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Adhesives are indispensable. They are required pling agents, and other key ingredients. Special in myriad products-aircraft and abrasives, cars attention is given to such flourishing categories and cartons, shoes and safety glass, tape and as acrylics, anaerobics, cyanoacrylates, poly urethanes, epoxy resins, polyvinyl acetate, high tires. This Third Edition of Handbook of Ad hesives, like the 1962 and 1977 editions, seeks temperature adhesives, hot melts, silicones, and to provide the knowledge needed for optimum silanes. selection, preparation, and utilization of adhe The last 14 chapters, on adherends and bond sives and sealants. The information is detailed ing technology, involve the auto industry, air and explicit, with several hundred illustrative craft, electronics, the bonding of wood, formulations. textiles, rubber and plastics, construction, ab Expert information has been supplied in 47 rasives, pressure-sensitives, nonwovens, and chapters written by 70 industry specialists, pro sealants. Mechanical handling of two-compo fessors, and consultants. Five chapters on fun nent systems is examined. The concluding damentals provide the theoretical and economic chapter highlights the exciting progress that is underpinnings-why adhesives work, how they being made in the use of robotics to apply ad are selected, how the surface is prepared, how hesives, techniques already far advanced in au they are applied, how they are set, how the tomotive assembly. cured joint is tested.
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This collection comprises invited and contributed papers which were presented at the Advanced Structural Materials Symposium held in Cancún, México during the Annual Conference of the Mexican Academy of Materials Science. The proceedings included overviews and recent investigations related to advanced structural metallic, ceramic and composite materials. The topics included innovative processing, phase transformations, mechanical properties and the relationships between processing, microstructure and mechanical behavior. These proceedings will therefore be of great interest to anyone working i
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This book gathers peer-reviewed contributions presented at the 4th RILEM International Conference on Concrete and Digital Fabrication (Digital Concrete), held in Munich, Germany, on September 4-6, 2024. Focusing on additive and automated manufacturing technologies for the fabrication of cementitious construction materials, such as 3D concrete printing, powder bed printing, and shotcrete 3D printing, the papers highlight the latest findings in this fast-growing field, addressing topics like mixture design, admixtures, rheology and fresh-state behavior, alternative materials, microstructure, cold joints & interfaces, mechanical performance, reinforcement, structural engineering, durability and sustainability, automation and industrialization.
Building materials. --- Sustainability. --- Building Materials. --- Structural Materials.
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This volume highlights the latest advances, innovations, and applications in the field of fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) and textile-reinforced concrete (TRC), as presented by scientists and engineers at the RILEM-fib XI International Symposium on Fiber Reinforced Concrete (BEFIB), held in Dresden, Germany, on September 15-18, 2024. It discusses a diverse range of topics concerning FRC and TRC, including technological aspects, mechanical properties, long-term performance, analytical and numerical models, structural design, codes and standards, as well as practical applications and case studies.
Concrete. --- Building materials. --- Sustainability. --- Structural Materials.
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This book gathers contributions presented at the 7th International Conference on Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting (ICCRRR), held in Cape Town, South Africa, on November 4–6, 2024. The conference aims at sharing knowledge and experience on current developments in concrete technology, durability design and service life management, condition assessment of concrete structures, and concrete repair, rehabilitation and retrofitting. The contributions, which were selected through a rigorous international peer-review process, share exciting ideas that will spur novel research directions and foster new multidisciplinary collaborations.
Concrete. --- Building materials. --- Sustainability. --- Structural Materials.
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This open access book presents the proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Polymers in Concrete 2023 (ICPIC 2023), held under the theme "Cement-Polymer Composite in Circular Economy". It provides multidisciplinary and contemporary knowledge on the application of polymers both in and on concrete, covering topics from the modification of concrete compositions with modern admixtures and additives to the use of alternative binders and polymer composites for concrete reinforcement. The book also explores improvements in concrete surface properties and special functionalities such as self-healing, self-cleaning, and energy consumption control using Phase Changing Materials (PCM). As the premier global event in this field since 1975, ICPIC continues to drive innovation and sustainability, uniting researchers, academics, industry professionals, and students to advance the future of polymers in concrete.
Building materials. --- Structural Materials. --- Building Materials.
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This work was compiled with expanded and reviewed contributions from the 7th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, that was held from 3 to 6 June 2015 at Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal. The Conference provided a comprehensive forum for discussing the current state of the art in the field as well as generating inspiration for future ideas specifically on a multidisciplinary level. The scope of the Conference included topics related to the following areas: Fundamentals of smart materials and structures; Modeling/formulation and characterization of smart actuators, sensors and smart material systems; Trends and developments in diverse areas such as material science including composite materials, intelligent hydrogels, interfacial phenomena, phase boundaries and boundary layers of phase boundaries, control, micro- and nano-systems, electronics, etc. to be considered for smart systems; Comparative evaluation of different smart actuators and sensors; Analysis of structural concepts and designs in terms of their adaptability to smart technologies; Design and development of smart structures and systems; Biomimetic phenomena and their inspiration in engineering; Fabrication and testing of smart structures and systems; Applications of smart materials, structures and related technology; Smart robots; Morphing wings and smart aircrafts; Artificial muscles and biomedical applications; Smart structures in mechatronics; and Energy harvesting. .
Mechanics. --- Mechanics, Applied. --- Structural materials. --- Control engineering. --- Robotics. --- Mechatronics. --- Solid Mechanics. --- Structural Materials. --- Control, Robotics, Mechatronics.
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This is the first publication ever focusing strictly on the creep behaviour in cracked sections of Fibre Reinforced Concrete (FRC). These proceedings contain the latest scientific papers about new testing methodologies, results and conclusions of multiple experimental campaigns and recommendations about significant factors of long-term behaviour, experiences from more than ten years of creep testing and some reflections about future perspectives on this topic. This book is an essential reference for all researchers of creep behaviour on FRC. This volume is the result of the efforts of the RILEM TC 261-CCF, that has been working since 2014 to develop standardized methodologies and guidelines to compare results from different laboratories and get a better understanding of the significant parameters related to creep of FRC.
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Das Buch schlägt eine Brücke zwischen dem werkstoffkundlichen Fachwissen und den typischen Aufgaben von Wirtschaftsingenieuren. Besondere Eignung des Buches für Wirtschaftsingenieure ist gegeben durch: - Sehr breites Spektrum von Werkstoffen, für viele Zweige der Technik - Gut strukturierte Darstellung verschiedener Werkstoffgruppen - Neben technischer auch wirtschaftliche Betrachtung von Werkstoffen - Viele Anwendungsbeispiele direkt aus der Praxis - Verständliche Erklärungen ohne theoretische Vertiefungen - Betonung des nachhaltigen Wirtschaftens (Recycling) von Werkstoffen Neu in der 2. Auflage: Nickelwerkstoffe und Glas Der Inhalt Werkstoffe und ihre Bedeutung (Werkstoffauswahl, Einsatz von Werkstoffen in einem Getriebe) - Einteilung und strukturelle Betrachtung von Werkstoffen - Eigenschaften von Werkstoffen und ihre Ermittlung - Grundlagen der Metallkunde – Eisenwerkstoffe (Stähle, Gusseisen) - Nichteisenmetalle (Aluminium, Kupfer, Magnesium, Titan) - Grundlagen der Kunststoffkunde - Kunststoffe (Thermoplaste, Duroplaste, Elastomere) - Keramische Werkstoffe (Silikat-, Oxid-, Nichtoxidkeramik) – Verbundwerkstoffe (Hartmetalle, Faserverbundwerkstoffe) - Werkstoffe mit besonderen Eigenschaften (Halbleiter, piezoelektrische Werkstoffe, Formgedächtnislegierungen) Die Zielgruppen Das Buch richtet sich an Studierende des Wirtschaftsingenieurwesens und der Ingenieurwissenschaften sowie an berufstätige Ingenieure. Die Autorin Frau Bozena Arnold (ehemals Boczek) Promotion auf dem Gebiet der Werkstoffwissenschaften an der TU Warschau. Langjährige Lehrtätigkeit an verschiedenen Hochschulen in Polen und in Deutschland. - Zuletzt 1993-2012 Professorin für Werkstofftechnik an der HAW Hamburg - Dort 2005-2011 Leiterin des Instituts für Werkstoffkunde und Schweißtechnik IWS - 2008-2012 Dozentin für Werkstofftechnik (im Dienst der HAW) am Shanghai-Hamburg College - 1999-2013 Dozentin für Werkstofftechnik an der FH Nordakademie in Elmshorn im Studiengang Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen.
Engineering—Materials. --- Structural materials. --- Metals. --- Manufactures. --- Materials Engineering. --- Structural Materials. --- Metallic Materials. --- Manufacturing, Machines, Tools, Processes.
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This work was compiled with expanded and reviewed contributions from the 7th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, that was held from 3 to 6 June 2015 at Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal. The Conference provided a comprehensive forum for discussing the current state of the art in the field as well as generating inspiration for future ideas specifically on a multidisciplinary level. The scope of the Conference included topics related to the following areas: Fundamentals of smart materials and structures; Modeling/formulation and characterization of smart actuators, sensors and smart material systems; Trends and developments in diverse areas such as material science including composite materials, intelligent hydrogels, interfacial phenomena, phase boundaries and boundary layers of phase boundaries, control, micro- and nano-systems, electronics, etc. to be considered for smart systems; Comparative evaluation of different smart actuators and sensors; Analysis of structural concepts and designs in terms of their adaptability to smart technologies; Design and development of smart structures and systems; Biomimetic phenomena and their inspiration in engineering; Fabrication and testing of smart structures and systems; Applications of smart materials, structures and related technology; Smart robots; Morphing wings and smart aircrafts; Artificial muscles and biomedical applications; Smart structures in mechatronics; and Energy harvesting. .
Mechanics. --- Mechanics, Applied. --- Structural materials. --- Control engineering. --- Robotics. --- Mechatronics. --- Solid Mechanics. --- Structural Materials. --- Control, Robotics, Mechatronics.
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