif dans les zones socialement et scolairement défavorisées. L'établissement a été conçu pour faciliter l'intégration des élèves et de la population locale et améliorer le processus d'apprentissage.

Les partenariats public-privé
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 270716285X Year: 2006 Publisher: Paris (9bis, rue Abel Hovelacque 75013) : La Découverte,

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Pratique ancienne, notamment en France, le partenariat public-privé désigne aujourd'hui une nouvelle forme de contrats publics fondée sur des techniques de financement venues du secteur privé et un partage optimisé des risques. Cette nouvelle génération de contrats est étroitement liée au « nouveau management public », qui promeut la gestion par la performance. Introduits en France sous la forme des contrats de partenariat créés en juin 2004, les « PPP » suscitent des interrogations quant à leur efficacité économique et sociale. Cet ouvrage aborde les différentes dimensions, économiques, juridiques et organisationnelles des partenariats public-privé, en les illustrant d'exemples récents et de nombreuses comparaisons internationales.

Public-Private Partnerships for Sustainable Development
Year: 2019 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute,

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Voluntary sustainability standards (VSS) and other private governance instruments (e.g., Fair Trade, Forest Stewardship Council, Fair Wear Foundation, GLOBALGAP) are increasingly regulating global production processes and economic activities. VSS verify the compliance of products or production processes with sustainability standards. The importance of voluntary sustainability standards is now widely recognized. After being operational for more than two decades, they have established themselves as private governance instruments. This recognition is also exemplified by their integration in public regulatory approaches. Governments and international organizations are partnering with voluntary sustainability standards to pursue sustainable development policies. We witness the integration of VSS in the regulatory approaches of local and national governments in countries around the world, the integration of VSS in trade policies, the emergence of public-private initiatives to govern global supply chains, and the inclusion of private initiatives in experimentalist governance regimes. This Special Issue seeks to bring together research on the interface between private and public governance. We welcome contributions which analyze specific case studies on the emergence and development of these private-public interactions, the design of public-private governance, the effectiveness of these governance arrangements, and critical perspectives on the possibilities and limitations of such public-private forms of governance. We welcome multi-disciplinary perspectives including contributions from economics, political science, law, sociology, geography, and anthropology. Papers selected for this Special Issue are subject to a peer review procedure with the aim of rapid and wide dissemination of research results, developments, and applications.

Where Do We Stand on Transport Infrastructure Deregulation and Public-Private Partnership?
Authors: ---
Year: 2004 Publisher: Washington, DC : World Bank,

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The evolution of transport public-private partnerships (PPPs) in industrial and developing countries since the early 1990s seems to be following a similar path: private initiatives work for a while, but after a shock to the sector takes place, the public sector returns as regulator, owner, or financier. After a while the public sector runs into problems and eventually finds a hybrid solution to ensure the survival of the sector. Estache and Serebrisky review the effectiveness of transport infrastructure deregulation from three angles: efficiency, fiscal, and users' viewpoint. They emphasize the difficulties and strong political commitments required to make the reforms sustainable and argue that governments willing to make corrections to the reform path are faced with the need to address recurrent and emerging issues in transport systems: tariff structure, quality (timetable, safety, and environment), access rules for captive shippers, the trend toward rebundling and decrease in intrasectoral competition, multimodalism, and the stimulus through yardstick competition. This paper--a product of the Finance and Private Sector Development Division, World Bank Institute--is part of a larger effort in the institute to increase the understanding of infrastructure regulation.

Creating Markets In Namibia : Creating Resilient and Inclusive Markets - Country Private Sector Diagnostic
Year: 2022 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : World Bank,

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Since achieving independence in 1990, Namibia's remarkable growth has been fueled by foreign direct investment and enabled by prudent economic management. Since 2016, however, growth has declined steadily and the economy fell into recession, exposing the vulnerability of Namibia's economic growth model to external and climate shocks. These challenges were exacerbated by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, an economic slowdown in neighboring South Africa, worsening terms of trade on the back of declining global demand and commodity prices, a decline in Southern African Customs Union (SACU) revenues, and the effects of crippling droughts on agricultural and industrial production. Namibia has very high levels of poverty and inequality, which are largely driven by high levels of unemployment. The primary objective of this Country Private Sector Diagnostic (CPSD) is to identify near and medium-term reform opportunities to revitalize the private sector and help reposition Namibia's growth on a green, resilient, and inclusive trajectory. This CPSD explores priority reform opportunities to address five cross-cutting bottlenecks: (1) enhancing the role and performance of the state-owned enterprise (SOE) sector through a more effective competition policy environment; (2) strengthening implementation of the public-private partnership (PPP) framework to expand private investments, especially in infrastructure; (3) leveraging the potential for digital transformation of the economy; (4) addressing inefficiencies in logistics and trade facilitation; and (5) tapping opportunities in the water sector for green and resilient growth. The diagnostic then looks in depth at three sectors prioritized by the Namibian government - renewable energy, climate-smart agribusiness, and housing, and provides recommendations for reducing sector-specific bottlenecks to stimulate growth potential.

Built environment project and asset management : public private partnerships : potentials, prospects, pitfalls and precautions
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 1838675523 Year: 2019 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : Emerald Publishing,

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Public-Private Partnership Monitor--Kazakhstan.
ISBN: 9292699792 Year: 2022 Publisher: Manila : Asian Development Bank Institute,

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