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Phänomenale Adäquatheit und Irreduzibilität des Bewusstseins : Eine Revision des Qualia-Begriffs
ISBN: 3957437504 3957431948 Year: 2020 Publisher: Paderborn Brill | mentis

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Können objektiv feststellbare Prozesse wie z.B. neuronale Vorgänge subjektives Erleben wirklich hinreichend erklären? Mit der Frage, wie Bewusstsein aus physikalischen Prozessen zu erklären ist, dem hard problem, ist der schwierigste Teil des ehemaligen Körper-Geist-Problems in die aktuelle philosophische Debatte zurückgekehrt. In der kaum noch zu überblickenden Diskussionslage schafft Edwin Egeter Orientierung, indem er eine Typologie von sechs bipolaren Problem-Optiken auf das hard problem entwickelt. Sodann revidiert er den Begriff qualitativen Erlebens (Qualia), indem er ihn auf emotionale und kognitive Formen des Erlebens ausweitet. Auf dieser Grundlage zeigt er auf, dass Qualia mentale Phänomene darstellen, die wesentlich für bewusste Organismen sind. Ansätze, die Bewusstsein zu erklären versuchen, ohne qualitatives Erleben gebührend zu beachten, müssen deshalb scheitern.

Personality neuroscience.
ISSN: 25139886 Year: 2018 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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psychology --- psychiatry --- personality --- neurosciences --- Psychiatry --- Neuropathology --- Personality --- Cognitive neuroscience --- Cognitive neuroscience. --- Personality. --- Cognitive Neuroscience. --- Personalities --- Human Characteristics --- Neuroscience, Cognitive --- Personal identity --- Personality psychology --- Personality theory --- Personality traits --- Personology --- Traits, Personality --- Psychology --- Individuality --- Persons --- Self --- Temperament --- Cognitive neuropsychology --- Cognitive science --- Neuropsychology --- Social Neuroscience --- Neuroscience, Social --- Neurosciences, Social --- Social Neurosciences --- Neurociència cognitiva. --- Neuropsicologia. --- Personalitat. --- Neurociències cognitives --- Neuropsicologia cognitiva --- Ciència cognitiva --- Neuropsicologia --- Xarxes neuronals (Neurobiologia) --- Psicologia de la personalitat --- Teoria de la personalitat --- Trets de la personalitat --- Psicologia --- Autoestima --- Caràcter --- Carisma (Tret de la personalitat) --- Desenvolupament de la personalitat --- Dogmatisme --- Humor (Psicologia) --- Identitat (Psicologia) --- Imatge corporal --- Opressió (Psicologia) --- Optimisme --- Peresa --- Perfeccionisme --- Perseverança (Ètica) --- Pessimisme --- Psicologia fenomenològica --- Psicologia humanística --- Resiliència (Tret de la personalitat) --- Resiliència (Tret de la personalitat) en els infants --- Sensibilitat (Psicologia) --- Teoria dels constructes personals --- Tipus psicològics --- Vulnerabilitat (Tret de la personalitat) --- Ànima --- Educació en valors --- Individualitat --- Cervell --- Psicofisiologia --- Funcions executives (Neuropsicologia) --- Neurociència afectiva --- Neurociència cognitiva --- Neurolingüística --- Neuropsicologia clínica --- Neuropsicologia pediàtrica --- Psicoendocrinologia --- Neuroeconomia

Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3319246127 3319246100 Year: 2020 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This Encyclopedia provides a comprehensive overview of individual differences within the domain of personality, with major sub-topics including assessment and research design, taxonomy, biological factors, evolutionary evidence, motivation, cognition and emotion, as well as gender differences, cultural considerations, and personality disorders. It is an up-to-date reference for this increasingly important area and a key resource for those who study intelligence, personality, motivation, aptitude and their variations within members of a group. .


Personality --- Individual differences. --- Differences, Individual --- Difference (Psychology) --- Personal identity --- Personality psychology --- Personality theory --- Personality traits --- Personology --- Traits, Personality --- Psychology --- Individuality --- Persons --- Self --- Temperament --- Psychology. --- Psychiatry. --- Anthropology. --- Psychology, general. --- Human beings --- Medicine and psychology --- Mental health --- Psychology, Pathological --- Behavioral sciences --- Mental philosophy --- Mind --- Science, Mental --- Human biology --- Philosophy --- Soul --- Personalitat --- Diferències individuals --- Diferència --- Diferència individual --- Diferències --- Psicologia diferencial --- Psicologia de la personalitat --- Teoria de la personalitat --- Trets de la personalitat --- Psicologia --- Autoestima --- Caràcter --- Carisma (Tret de la personalitat) --- Desenvolupament de la personalitat --- Dogmatisme --- Humor (Psicologia) --- Identitat (Psicologia) --- Imatge corporal --- Opressió (Psicologia) --- Optimisme --- Peresa --- Perfeccionisme --- Perseverança (Ètica) --- Pessimisme --- Psicologia fenomenològica --- Psicologia humanística --- Resiliència (Tret de la personalitat) --- Resiliència (Tret de la personalitat) en els infants --- Sensibilitat (Psicologia) --- Teoria dels constructes personals --- Tipus psicològics --- Vulnerabilitat (Tret de la personalitat) --- Ànima --- Educació en valors --- Individualitat --- Primitive societies --- Behavioral Sciences and Psychology. --- Social sciences

Inklusionsorientierte Lehr-Lern- Bausteine für die Hochschullehre : Ein Konzept zur Professionalisierung zukünftiger Lehrkräfte
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 3781557987 3781523616 Year: 2020 Publisher: Bad Heilbrunn Verlag Julius Klinkhardt

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Guter inklusiver Unterricht braucht Lehrkräfte, die pädagogische Angebote heterogenitätssensibel und adaptiv planen und umsetzen können - in der universitären Lehrer*innenbildung existieren dafür bislang jedoch nur wenige fachdidaktisch implementierbare Inhalte. In diesem Buch werden fünf flexibel einsetzbare Lehr-Lern-Bausteine zu zentralen Themen inklusiven Unterrichtens vorgestellt, die von Fachdidaktiker*innen in Zusammenarbeit mit Rehabilitationswissenschaftler* innen und Sprachbildner*innen für die Hochschullehre entwickelt wurden. Ausgehend von den theoretischen Grundlagen werden der Aufbau, die Inhalte und die Materialien der einzelnen Lehr-Lern-Bausteine vorgestellt und didaktisch kommentiert. Daran anknüpfend werden die empirischen Ergebnisse der quantitativen und qualitativen Begleitevaluation entsprechender Lehrveranstaltungen analysiert. Außerdem werden die Eignung der Lehr-Lern-Bausteine für die Verstetigung im Hochschulkontext sowie deren Einsatzmöglichkeiten in der zweiten und dritten Phase der Lehrer*innenbildung diskutiert. Dieses Buch möchte Dozent*innen motivieren, die vorgestellten Bausteine selbst in ihrer Lehre einzusetzen. Es richtet sich außerdem an Student*innen, an Forscher*innen und an Lehrer*innen, die ihren Unterricht inklusionsorientiert weiterentwickeln möchten.


Interdisziplinäre Beiträge zur Inklusionsforschung --- Heterogenität --- Inklusionsfroschung --- Lehrerinnenbildung --- Inklusion --- Lehr-Lern-Bausteine --- inklusiver Unterricht --- Inklusionsforschung --- Unterricht --- Hochschule --- Hochschullehre --- Professionalisierung --- Lehrerausbildung --- Lehr-Lern-Prozess --- Bildungskonzept --- Lehrerbildung --- Kompetenz --- Lehr-Lern-System --- Lehrevaluation --- Lehramtsstudiengang --- Heterogenität --- Sensibilität --- Lehrkompetenz --- Integrative Pädagogik --- Professionalität --- Pädagogisches Handeln --- Fachdidaktik --- Sonderpädagogik --- Klassenführung --- Adaptiver Unterricht --- Unterrichtskonzeption --- Sprachbildung --- Lehramtsstudent --- Baustein --- Reflexion --- Selbstreflexion --- Pädagogische Diagnostik --- Diagnostik --- Begleituntersuchung --- Evaluation --- Empirische Untersuchung --- Quantitative Analyse --- Qualitative Analyse --- Forschungsprojekt --- Deutschland --- Inclusion --- Teaching --- Higher education institute --- Higher education lecturing --- University lecturing --- University teaching --- Professionalization --- Teacher education --- Teacher training --- Teaching-learning process --- Educational conception --- Teachers' training --- Competency --- Preservice Teacher Education --- Heterogeneity --- Sensibility --- Teaching Skills --- Integrative education --- Professionalism --- Professionality --- Specialized didactics --- Subject didactics --- Remedial instruction sciences --- Special education for the handicapped --- Special needs education --- Classroom techniques --- Conception of teaching --- Linguistic input --- Student teachers --- Self-reflexion --- Pedagogical diagnostics --- Diagnostic --- Empirical study --- Germany --- Pedagogical thinking --- Teaching-learning research

Psychobiographical illustrations on meaning and identity in sociocultural contexts
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3030812375 3030812383 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan,

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"Even if it’s easy to forget, in a research landscape dominated by statistics, psychology is the science of human beings and, in order to understand humans, we need to understand their life stories. Psychobiographical investigations, with their focus on meaning-making and identity construction, were instrumental for developing some of the discipline’s best known theories. And yet, the qualitative and sociocultural investigation of the lifecourse is rarely visible today. To its credit, the present volume foregrounds this topic and illustrates it with rich and complex cases, reminding us all of the place and value of one of psychology’s oldest methods." Vlad P. Glaveanu, Webster University Geneva, Switzerland & University of Bergen, Norway This book explores psychobiography with focus on meaning making and identity development in the life and works of extraordinary individuals. Meaning-making and identity development are existential constructs influencing psychological development, mental health and wellbeing across the lifecourse. The chapters illustrate through the eyes of 25 international psychobiographers various theoretical and methodological approaches to psychobiography. They explore how individuals, such as Angela Merkel, Karl Lagerfeld, Henri Nouwen, Vivian Maier, Charles Baudelaire, W.E.B. du Bois, Loránt Hegedüs, Kim Philby, Zoltan Paul Dienes, Albertina Sisulu, Ruth First, Sokrates, and Jesus construct their lives to make meaning, develop their identities and grow as individuals within their sociocultural contexts. The texts provide deep insight into life’s development. Claude-Hélène Mayer is Professor in Industrial and Organisational Psychology at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa. Her research interests are psychobiography, transcultural mental health and salutogenesis, women in leadership, and shame. Paul, J.P. Fouché is Professor of Counselling Psychology, Department of Psychology at University of the Free State, South Africa. Paul has published numerous articles on psychobiography. He supervises post-graduate scholars undertaking life history research. Roelf Van Niekerk is a registered Clinical and Industrial Psychologist as well as a Master Human Resource Practitioner. He is currently Director at the School of Industrial Psychology and Human Resources at Nelson Mandela University, South Africa. .


Social psychology. --- Sociology --- Interpersonal communication. --- Personality. --- Difference (Psychology). --- Social Psychology. --- Biographical Research. --- Communication Psychology. --- Personality and Differential Psychology. --- Cultural Psychology. --- Biographical methods. --- Biographical methods in sociology --- Biography in sociology --- Biography --- Mass psychology --- Psychology, Social --- Human ecology --- Psychology --- Social groups --- Differential psychology --- Psychology, Differential --- Differentiation (Developmental psychology) --- Personal identity --- Personality psychology --- Personality theory --- Personality traits --- Personology --- Traits, Personality --- Individuality --- Persons --- Self --- Temperament --- Communication --- Interpersonal relations --- Psicologia --- Personalitat --- Identitat (Psicologia) --- Biografia --- Aspectes psicològics --- Psicologia de la personalitat --- Teoria de la personalitat --- Trets de la personalitat --- Autoestima --- Caràcter --- Carisma (Tret de la personalitat) --- Desenvolupament de la personalitat --- Dogmatisme --- Humor (Psicologia) --- Imatge corporal --- Opressió (Psicologia) --- Optimisme --- Peresa --- Perfeccionisme --- Perseverança (Ètica) --- Pessimisme --- Psicologia fenomenològica --- Psicologia humanística --- Resiliència (Tret de la personalitat) --- Resiliència (Tret de la personalitat) en els infants --- Sensibilitat (Psicologia) --- Teoria dels constructes personals --- Tipus psicològics --- Vulnerabilitat (Tret de la personalitat) --- Ànima --- Educació en valors --- Individualitat --- Conducta espacial --- Biologia humana --- Cervell --- Abstracció --- Afecte (Psicologia) --- Afectivitat --- Agressivitat --- Aptitud --- Assertivitat (Psicologia) --- Associació d'idees --- Atenció --- Cinisme --- Cognició --- Concepte de nombre --- Conceptes --- Conducta (Psicologia) --- Conductisme --- Consciència --- Constructivisme (Psicologia) --- Control (Psicologia) --- Creença i dubte --- Criteri --- Elecció (Psicologia) --- Estrès (Psicologia) --- Fracàs (Psicologia) --- Extraversió --- Genètica de la conducta --- Ideologia --- Inhibició --- Intel·ligència --- Intencionalitat (Psicologia) --- Interacció social --- Introspecció --- Intuïció (Psicologia) --- Jocs psicològics --- Lògica --- Motivació (Psicologia) --- Innatisme (Psicologia) --- Observació (Psicologia) --- Parapsicologia --- Pèrdua (Psicologia) --- Psicoanàlisi --- Psicobiologia --- Psicòlegs --- Psicologia ambiental --- Psicologia animal --- Psicologia científica --- Psicologia de l'adolescència --- Psicologia de la religió --- Psicologia del desenvolupament --- Psicologia experimental --- Psicologia diferencial --- Psicologia evolucionista --- Psicologia genètica --- Psicologia positiva --- Psicologia transpersonal --- Raonament (Psicologia) --- Sexualitat (Psicologia) --- Sofrologia --- Teoria de l'oposició --- Teoria del coneixement --- Valors (Filosofia) --- Ensenyament de la psicologia --- Història de la psicologia --- Teories psicològiques --- Biografia com a gènere literari --- Art d'escriure --- Prosa --- Retrats literaris --- Històries de vida --- Identitat personal --- Estigma (Psicologia social) --- Identitat col·lectiva --- Identitat digital --- Identitat sexual --- Identitat de gènere --- Difference (Psychology) --- Psicologia. --- Biografia. --- Aspectes psicològics.

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