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Le riforme introdotte dal legislatore sul voto italiano all'estero hanno segnato un punto di svolta nella politica italiana e in modo particolare nelle comunità degli italiani con la novità della rappresentanza estera. Quale opinione hanno del voto italiano all'estero i connazionali residenti al di fuori dei confini nazionali? E votare dall'estero ha avvicinato (o meno) i connazionali alla politica italiana, all'Italia e al proprio retaggio italiano? E ancora, chi sono gli italiani nel mondo? Quanti sono e dove si concentrano? Questo volume offre una lettura aggiornata sulle esperienze del voto italiano nel mondo dal 2003 ad oggi, l'analisi dei risultati di un'indagine sulla partecipazione degli italiani in Australia alle elezioni politiche del 2006, nonché spunti, riflessioni e considerazioni sul tema dell'emigrazione italiana.
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Présentation de l'éditeur : "Ce livre est le premier ouvrage en langue française consacré au droit transnational. Il est né de la pratique des grands contrats extractifs africains ou asiatiques (pétrole, gaz, mines) à laquelle les nombreux exemples sont empruntés et peut se lire aussi comme une introduction à la pratique du droit des affaires internationales. Ce livre peut se lire encore comme une introduction aux global law & business & human rights de langue anglaise dont il partage le style pragmatique. Il peut se lire enfin comme une introduction à la pensée juridique mondiale dite aussi global law studies qui nait désormais d'un dialogue transcontinental. Cet ouvrage constitue un bon complément de celui de Jean-Sylvestre Bergé, L'application du droit national, international et européeen, paru en 2013 dans la même collection"
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Докладът изследва общите проблеми и спецификите в разкриването, разследването и наказването на деяния, свързани с нелегално преминаване на хора или пренасяне на определени вещи през границите на страната, определяни като трансгранични престъпления, както и вижданията за необходими мерки - законодателни, организационни и технически - за укрепване на правоприлагането и правосъдието в районите по българо-турската, българо-македонската и южната черноморска граница.
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This book offers an account of Chinese students' intercultural learning experiences in China-Australia articulation programmes. While these students learn in programmes that Chinese and Australian partner universities collaboratively operate, differences in educational practices still make them encounter barriers. To deal with cross-system differences, some students indicate a positive sense of agency. However, some of them feel disempowered. Notably, many students develop a sense of in-betweenness through learning in such programmes. Based on the investigation, Kun Dai argues that intercultural learning and adjustment in the transnational higher education context may become more complex than other forms of international education.
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Just like nearly every aspect of human experience, crime, civil conflict, and violence have become increasingly global. Around the world, civil wars, of which there are more today than at any time since the end of World War II, displace greater numbers of people ever further from their countries of origin. Transnational terrorism has reached a 50-year high, in terms of both its incidence and the number of reported fatalities. Cross-border criminal markets-illicit drugs, human trafficking, wildlife trade, and so forth-take a heavy toll on the many societies they affect. This Policy Research Report, The Internationalization of Crime, Conflict, and Violence, offers a unified framework to take stock of the theoretical and empirical literature on crime, conflict, and violence and to discuss how the international community organizes itself to address security as a regional and global public good. The increasingly global effects of crime and conflict require an equally global response to violence"--
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