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Le plan ou l'anti-hasard
Year: 1965 Publisher: Paris : Gallimard,

Veille et gestion des connaissances: mise en place de mécanismes de collecte et d'échange d'informations
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Nowadays, the environment in which companies are evolving becomes more and more complex and volatile. In this continuously changing context, information comes from everywhere and managers have to learn how to organize and take advantage of this resource. Strategic Intelligence provides part of the answer to executives on how to plan their environmental scanning and information collection activities, but also on how to manage all workers’ knowledge. 
In this context, the company Eloy shows its willingness to engage in intelligence activities. This need is currently emphasized by the deep changes undergone by the company and its management. 
After a brief presentation of the context, this report aims at defining and satisfying the managers’ need in terms of information. To this end, the intelligence cycle has been followed and applied to the company Eloy. The needs have been first determined. The sources of information have been identified internally and externally. Then, the external information have been collected, analyzed and finally formatted. Based on this work, the suitable outputs were selected: information reports and dashboards. Simultaneously, solutions in terms of internal knowledge management have been considered over the short, medium and long term. Over time, it is recommended to the company to invest in new IT solutions, namely CRM software. 
This report solely concerns the company Eloy in the specific context of this project thesis. The considered solutions take into account the specificities and limitations inherent in the company’s organizational resources.

Master thesis : "New business modelling for the emerging market of electric vehicles within Europe."
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Road transportation accounts for almost one-quarter of Europe’s total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Cut those by 10% year on year, and Europe stands a very good chance of meeting its 2030 GHG emissions target, paving the way to a 90% reduction in transport-related GHG emissions by 2050.
E-mobility, fed by carbon-neutral and renewable energy, can get us there. Customers, whether private or corporate, can begin to understand the value of an EV over an internal combustion engine (ICE) equivalent. Supporting ecosystem will grow up alongside EV rollout. It will unlock significant commercial value for the earliest movers that participate in e-mobility and actively facilitate the customer transition to electric.(Colle Serge (EY Global Power & utilities Leader et al., 2020)
Of one thing we can be certain: the evolution towards electro mobility will be a revolution. Imagining the needs of tomorrow means taking into account multiple factors regarding energy, the environment, socio-economics, politics and technology, in a context of social transformation that stretches far beyond the automotive industry.
The study of alliances and new partnerships in the automotive industry shows that the traditional economic model of this sector is down and new business models must accompany this change of paradigm. The future mobility ecosystem that is emerging is complex and requires ambidextrous positioning. The story of electro mobility is being written day by day. The automotive industry is undergoing a profound transformation with the arrival of new types of vehicles, services, requirements and uses that break away from the traditional model of cars. The very nature of mobility is changing. (Danielle Attias, 2017) 
How should a traditional automotive aftermarket supplier react to these changing events. Fear of what is to come is always a bad counselor, waiting for things to happen might result in missing the window of opportunity and some minor changes in the margin might just not be enough. 
Is it worthwhile to remodel your business and how exactly, given the context, could this look like ?

How is reputation created and managed through strategic intelligence ? Case study : an examination of mechanism and strategy on hotels in the area of Spa
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Reputation is described as the most relevant asset in a company (Helm, 2011). Liehr-Gobbers and Storck (2011) adds that reputation has become a prerequisite to achieve organizational success. In the case of hotels, reputation grew in important over the recent years.
This thesis intends to demonstrate how reputation is created and managed through strategic intelligence. The objective is to answer to two research questions based on case studies, on hotels in the area of Spa, in order to demonstrate how to work on reputation through the tool that is strategic intelligence composed of this three pillars. Moreover, the two research questions were also answered with the help of a quantitative study, oriented towards customer sounding.
The two research questions are:
1. To what extent is strategic intelligence used by hotels to create their reputation?
2. To what extent is strategic intelligence used by hotels to manage their reputation?
In order to answer the second question, three hypothesis will be created.
Hypothesis 1: Scanning allows an increased knowledge of the image of the hotel which allows to maintain and improve the level of the hotel.
Hypothesis 2: Sharing knowledge maintains competition and pushes hotels to innovate on certain criteria valued by the customers and thus improves their reputation.
Hypothesis 3: Formal hotel communication builds loyalty among existing customers and brings in new ones that maintain reputation through informal communication.
The third part, results, will analyse a case study of three hotels, different in their type (rank, independent or hotel chain). Through interviews, it has been possible to demonstrate the way everyone works in front of reputation but above all through strategic intelligence and its three pillars.
In the fourth and last part, discussion, a quantitative study will be conducted in order to collect data from the customer perception. All this information will be used to support the answers to the various hypotheses and thus to demonstrate them from an external point of view, independently from the three hotels studied before.

Iuris tantum.
ISSN: 20070500 25941879 Year: 1995 Publisher: Huixquilucan, Estado de México : Universidad Anáhuac México,

Performance management : van prestatiemeting naar prestatiemanagement door de toepassing van analytische intelligentie
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789020976977 Year: 2008 Publisher: Leuven LannooCampus

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1. Behoefte aan een gestructureerde aanpak van kwantitatieve beleidsondersteuning ? - 2. Performance management-raamwerk - 3. Strategie - 4. Planning en budgettering - 5. Performance monitoring met behulp van de balanced scorecard - 6. Dashboards - 7. Geografische Informatie Systemen : beter GIS-sen dan missen - 8. Online analytical processing - 9. Rapportering - 10. Het vertalen van bedrijfsvraagstukken naar gegevensverwerking - 11. Data warehousing - 12. Extractie, transformatie, loading - 13. Performance management in de organisatie - 14. Naar een beter zicht op de toekomst, door een beter begrip van het heden op basis van inzichten uit het verleden

The government of emergency : Vital systems, expertise, and the politics of security
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0691228884 Year: 2021 Publisher: Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press,

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"In the middle decades of the twentieth century, in the wake of economic depression, war, and in the midst of the Cold War, an array of technical experts and government officials developed a substantial body of expertise to contain and manage the disruptions to American society caused by unprecedented threats. Today the tools invented by these mid-twentieth century administrative reformers are largely taken for granted, assimilated into the everyday workings of government. As Stephen Collier and Andrew Lakoff argue in this book, the American government's current practices of disaster management can be traced back to this era. Collier and Lakoff argue that an understanding of the history of this initial formation of the "emergency state" is essential to an appreciation of the distinctive ways that the U.S. government deals with crises and emergencies-or fails to deal with them-today. This book focuses on historical episodes in emergency or disaster planning and management. Some of these episodes are well-known and have often been studied, while others are little-remembered today. The significance of these planners and managers is not that they were responsible for momentous technical innovations or that all their schemes were realized successfully. Their true significance lies in the fact that they formulated a way of understanding and governing emergencies that has come to be taken for granted"--


Disaster relief --- Emergency management --- History --- History --- Act of God. --- Aftermath of the September 11 attacks. --- Authoritarianism. --- Cataclysm (Dragonlance). --- Catastrophe modeling. --- Catastrophism. --- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. --- Civil defense. --- Climate change. --- Climate risk. --- Collective security. --- Conscription. --- Constitution. --- Constitutional dictatorship. --- Contemporary society. --- Contexts. --- Continuity of government. --- Critical infrastructure protection. --- Critical infrastructure. --- Decree. --- Defense Production Act. --- Demography. --- Dictatorship. --- Disaster. --- Economics. --- Emergency Preparedness. --- Emergency communication system. --- Emergency management. --- Enemy Objectives Unit. --- Energy crisis. --- Executive order. --- Federal Civil Defense Administration. --- Federal Emergency Management Agency. --- Federal government of the United States. --- Financial crisis. --- Foreign policy. --- General Services Administration. --- Governing (magazine). --- Government Office. --- Government agency. --- Homeland security. --- Humanitarian aid. --- Impose. --- Infrastructure. --- Institution. --- Internal security. --- Legislation. --- Lend-Lease. --- Liberal democracy. --- Martial law. --- Medical emergency. --- Mercantilism. --- Militarization. --- Military history. --- Military strategy. --- Mobilization. --- Modernity. --- National Security Strategy (United States). --- National security. --- Natural disaster. --- Nuclear warfare. --- Office for Emergency Management. --- Office of Defense Mobilization. --- Office of Emergency Management. --- Office of Emergency Planning (Ireland). --- Paul Rabinow. --- Planning. --- Politics. --- Preparedness. --- Problematization. --- Progressivism. --- Provision (contracting). --- Public administration. --- Reflexive modernization. --- Reinsurance. --- Risk management. --- Scenario planning. --- Securitization. --- Security agency. --- Separation of powers. --- Sovereignty. --- State of emergency. --- Strategic National Stockpile. --- Strategic intelligence. --- Supply (economics). --- Technology. --- Terrorism. --- Total war. --- Ulrich Beck. --- United States Department of Homeland Security. --- Vulnerability (computing). --- Vulnerability assessment. --- Vulnerability. --- War Powers Resolution. --- War Production Board. --- War economy. --- Weimar Republic. --- Westphalian sovereignty. --- World War I. --- World War II.

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