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Grown worldwide, potato is one of the most important food crop on the planet. However, its cultivation raises growing environmental concerns, one of them being the issue of soil erosion. Agricultural practices to mitigate those effects are slowly emerging, one of them being known as autumn hilling. As the name suggests, hilling is performed in autumn and subjected to a biological ploughing over the winter. Potatoes can then be directly seeded into them. Since 2017, trials have been conducted on Belgian loamy soils to assess its viability in the region. The aims of this thesis were to assess the efficiency of the technique on erosion control and soil water storage enhancement. This was performed through a series of field measurements, soil characterization and the development of a water-flow simulation model on Hydrus 2D. Treatments effect did not show significant impact on erosion rates and runoff volume. This was attributed to a large variability in field conditions and to a delay in canopy development, which resulted in significantly lowered soil cover at the beginning of the growing season. However, the results of the model over the last 5 years have shown an increase in storage capacity by a factor of 2 in the autumn hills. Although these results require validation in view of the model's limitations, this observation gives a first piece of evidence towards enhanced water conservation capacities in autumn hills, compared to conventional potato cropping, which might prove of great significance in the context of climate change.
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L’évaluation de la réserve en eau du sol et le rôle qu’elle joue dans la croissance des arbres sont deux sujets de préoccupation du monde forestier. Le tilleul à petites feuilles (Tilia cordata Mill) semble être, quant à lui, une essence bien armée pour faire face aux changements climatiques de par sa tolérance et ses stratégies de survie. L’objectif de cette recherche est donc d’évaluer l’impact de la réserve en eau du sol sous peuplement depuis 1961 sur la croissance du T. cordata. Pour ce faire, le sol en présence a été caractérisé et les flux d’eau en son sein ont été modélisés à l’aide du programme Hydrus. Sur base des données fournies par la modélisation, l’évolution de la réserve en eau au cours du temps a été analysée à travers différents indicateurs. Ceux-ci ont permis de définir le niveau de sécheresse hydrique du sol rencontré. Enfin, ces variables ont été mises en relation avec l’indice de largeur de cerne du tilleul à petites feuilles afin de mesurer le niveau de corrélation réserve hydrique-cernes. Cette étude a été réalisée sur deux sites localisés en Wallonie. Le nombre de jours secs rencontrés durant la période s’étendant de mai à juillet a montré la meilleure corrélation (négative) avec le développement de l’arbre. Les résultats ont également démontré que ces mois étaient sensibles aux valeurs maximales et minimales enregistrées durant cette période par la réserve en eau du sol (corrélation positive).
Tilia cordata --- tilleul à petites feuilles --- Wallonie --- sécheresse --- croissance radiale --- réserve en eau utile --- modélisation --- Hydrus --- Sciences du vivant > Sciences de l'environnement & écologie
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Experimenting and developing accessible sustainable agricultural practices have become an economic and ecological major point in Cambodia. This study combines a modelling component with a soil column experiment testing biochar presence, slow-release fertilizer application, and alternate wetting and drying practices on two agronomically predominant soil types (Prateah Lang and Prey Khmer). Two thirds of water balance models were performed with high statistical indicators (NSE = 0,90; 0,98). The data input of the remaining third needs to be reviewed. For nutrient transport and transformation, it was possible to develop models with appropriate statistical indicators despite actual calibrated parameter values, by ignoring the dynamics of irrigation and multiple soil horizons. These models remain to be developed by the integration of concentration and leached amount of nutrient measurements still being processed. Parallel to this, the study highlighted several practices effects. Slow-release fertilizer positively impacts root length and plant height. Biochar improves root length, nutrient adsorption and Prateah Lang's hydraulic response, but seems to lead to the deterioration of Prey Khmer's texture. Alternate wetting and drying water practice system allows to increase root length without impacting plant height and seems to be diminishing water flow nutrient concentration. However, the sustainability of these approaches must be established. Indeed, it is important to take into account the economic and social aspects by considering yield and the workforce's accessibility to these technologies.
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Soil physics --- Soil mechanics --- Soils --- Data processing --- Mathematical models --- Propriété physicochimique du sol --- soil chemicophysical properties --- Propriété hydraulique du sol --- Soil hydraulic properties --- Modèle de simulation --- Simulation models --- Modèle mathématique --- Logiciel --- Computer software --- Application des ordinateurs --- computer applications --- Geofysica --- Artificiële intelligentie. Robotica. Simulatie. Graphics --- Monograph --- Mathematics. --- Data processing. --- Mathematical models. --- HYDRUS. --- Soil physics - Data processing --- Soil mechanics - Mathematics --- Soils - Mathematical models
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Soil physics --- Propriété physicochimique du sol --- soil chemicophysical properties --- Hydrologie --- Hydrology --- Trait micromorphologique du sol --- Soil micromorphological features --- Densité du sol --- Soil density --- Mécanique du sol --- soil mechanics --- Porosité du sol --- Soil pore system --- Transport dans le sol --- soil transport processes --- Modèle de simulation --- Simulation models --- Zone d'évapotranspiration --- Evapotranspiration zone --- Teneur en eau du sol --- Soil water content --- Soil physics. --- Soil moisture. --- 631.4 --- Soil science. Pedology. Soil research --- 631.4 Soil science. Pedology. Soil research --- Soil moisture --- Agricultural physics --- Soil mechanics --- Moisture of soils --- Soil water --- Groundwater --- Soil infiltration rate --- Soils, Irrigated --- HYDRUS --- RZWQM
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This is a reprint of articles from the Special Issue published online in the open access journal Applied Sciences (ISSN 2076-3417). This book addresses the most recent developments in soil pollution and restoration, contaminant hydrology, and ground disturbance to stimulate fruitful technical and scientific interactions between professionals.
Technology: general issues --- History of engineering & technology --- Environmental science, engineering & technology --- groundwater --- hydrochemistry --- hexavalent chromium contamination --- water chemistry simulation --- construction disturbance --- replacement of embankment --- foamed cement banking technology --- post-construction settlement --- method of replacement thickness calculation --- steam injection --- ethanol --- azeotropic temperature --- heterogeneous aquifers --- nitrobenzene --- microbially induced carbonate precipitation (MICP) --- unsaturated soil --- soil-water characteristic curves --- matrix suction --- microstructure --- molecular dynamics --- mechanical properties --- montmorillonite --- basal spacing --- long-term freeze–thaw cycles --- composite heavy metal contamination --- morphological analysis --- solidification/stabilization --- groundwater level fluctuation zone --- nitrogen --- migration and transformation --- HYDRUS-1D model --- kinetic adsorption and desorption --- groundwater table fluctuations --- Pb --- migration --- experimental study --- unsaturated subgrade --- capillary barrier --- distress control of wetting --- xanthan gum --- silt --- water retention capacity --- strength --- wetting process --- microscopic tests --- overconsolidation effect --- thermal pore water pressure --- calculation method --- saturated clay --- additives --- compacted clay cover --- moisture retention --- gas diffusion barrier --- hydraulic conductivity --- tidal action --- silty-clay soil --- riparian hyporheic zone --- inorganic nitrogen --- occurrence characteristics --- influencing factors --- n/a --- long-term freeze-thaw cycles
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Groundwater is an essential and vital water resource for drinking water production, agricultural irrigation, and industrial processes. Having a better understanding of physical and chemical processes in aquifers enables more reliable decisions and reduces investments concerning water management. This Special Issue on “Water Flow, Solute, and Heat Transfer, in Groundwater” of Water focuses on the recent advances in groundwater dynamics, and it includes high-quality papers that cover a wide range of issues on different aspects related to groundwater: protection from contamination, recharge, heat transfer, hydraulic parameters estimation, well hydraulics, microbial community, colloid transport, and mathematical models. This integrative volume aims to transfer knowledge to hydrologists, hydraulic engineers, and water resources planners, who are engaged in the sustainable development of groundwater resources.
artificial ground freezing method --- groundwater flow --- temperature field --- freezing wall --- effective hydraulic conductivity --- fractured media --- gravitational force --- numerical method --- rock penetration --- colloid size --- colloid transport --- underground water-sealed oil storage cavern --- seawater intrusion --- island tidal environment --- vertical water curtain system --- multi-physical field coupling --- scenario-based projections --- HYDRUS 1-D --- aridity index --- water balance --- grassland --- root water stress --- groundwater protection --- wellhead protection area (WHPA) --- uncertainty analysis --- soil moisture --- groundwater recharge --- evapotranspiration --- vadose zone --- soil hydraulic property --- climate --- NAPL --- volume averaging --- upscaling --- mass transfer --- fractured aquitard --- groundwater pollution --- microbial community’s diversity --- dehalogenation --- tribromoneopentyl alcohol --- 1-bromo-1-chloroethane --- geothermal water reservoir --- well spacing --- direct geothermal district heating system --- indirect geothermal district heating system --- multiobjective optimization --- technical and economic evaluation --- Richards’-equation --- simulation --- algebraic multigrid --- preconditioner --- residual saturation --- porous media --- permeability --- entrapped air --- two-phase flow --- ascending relief well --- groundwater --- seepage --- sand-tank --- modeling --- Dupuit formula --- Dupuit-Thiem formula --- porous and fractured media --- contaminant transport --- heat transfer --- parameters --- colloids --- microbial community --- field and laboratory studies --- mathematical modeling
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Groundwater is an essential and vital water resource for drinking water production, agricultural irrigation, and industrial processes. Having a better understanding of physical and chemical processes in aquifers enables more reliable decisions and reduces investments concerning water management. This Special Issue on “Water Flow, Solute, and Heat Transfer, in Groundwater” of Water focuses on the recent advances in groundwater dynamics, and it includes high-quality papers that cover a wide range of issues on different aspects related to groundwater: protection from contamination, recharge, heat transfer, hydraulic parameters estimation, well hydraulics, microbial community, colloid transport, and mathematical models. This integrative volume aims to transfer knowledge to hydrologists, hydraulic engineers, and water resources planners, who are engaged in the sustainable development of groundwater resources.
Research & information: general --- artificial ground freezing method --- groundwater flow --- temperature field --- freezing wall --- effective hydraulic conductivity --- fractured media --- gravitational force --- numerical method --- rock penetration --- colloid size --- colloid transport --- underground water-sealed oil storage cavern --- seawater intrusion --- island tidal environment --- vertical water curtain system --- multi-physical field coupling --- scenario-based projections --- HYDRUS 1-D --- aridity index --- water balance --- grassland --- root water stress --- groundwater protection --- wellhead protection area (WHPA) --- uncertainty analysis --- soil moisture --- groundwater recharge --- evapotranspiration --- vadose zone --- soil hydraulic property --- climate --- NAPL --- volume averaging --- upscaling --- mass transfer --- fractured aquitard --- groundwater pollution --- microbial community’s diversity --- dehalogenation --- tribromoneopentyl alcohol --- 1-bromo-1-chloroethane --- geothermal water reservoir --- well spacing --- direct geothermal district heating system --- indirect geothermal district heating system --- multiobjective optimization --- technical and economic evaluation --- Richards’-equation --- simulation --- algebraic multigrid --- preconditioner --- residual saturation --- porous media --- permeability --- entrapped air --- two-phase flow --- ascending relief well --- groundwater --- seepage --- sand-tank --- modeling --- Dupuit formula --- Dupuit-Thiem formula --- porous and fractured media --- contaminant transport --- heat transfer --- parameters --- colloids --- microbial community --- field and laboratory studies --- mathematical modeling
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